Care & Concern for Fellow Sleuthers

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Aug 4, 2008
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I wanted to put this out here, because I haven't seen anyone else say it yet, and I am concerned.

A couple of fellow sleuthers that I know that post here, who shall remain nameless, had recommended as recently as a week ago that we needed to search or re-search Suburban Drive.

Since the recommendations from last week, I have not seen any posts or heard from these Sleuthers. I now have concerns that the news yesterday may have had a strong impact on these fellow sleuthers, and they may feel regret that we (and they) were not able to get there soon enough to search.

Many, if not all of us are running through a gammit of emotions right now, from anger, to sorrow, to gratitude that "our baby girl" has possibly been found. For some, the findings yesterday could even send one into a "state of depression and/or shock".

I just want to say that you are not alone. Everyone who has followed this case so closely over the past 6 months, has had the same emotions at one time or another. If you feel the slightest bit depressed over the events of the past few days, PLEASE REACH OUT AND TALK TO SOMEONE. Reach out to a friend, whether in person or online (you have a lot of friends here), Reach out to a loved one who understands, Reach out to Clergy, or Reach out to a Medical Professional. Please don't keep it bottled up if you feel you need to talk. And to my WS friends, please reach out to me if you want.

Everyone should be proud of the efforts we've all put in, trying to figure out this case, figure out where Caylee is, search for her, etc., and that is no small thing. And if Caylee were here and old enough to understand what we have all done, she would have thanked us too.

This is so thoughtful.
I'm so glad you have given people space to be able to acknowledge and express their grief.
I hope FloridaKatz does not mind me adding a second group of WS people to this thread - but the title does say Care and Concern for Fellow Sleuthers.

There is a group who more than likely will not post on the main forum again, but I hope they read here. To all of you who had kept the hope that Caylee was still with us in your hearts, my thoughts and well wishes go out to you at this time. Although the results are not 100% verified yet, most people agree that the remains found ysterday are Caylees. While I never shared your belief and hope, I respected your opinions and your reasons.

I hope you find peace in your hearts with the thought that at least she has been found and can be laid to rest in a proper and fitting manner. I am sorry it did not turn out the way you all had hoped and wished for.
When following a case very intensely over a period of time, a case that has constantly breaking news you become very attached to it. And this will continue for a few more days as info about the crime scene, the findings and the reactions to the info comes out. But soon things will come down. And the info will become more 'mundane'. Info will be more about the legal aspects of the case and less about Caylee- and actually even less about Casey. Things can really slow down. The trial itself won't be for at least a year.

When that happens sometimes there is a let down of the emotions. It's a good time to reconnect with others in our lives. Time to get back into touch with our own 'reality'. Time to hug loved ones.

It also sometimes helps to spend time in the bizarre news or news that makes me smile, just to remind ourselves that there are good things out there and also real life can be bizarre and funny. The jury room is a good place to laugh and connect with fellow sleuthers. You might even get to know them better and you will laugh there.

There are bad things around us, but there are also good things. In order to keep our lives balanced we may need to look around us for the good things, we may need to give ourselves permission to laugh again.
I don't post much but I wanted to say thank you for saying this. I think this news hit all of us hard, though it was expected by most that Caylee was no longer with us, the finality of it really isn't an easy thing to accept. I have checked websleuths almost daily and have checked the Orlando local news sites daily looking for more news, more clues, and in fact yesterday afternoon the very first thing I did when I opened my laptop was bring up one of those local news sites. When I saw the shocking news, my heart sank. I felt relief and sadness. I feel so sad for the Anthony family, those who truly loved that baby, especially Cindy, George and Lee, as well as Casey's friends who also loved Caylee. As for Casey, I feel no pity, I feel nothing but disgust. I hope that she gets what she deserves. I want to personally thankn each of the sleuthers on this site who searched out clues, kept this case alive, and who cared for that precious baby girl. All of us, no matter how small our part in this, all of us cared for Caylee and I agree with he original poster that if Caylee could, she would thank us all for everything we've done, for whatever small part we have played. I have two girls, 5 and 6 years old and I hugged them extra tight yesterday when they came home from school. And in my heart I said one of those hugs was for Caylee Marie. May she rest in peace now, bless her little heart. And may the friends and family who loved her find peace in their hearts as well.
The grief we feel is real. I don't know that anyone reading this has ever met Baby Caylee. Nevertheless, WSers are determined to find answers. Sometimes those answers are ones we wished we hadn't gotten. I know that everyone here has always had the best interest of Caylee in heart, and will continue to do so through the process.

I agree if anyone is suffering from the news of late, please reach out to someone and get some help.
{{Hugs}} to everyone. Know that it is okay to cry, but remember, Caylee is at peace.
Thank you, FloridaKatz. I am angry, disgusted, and heartbroken. But, tiredofthis, I do know that little Caylee is in a better place as you said. Yes, she is flying with the angels now. She will never know pain again. We have to find solace in that.

Hugs to everyone.
I hope FloridaKatz does not mind me adding a second group of WS people to this thread - but the title does say Care and Concern for Fellow Sleuthers.

There is a group who more than likely will not post on the main forum again, but I hope they read here. To all of you who had kept the hope that Caylee was still with us in your hearts, my thoughts and well wishes go out to you at this time. Although the results are not 100% verified yet, most people agree that the remains found ysterday are Caylees. While I never shared your belief and hope, I respected your opinions and your reasons.

I hope you find peace in your hearts with the thought that at least she has been found and can be laid to rest in a proper and fitting manner. I am sorry it did not turn out the way you all had hoped and wished for.

I do not mind at all. It's comforting to know that we have a place where we can all support each other during our time of sorrow. Blessings to all.
I wanted to put this out here, because I haven't seen anyone else say it yet, and I am concerned.

A couple of fellow sleuthers that I know that post here, who shall remain nameless, had recommended as recently as a week ago that we needed to search or re-search Suburban Drive.

Since the recommendations from last week, I have not seen any posts or heard from these Sleuthers. I now have concerns that the news yesterday may have had a strong impact on these fellow sleuthers, and they may feel regret that we (and they) were not able to get there soon enough to search.

Many, if not all of us are running through a gammit of emotions right now, from anger, to sorrow, to gratitude that "our baby girl" has possibly been found. For some, the findings yesterday could even send one into a "state of depression and/or shock".

I just want to say that you are not alone. Everyone who has followed this case so closely over the past 6 months, has had the same emotions at one time or another. If you feel the slightest bit depressed over the events of the past few days, PLEASE REACH OUT AND TALK TO SOMEONE. Reach out to a friend, whether in person or online (you have a lot of friends here), Reach out to a loved one who understands, Reach out to Clergy, or Reach out to a Medical Professional. Please don't keep it bottled up if you feel you need to talk. And to my WS friends, please reach out to me if you want.

Everyone should be proud of the efforts we've all put in, trying to figure out this case, figure out where Caylee is, search for her, etc., and that is no small thing. And if Caylee were here and old enough to understand what we have all done, she would have thanked us too.


This is so sweet of you to think of these people, I hope they are not feeling any guilt. Caylee was found when God decided it was the right time,
no one should feel any guilt except the one (s) responsible for her horrible death and the ones who continue to cover it up.
I'm happy that they have most likely found Caylee and she can be put to rest with a proper resting place.

I'm so overwhelmed with sadness and heartache about what that poor baby went through. It's hard to comprehend what G-d's plan was for this little angel.

May she rest in peace knowing that she truly was loved.... even if not by her own family :(
I have nothing but admiration and respect for all WSers. We may not all agree on all the same things..that would be mundane anyway...I still respect others opinion. Above all else, I respect ya'lls feelings. Yell, cry, beat your head on a wall, whatever it takes to keep Wsers healthy and ready for trial, I'm all for it. Hugs & kisses to all!
It's funny, I thought that I was convinced she was dead. I wasn't, I still had hope.

Hugs for all my fellow sleuthers!
Katz, I'm so glad you started this thread. Back when the Body Farm evidence was released, I was going full bore, and hit the wall. I was devastated. Honestly, I have always harbored a teensy bit of hope against hope that Caylee would be found, alive, healthy, and happy. That was my first wall. Yesterday, I hit the final one. I didn't just cry. I bawled. I swore. I ranted. I raged. I cursed. And went back through all the emotions again. And yet again. But it's healing time now. We have sleuthed as a group, and now have to heal as a group. All the heated words that have passed among some of us (me included), have to be put aside. We need each other. The people I have come to know as friends on this forum are dear to me; they've cajoled me when I was down; encouraged me through my dismay; and supported me, even if we disagreed on a point. We need that more than ever now.

I'm sending out a huge, huge cyber-hug to my WS family. If you need a shoulder, search one out. If you can't find one, I volunteer mine. Peace and love.
I wanted to put this out here, because I haven't seen anyone else say it yet, and I am concerned.

A couple of fellow sleuthers that I know that post here, who shall remain nameless, had recommended as recently as a week ago that we needed to search or re-search Suburban Drive.

Since the recommendations from last week, I have not seen any posts or heard from these Sleuthers. I now have concerns that the news yesterday may have had a strong impact on these fellow sleuthers, and they may feel regret that we (and they) were not able to get there soon enough to search.

Many, if not all of us are running through a gammit of emotions right now, from anger, to sorrow, to gratitude that "our baby girl" has possibly been found. For some, the findings yesterday could even send one into a "state of depression and/or shock".

I just want to say that you are not alone. Everyone who has followed this case so closely over the past 6 months, has had the same emotions at one time or another. If you feel the slightest bit depressed over the events of the past few days, PLEASE REACH OUT AND TALK TO SOMEONE. Reach out to a friend, whether in person or online (you have a lot of friends here), Reach out to a loved one who understands, Reach out to Clergy, or Reach out to a Medical Professional. Please don't keep it bottled up if you feel you need to talk. And to my WS friends, please reach out to me if you want.

Everyone should be proud of the efforts we've all put in, trying to figure out this case, figure out where Caylee is, search for her, etc., and that is no small thing. And if Caylee were here and old enough to understand what we have all done, she would have thanked us too.


Thank you for this, sweet one. I appreciate your concern. It truly is a hard time for me.
BigJohn came on last night and played a couple of melodies....I started to cry. I had not yet cried. Great relief.
We must each find our way to release all we have held in waiting for these moments.
F Katz, thank you for this most thoughtful and emotional thread! Everything you have said hits the nail on the head. I know my heart sank and I just sat and cried as I lay and watched the news reports when they had found her. We have all been so emotionally vested in this and will continue to be until there is finally justice for our baby girl Caylee Marie !!!
I hope FloridaKatz does not mind me adding a second group of WS people to this thread - but the title does say Care and Concern for Fellow Sleuthers.

There is a group who more than likely will not post on the main forum again, but I hope they read here. To all of you who had kept the hope that Caylee was still with us in your hearts, my thoughts and well wishes go out to you at this time. Although the results are not 100% verified yet, most people agree that the remains found ysterday are Caylees. While I never shared your belief and hope, I respected your opinions and your reasons.

I hope you find peace in your hearts with the thought that at least she has been found and can be laid to rest in a proper and fitting manner. I am sorry it did not turn out the way you all had hoped and wished for.
This is very sweet. I have to say I always thought that Caylee was gone, but my heart had not yet accepted it. It still can't.
This is why I love Websleuths so much!
We really are a family, a beautiful caring family!
Thank you, FloridaKatz for starting this thread. :blowkiss:This is a wonderful idea and it's much needed!

I have followed other cases, but this one has really sucked me in and not let go!
The face of precious Caylee will forever be in my mind! And, I believe all of us 'adopted' that baby girl, and we all loved her as our's. And the thoughts that anyone could harm her, much less her own mother, is just too much to understand!

I'll be stopping in here alot, cause my family and friends think I'm nuts to be so involved with this case.:crazy: And you guys understand it all so well, and that's why I love you all!:blowkiss:

Thank you again, FloridaKatz.
Katz, I'm so glad you started this thread. Back when the Body Farm evidence was released, I was going full bore, and hit the wall. I was devastated. Honestly, I have always harbored a teensy bit of hope against hope that Caylee would be found, alive, healthy, and happy. That was my first wall. Yesterday, I hit the final one. I didn't just cry. I bawled. I swore. I ranted. I raged. I cursed. And went back through all the emotions again. And yet again. But it's healing time now. We have sleuthed as a group, and now have to heal as a group. All the heated words that have passed among some of us (me included), have to be put aside. We need each other. The people I have come to know as friends on this forum are dear to me; they've cajoled me when I was down; encouraged me through my dismay; and supported me, even if we disagreed on a point. We need that more than ever now.

I'm sending out a huge, huge cyber-hug to my WS family. If you need a shoulder, search one out. If you can't find one, I volunteer mine. Peace and love.
Thank you, friend...and thanks as well to FK.
RR, my friend, you're welcome. And my thanks also to everyone.

I do need to add something to my previous post. I, too, extend extra-special thoughts to those who never waivered from their belief that Caylee was alive. I know we are all suffering, but I have no doubt it's much harder on each and every one of you. I commend you for having stayed the course and holding firm to your beliefs. It had to be difficult; I read the threads, and they weren't always kind. But you never gave up. I hope you are each able to find peace.

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