NY - Howard Harris for rape of 3yo girl, Rochester, 2003

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Aug 13, 2003
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Father sentenced for part in girl's rape

A 3½-year-old Rochester girl was home alone, baby sitting her newborn sister, when her father came home with three men.

As her father repeatedly told his friends, “C'mon, c'mon, she won't die,” the three men took turns raping her.

The girl — now 10 — watched Friday as her father, Howard Harris, 52, was ordered to prison for 37½ to 75 years as an accomplice to rape.

Although Harris maintained his innocence, Monroe County Court Judge Richard A. Keenan said the crime was one of the worst he had seen as a prosecutor and judge.

“I can only imagine what she was thinking when you allowed her to be violated,” Keenan said. “I can't imagine any parent who would allow this to happen to his child. It's unthinkable.”

Keenan handed Harris the maximum sentence, which Assistant District Attorney Cara M. Briggs said Harris richly deserved.

“What the defendant did to this child is vile and he deserves no mercy,” Briggs said.

The gang rape occurred in January 1998 shortly after the girl's mother gave birth to another daughter and left the girl home alone to care for the newborn, Briggs said.

But authorities had no inkling of what happened until several weeks later, when child protective caseworkers removed the children from their home and the girl was discovered to have a horrific case of gonorrhea.

An investigation was stymied because the girl didn't speak specifically of the rape and was too young to be sworn as a witness, Briggs said. But in 2003, when investigators questioned the girl about allegations that a sibling had been abused, she volunteered what had happened to her in 1998.

Although the girl couldn't identify the men who had raped her, she gave enough credible evidence of her father's involvement for Harris to be charged with three counts of first-degree rape as an accomplice. A jury convicted him of the charges April 22.

“Without him, it wouldn't have happened,” Briggs said. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/news/0710404S61H_news.shtml
deputylinda said:
cass...can i take him out back and shoot him? i am sickened.
No, we need you out there finding more 'fathers' like this... but I understand how you would like to :sick:
Ya know my initial reply was going to be that I would take him out back and shoot him while Linda finds other scum like him...
But on second thought I think its more appropriate to let his sorry A$$ rot in jail while some big man named Bubba uses and shares him as his **tch
Maybe justice will be served and he'll gets aids while being violated.
I wonder what took so long for this to get to court?... the little girl is 10 now and then there is the whole other issure of the Mom :slap: who left a 3 1/2 year old to look after a newborn:confused:

You should have to pass a test to have kids, have a license issued or something.
AMRAANN! i always thought you were so sweet!!! yes...the rest of his sorry life won't be pleasant...and a bullet is too good for him. you know, there are times i have to STRONGLY remind myself that all humans have a soul. but i am convinced some souls are totally corrupted and evil. i also wondered about the so-called mother here.
I don't even have words to describe what I'd like to do to all 4 of them. Thank the Lord above, that I so strongly believe in a severe afterlife justice, they'd WISH they'd NEVER have died.
I also think this SOB should be tortured severly by Bubba and the rest of the inmates in the prison.

What in the world was this baby doing at home alone with a newborn???? I think the Mother should be procecuted as well. Any info on that?
:sick: :sick: This just makes me ill, I want to string the SOB up and beat the living crap out of him..!! :loser: My god where was the mother, why was a 3 1/2 year old babysitting a newborn anyway..!! :razz:

:behindbar I hope he get what is coming to him in jail..!! :behindbar
Hey - maybe the people with the "watch me rot" cam would put one in his prison cell. It could be reality tv - "Bubba, Me & a Broomstick."
“C'mon, c'mon, he won't die,” That's what they can say when Bubba and the gang brutalize this piece of in prison. When they're too tired, they can whip out the plungers and brooms.

There is a very, very special place in hell for scum like this.
Oh linda... I am no no no not ever sweet..
I am a full blown B***
and proud of it.
Being sweet never got me anywhere...
But in this instance ... I am out of character sweet...
Is it not sweet to hope that poor life-in-prison Bubba have his fun time??

In the mean time a greater justice be served?
IMO this is the sweetest thought I can have about this situation linda.

My only regret is that he is 52 and Bubba may not find him pretty and just kill him.
At Worst he will be 80-something before he sees the light of day.
There should just be special prisons for people like this...
On the one hand you have the big mean A$$ perverts and on the other scum like this...
and all in regular population....
And guards who just turn their back as needed and maybe have daughters of their own and give the big mean a$$ guys cigs when needed.
I would be ok if my tax dollars pay for that.
Oh and many many extra brooms
because prison should be clean.

ANd maybe this view is not sweet and not nice... but neither is thinking of some poor defensless 3 year old who's father watches and encourages friends to rape her.
And BTW WTF kind of men are they?
Not in jail???
They gang raped a 3 year old and still walk the streets?
When Bubba does his thing I hope he does it til;l that *advertiser censored* gives up a few names....

And where was this childs mother????
Hopefully, this event will not scar this child for life. That she will be able to rise above this horrific event.

If the father was in the house, with friends... how was it that the mother left the infant in the care of the 3.5 year old daughter? Was the father NOT living in the house at the time?

Sadly, these cases are all too common. In trying to find something to be grateful for, regarding this brutal crime, I'm grateful that this child wasn't old enough to conceive...
Y'all........I just gotta say (again) that wishing & imagining torture and horror on other humans, even humans accused of committing torture and horror themselves, is not a healthy mindset. The reason we have strict laws about limitations on punishment (and only after legal conviction) is all too apparent when reading some of your posts.
LovelyPigeon said:
Y'all........I just gotta say (again) that wishing & imagining torture and horror on other humans, even humans accused of committing torture and horror themselves, is not a healthy mindset. The reason we have strict laws about limitations on punishment (and only after legal conviction) is all too apparent when reading some of your posts.

I think it is very healthy to "wish" that this monster suffer the same torture that he inflicted upon his own innocent defenseless child. Why does he deserve protection under the law when he didn't protect his own daughter? Defending the murderers, child abusers, and rapists of this world appears to me to be "unhealthy".
That made me physically ill. Even using the word "babysitting" for a three year old and an newborn is insane. "Left alone" is a better choice of words!

Seven years is an awfully long wait for this child to see some justice.

Hell is too good a place for some people.
all FOUR MEN and ONE WOMAN are too low to be called human. I don't even know a word low enough to call them. I hope the poor kid is recovering and getting the help she needs. you know even in the animal world, rape of a child does not occur.
A 3 1/2 year old was left alone to babysit a newborn? A 3 1/2 YEAR OLD WAS LEFT ALONE TO BABYSIT A NEWBORN?!?!?!?!?

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