Dress code violation - Bald kid told to lose the hat


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Aug 8, 2005
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The last thing most kids want to be is 'different'. From their clothes to their hairstyles, kids tend to copy one another in an effort to blend in and be part of the group. But for some kids, blending in is difficult. 13-year-old Dale Platts knows all about that. At the age of five months, he suffered a severe bout of bronchitis which not only sent him to the hospital, but also caused his immune system to begin attacking different parts of his body. He lost all of his hair as well as his toenails and fingernails - a condition known as alopecia universalis.

According to his parents, Dale was unconcerned about his lack of hair until he reached middle school and the bullying began. Tired of the taunts and name-calling, Dale began wearing a baseball cap at all times. Unfortunately, baseball caps are prohibited by the uniform dress code policy at Robert Pattinson School in the UK where Dale is enrolled.

School officials ordered Dale to lose the hat or be moved out of the classroom and be taught in isolation. They did offer him an alternative to the baseball cap, but Dale says the woolen beanie they suggested causes eczema and headaches. Plus, because the beanie is brimless, it doesn't protect Dale's lashless eyes from the school's fluorescent lighting and dust.



This is sad, I truly feel bad for this child. To subject a child to learning in isolation is absurd. What a waste of money to pay a teacher to teach one child when he could be in regular classes.

I agree. We've gone so far overboard with zero tolerance these days, what occurs in schools is often already a protected class for adults. Sadly these children will one day grow up to be adults in a diverse world needing to work with a diverse group of people.

Common sense would/should indicate such to schools.

I wish this kid would understand that bald is cool and he should not be ashamed. So many people are wearing shaved heads these days... honestly, my almost 6 yr old would do it if I let him...

When he is a little older he will know some girls only look at guys with bald heads.... but not too soon.. ;)
The school should get the paddle out and start blistering the rear ends of the students who bully and tease this boy, and they should let him wear his cap especially since he does not have eyelashes for protection. This was a very cruel and selfish decision on the part of the school.
Most schools make allowances for bald children due to illness, whether it is chemo-related, alopecia, or whatever. As a teacher, I'd be buckin' the system again by pitching a fit and letting the child wear his cap in my room. If the child's teachers all get together and do that, it has been my experience that administrators back down. (Of course, many of my past administrators--one excepted--have been bullies themselves.) :(
The school has an out on this one.. if they chose to use it. They can still enforce the dress code but use the fact that in this case the hat is a medical necessity due to the lack eyelashes etc. However they also ought to be teaching acceptance of others and tolerance of differences instead of pointing out this boys medical differences.
This is absolutely ridiculous!!!!

The boy has a medical condition and I think he should be allowed to wear the hat. It is not because he wants to break the rules. It is probably hard enough to go through life different and deal with what he has to deal with. Now the school is just bullying him all over again.

Shame on you UK school. You need to take care of your students and get over stupid policies. Not everything is black and white.

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