PA PA - Ray Gricar, 59, Bellefonte, 15 April 2005 - #7

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Gee, Mini Cooper interiors are not THAT spacious!!! J/K.
No, seriously, I don't think Ray is gay. I do think he is a " metro" looking man though. Come to think of it, extremely intelligent men in professional positions of authority tend to look a lot like him as far as neatness, style of clothing, hair length..

Not you, but there were people suggesting it, along with being part of pedophilia ring. No evidence of either. :)

Yes, a Mini is surprisingly tall and roomy. Remember, RFG was 6'. He fit behind the wheel comfortably.
Kind of like what Lord Chat said--
I think something good is about to happen in this case.

I've never said this before because I've never felt it. I'm sorry I have been a bit silly but I am having difficulty with the genuine switch in moods I am feeling..
I do not mean any disrespect for Ray Gricar.

But then, I am so hopeful that he is alive and well. More than I've ever been before now. I won't be posting about him in the past tense any longer. That's not being hopeful.

I think something positive is about to be made public.
I've never felt this way about his case before now. Not in all these years.

I think you all rock it!!:rocker:

Not you, but there were people suggesting it, along with being part of pedophilia ring. No evidence of either. :)

Yes, a Mini is surprisingly tall and roomy. Remember, RFG was 6'. He fit behind the wheel comfortably.

Yes, Minis are probably the most surprising cars on the market, size wise, and in some models, power wise too. The new ex and I looked at a Mini as a work car alternative to his large BMW. We both love the parent company ( Bavarian Motor Works), and I've sat and rode in a few new Minis. Each of us is about Ray's height and ex weighs more. I weigh about 45 lbs less, ;).
But it's the leg room and the seat to dash ratio that really was done correctly with the Minis.
I doubt I will ever buy a car made by another company.

And when Ray is free to be, wherever he is in this world, he can order himself and his pretty young blonde lady either a new Mini OR the brand new BMW 1 series convertible, which is also seriously cute like the Mini but has a BMW ride.
Maybe Mrs. Butterworth is from Texas too? I would say Mrs. Butterworth sounds southern to me! :floorlaugh:

Mrs. Butterworth sounded so much like a made- up name to me. I'm sort of thinking " Gladys Kravitz" from Savannah. :)

Oh wow, reminds me of the big media diatribes against both " Aunt Jemima" and " Uncle Ben" a few years ago.
Unfortunately, those two names and iconic faces were definitely Old South stereotypical . I THINK things calmed down when Aunt Jemima got skinnier and younger....
Just because Ray was potentially seen with a blonde woman in his car, doesn't mean there was a romance. It also doesn't mean he is or is not gay. I'd be interested in knowing what LMW positioning in the car was. Were they leaning towards each other or away? Were they holding hands or were there maps and papers on their laps? What exactly did Butterworth see? As I stated in previous posts, I thought someone was smoking in his car and I also think Ray switched cars and went back to Bellefonte that day, so I too, would be interested in knowing when this Ms. Butterworth thinks she saw them. idk if we will ever really know the time because 6 years or so later, people's memories play tricks - even if she thinks she remembers it was after Penera's but before her afternoon croissant. :p

If it was "just an affair," I think Ray wouldn't have left his daughter and all his friends and just "disappeared." If it was "just an affair" Ray wouldn't have needed to DESTROY his hard drive to cover up his relationship with the mystery woman. He could have thrown it in the trash and Patty would have been none the wiser. There was something else going on that may or may not have included a relationship with this person, but it doesnt seem the "THE" reason for his disappearance. As far as the dark haired woman, she might have wore a wig or maybe it was another person who was also "helping" Ray.
Ok, I follow you. You make reference to Rockview State there something of interest of that, like someone just having been released ? Is this the connection to his Prison Board meeting on the morning of 4-14 ?

Well, I can tell you what the 3 or so most prevalent theories are on the Internet..
1) A man with the last name of Leathers killed him and a grave was dug on some chick's fishing cabin property. :banghead: I know a bit about BJ Leathers, and know that LE did consider the possibility early on, but the " empty grave meant for Ray" makes me seriously close to hurling. I'm gagging just typing it. That's why I don't go to other sites to post or read any longer.

2) He was killed by _____ and his body is up on some huge high rock in a quarry fairly close to Lewisburg. I guess a giant Phoenix flew the remains up to the " sheer rock cliff". :banghead:

3) The most common-- He was never IN Lewisburg. That's a carefully crafted and nurtured ruse. Perpetuated by very rich, very important men who live lives of incredible depravity and secrecy. Somehow associated with the Masonic order.. or PSU, or Hershey chocolate company. Take your pick. :banghead:

I'm telling you-- I spent hours last night reading elsewhere and the theories ( and foul moods) were so awful I didn't go to sleep until after dawn.
I'd caution anyone with brains and personal integrity not to seek out any other Internet forums on this case.. some of them are populated with cashews and almonds, if you KWIM.

And JJ da DA, we need and want you here, posting and doing your " observing". WS is the best. Not going into the cesspool of human malevolence elsewhere:slap:.
"We Are Family".
Just because Ray was potentially seen with a blonde woman in his car, doesn't mean there was a romance. It also doesn't mean he is or is not gay. I'd be interested in knowing what LMW positioning in the car was. Were they leaning towards each other or away? Were they holding hands or were there maps and papers on their laps? What exactly did Butterworth see? As I stated in previous posts, I thought someone was smoking in his car and I also think Ray switched cars and went back to Bellefonte that day, so I too, would be interested in knowing when this Ms. Butterworth thinks she saw them. idk if we will ever really know the time because 6 years or so later, people's memories play tricks - even if she thinks she remembers it was after Penera's but before her afternoon croissant. :p

If it was "just an affair," I think Ray wouldn't have left his daughter and all his friends and just "disappeared." If it was "just an affair" Ray wouldn't have needed to DESTROY his hard drive to cover up his relationship with the mystery woman. He could have thrown it in the trash and Patty would have been none the wiser. There was something else going on that may or may not have included a relationship with this person, but it doesnt seem the "THE" reason for his disappearance. As far as the dark haired woman, she might have wore a wig or maybe it was another person who was also "helping" Ray.

Well, since the blonde woman was said to be known to Ray by BB, I believe she is a good person, and does exist.
And if you have questions and doubts ( I mean- none of us know who she is or what she did or didn't do) then watch an upcoming episode of "Dateline" OR wait for the news to finally hit the MSM.

IF we knew " the" reason for Ray's disappearance, this topc would not exist. Obviously we do not know, and IMO, we do not have the right to know, if he did walk off, as I believe he did. I think that someone who goes to extraordinary measures to have a private life deserve to have it preserved ( in the absence of any hypothetical criminal behavior, of course.)

Well, I can tell you what the 3 or so most prevalent theories are on the Internet..
1) A man with the last name of Leathers killed him and a grave was dug on some chick's fishing cabin property. :banghead: I know a bit about BJ Leathers, and know that LE did consider the possibility early on, but the " empty grave meant for Ray" makes me seriously close to hurling. I'm gagging just typing it. That's why I don't go to other sites to post or read any longer.

Leathers was ruled out. The "grave" was a geology project.

2) He was killed by _____ and his body is up on some huge high rock in a quarry fairly close to Lewisburg. I guess a giant Phoenix flew the remains up to the " sheer rock cliff". :banghead:

Someone just might have spotted the vultures.

3) The most common-- He was never IN Lewisburg. That's a carefully crafted and nurtured ruse. Perpetuated by very rich, very important men who live lives of incredible depravity and secrecy. Somehow associated with the Masonic order.. or PSU, or Hershey chocolate company. Take your pick. :banghead:

I've had people suggesting the Illuminati, Bohemian Grove, and George H W Bush. ;)
Just because Ray was potentially seen with a blonde woman in his car, doesn't mean there was a romance. It also doesn't mean he is or is not gay. I'd be interested in knowing what LMW positioning in the car was. Were they leaning towards each other or away? Were they holding hands or were there maps and papers on their laps? What exactly did Butterworth see? As I stated in previous posts, I thought someone was smoking in his car and I also think Ray switched cars and went back to Bellefonte that day, so I too, would be interested in knowing when this Ms. Butterworth thinks she saw them. idk if we will ever really know the time because 6 years or so later, people's memories play tricks - even if she thinks she remembers it was after Penera's but before her afternoon croissant.

This may or may not have been RFG. As I recently pointed out, we do not have a time of the sighting and there were three other Mini Coopers in the area.

If it was "just an affair," I think Ray wouldn't have left his daughter and all his friends and just "disappeared." If it was "just an affair" Ray wouldn't have needed to DESTROY his hard drive to cover up his relationship with the mystery woman. He could have thrown it in the trash and Patty would have been none the wiser. There was something else going on that may or may not have included a relationship with this person, but it doesnt seem the "THE" reason for his disappearance. As far as the dark haired woman, she might have wore a wig or maybe it was another person who was also "helping" Ray.

Affairs can end badly, very badly. We do no that that there is no missing woman.

The tossing of the drive may or may not be related to his disappearance. We know RFG wanted to get rid of the data on the drive for a long time. He might have figured that, since he'd be in Lewisburg, it would be a good place to toss it. Had he returned and got a replacement drive, no one would have known who tossed it.
Any Blonde Big Hair types ? :wink:

I don't know. Yes, people on another sight actually keep track of my posts here. They seem to be getting all their news from here or from the blog.

I will have to do a blond blog now. [sarcasm]See what you made me do![/sarcasm] :)
I think BB said he didn't know the blond.

This from the full text :

Montour County District Attorney Robert Buehner Jr., a friend of Gricar’s, confirmed Tuesday night that police interviews with witnesses revealed the DA had been seen inside the Street of Shops with a blonde, whom Gricar appeared to know.
This from the full text :

Montour County District Attorney Robert Buehner Jr., a friend of Gricar’s, confirmed Tuesday night that police interviews with witnesses revealed the DA had been seen inside the Street of Shops with a blonde, whom Gricar appeared to know.

Same article:

Buehner, who was also interviewed this month about Gricar’s disappearance by Lester Holt of Dateline NBC, said he did not know who the blonde might be.

RFG, if it was him, probably did know her, since he was sitting in a car with her. BB didn't.
I don't know. Yes, people on another sight actually keep track of my posts here. They seem to be getting all their news from here or from the blog.

I will have to do a blond blog now. [sarcasm]See what you made me do![/sarcasm] :)

Yeah, I know what's up...been there to see it myself. It's a bit of fun to go 'There' and do the Lookie See. I may be a Newbie here, but I know my way around, and have picked up on lots. Do the Blonde Blog...good to see you laugh here, too !!! :crazy:
This from the full text :

Montour County District Attorney Robert Buehner Jr., a friend of Gricar’s, confirmed Tuesday night that police interviews with witnesses revealed the DA had been seen inside the Street of Shops with a blonde, whom Gricar appeared to know.

I'm really not sure if BB has it right. We only had one reported witness who saw RFG with the LMW, and she had dark hair.
The tossing of the drive may or may not be related to his disappearance. We know RFG wanted to get rid of the data on the drive for a long time. He might have figured that, since he'd be in Lewisburg, it would be a good place to toss it. Had he returned and got a replacement drive, no one would have known who tossed it.

Playing Dev's Adv. for a moment. Do you think a responsible person like Ray would throw electronic equipment into a river?
He's just polluted a river, he's probably just thrown a battery into the water which can't be great for the fish around the thing..Isn't that negligent behavior if it was not done on his way out of town?

And isn't littering in general one of those things you get fined for in PA? It is in TX. :) (Of course, Lady Bird Johnson had a lot of weird laws about littering and weeds passed in TX in the years before I was born. Might be different up North. :) )

I'd think that throwing something in the water just for convenience sake would fall into the littering X2 category. HD, then computer body. I don't think RG is a negligent person. Not even in the PSU case,now.
Same article:

Buehner, who was also interviewed this month about Gricar’s disappearance by Lester Holt of Dateline NBC, said he did not know who the blonde might be.

RFG, if it was him, probably did know her, since he was sitting in a car with her. BB didn't.

Whoops...I am slipping...I follow you now. I better nuke up a cup of Java here...brb !!!
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