Swine Flu

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Will You Get the Swine Flu Shot?(for poll let's assume it is available)

  • Yes, I believe it will stop me from getting sick and it is safe

    Votes: 77 20.1%
  • Yes, only to make someone in my life quit nagging me

    Votes: 6 1.6%
  • No, the vaccine does no good

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • No, I don't trust the vaccine and its side effects.

    Votes: 97 25.3%
  • No, I don't trust the President when he says it is an epidemic

    Votes: 14 3.7%
  • I don't know; I have to learn more about it.

    Votes: 16 4.2%
  • No, the vaccine is just a way for the drug company to make money.

    Votes: 19 5.0%
  • No, because I already had the swine flu

    Votes: 25 6.5%
  • No, due to allergy to a component of the shot.

    Votes: 13 3.4%
  • Yes, IF my Dr. convinces me it's necessary.

    Votes: 26 6.8%
  • no

    Votes: 62 16.2%
  • No, not in priority groups

    Votes: 22 5.7%
  • exposed to swine flu but didnt contract it

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • It interferes with the immune system and harms the body

    Votes: 2 0.5%

  • Total voters


Manager Websleuths.com
Staff member
Sep 13, 2003
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Hi Everyone,

Thank you for participating in the Websleuths "Poll Forum."

One of our members suggested a swine flu poll. I would have put this up sooner but my 13 year old son has the swine flu so I have been a bit busy.

My apologies to the wonderful member who suggested this. Since I have the memory of a fly I can't remember who it was but thank you.

Remember, even if you are not a member you can vote and if you are a member you can add your own option to the poll.

Have fun.

Hi Tricia and thanks for the poll. I voted YES

I think it all depends on one's age and any physical problems one might have. Under 29 or over 65, especially with any pulminary problems such as asthma, bronchitis or COPD, it is a wise choice.

My 89 yr old mother's doctor told her to wait till mid November before getting the shot. And Mom is as healthy as they come. I walked in to pick up a prescription and when I asked if I should get a shot or not she nodded her head in the affirmative.

I've yet to fully understand the supply, demand, and distribution of the vaccine.

Why is it up to each state/region to decide who gets the vaccine? My state gave shots first to health care workers, while a pregnant woman died who could not get a shot. Now, we've just moved to children and pregnant women.

Meanwhile, there were health care workers who refused the vaccine, parents who refused to vaccinate their children, and pregnant women who refused the vaccine. Since these persons refused, why haven't those in charge moved on to another group? Is this happening throughout the US?

Finally, it's easier to get an H1N1 vaccination in the more remote parts of my state than in the more populated areas. My health care website has a statement akin to, "Don't call us. We'll call you."

Shipped By State:
This is one flu that scares the bejeebers out of me, especially since I have an immune deficiency and serious lung problem. It seems that since I am allergic to egg, I have never been able to get any flu vaccine. I have, however, gotten the pneumonia vaccine. My hubby says I should not be allowed to leave the house or be around children - LOL. Think I'll just hibernate until this passes.
It bothers me that no one seems to be on the same page about who should get this vaccine.

Locally we have been told that it is for children 6 mos - 5 years and their caregivers and pregnant women only. But the literature that comes with the vaccine clearly states that it has not been proven effective on these specific groups.

We have been told that those over 59 (who were, in theory, exposed last time) do not need the shot. But then my friend's MIL was told it was required for her assisted living facility. She is 83, and her legs were numb/stiff/partially paralyzed after the shot. She has recovered, but it was frightening for a few days. Afterward the doc says she never should have gotten it. WTH???

I also read that it was important for the "young" to get the vaccine. but those people don't even qualify under the original guidelines. We hear how it is spreading among school children, but they aren't in the group to be vaccinated.

The CDC has contradictory info on their own website about how long people are contagious. No wonder it is spreading so fast! They clearly say you are contagious for 5 days after the ONSET of symptoms (longer for children), but then say you can go back to work or school after 24 hours fever free. What if your fever goes away on the 2nd day? So you are contagious for 2 or more days at work or school?

Will someone please make up their mind? I think they just have no idea and are trying to do anything to make it stop. And that scares me.
I'm allergic to eggs, one of the substances in the culture they use to grow the flu vaccine.

The worst case of the flu I ever endured was after my one (and only) flu shot. I was sick within an hour of the injection, and by the next day had to be hospitalized. I thought I was going to die- it was that bad.

Just thinking about it, all these years later, makes me nauseous and achy. Ugh.
I voted no, it does no good.

To expand on that, not only do I believe it does no good, I think the whole reason that the viruses and other illness are evolving so fast and becoming so deadly are that we have very little natural immunity. We are so obsessed with never getting sick that now when we do, we can't fight the illness and it kills us.
I don't get flu shots of any type, nor do I get the pneumonia shot , nor do I allow my kids to get the chicken pox shot.
Necessary vaccinations only.
The only exception that I am considering is my younger son, but his lungs have been through so much, that they have warned us that one more major respiratory episode in the next few years could be too much for him. So, depending on what his doc says next week, he might get the vaccine.
I added one more to the choices. YES, IF me Dr can convince me it's necessary... She knows my condition and has treated me for years. I'm really leery of it but if she is adamant that it's important knowing my background and my health history, then yes, I would have it.
I didn't vote yet. I'm not sure what I will do. I think I will get it but in the past, when I have gotten the flu shot, it has made me a bit sick for a few days. It does cause an immune system response when a vaccine is introduced into the body. Many mothers or pet owners can tell you that due to observing their child or animal becoming feverish or listless after a vaccination. Also, I was raised by a very naturalistic mother who believed in limiting the introduction of foreign susbtances into the body when possible.
However, I have asthma and I know a great deal about H1N1 and that tips me towards getting the shot.
H1N1 is a unique, highly mutuable flu, formerly known as Spanish Influenza, even though it likely originated in the U.S. It has not really been around for a long time and there are few people left with any immunity to it. In the early 1900's, around WWI, is when it erupted. So far, it has been the deadliest plague in history, killing more people in 24 weeks than AIDS has killed in 24 years, and more people in a year than the Black Plague killed in a century. It destroyed a generation, killing approx. 100 million people.
H1N1 started as a regular flu, albeit a pretty severe one. It was sickening young, healthy people and hit them hard, so that was somewhat unusal. This occured in the Spring. But, by late fall, it had travelled around the world and came back highly mutated. When it came back to the U.S., it came back as a disease unrecognizable as the flu. People turned compeltely black and bled from their mouths, ears, eyes and other orifices. Unable to get air and in great pain, their organs shut down quickly and they died a horribly, painful death. So many people were affected that there were not enough people to care for them or places to bury them or people to carry away the dead. Sick families languished in their homes sharing beds with corpses. It was a disease unprecedented and nothing could be done about it.
Doctors know how easily and quickly this flu can mutate and that's why the CDC, etc., seems freaked about it. They know what can happen so even though it looks somewhat like regular flu strains so far, they are on alert.
Obama's designation of H1N1 as an epidemic is, however, nothing more than a specific deignation that allows certain things to happen such as, I believe, the release of stockpiles of vaccines, masks, medicines and allows better tracking of the disease's progession.
When the flu first broke out in Mexico recently, it was killing people in their 20's, much like it did in the early 1900's. It then seemed to progress more like a normal flu and a few months ago I heard that it had killed less people in 2009 than other flues this year. Now, however, it appears to have spiked and I think the last I heard is that it has now surpassed all other flues this year as far as death rate is concerned.
Vaccines have been scientifically proven to work. That's why polio, small pox, etc, have all but disappeared and these were gruesome, frightening diseases.
But I also believe people should not blindly trust the medical establishment. Questions should be asked. For example, although studies have not shown a connection between autism and vaccines, I think the observations of mothers show a clear link. But, my opinion is that it is not the susbtances alone in any one vaccine that may trigger such a condition, but rather, mulitple, excessive assualts on a young immune system reacting to multiple vaccinations in a short time period. Vaccinations do cause an immunse system response, period. That's the whole point of them. That's how they work.
By the way, this vaccine contains thimeserol which is a form of mercury and which many parents felt caused autism. I don't believe that one shot of a vaccine containing traces of mercury can cause autism but I think the key is to become informed and weigh the risks individually. Just don't wait too long. This is a very fast moving and easily mutable disease that can explode into something uncontrollable in a matter of weeks or days. I am leaning towards getting it if it is available through my doctor. I've just been kind of tracking it, not wanting the shot if it looks like the disease is going to behave like other flues but wanting it if it looks more severe. I certainly don't want to die if it can be avoided by a shot.
Okay, I voted using Lookylu's choice of "if my doctor convinces me". I'll ask her about the risks and how the flu is progressing. Watching recent videos of kids too weak and sick from this flu that they could not walk, and this AFTER they had recovered anough to be released from the hospital, scared me. I also saw footage of one of the kids with breathing tubes taped to his mouth and a swollen, blue-black mouth. freaky. I suppose that can happen with any flu, though. I don't want to get sucked into media scare tactics. We'll see what my doctor says.
I can't vote because I just want to vote : NO.

There should be a simple Yes or No choice.
Noor: You can just add a write-in category of "no" and vote that way.
Gitana, I have a question since you seem to be very knowledgeable about this.

If the virus mutates, as feared, will the vaccine still protect you? I have been told by various medical providers that it won't, that it might, and that they don't know. Another case of no straight answers. :banghead:

What do you think/know about the vaccine and mutation?
Thank you Tricia.....It was me that suggested it. It's been awhile and with all you got going on, I can understand you forgetting. Again, Thanks a bunch!!! :)
Gitana, I have a question since you seem to be very knowledgeable about this.

If the virus mutates, as feared, will the vaccine still protect you? I have been told by various medical providers that it won't, that it might, and that they don't know. Another case of no straight answers. :banghead:

What do you think/know about the vaccine and mutation?

It is supposed to protect you against it because the virus does not mutate into a totally different virus. It's the same, just more potent. I think, however, that the nasal vaccine is not as effective and is not therefore indicated for people with asthma, COPD, etc. The nasal vaccine might not be strong enough to protect against a mutated virus but I don't know for sure!
The analogy I think regarding the mutation is like cancer cells. They can remain quiet but when they start replicating fast, it's hard to stop them. But, the cancer is the same kind, it just can spread and affect more organs. I think with H1N1, it mutuates into a more destructive form but its basic viral components are the same. That's why this virus is still called H1N1. It is the exact same disease as the Spanish Influenza of 1918.
I am not a medical doctor. I am coming to conclusions based on what I have read about the disease in a book about this plague, from CDC reports and the news. I would ask your doctor if possible.
Dang, I did some quick research and it looks like there is debate and no certainty as to whether what you get now, will be effective later, if it mutates. So, angelmom, it looks like there is no consensus yet. One report I read stated that every year flu shots are given that might be the same virus as the year before but they give it each year because if it mutates, it could be different. Now I really don't know what to do!
Dang, I did some quick research and it looks like there is debate and no certianity as to whther what you get now, will be effective later, if it mutates. So, angelmom, it looks like there is no consensus yet. One report I read stated that every year flue shots are given that might be the same virus as the year before but they give it each year beacuse if it mutates, it could be different. Now I really don't know what to do!

Thanks wasn't enough!

I appreciate it. This is exactly what is so frustrating to me. I feel like this has all been rush-rush and no one really knows the right answers. I don't want to end up with some terrible side effect (and maybe get the flu anyway!) just b/c of panic.
I can't b/c I'm allergic. If I could & my doctor recommended it, I would. Someone at work has the swine flu & I'm a bit nervous. Ok, really nervous. Almost everyone there has been sick within the last 6 weeks or so, except me & perhaps 2-3 others. I don't know what they had but I'm worried the strain has hit more than once already and I'm next on its hit-list!
My son has Cystic Fibrosis and his doctors are urging me to get him vaccinated. As of today, we're still unable to find someplace that has any here.

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