NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #8

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what about the 15 minute car ride JB and SG took. 15 min. in OB do not get you far . Is it possible he went to a local drug connection in OB and then returned? Is it possible the SG was running and ended up at that house?

There are no stores on this barrier island other than the concession stands at the beaches and a bait and tackle shop at Captree State Park. You need to drive the four miles to the mainland. Doing 70mph or more, it is possible to leave OB, go to the mainland to the CVS and back in about 20 to 25 minutes.
WRT Shannan at GC's house, I am positive (okay, almost positive ;) ... will try to find it) that GC said she was on her cell when she arrived at his door.

Blanket "Thank You" to all who are working so hard on these cases. :tyou:

I thought so too. It might have been the article that talked about him waking up early for the car show and the knock on the door at about 5:00 am. If he was right and both the phone record time and his clocks are roughly in sync, a 23 minute call that started at 4:51 would make you think she was on the phone when he saw her.

His account is chilling.

It was about 5 a.m. when Coletti, 75, says he heard a knock on the door of his home on the barrier island hamlet of Oak Beach, New York.

After the woman dashed away from his house, Coletti says, she hid under his boat, elevated and parked on his lawn, as an SUV drove up. Coletti says he walked up to the vehicle and questioned the driver, whom he described a slim Asian man weighing about 150 pounds.

"I went down, and I stopped him, and I said, 'Where do you think you're going?' " recalled Coletti.

The man said he was searching for the woman because she had left a party upset, and he was trying to find her to bring her back to the house, according to Coletti.

"I says, 'I already called the police. Stay right here.' He says, 'Oh, you shouldn't have done that. She's going to be into a lot of trouble.' I says, 'So are you,' " Coletti recalled.

Gilbert dashed from the boat and ran around the corner toward the beach, Coletti said. The driver then pursued her.

Police arrived about 45 minutes later, and Coletti directed them to the road to the beach.

I have wondered if Shannan may have been hired for the drifter and not for JB.

This is the same thing I have thought since I first heard that JB owns many properties.
The interview with SG's sister has a lot of good info IMO. She says that when Shannan ran to another neighbor's house, and a woman answered, Shannan had her phone in her hand and it looked like she was texting, but she was actually still on the phone with 911.
Did SG not know she was still on the phone with 911?
Was she on the phone with 911 AND texting someone at the same time? Some phones do that.

It was said that JB and SG took a 15 minute ride in his SUV but stayed in Oak Beach? I believe this could have been a ride to get drugs and they wouldn't have had to leave Oak Beach for that. But is there an ATM in Oak Beach? Maybe they drove to get cash to pay for her appointment/tip? Anyone know if there is an ATM in that Oak Beach Community?

MP is so suspicious to me. So is JB. And so is CPH. But one thing that stuck out to me is why did MP say to GC "Oh you shouldn't have done that" when GC told him he had called the police? I thought he knew SG was already on the phone with 911?

Can any locals offer us any insight into Captree Boatmans Assoc.? From the website, I gather they do commercial fishing and boat tours, but do they also rent slips (or whatever they're called) to private boat owners? What is the area like around there? Where do the men who work on the commercial fishing boats live? Are they local or out of towners? I'll take any and all information anyone has to offer. TIA
I didn't know what goathairjones was referring to in a previous thread when they wondered if the truck could belong to a pigeon racer. I now see that GC is president of a pigeon fanciers club. Googling indicates that burlap is frequently used to trap or transport pigeons (and other birds i suppose), and sometimes to line the coop. I wonder if GC has a pigeon coop on his property.
I didn't know what goathairjones was referring to in a previous thread when they wondered if the truck could belong to a pigeon racer. I now see that GC is president of a pigeon fanciers club. Googling indicates that burlap is frequently used to trap or transport pigeons (and other birds i suppose), and sometimes to line the coop. I wonder if GC has a pigeon coop on his property.


It does appear that GC has a really nice pigeon coop on his property. You can see it in the top left corner of his property on this map:

http://www.bing.com/maps/?v=2&cp=qs...re1=Oak Beach, NY&q=oak beach, ny&form=LMLTCC

Pigeon racing is very popular on Long Island. I think most of the people in this sport are older Italian-American men, age 55 and up. During the week, they bring their racer pigeons to a spot that is relatively far from their coop (say 50 miles) and release them. Then the drive home and time how long it takes the bird to get back into the coop. They keep track of which birds do well and they will usually race those birds on weekends.

My guess is that the person that owns that White Pickup truck is a pigeon racer who lives out east (say Manorville) and is just training or timing his birds.

LE should make an effort to find that truck and investigate the owner. It's not likely to be the SK because the picture was taken during the daylight and the dumps are probably happening at night. But you never know.
Can any locals offer us any insight into Captree Boatmans Assoc.? From the website, I gather they do commercial fishing and boat tours, but do they also rent slips (or whatever they're called) to private boat owners? What is the area like around there? Where do the men who work on the commercial fishing boats live? Are they local or out of towners? I'll take any and all information anyone has to offer. TIA

Mountain Kat,

My guess is that most Captree captains live on Long Island. Anywhere from Nassau County to Western Suffolk. It's not likely that they live any further east because if they did they would probably be fishing out of Montauk. I am sure that some also live in Queens and Brooklyn as well.

The crew members are usually local college kids. Mostly from Babylon, Islip, Huntington, etc. I don't guess that many are from Oak Beach or Gilgo.

The area is no different than the rest of the barrier island. Same landscape.
"Police say Gilbert even specifically named her attacker who was someone she knew."


"We all heard the last 911 call," said Gilbert's mother, Mari Gilbert. "[Shannan] was screaming the person's name [and saying], 'He is trying to kill me!' She was saying, 'Help me! Help me! Help me!' She was trying to escape. We know who it is."


Well this is interesting. The accounts really differ.

"She was basically running away, trying to leave, and it was her going 'get away from me, get away from me', running and knocking on neighbor's doors," said Sherre Gilberg, Shannon's sister.

"Screaming, 'help me, help me, he's trying to kill me," Mari Gilbert said.

Gilbert's family did not hear the 911 calls themselves, but say detectives told them about it and that Shannon, who was working as a prostitute, named her
attacker. The family says it was someone she knew.

This has become OT, but to finish the story and acknowledge your kind concern, my plan is to run to the bathroom again and call the manager who lives about 5 doors down in my apt complex. He has promised to sleep with his gun next to the bed, plus it turns out there are two police officers that live very close in the complex and are on alert.

Hi redbird
I had a very simliar situation 20 years ago, pre cell phone era. I can still vividly remember standing by my back door on the phone with 911 as someone was trying to kick in my front door at 2 a.m. They also did not catch him. I just wanted to say I hope you have resources to help you cope with this. Becuase he did not get in, some people might diminish the severe impact of what you went through. Please know it will get better with time and you will return to some kind of "normal." I am so very sorry this happened but remeber you did a great job of thinking, acting and getting yourself into that bathroom. You were brave and showed major courage.
Regarding a segment missing from the radio interview with the Gilberts. It would be removed for one reason only. The information was damaging and could not be verified. Verification would come if they( reporter, news station) actually had the tape/copy and heard it or LE confirmed it.
she didn't have the money to pay her driver.


she had been warned about screwing up and knew she was in trouble.


she had a complete paranoid break with reality ( which doesn't ring true because she had the where with all to call police ).

so here she is running around, hysterical...police arrive....???????

footprints in the sand.
wait a sec...okay

so Shannan even names her attacker...but after the police did something ( we don't know what ) ...they leave empty handed...

with this hysterical ghost woman and her named attaker who is trying to kill her...just running wild in the neighborhood banging on doors and falling down stairs....

what did they do???? go for donuts?

just sayin.
wait a sec...okay

so Shannan even names her attacker...but after the police did something ( we don't know what ) ...they leave empty handed...

with this hysterical ghost woman and her named attaker who is trying to kill her...just running wild in the neighborhood banging on doors and falling down stairs....

what did they do???? go for donuts?

just sayin.

But did she really name who killed/abducted her or who she was running from. We know she was running from both JB and MP so she may have named one of them even though they may have had nothing to do with her disappearance.

Who knows, she may have even named someone who police know was not in the area at the time.

Without knowing who she named it's hard to speculate why they didn't arrest anyone.
wait a sec...okay

so Shannan even names her attacker...but after the police did something ( we don't know what ) ...they leave empty handed...

with this hysterical ghost woman and her named attaker who is trying to kill her...just running wild in the neighborhood banging on doors and falling down stairs....

what did they do???? go for donuts?

just sayin.
Well, for one thing, LE didn't locate the 911 tapes for 1 1/2 months I think where she names the attacker. Also Shannan's family did everything they could to get LE to do something, to no avail until December when the 4 bodies were found. The family was going crazy. From May 1st till mid December was a long time to let the case just sit there.

Plus LE didn't even find Shannan's earring on the ground right outside JB's front door - the family did. LE did find her jacket and then somehow lost it.

I'd be having cows about then !
Well, for one thing, LE didn't locate the 911 tapes for 1 1/2 months I think where she names the attacker. Also Shannan's family did everything they could to get LE to do something, to no avail until December when the 4 bodies were found. The family was going crazy. From May 1st till mid December was a long time to let the case just sit there.

Plus LE didn't even find Shannan's earring on the ground right outside JB's front door - the family did. LE did find her jacket and then somehow lost it.

I'd be having cows about then !

What do you mean? Where did you read that?
What do you mean? Where did you read that?

It came from Shannan's family. Either: the Here Women Talk interview, the Nancy Grace interview or Shannan's Facebook page. I'm up real early with a painful sty in my eye so don't feel like going to pull it out right now. Until I get back a poster here will know where, maybe Twocuriouscats or Redbird.

I know I learned about that early April when I read what Sherre was saying. LE would never talk about how they messed up, eh? LOLOLOL IMO this case was very badly handled from the get go.

PS: I'm a bit grumpy cause of my eye ;}

ETA: It also could have been said by Shannan's mom as she did an interview too. So did Shannan's Aunt on Here Women Talk.
It came from Shannan's family. Either: the Here Women Talk interview, the Nancy Grace interview or Shannan's Facebook page. I'm up real early with a painful sty in my eye so don't feel like going to pull it out right now. Until I get back a poster here will know where, maybe Twocuriouscats or Redbird.

I know I learned about that early April when I read what Sherre was saying. LE would never talk about how they messed up, eh? LOLOLOL IMO this case was very badly handled from the get go.

PS: I'm a bit grumpy cause of my eye ;}

Well personally I don't find anything the family says very reliable. That's just my opinion of course.

Even if they did somehow "lose" the tapes would they really admit that to the family?

Everything nowadays is on computers. It's not like they have to go searching through a storage room for a tape.
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