Patrick Swayze on Barbara Walters

I love this man's honesty... he's not making any bones about what is going on, how he is feeling and how he is handling things. I love his bluntness... he has one helluva fighting spirit.
Elpha, you're right, he's being so raw. His wife Lisa is beautiful, and she's making me cry........ What a love story.
Elpha, you're right, he's being so raw. His wife Lisa is beautiful, and she's making me cry........ What a love story.

I can't watch!
I had cancer and my uncle just died from cancer... so I can't watch!
Can someone tell me if he says how he is really doing... (beating it or not)
I know there have been rummors but I'm just wondering what he is saying about it!
Any details would be great!
Pass the tissue, please... tears are just rolling down my face. Mind you, it's more smiling tears than tears of sadness... his attitude and honesty, his raw emotions and bluntness is inspirational.
I can't watch!
I had cancer and my uncle just died from cancer... so I can't watch!
Can someone tell me if he says how he is really doing... (beating it or not)
I know there have been rummors but I'm just wondering what he is saying about it!
Any details would be great!

Oooh Hugs to you. My mother died from Cancer :( So I understand your pain but I am so sorry you had cancer - I take it has gone completely ?

I would also like to know what is happening with Patrick.
I am in Oz so cant see the show and the last I heard was he was not expected to see the year out as in 08 which clearly he has
Ahhhh, TEARS! Elpha, are so right. So inspiring, so beautiful.

Patrick is under going another new treatment. He basically said he's on borrowed time, in that, according to traditional stats, he should be gone by now. The fight in him isn't gone, he's pizzed enough to fight. He's very spiritual, yet realistic. A mish mash of all emotions. He's not scared, he's scared, etc. The love he and Lisa have is something few of us ever experience, I feel privledged to have witnessed it. Geez........tissues!
I can't watch!
I had cancer and my uncle just died from cancer... so I can't watch!
Can someone tell me if he says how he is really doing... (beating it or not)
I know there have been rummors but I'm just wondering what he is saying about it!
Any details would be great!

If ABC puts it online, it really is worth watching. It's inspirational... it's not all sadness and dwelling on the emotional pain... he's a fighter and he admits that he is mad about it... that he deals with the "why me" stuff, but he is living his life and not bowing to the cancer.

(I get where you are coming from... I haven't personally had cancer, but my nephew has dealt with brain cancer and the struggles he has gone through has left an emotional mark my life... but not once watching the interview with Patrick did I feel depressed by it. There are moments of tears... and there is sadness, at times, but overall it's an uplifting interview. I wish I had an ounce of his strength and determination... )
What a great interview. Cancer SUCKS. Lord knows, most all of us have experienced it in some way, shape or form in life.

I hope he survives. I really hope and pray that he does.
If ABC puts it online, it really is worth watching. It's inspirational... it's not all sadness and dwelling on the emotional pain... he's a fighter and he admits that he is mad about it... that he deals with the "why me" stuff, but he is living his life and not bowing to the cancer.

(I get where you are coming from... I haven't personally had cancer, but my nephew has dealt with brain cancer and the struggles he has gone through has left an emotional mark my life... but not once watching the interview with Patrick did I feel depressed by it. There are moments of tears... and there is sadness, at times, but overall it's an uplifting interview. I wish I had an ounce of his strength and determination... )

Inspirational is right. My husband wanted to change the channel. Uh... scuze me?? This man very well may be DYING and you're just going to switch the channel to something more appealing? No. We will watch this man's journey.
Pancreatic cancer is one of the worsts with not much of a survival. We all need to love people going through this and let them know. They will tell the story and the horrific pain and we must be part of this for humanity's sake. We must always take the time to love and care for people who need help. It is the right human spirit and it is needed. Patrick is an uber hero and he knows the odds. He is laying the roadmap to keep trying and that is necessary. The fight is remarkable on his part. Bless you Patrick Swaze.
Patrick Swayze was so inspirational in this interview. (His wife is pretty awesome too!) I pray he is with us until a cure is found!
Pancreatic cancer is one of the worsts with not much of a survival. We all need to love people going through this and let them know. They will tell the story and the horrific pain and we must be part of this for humanity's sake. We must always take the time to love and care for people who need help. It is the right human spirit and it is needed. Patrick is an uber hero and he knows the odds. He is laying the roadmap to keep trying and that is necessary. The fight is remarkable on his part. Bless you Patrick Swaze.

My MIL's gentleman friend was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few years ago - he was yellow, having all sorts of problems, etc... I thought he was a goner, but now the cancer is completely gone - no sign of it - and he didn't do anything fancy.
I so love Patrick and am praying for him!
My grandfather died of pancreatic cancer 3 months after he was diagnosed stage IV. Patrick Swayze is an inspiration to anyone with cancer, but especially those battling pancreatic cancer. I pray he sticks around long enough for a cure. Go Patrick!!!!
I liked when he talked about winnning the battle with cancer by the way he fought and lived. My Dad died from Colon Cancer and I always hated it when someone said he lost his battle with cancer. To me he won because he never lost his dignity, his humor, and the will to survive. I felt like he won because of the way he fought his battle. I feel the same for Patrick Swayze. It's amazing that their marriage has survived Hollywood and stardom. Their's is a great love story. I'm glad they have each other.
Jan. 9 -- Actor Patrick Swayze, who's very publicly battling pancreatic cancer, was reportedly rushed to the hospital on Friday for pneumonia
just before making a press appearance for his new show.
Swayze was supposed to be doing a press junket for A&E's 'The Beast,'
but instead was taken to the hospital according to The Hollywood Reporter.

I pray he beats this..!!
Jan. 9 -- Actor Patrick Swayze, who's very publicly battling pancreatic cancer, was reportedly rushed to the hospital on Friday for pneumonia
just before making a press appearance for his new show.
Swayze was supposed to be doing a press junket for A&E's 'The Beast,'
but instead was taken to the hospital according to The Hollywood Reporter.

I pray he beats this..!!

Ah, the side effects. I pray he beats this too. I am not being a prophet of doom rather I am a fighter for those who do have the struggle. I have been fighting for others for over 30 years. I have seen miracles and I have seen death but I have never seen a person who is fighting this disease not fight.

They are heroes of the most formidable wars and their legacy is etched in your heart forever. You never forget the words spoken to you.
Well said Cp. I hope he bounces back quickly...

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