SC - Sincere McCray, 17 mos, starved to death, Sumter, 2 March 2009


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"A 23-year-old Sumter woman whose 17-month-old boy died Monday from starvation collapsed during a Wednesday afternoon bond hearing at Sumter-Lee Regional Detention Center, sobbing uncontrollably before being led back to her cell."

Garbage, rats, feces etc inside home as these twins starved to death, one dead and one critical...and now she wants to pass out and holler she wants her babies...:furious:
:behindbar Disgusting!!!!!! How hard is to feed your own child? Lazy azz:furious:
Why was she screaming for her kids? Does she not know what she did? I suspect drugs were involved. Maybe now that she's been in jail she's clean and finally realizes what has happened?
Another article

Patterson, speaking with reporters about 5:30 p.m., was obviously shaken as she described the filth of the house and how small and frail the little boy was when police officers arrived.

"In my 30 years of being in law enforcement, this is probably one of the most horrific incidences I have witnessed," she said. "The size of the child, an 18-month-old -- there are some newborns who are larger than that child was."

ETA: the article also says they have three other children, ages 9, 6 and 4
WTF?! :furious:
Sobbing and crying and collapsing, but she couldn't feed her kids?
I hope they throw the book at her. :mad:
The police report. That child only weighed 4 lbs :eek:!

WTH! How could you not feed your child!!!!!!! What did the parents eat, what did the older children eat? Why didn't one of the older children give them food?

I am sick about this!! How long does it take to starve to death?

ETA: his twin sister weighed 9 lbs
Children are a precious gift! If these monsters could spend months not feeding an innocent child, then they had time to relinquish the child to someone who would love & care for them. It's not that hard. Caring birth mothers & fathers do it all the time. That's how I was blessed with my two daughters. To starve this baby was inhumane! I bet they ate everyday!
we had a similar case here in Australia,23739,23880925-952,00.html


Their mother later told police she had only ever fed the twins by bottle and changed them only occasionally.

When asked why they had died she allegedly told police, "I don't think I fed them enough".

Their father, a senior manager on a major city road project, claimed he had not seen or cared for the twins for six months despite living in the same house.

Lawyers for the man have argued there is not enough evidence to support a murder charge because he did not have responsibility for the childen's care.

Except these twins were DEAD in the front loungeroom for over a WEEK with other childrein the home

People disgust me bold and italic by me - so he didnt have responsiblity for the childrens care WTF and her - she fed them only a bottle and ONLY occasionaly changed them

I honestly feel sick when I read this stuff
This is a case that I would like to follow, TIA for any that will post updates as they happen.

Snipped from the article that bowler posted in post #1:

"The child weighed 8 pounds and 14 ounces at the time of death, she noted, and his twin sister now in stable but serious condition weighs 9 pounds and was also severely malnourished."

"“Both children were filthy and showed signs of skin breakdown in the diaper region,” Culick said, raising her voice as McCray continued to cry loudly. “As far as we can determine, the children have not been seen by a doctor since October of 2007.”
(Baby boy had a twin sister~my comment)

Charges are:

Marketta Sharnise McCray and her husband, Kevin DeWayne Isaac, 25, both of 132 Carolina Ave., were charged with homicide by child abuse or neglect and unlawful conduct toward a child on Tuesday after autopsy results showed Sincere Isaac died of starvation, while his twin sister, Treasure, recovers in a Columbia hospital.

I have a lot of questions about what happened to this child. Especially how two adults in the home could let not only let the home become so filthy (by descriptions) but to allow a set of twins to succumb to malnutrition. One is deceased and the other is in critical condition.
This is a case that I would like to follow, TIA for any that will post updates as they happen.

Snipped from the article that bowler posted in post #1:

"The child weighed 8 pounds and 14 ounces at the time of death, she noted, and his twin sister now in stable but serious condition weighs 9 pounds and was also severely malnourished."

"“Both children were filthy and showed signs of skin breakdown in the diaper region,” Culick said, raising her voice as McCray continued to cry loudly. “As far as we can determine, the children have not been seen by a doctor since October of 2007.”
(Baby boy had a twin sister~my comment)

Charges are:

Marketta Sharnise McCray and her husband, Kevin DeWayne Isaac, 25, both of 132 Carolina Ave., were charged with homicide by child abuse or neglect and unlawful conduct toward a child on Tuesday after autopsy results showed Sincere Isaac died of starvation, while his twin sister, Treasure, recovers in a Columbia hospital.

I have a lot of questions about what happened to this child. Especially how two adults in the home could let not only let the home become so filthy (by descriptions) but to allow a set of twins to succumb to malnutrition. One is deceased and the other is in critical condition.

Such a sad case. When we read stories like this, my first thought is substance abuse, mental illness, or a combination of both.
People like this just make me sick. They expect people for feel sorry for them after they do horrible things to thier children. IMO they deserve no mercy!!! I have to wonder where childrens services/ dfs was durring this time. Someone had to know about this.
Long time lurker, 1st time poster so forgive any mistakes

autopsy results showed Sincere Isaac died of starvation, while his twin sister, Treasure, recovers in a Columbia hospital.

Their names, how ironic. :(

Poor babies. What is wrong with parents anymore?
Welcome to posting Savmom. Don't go back to lurking, the more that post the merrier! :)
Children to stay with DSS AND
Grandmother says infant ‘blessed’ to live 18 months

An 18-month-old boy who died Monday was sickly from his premature birth, and his parents struggled to keep him alive even that long, said Marva McCray, who identified herself as the infant’s grandmother.

She asserted that the baby did not die of starvation, despite statements to the contrary by Sumter Police Chief Patty Patterson and Sumter County Coroner Harvin Bullock.

**amazingly sad** Grandma doesn't even get it? Coroner said bull dogs had it better than these babies.

...I know this stuff happens every minute of the day...and ohhh I hear it at work....i had to put an investigator on hold when he wouldn't stop telling me about a case (and I wasn't the person who was to hear about the details) and actually wretch in my trash can under my desk...

It baffles/disgusts and scares me that humans can treat children (or anyone) this way, at all...even if they dislike the responsibility...where is that "regulator" in their soul that realizes children are dependent, innocent souls who trusts their parents/adults completely? I dislike my cat, but he's still well-cared for and played what's their excuse with a HUMAN CHILD!?!?! =p

And the Grandma...heck, my Grandma gave my Mom the 3rd degree about me in every way - and I was EXTREMELY well cared for - My mom is "Belladonna" on here (i laughed my head off when she picked that hat....she likes to garden...explained what it woman who did it on her own (had some au pairs), a woman of great faith and love - all with with a successful career (and she learned how to be a great Mom without being mothered in a traditional way) it was okay to make mistakes...and I knew/know she will always be beside me (um except if something bad was going on - we've already talked about that after the C.A. horror - before I have my first child, I will have a legal document drawn up by my attorney detailing that if i *EVER* show signs of instability or neglect or anything weird, that my child be taken away from me immediately (and by my family's standards...doesn't need to meet CPS standards of abuse...if ANYTHING set off their hinky meeter...the kid comes first. Mom feels that way, too - throw me to the wolves and I'd happily go if it were in the interest of my child...and ANY sane mother would feel that way)

That G-Ma holds some responsibility, too. If she KNEW the child was malnourished and "not eating" she should have taken him to the ER, herself (if she could) or called authorities. SHAME ON HER, TOO!!! People need to stop turning their head when they see something that makes them uncomfortable..she's just as guilty for knowing and not doing anything, IMO. The grandma should have SMACKED her daughter and yanked those kids!!!! Where is the "village" anymore?!?!!

If they "kept trying" to feed Sincere, they would have succeeded, either themselves or with medical assistance. He could have been saved by a PIC line (nutrients directly into bloodstream). And if a child isn't eating/taking liquids, you call the DARN DOCTOR ON-CALL or take them to the ER!!!!! What in the heck is so hard about that!??! [ I've gotten calls from parents whose child is on a type of feeding tube...and somehow, they've run out of feeding tubes and the current one has broken - there's nothing for the doctor to do on the weekend (has no way of getting them one as an outpatient), and then the parent will refuse to bring the child in to the ER!!!] I want to SCREAM. That's the only way your child gets nutrition and you don't even have ONE spare!? ANNNND won't bring the kid in!??! I'd have 100 spares.

One time...a woman I spoke with said "she didn't like the hospitals around her" and was going to bring a child turning BLUE here!!! (2 hrs. away). She hung up before I could say ANYTHING. I had a fire under my butt after that call and had our team trace the call (which was very difficult with the number of calls coming into here...), get the number - trace that to an address - then find the car/plates, call the sheriff...luckily the Florida Highway Patrol found them and pulled them over...ambulance was right behind the cop. Don't know if the kid made it. That's the hard part about these want to follow-up...know how it all turned out...tell them you're still thinking about them...and you can't. =p

Whew. Sorry. Been working too much, I think =) I just see the underbelly in the system..and sometimes there are WONDERFUL people who call just because they are concerned about a child or situation...and then there are the people who (IMO) shouldn't be allowed to care for ANYONE, much less a child that is very ill. Breaks my heart.

McCray and Isaac, while not admitting criminal wrongdoing, conceded that DSS could present evidence in court to find that they physically abused and willfully or recklessly neglected the children, Nielsen said.

“They are not conceding their parental rights should be terminated,” Nielsen told McFaddin.

Hope I Updated This right :crazy:

McCray and Isaac, while not admitting criminal wrongdoing, conceded that DSS could present evidence in court to find that they physically abused and willfully or recklessly neglected the children, Nielsen said.

“They are not conceding their parental rights should be terminated,” Nielsen told McFaddin.

Hope I Updated This right :crazy:

Thank you so much for posting this update, bowler. I am so happy to hear that the sister made it and is getting healthier.

This story breaks my heart.
I hope grandma doesn't get those kids either. SHe does not deserve them anymore than those parents did. She KNEW what was going on and was to stupid to admit it to herself. Instead she turned a blind eye and let that poor baby die!!!! Makes me freaking sick to my stomach.

Dear Lord, please bless the four surviving children. Let little Treasure make a full recovery and allow her to have the loving family she deserves. - Amen
I hope grandma doesn't get those kids either. SHe does not deserve them anymore than those parents did. She KNEW what was going on and was to stupid to admit it to herself. Instead she turned a blind eye and let that poor baby die!!!! Makes me freaking sick to my stomach.

Dear Lord, please bless the four surviving children. Let little Treasure make a full recovery and allow her to have the loving family she deserves. - Amen

I just joined you in your prayer, teon.....Amen

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