Saudis Behead, Crucify Convicted Child Molester, Murderer

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Aug 18, 2008
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shop owner Ahmed al-Anzi molested the boy and then strangled him with a length of rope. He then stabbed the boy's father to death when the man came looking for his son.

He hid both the bodies in his shop, the statement said, adding that al-Anzi threatened police with a knife when they came to arrest him.

Al-Anzi had previously been convicted of sodomy and owning pornographic films, a crime in conservative Saudi Arabia.

I would like to hear some opinions about this.
From the article you posted Lovejac:

...Crucifying the headless body in a public place is a way to set an example, according to the kingdom's strict interpretation of Islam. Normally those convicted of rape, murder and drug trafficking in Saudi Arabia are just beheaded...

...According to an Associated Press count, Friday's execution brought the number to 35 beheading this year in the kingdom. In 2008, 102 people were beheaded.

Then I saw this small paragraph sandwiched in between the two paragraphs I snipped above:

..."It is horrific that beheading and crucifixions still happen," said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui of Amnesty International in a statement Friday...

..."King Abdullah should show true leadership and commute all death sentences if Saudi Arabia is to have any role to play as a global leader or member of the G20," said Sahraoui...

This is way too deep for me sistah girl :blowkiss: I'll let the other's debate it :wink:,2933,523364,00.html

I would like to hear some opinions about this.

If his victim had been a female would they have reacted the same way?

If he hadn't killed an adult male member of their society would they have reacted the same way?

I won't ever shed a tear over a sexual sadist child molesting sorry excuse for a human being permantaly removed from the opportunity to strike again. But I am not quite ready to embrace the justice system of the middle the east. I can barely stomach our own.,2933,523364,00.html

I would like to hear some opinions about this.

Let the punishment fit the crime. This sick monster got what he deserved. I am not sorry for thinking that when it comes to protecting children. That is one example I wish we could adopt here in the USA.

Our government will send 18 year olds off to war to get slaughtered in the name of justice, yet our justice system will let a person who kills a child get three square meals a day and possibly a college education. That is to me is completely illogical.
Lovejac dear, I know you've seen my other posts regarding my position on child molesters & those who also kill children.

I do not support humane outcomes to those who commit inhumane things.

He got exactly what he deserved. I strongly believe our pendulum has swung FAR TOO MUCH in the criminals rights and not even close to what victims deserve. Child rapists/killers do not deserve their life - ever ever ever! I hope he's visiting the utter pits of hell which he will never, for all eternity ever escape. Maybe that's a good start for justice to this little boy & his dad.

If that makes me a heartless barbaric person, so be it. I can confidently face my Lord with my head held high. My husband and I give far more to the world than we take from it. To see these same freaks allowed to live disgusts me to the core. Sorry if that makes me come across as hateful, I am not. I'm all for protecting our children and if having this happen to the criminal is what it takes to keep EVEN 1 CHILD safe... I'm in.

I don't support a great part of the middle east judicial decisions or way of life, but I feel they made an intelligent decision in this case.
I don't have any use for anyone in that region that mistreats women, and beheading always makes me feel queasy, but the molestor got the death penalty. As long as guilt is completely proven with no doubt we should have the DP here for that crime committed by adults.
One less molestor is my thought on this. Actually, I believe they all should be put to death, in every country, then no one would have to worry if they were setting a good example in the world or taking their place as a "global leader", whatever that means anymore.
Well, I am not sure I have a whole lot of faith in the SA justice system...given the fact that rape victims can be stoned etc.

I struggle with the DP in general-I think if we are going to aspire to being a humane society we need to be humane across the boards. However, I am irked by the idea that folks who are unable to live their lives without maiming and or killing others will be given 3 squares until their natural life runs out when there are millions of innocents who live below the poverty line....I would rather give the three squares to them.

I don't know. But back on topic, lol, I do not think that beheading a convicted killer and molester and then displaying the body is any real deterrent truly. I think I would need to see some proof that it does. The guy had been convicted of other crimes in the past and whatever punishment meted out to him then didn't stop him from escalating.
IMO it looks like we could learn something from the Saudis.
I feel like a chicken for not stating my opinion in the beginning of this thread!

I will say that my first thought when I read the title of the article was "Good, now he can't molest any other innocent children!"

As usual, my awesome WS friends have given me even MORE to ponder, and although I am still glad he is unable to molest any more children, "impatientredhead" definitely has given me something to think about!
Twenty five years ago I would have said that killing the child molester was barbaric and wrong. Now, after years of hearing about the atrocities these perverts inflict upon the young and innocent and how there is no real cure for their behavior, I say GOOD for the Saudis. That's one less child molester the world has to worry about.

It's not our place to judge people, but it is also not our place to allow our children to be sexually abused and killed -- along with their parents. The littlest ones throughout the world must be protected. The Saudis have sent a message to their citizens that such behavior will not be tolerated. I only hope (as does Impatientredhead) that such punishment is equally applied to those who perpetrate crimes upon all segments of the population -- no matter what sex or econimic status they belong to.
While I have spent much of my life believing that the DP doesn't actually solve the problem or serve a purpose, I have come to change my mind in certain cases.

I do not believe that child molesters/pedophiles are treatable. They are virtually always repeat offenders when they get out.

I have come to believe that these crimes against children deserve the DP. Even more than murderers.

I do not subscribe to the fairness of the SA government & its justice system -- doesn't mean that they hit it right on sometimes. Come to think of it, I don't really subscribe to the effectiveness of our justice system either.

Somewhat OT -- but part of why I've developed that attitude I have.....I've sat on juries twice. One was a rape/kidnapping case, one was an aggravated assault after threats had been made by the man to his ex-wife & children. In both cases the accused had to be let go because of the investigation not collecting the evidence in a fashion which was able to PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that the person was guilty. Everyone on the jury both times wanted to find the person guilty. Truly believed they were -- but technicalities, basically, caused us to have to let them go both times. My husband has been in the same situation 3 times -- 1 rape, 1 drunk driving with a death, and one murder.

I will NEVER sit on a jury again. I will share my experience with any judge who asks & I will say that I have developed the opinion that if it makes it far enough to go to trial I believe they are guilty. (I don't really believe that, but I can't emotionally cope with being on a jury again.)
Lovejac dear, I know you've seen my other posts regarding my position on child molesters & those who also kill children.

I do not support humane outcomes to those who commit inhumane things.

He got exactly what he deserved. I strongly believe our pendulum has swung FAR TOO MUCH in the criminals rights and not even close to what victims deserve. Child rapists/killers do not deserve their life - ever ever ever! I hope he's visiting the utter pits of hell which he will never, for all eternity ever escape. Maybe that's a good start for justice to this little boy & his dad.

If that makes me a heartless barbaric person, so be it. I can confidently face my Lord with my head held high. My husband and I give far more to the world than we take from it. To see these same freaks allowed to live disgusts me to the core. Sorry if that makes me come across as hateful, I am not. I'm all for protecting our children and if having this happen to the criminal is what it takes to keep EVEN 1 CHILD safe... I'm in.

I don't support a great part of the middle east judicial decisions or way of life, but I feel they made an intelligent decision in this case.

Of all the many times that I have "thanked" a poster for a post, I have never felt compelled to also respond as I will to this one.

If I could give you a standing ovation, PattyCake, I would. Your sentiments so closely echo those of my own.

When a child's innocence and/or their lives are robbed from them by the ugly scourge of our society, the offender should be given the harshest of punishments--without concern for ANY rights that the offender feels they deserve. They lost those rights when they took it upon themselves to harm an innocent cihld.

Our children are our future. Any child molester/killer who robs the innocence or the life of a child, in effect, is destroying that future.

Children who survive the abuses of a child molester must live with a lifetime of dealing with unbelievable pain--it affects everything that they do and feel. Untold numbers of those children will never recover from the horrors to which they were subjected.

The way that laws are now written, and related punishments doled out to those offenders, it gives those offenders more opportunities to potentially victimize more children who come along their paths. Too often the punishments that these offenders receive are nothing more than a slap on the wrist and then they are out looking for their next victim(s). These offenders feel no remorse--they are simply looking to getting their jollies at the expense of an innocent child.

We have all heard that a child molester cannot be rehabilitated. I firmly believe this. There are too many cases that we see here at WS that prove that to be true--repeat offenders whose crimes escalate in depravity and eventually ending in the final atrocity of putting their victims to death just so they do not leave any witnesses behind.

So if an offender cannot be rehabilitated, what is the point/purpose of keeping them alive? To wait until they commit yet another heinous act against another innocent child? To see just how many victims he/she will rack up over the years? To complain about the hundreds of thousands of dollars that it costs to house these offenders behind prison walls?

If these offenders are put to death, immediately after conviction, then there is no risk of yet another helpless and innocent victim being subjected to the indecencies perpetrated upon them by these monsters. There is no chance that untold numbers of victims will suffer for the rest of their lives because of that offender. There would be minimal cost in housing the offender.

Put these monsters to death upon conviction--they serve NO PURPOSE here on earth. Save our children and their futures.

I LOUDLY applaud you, PattyCake, for voicing your opinion about this.

Well he got what he deserved in my book. He savagely killed a child and his father so I will just say that is justice.
I do believe the man got he deserved. However, what I question is why it had to be done publicly. The thought of people standing around jeering at him makes me feel a bit sick and is a form of violence in itself. And what if someone had failed to hear about it beforehand and accidently took their child past it? I'm not even questioning the cruelty of it; just it's public nature.
Life is apparently, cruel. We protect our children from the atrocities in life in this country. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just that our kids are not prepared for the things they will see when they get older. It is not like a video game.

In other countries kids are well aware of the evil and ugliness in life. Don't know if that is better.

I agree child molesters should be put to death.

How much time and money do we waste monitoring them, expecting them to be stand up citizens and REGISTER - it's a total joke. Most get a slap on the wrist.

There is no rehabilitation. None. Be honest. They will roam about doing the same thing to innocents and we must protect the innocent at all cost.

Over and over we hear about the light sentences and the lack of monitoring that leads to yet another child molestation and in many cases, murder.

I have had enough.

A public spectacle is sometimes important. We have no more shame in this country.

You shouldn't feel ASHAMED of anything, heaven forbid, because that might make you feel bad about yourself.:confused:

We are raising a nation of narcissists. It ain't gonna get better folks.

Seriously, there are only two factors that motivate people's behavior, only two:


A little fear and pain can be deterrents.
IMO it looks like we could learn something from the Saudis.

Well, I am not sure I have a whole lot of faith in the SA justice system...given the fact that rape victims can be stoned etc.

I struggle with the DP in general-I think if we are going to aspire to being a humane society we need to be humane across the boards. However, I am irked by the idea that folks who are unable to live their lives without maiming and or killing others will be given 3 squares until their natural life runs out when there are millions of innocents who live below the poverty line....I would rather give the three squares to them.

I don't know. But back on topic, lol, I do not think that beheading a convicted killer and molester and then displaying the body is any real deterrent truly. I think I would need to see some proof that it does. The guy had been convicted of other crimes in the past and whatever punishment meted out to him then didn't stop him from escalating.

Hi Believe, It well could be that this man's 'sickness of sexual perversion' escalated over time to where the moree's of his faith and society were over-ridden.

I say off with his head and let it be seen by all in the publlc square at noon! I am ice hearted at crimes like this and do believe the Moslem practices have kept their crime rate at an astoundingly low number.

My BIL worked there for many years teaching Englilsh for Ratheon, and he has told me this practice is alive and well in Iran today. And these public punishments at noon are well attended by everyone.

He has also told me they will stone or behead a woman as fast as a man. Above all, the punishment fits the crime!
I believe that we, in the US, have - in theory - the best system of justice. The problem is there is no effective deterrance to crime in the US. Although I would not support a public display such as this, I do think mandatory and immediate death sentance for heinous crimes should be the norm here - as long as the person has been proven guilty beyond any reasonable doubt. This will not prevent these crimes from being committed, but it would do a lot to reduce the numbers.
Ugh. Quite gross. I think I could have gotten through my life without knowing about this.

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