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Mar 30, 2005
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Let's dissect these emails...what clues can we get from them? Are they coded?

Big thanks to SeriouslySearching for cleaning this up to be posted here for WS.


19. On or about May 8, 2008, a person who identifies himself as "E" using the email address [redacted] sent an email to JUVENILE 1 which shows, among other things, a relationship among JUVENILE 1, "E", and "C" (who is also known as Rauel Domingo), including a sexual relationship. The email states:

Hey babe.

Well, I thought Panama was bad.....holy Sh*# this place is F#$*&@#* crazy! I still can't believe I'm in fr*&#$)# AFRICA!! The people here are some of the strangest people I have ever met and they sure do have some strange customs. I wish I could tell you why I am here, but I have been sworn to secrecy so I can't even tell you. All I can say is that hopefullyI will be out of here adn back somewhere in the U.S. within the next month or so. The worst part is, I don't have any cel service adn the satellite service rarely works here so I can't even get in touich with my woman except through email. Even email doesn't work too good sometimes.

The only good thing about being here in Africa is that I have been able to hunt!! I have gone on a couple of safari's an have shot some animals I have only seen in the zoo or on TV. I got a zebra and a cape buffalo last weekend. Next week I am hoping to go on a lion hunt! It's weird hunting though because instead of hiking around they drive you around in a jeep until you see something and then you get close and shoot from the vehicle. Oh well, at least I get to get out and enjoy the wilderness.

I miss you so much. I am so happy that Breckenridge decided to give you the summer training program. That was a good idea you had, but it took a lot of begging and pleading from me and C to get them to agree. At the moment the committee doesn't really like you too much! I can't wait until you get through all of this and then we can finally be together. I ahd this wonderful dream last night that you and I were laying in bed in our log cabin. we had just finished having sex and were cuddling together and all of the sudden in walks our little 2 year old...omg babe she was so beautiful and cute. She says "mommy I had a bad dream can I sleep with you and daddy?". Then she climbed in with us and we all fell asleep together. God babe it was such a beautiful dream. I hoep more than anything that God lets that happen and we can have such a great life together.

Babe I am a little worried about your mom and dad. I ahve been hearing some rumors that your mom has done some thinking about divorcing your dad. God honey that can't happen. I would be so; so sad if that happened. And your poor dad doesn't deserve that after everything he has done for you adn your mom and [redacted]. In my opinion he has given all of you a great life and nobody should have anything to complain about. Youar mom has been taking some phonecalls from your FATHER and I guess she hasn't done anything with him recently, I hear that she is flirting with him and all of that crap. I really hope when you and your mom go to counseling that you will bring up the fact that you don't like the way your mom treats your dad. She isn't really very nice to him a lot of the time and she is snippy an %itchy with him a lot. He doesn't seem like he is the type to really fight back much because he doesn't like a lot of fighting in his life anymore, but she is pretty crappy to him from I have seen and heard. I don't think she has muc to complain about that's for sure. You and your dad are so very close to each other I would hate to see anything happen to that relationship, too. I will talk to you more about that later. Please don't say anything to her about it or get into a fight with her about it because it will only cause more trouble and somehow she will probably find a way to blame your dad for it if you do. God I hope she doesn't kick him out or start cheating on him. Who knows what kind of a lose you and [redacted] could end up with!!!

I hope your training is going good. Can't wait until farmer season starts!! C told me you got a wicked hot bathing suit picked out adn I bet you are going to drive them all crazy!

Please email me back and I promise I will keep in touch with you as much as I can. I love you {JUVENILE 1] and I want you more than ever. Nothing will ever change the love I have for you. Please remember that!!

Your One And Only True Love,


20. JUVENILE 1 sent the following reply email.

Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 12:28:15 - 0700 (PDT)
From: "[JUVENILE 1 email address]"
Subject: Re: Missing You
To: "Chevy Pickup" <redacted>

Babe i cant believe that my mom has been thinking about divorsing my dad. That would ruin my WHOLE life. [ ] would prob wind up killing my mom [ ]. Sorry im just really upset and crying I cant really talk about it.

I am glad you get to hunt while you are in Africa. Im sure that filles a little whole in your heart. I hope that what you are doing isnt horrible or really unsafe. I would die if you dided i just wouldnt be able to do it.

That dream you had was beautiful and I cant wait until the day that does happen. And it will I promise you that.

OMG i cant wait until farming season starts eaither. Its going to be so much fun teasing them and getting them all worked up so they can f*# the S*$# otta me.

Can you please send that frame to me with that poem. I really want to wake up every morning and look at that to remind me of how much that I have.

Well i love you and that will never change. Please be safe. I love you email me as soon as you can. Bennett Affidavit Jul 3 emails.pdf


24. An earlier email exchange, on May 28th, 2008, between JUVENILE1 and "C", also known as Rauel domingo, provides further evidence of the plan to abduct and injure BENNETT. During this email exchange, "C", also known as Rauel Domingo, wrote, in part:

We got some problems with the phones again and I think those dudes are getting ready to f*#$ your [redacted] over. We need to be extra careful about things. I am worried about him. Please come up with a plan that make it so that Nobody knows where she is. [redacted] gets to have a least a few hours with her. You get time with her if you want. Let me know what you come up with. We need to get with this program soon. I would like to have done before June 7th if possible. If not we will have to wait until at least the 16th for obvious reasons that you already know about.

25. In response to this email, JUVENILE 1, wrote, in part:

iDk how to get the problem to you really. I guess you could have some hot guy pick her up adn[sic] say that he is going to $%#% her at his house then he brings her to his house which is really to you. [redacted] could get with her for a couple of hours by saying that he was down at Vesper, and while he down playing golf before that he was at these places from a certain time to another certain time. You could send him on a business trip even. I am still not sure yet if I really want time with her. I just want her to suffer adn she pissed in her mouth and see how she likes it. Please email me back adn[sic] adn tell me if yu like it yes or no and if you do then what could be better and if No then maybe an outline or idea. I LOVE YOU. Keep my dad, me and my family safe please. Bennett Affidavit Jul 3 emails.pdf


21. Forensic Examiners discovered a series of emails dated on or about May 28th, 2008 between Juvenile 1 and the person known as Rauel Domingo and also known as "C", further showing the sexual exploitation of Juvenile 1. These emails include the following:

(a) Rauel Domingo [redacted] wrote to JUVENILE 1, in part:

Did you #@$% [Juvenile 2] already today? If you didn't please do it tonight and the make sure you get some from [redacted] too. Love you. Keep and eye on him because he seems weird tonight. Really come onto him hard and make him feel good.

(b) JUVENILE 1 responded to this email, in part as follows:

From: [JUVENILE 1] & [JUVENILE 1 email address]
Subject: Phones and stuff
To: Raueldom

C you really need to do whatever you can to stop people from F*$#@*@ my dad over that just cant happen. If anything happens [redacted] will be at my door step within 5min of him knowing and you know that for a d@mn fact. I will keep an eye on him real good, you need to also and you need to keep a real good eye on the phone company. You need to have people working around the f*#$(@% clock on this...Do you understand?? That's like somebody trying to kill [ ] or something you would never let that happen to her so don't let this or anything else happen to my dad. I want up dates on everything and i would like them to be good updates please.

Yeah, I got *#$%#@ by Juv 2 right before [redacted] got home we did it in the bathroom [redacted for ws only]. I will get some from [redacted] tonight tho.

(c) In another email exchange between Rauel Domingo (using email address [redacted]) wrote to JUVENILE 1, in part:

Did you [redacted for ws only] when JUVENILE 2 @#$%#$ you today? Do you talk dirty with him or not? What do you say? Does he ever spank you anymore?

(d) In reply to this email, JUVENILE 1 wrote on May 28, 2008 at 7:33 p.m.:

"Yha I did [redacted for ws only]. Yah he spanking me more than usual also." Bennett Affidavit Jul 3 emails.pdf


(c) A June 20, 2008 an email from a person using email address "Chevy Pickup" <redacted> to JUVENILE 1 states:

Friday, June 20, 2008 2:02 PM
From: Chevy Pickup
To: [JUVENILE 1 email address]

no that's not so bad. At least he was smart enough to say 14! Pretty cool actually, most [redacted] wouldn't have been smart enough to realize something was going on and would have blown it for you. Those two, Kevin and raker, are both still wicked hot for you that's why they always seem to be hanging around in the fields as much as they can. they are looking for more teasing for sure. I told dad to talk to them next time he sees them adn put in a good word for you adn maybe that will help get them jumpstarted right to you.

I suppose you already heard, but C wants to postpone Monday now until Wednesday or Thursday. I kind of agree because that way you won't have to worry about you aunt
showing up or anything, plus the c(*# Savanna works those days too. [redacted] is ripsh*# because he is about to lose his f#$@*(% mind because he just wants it over with. I understand him, but its better to wait until we are more sure of safety for you and him than if we rush and a mistake is made and things go bad.

You will be getting texts on your phone that look like they are from Sam. The will say basically that he is begging you to move the date of the party from Monday to either Wednesday or Thrusday becasuese he can't make it Monday and he is wicked excited to see Brooke and hang with her. I want you to forward those messages to Brooke's cell so that she can see that he is dying to hang with her and so that you can ask her if Wednesday or Thursday works for her and she could just stay over the night before the party.. It will give you an opportunity to say...see Brooke I told you he is all about you right now, [JUVENILE 2] says he talks about you and the party all the time lately.

I will know about tomorow later this afternoon. Corey has been bugging me about it too. Did you hear about his eye? Guess he will be ok though.

Love you forever babe!

Your Throbbing Man

(d) Later on June 20, 2008, another email to JUVENILE 1 from email address "Chevy Pickup" <redacted>

Friday, June 20, 2008 5:50 PM
From: "Chevy Pickup" <redacted>
To: [JUVENILE 1 email address]

We have just run into some unexpected problems. We will get them worked out over the weekend babe, tell [recacted] to relax. C is very aware that is he is freaking out and worried and wants the thing over, believe me we all do. But C is not going to risk either of you or us or Breckenridge being in danger.

Unfortunately that means we will not be able to get together this weekend. I won't even be in town until Monday night now, unless we can get the problem sorted out before that. Please let Corey know that I will see him, just can't be this weekend. I am hoping that Monday or Tuesday night we can get together and C has said that, right now, we still can.

If you haven't already done so, please call Brooke and let her know you have forwarded texts to her from Sam. I you get any replies from her, or if she says anything when you talk to her, either forward that to [redacted] of send me an email and let me know. Hopefully when you sent her the texts you said you got them from Sam. You should let her know when you talk to her tonight that he has been bugging you all day to change the date because the REALLY wants to spend the day with her. An especially make sure that you tell her that he is planning on coming real ready in the morning, like around 8am at the latest, to help set up adn get ready for the party. Say he said that way he gets more time to be around her.

I love you babe but things are just so crazy around her right now. I definitely couldn't [sic] do this part of the job for a living that's for sure!
Did you get laid on your little walk with [JUVENILE 2]? Hope so : )

Love You.

(e) A June 20, 2008 reply email from JUVENILE 1 stating: "redacted said that C hasnt let him know yet if him and mom can go away this weekend."


2. Emails Recovered From JACQUES Laptop Computer Showing BENNETT Was Abducted


(a) A June 20, 2008 email from the person known as Rauel Domingo and also known as "C" to JUVENILE 1:

From: Rauel Domingo <redacted>
Subject: Update
To: [JUVENILE 1 email address]
Date: Friday, June 20, 2008, 5:56 PM

Hey girl,

I am glad to see that you are trying to keep [redacted] calmed down. His anxious I know, but I want to make sure this goes right.

I am a little concerned that you aren't quite ready for this yet. Please do whatever you need to do in your head to get ready for this. Just remember the reasons why it must be done and remember that it will go PERFECTLY if everyone does what they are suppose to do.

I want to know you are willing to help [redacted] with teh take-down and the tie up on Wednesday morning when you get back from Cumberland Farms. He can do it himself for sure, but I think it would just be easier on him if you helped. I'm thinking that you could help hold her down or whatever while he gets her all bound up and ready to go upstairs. If you are really against it, let me know now, but I think you can handle it. The best thing is if the take down is quick and quiet and the best chance of that is if you help. I suppose I could just have him tase her and knock her down then do it himself, but that is a little more trmamtic than I wanted her to experience that early in the morning.....she will have enough of that later.

Let me know


(b) A June 21, 2008 reply email from JUVENILE 1 to the person known as Rauel domingo and also known as "C":

Date: Sat, 21 June 2008 11:34:25 - 0700 (PDT)
From: [JUVENILE 1 email address]
Reply-To: [JUVENILE 1 email address]
Subject: Update
To: redacted

yes I will help out [redacted] witht [sic] the tie down
I think it's possible that some words were code for something. Phone Company? I don't get it, what was that all about?
I think it's possible that some words were code for something. Phone Company? I don't get it, what was that all about?

I think there may have been some code, but not as much as some believe, IMO.

I also want to get what the phone company reference means.
I think there may have been some code, but not as much as some believe, IMO.

I also want to get what the phone company reference means.

I agree. The whole urbandictionary website seems to have a bad meaning for every word you throw at it.

Do you have a link straight to the emails by chance?
I think that it may have been one-way code (on MJ's side) but not on AR's side. I tried to find a word in the Urban Dictionary. I believe that it allowed me to set up the meaning of the word because they currently didn't have it listed. So, I'm not feeling real confident in the UD.

I also think that MJ and AR were talking wild things about Brooke. I do not think that Brooke was worldly in any sense. If she were, she would have known or suspected something was up. Nope, I think that she was a naive, innocent girl who was easily duped.
Shall we start with the email dated May 8th recovered from Jacques' work laptop, sent by chevy21 to AR in which the sender identifies himself as E?

He appears to be making excuses as to why he hasn't been in touch (he's in Africa, out of cell phone range).

He's also happy that Breckenridge decided to give her the "summer training program". What the hell is that?
Shall we start with the email dated May 8th recovered from Jacques' work laptop, sent by chevy21 to AR in which the sender identifies himself as E?

He appears to be making excuses as to why he hasn't been in touch (he's in Africa, out of cell phone range).

He's also happy that Breckenridge decided to give her the "summer training program". What the hell is that?

Good question. There are so many emails that haven't been released that it's going to be real tricky to piece together (I'm assuming).
I do not think that Brooke was worldly in any sense. If she were, she would have known or suspected something was up. Nope, I think that she was a naive, innocent girl who was easily duped.

I agree. Those qualities were also probably a big part of MJ's attraction to her. :mad:
Right after "E" mentions the summer training program he mentions that it was a good idea she had. She came up with that?
I don't know if he's referring to her coming up with the 'summer training' idea, or if he's off on another subject?

I can see that we're going to get very confused very fast if we jump around between them, at least at the beginning.

Since SeriouslySearching has already started transcribing a different one, should we start with that one? (I'm going to see if I can do something with the .pdf to make it an image small enough to post but large enough to read...)
Something obviously happened that got her spooked in a major way. Because this is where it seems like she's telling him what to do instead of the other way around. :waitasec:

That was right after he dropped the bomb on her that her mom and real "FATHER" were speaking on the PHONE. He then went into a whole long paragraph on how the "Mom has nothing to complain about", on an on . . .
He definitely had her upset, with lies and manipulation.
Shall we start with the email dated May 8th recovered from Jacques' work laptop, sent by chevy21 to AR in which the sender identifies himself as E?

He appears to be making excuses as to why he hasn't been in touch (he's in Africa, out of cell phone range).

He's also happy that Breckenridge decided to give her the "summer training program". What the hell is that?

I think the summer training thing refers to more sex sessions since MJ is her trainer. Maybe before they had the summer off since C was home and Denise was so close. someone said Denise has a new job almost an hour away and maybe C is in daycamp for the summer. JMO
That was right after he dropped the bomb on her that her mom and real "FATHER" were speaking on the PHONE. He then went into a whole long paragraph on how the "Mom has nothing to complain about", on an on . . .
He definitely had her upset, with lies and manipulation.

Oops, my bad. I was confusing myself thinking it was one of the first emails listed.
C you really need to do whatever you can to stop people from F*$#@*@ my dad over that just cant happen. If anything happens [redacted] will be at my door step within 5min of him knowing and you know that for a d@mn fact. I will keep an eye on him real good, you need to also and you need to keep a real good eye on the phone company. You need to have people working around the f*#$(@% clock on this...Do you understand?? That's like somebody trying to kill [ ] or something you would never let that happen to her so don't let this or anything else happen to my dad. I want up dates on everything and i would like them to be good updates please.


Maybe AR is warning about leaving cell phone trails? If so... the idiots didn't listen to her wise advice.

That could also explain why they were careful NOT to allow Brooke to bring her cell phone with her that day.

Or does someone they know work for the phone company? Her real father?
it seems to me from the email above that maybe after her summer training program that she was going to be with this guy,..freakin nuts!
you need to also and you need to keep a real good eye on the phone company.[/B]


Maybe AR is warning about leaving cell phone trails? If so... the idiots didn't listen to her wise advice.

That could also explain why they were careful NOT to allow Brooke to bring her cell phone with her that day.

Or does someone they know work for the phone company? Her real father?

That's what I was thinking, LI_Mom, that the "phone company" could be referring to cell phone calls.

Thanks all, that are working to post the emails here :-)

(I've haven't been on WS for almost a week...I'm missing alot, LOL)
C you really need to do whatever you can to stop people from F*$#@*@ my dad over that just cant happen. If anything happens [redacted] will be at my door step within 5min of him knowing and you know that for a d@mn fact. I will keep an eye on him real good, you need to also and you need to keep a real good eye on the phone company. You need to have people working around the f*#$(@&#37; clock on this...Do you understand?? That's like somebody trying to kill [ ] or something you would never let that happen to her so don't let this or anything else happen to my dad. I want up dates on everything and i would like them to be good updates please.


Maybe AR is warning about leaving cell phone trails? If so... the idiots didn't listen to her wise advice.

That could also explain why they were careful NOT to allow Brooke to bring her cell phone with her that day.

Or does someone they know work for the phone company? Her real father?

It's possible it's as simple as can be, "keep a real good eye on the phone company" to see if the real "FATHER" and her Mom were indeed talking.
It's possible it's as simple as can be, "keep a real good eye on the phone company" to see if the real "FATHER" and her Mom were indeed talking.

Yes, she's VERY upset at the idea that her mother would leave MJ....

you have to assume that this girl has NO real restraints now & with MJ around, she can do as she pleases.... sex, probably drugs & drinking, lax curfew.

Things like that can make a teen wildly popular with a certain crowd.

I have a feeling LE might be finding a whole lot of teens from VT have been secretly photographed or videotaped while visiting AR's house of horrors.

It also explains why she would hate Savanna so much... she's older, has a job & a normal family life.... the same with the friendly & popular Brooke.....

these girls were everything AR was not.
Let's dissect these emails...what clues can we get from them? Are they coded?

Big thanks to SeriouslySearching for cleaning this up to be posted here for WS.


19. On or about May 8, 2008, a person who identifies himself as "E" using the email address [redacted] sent an email to JUVENILE 1 which shows, among other things, a relationship among JUVENILE 1, "E", and "C" (who is also known as Rauel Domingo), including a sexual relationship. The email states:

Hey babe.

Well, I thought Panama was bad.....holy Sh*# this place is F#$*&@#* crazy! I still can't believe I'm in fr*&#$)# AFRICA!! The people here are some of the strangest people I have ever met and they sure do have some strange customs. I wish I could tell you why I am here, but I have been sworn to secrecy so I can't even tell you. All I can say is that hopefullyI will be out of here adn back somewhere in the U.S. within the next month or so. The worst part is, I don't have any cel service adn the satellite service rarely works here so I can't even get in touich with my woman except through email. Even email doesn't work too good sometimes.

The only good thing about being here in Africa is that I have been able to hunt!! I have gone on a couple of safari's an have shot some animals I have only seen in the zoo or on TV. I got a zebra and a cape buffalo last weekend. Next week I am hoping to go on a lion hunt! It's weird hunting though because instead of hiking around they drive you around in a jeep until you see something and then you get close and shoot from the vehicle. Oh well, at least I get to get out and enjoy the wilderness.

I miss you so much. I am so happy that Breckenridge decided to give you the summer training program. That was a good idea you had, but it took a lot of begging and pleading from me and C to get them to agree. At the moment the committee doesn't really like you too much! I can't wait until you get through all of this and then we can finally be together. I ahd this wonderful dream last night that you and I were laying in bed in our log cabin. we had just finished having sex and were cuddling together and all of the sudden in walks our little 2 year old...omg babe she was so beautiful and cute. She says "mommy I had a bad dream can I sleep with you and daddy?". Then she climbed in with us and we all fell asleep together. God babe it was such a beautiful dream. I hoep more than anything that God lets that happen and we can have such a great life together.

Babe I am a little worried about your mom and dad. I ahve been hearing some rumors that your mom has done some thinking about divorcing your dad. God honey that can't happen. I would be so; so sad if that happened. And your poor dad doesn't deserve that after everything he has done for you adn your mom and [redacted]. In my opinion he has given all of you a great life and nobody should have anything to complain about. Youar mom has been taking some phonecalls from your FATHER and I guess she hasn't done anything with him recently, I hear that she is flirting with him and all of that crap. I really hope when you and your mom go to counseling that you will bring up the fact that you don't like the way your mom treats your dad. She isn't really very nice to him a lot of the time and she is snippy an %itchy with him a lot. He doesn't seem like he is the type to really fight back much because he doesn't like a lot of fighting in his life anymore, but she is pretty crappy to him from I have seen and heard. I don't think she has muc to complain about that's for sure. You and your dad are so very close to each other I would hate to see anything happen to that relationship, too. I will talk to you more about that later. Please don't say anything to her about it or get into a fight with her about it because it will only cause more trouble and somehow she will probably find a way to blame your dad for it if you do. God I hope she doesn't kick him out or start cheating on him. Who knows what kind of a lose you and [redacted] could end up with!!!

I hope your training is going good. Can't wait until farmer season starts!! C told me you got a wicked hot bathing suit picked out adn I bet you are going to drive them all crazy!

Please email me back and I promise I will keep in touch with you as much as I can. I love you {JUVENILE 1] and I want you more than ever. Nothing will ever change the love I have for you. Please remember that!!

Your One And Only True Love,


20. JUVENILE 1 sent the following reply email.

Date: Thu, 8 May 2008 12:28:15 - 0700 (PDT)
From: "[JUVENILE 1 email address]"
Subject: Re: Missing You
To: "Chevy Pickup" <redacted>

Babe i cant believe that my mom has been thinking about divorsing my dad. That would ruin my WHOLE life. [ ] would prob wind up killing my mom [ ]. Sorry im just really upset and crying I cant really talk about it.

I am glad you get to hunt while you are in Africa. Im sure that filles a little whole in your heart. I hope that what you are doing isnt horrible or really unsafe. I would die if you dided i just wouldnt be able to do it.

That dream you had was beautiful and I cant wait until the day that does happen. And it will I promise you that.

OMG i cant wait until farming season starts eaither. Its going to be so much fun teasing them and getting them all worked up so they can f*# the S*$# otta me.

Can you please send that frame to me with that poem. I really want to wake up every morning and look at that to remind me of how much that I have.

Well i love you and that will never change. Please be safe. I love you email me as soon as you can. Bennett Affidavit Jul 3 emails.pdf


24. An earlier email exchange, on May 28th, 2008, between JUVENILE1 and "C", also known as Rauel domingo, provides further evidence of the plan to abduct and injure BENNETT. During this email exchange, "C", also known as Rauel Domingo, wrote, in part:

We got some problems with the phones again and I think those dudes are getting ready to f*#$ your [redacted] over. We need to be extra careful about things. I am worried about him. Please come up with a plan that make it so that Nobody knows where she is. [redacted] gets to have a least a few hours with her. You get time with her if you want. Let me know what you come up with. We need to get with this program soon. I would like to have done before June 7th if possible. If not we will have to wait until at least the 16th for obvious reasons that you already know about.

25. In response to this email, JUVENILE 1, wrote, in part:

iDk how to get the problem to you really. I guess you could have some hot guy pick her up adn[sic] say that he is going to $%#% her at his house then he brings her to his house which is really to you. [redacted] could get with her for a couple of hours by saying that he was down at Vesper, and while he down playing golf before that he was at these places from a certain time to another certain time. You could send him on a business trip even. I am still not sure yet if I really want time with her. I just want her to suffer adn she pissed in her mouth and see how she likes it. Please email me back adn[sic] adn tell me if yu like it yes or no and if you do then what could be better and if No then maybe an outline or idea. I LOVE YOU. Keep my dad, me and my family safe please. Bennett Affidavit Jul 3 emails.pdf


21. Forensic Examiners discovered a series of emails dated on or about May 28th, 2008 between Juvenile 1 and the person known as Rauel Domingo and also known as "C", further showing the sexual exploitation of Juvenile 1. These emails include the following:

(a) Rauel Domingo [redacted] wrote to JUVENILE 1, in part:

Did you #@$% [Juvenile 2] already today? If you didn't please do it tonight and the make sure you get some from [redacted] too. Love you. Keep and eye on him because he seems weird tonight. Really come onto him hard and make him feel good.

(b) JUVENILE 1 responded to this email, in part as follows:

From: [JUVENILE 1] & [JUVENILE 1 email address]
Subject: Phones and stuff
To: Raueldom

C you really need to do whatever you can to stop people from F*$#@*@ my dad over that just cant happen. If anything happens [redacted] will be at my door step within 5min of him knowing and you know that for a d@mn fact. I will keep an eye on him real good, you need to also and you need to keep a real good eye on the phone company. You need to have people working around the f*#$(@% clock on this...Do you understand?? That's like somebody trying to kill [ ] or something you would never let that happen to her so don't let this or anything else happen to my dad. I want up dates on everything and i would like them to be good updates please.

Yeah, I got *#$%#@ by Juv 2 right before [redacted] got home we did it in the bathroom [redacted for ws only]. I will get some from [redacted] tonight tho.

(c) In another email exchange between Rauel Domingo (using email address [redacted]) wrote to JUVENILE 1, in part:

Did you [redacted for ws only] when JUVENILE 2 @#$%#$ you today? Do you talk dirty with him or not? What do you say? Does he ever spank you anymore?

(d) In reply to this email, JUVENILE 1 wrote on May 28, 2008 at 7:33 p.m.:

"Yha I did [redacted for ws only]. Yah he spanking me more than usual also." Bennett Affidavit Jul 3 emails.pdf


(c) A June 20, 2008 an email from a person using email address "Chevy Pickup" <redacted> to JUVENILE 1 states:

Friday, June 20, 2008 2:02 PM
From: Chevy Pickup
To: [JUVENILE 1 email address]

no that's not so bad. At least he was smart enough to say 14! Pretty cool actually, most [redacted] wouldn't have been smart enough to realize something was going on and would have blown it for you. Those two, Kevin and raker, are both still wicked hot for you that's why they always seem to be hanging around in the fields as much as they can. they are looking for more teasing for sure. I told dad to talk to them next time he sees them adn put in a good word for you adn maybe that will help get them jumpstarted right to you.

I suppose you already heard, but C wants to postpone Monday now until Wednesday or Thursday. I kind of agree because that way you won't have to worry about you aunt
showing up or anything, plus the c(*# Savanna works those days too. [redacted] is ripsh*# because he is about to lose his f#$@*(% mind because he just wants it over with. I understand him, but its better to wait until we are more sure of safety for you and him than if we rush and a mistake is made and things go bad.

You will be getting texts on your phone that look like they are from Sam. The will say basically that he is begging you to move the date of the party from Monday to either Wednesday or Thrusday becasuese he can't make it Monday and he is wicked excited to see Brooke and hang with her. I want you to forward those messages to Brooke's cell so that she can see that he is dying to hang with her and so that you can ask her if Wednesday or Thursday works for her and she could just stay over the night before the party.. It will give you an opportunity to say...see Brooke I told you he is all about you right now, [JUVENILE 2] says he talks about you and the party all the time lately.

I will know about tomorow later this afternoon. Corey has been bugging me about it too. Did you hear about his eye? Guess he will be ok though.

Love you forever babe!

Your Throbbing Man

(d) Later on June 20, 2008, another email to JUVENILE 1 from email address "Chevy Pickup" <redacted>

Friday, June 20, 2008 5:50 PM
From: "Chevy Pickup" <redacted>
To: [JUVENILE 1 email address]

We have just run into some unexpected problems. We will get them worked out over the weekend babe, tell [recacted] to relax. C is very aware that is he is freaking out and worried and wants the thing over, believe me we all do. But C is not going to risk either of you or us or Breckenridge being in danger.

Unfortunately that means we will not be able to get together this weekend. I won't even be in town until Monday night now, unless we can get the problem sorted out before that. Please let Corey know that I will see him, just can't be this weekend. I am hoping that Monday or Tuesday night we can get together and C has said that, right now, we still can.

If you haven't already done so, please call Brooke and let her know you have forwarded texts to her from Sam. I you get any replies from her, or if she says anything when you talk to her, either forward that to [redacted] of send me an email and let me know. Hopefully when you sent her the texts you said you got them from Sam. You should let her know when you talk to her tonight that he has been bugging you all day to change the date because the REALLY wants to spend the day with her. An especially make sure that you tell her that he is planning on coming real ready in the morning, like around 8am at the latest, to help set up adn get ready for the party. Say he said that way he gets more time to be around her.

I love you babe but things are just so crazy around her right now. I definitely couldn't [sic] do this part of the job for a living that's for sure!
Did you get laid on your little walk with [JUVENILE 2]? Hope so : )

Love You.

(e) A June 20, 2008 reply email from JUVENILE 1 stating: "redacted said that C hasnt let him know yet if him and mom can go away this weekend."


2. Emails Recovered From JACQUES Laptop Computer Showing BENNETT Was Abducted


(a) A June 20, 2008 email from the person known as Rauel Domingo and also known as "C" to JUVENILE 1:

From: Rauel Domingo <redacted>
Subject: Update
To: [JUVENILE 1 email address]
Date: Friday, June 20, 2008, 5:56 PM

Hey girl,

I am glad to see that you are trying to keep [redacted] calmed down. His anxious I know, but I want to make sure this goes right.

I am a little concerned that you aren't quite ready for this yet. Please do whatever you need to do in your head to get ready for this. Just remember the reasons why it must be done and remember that it will go PERFECTLY if everyone does what they are suppose to do.

I want to know you are willing to help [redacted] with teh take-down and the tie up on Wednesday morning when you get back from Cumberland Farms. He can do it himself for sure, but I think it would just be easier on him if you helped. I'm thinking that you could help hold her down or whatever while he gets her all bound up and ready to go upstairs. If you are really against it, let me know now, but I think you can handle it. The best thing is if the take down is quick and quiet and the best chance of that is if you help. I suppose I could just have him tase her and knock her down then do it himself, but that is a little more trmamtic than I wanted her to experience that early in the morning.....she will have enough of that later.

Let me know


(b) A June 21, 2008 reply email from JUVENILE 1 to the person known as Rauel domingo and also known as "C":

Date: Sat, 21 June 2008 11:34:25 - 0700 (PDT)
From: [JUVENILE 1 email address]
Reply-To: [JUVENILE 1 email address]
Subject: Update
To: redacted

yes I will help out [redacted] witht [sic] the tie down
''this will go perfectly if everyone does what their supposed to do.
THANK YOU SS for all of your hard work on those emails!! It's so much easier to jump over here for reference. :blowkiss:

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