Stranger moves into family’s home while they are away — visiting dying relative


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Jan 26, 2004
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A family from Springfield, Ohio, returned home from visiting a dying relative only to find a stranger had moved into their home and changed the locks.

Even worse for the family, who wish to remain anonymous, the intruder may have the law on his side.

The new "owner" of the house is Robert Carr. He pounced when the family went to see their ill relative. Not only did he change the locks, he also emptied the house and produced court documents to show he was the owner, reported The Blaze website.

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What the ........?????

That is insane. :eek:hwow:
A family from Springfield, Ohio, returned home from visiting a dying relative only to find a stranger had moved into their home and changed the locks.

Even worse for the family, who wish to remain anonymous, the intruder may have the law on his side.

The new "owner" of the house is Robert Carr. He pounced when the family went to see their ill relative. Not only did he change the locks, he also emptied the house and produced court documents to show he was the owner, reported The Blaze website.

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Don't know why the family isn't fighting this man. How can Carr take the house as an 'abandoned' home if the family was living there? If Carr gets away with this theft beware if you own vacant land or are away from home for any period of time!

Reminds me of the judge in colorado who sucessfully sued to take about one third of his neighbor's small lot. Judge's lot didn't have good access to backyard from the front yard, so the judge and his wife used part of the lot as their own. And even though the rightful owner and his wife paid taxes on the lot and planned to build on it someday, they lost a huge portion of the lot to the judge who IMO legally stole it.
The judge and his wife didn't pay for the land or pay taxes...yet ended up with the 'access' area of the neighbor's lot.
This is absolutely crazy! It sounds like this guy, Robert Carr, has a group of people out scouting for these houses to swoop in and take
Don't know why the family isn't fighting this man. How can Carr take the house as an 'abandoned' home if the family was living there? If Carr gets away with this theft beware if you own vacant land or are away from home for any period of time!

Reminds me of the judge in colorado who sucessfully sued to take about one third of his neighbor's small lot. Judge's lot didn't have good access to backyard from the front yard, so the judge and his wife used part of the lot as their own. And even though the rightful owner and his wife paid taxes on the lot and planned to build on it someday, they lost a huge portion of the lot to the judge who IMO legally stole it.
The judge and his wife didn't pay for the land or pay taxes...yet ended up with the 'access' area of the neighbor's lot.

They are fighting. Was the house really empty though like the guy says? Where is their furniture? :waitasec:

The family have now begun legal action. Their attorney said it had been a stressful time for them.

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It seems all those publications are failing to report on the Posse Comitas and the 'sovereign citizen' aspect or possibility to the whole thing. Sometimes, history repeats itself, sort of.

- Homes are taken by Carr who is a 'sovereign citizen', who believes he can pick and choose which laws to obey, particularly tax and property laws
According to the OP link, HE emptied the house. There is also a video at the link where the owner says he came through a window. The reporter says Carr was charged one time with B&E but returned the papers, writing 'not accepted.' She also interviewed the an FBI agent about it.

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Yeah where is all the family's stuff? Throw away? Sold? Given away? In storage?

I'd like to know Carr's 'team of people' are. Appears the 'team' is extremely efficient in changing the locks and emptying the house, but extremely stupid in determining if a property is really abandoned.
It seems all those publications are failing to report on the Posse Comitas and the 'sovereign citizen' aspect or possibility to the whole thing. Sometimes, history repeats itself, sort of.

- Homes are taken by Carr who is a 'sovereign citizen', who believes he can pick and choose which laws to obey, particularly tax and property laws

He can pick and choose which laws to obey? Can this family declare itself 'sovereign citizens' and take their home back?

Carr is using 'sovereign citizen' aspect only to line his pockets at the expense of others. He is low and slimy....he belongs on Wall Street.
"The antigovernment movement has grown in recent years and is rooted in the anti-Semitic, anti-black and anti-tax Posse Comitatus movement of the 1970s and 1980s.

Most recent recruits to the sovereign citizens movement found themselves in desperate situations, often due to the economy or foreclosure, and are drawn to the idea of easy money or living free of legal consequences.

Sovereign citizens are becoming well-known by the courts for filing astronomical liens against banks, attorneys and government employees.

While these are usually unsuccessful, they can be expensive to fight and take a long time to resolve.

The FBI has been informed about the case but won't comment on the specifics."
What a wierdo.

He should try this stunt in Texas and see what happens.

he's got quite the little smirk

he's filed this same paperwork 11 other times!!!

the article says the family is foreclosing so I wonder if that means it looked abandoned inside? (not that it matters to me - he's an opportunistic nightmare IMO)
Article from The Nevada Observer, July 2009

Sovereign Citizen -- Friend Or Foe?
Some See Anarchism, Others Dangerous Movement

by Johnny Gunn

Federal law enforcement agencies recently released what they considered a list of potential home grown terrorist groups, most of which were right wing organizations, some radical, others rather plain Jane. One of those groups is known collectively as the sovereign citizen movement. The name is rarely capitalized and appears to be loosely organized.

The sovereign citizen movement is believed to be an off shoot or continuation of the Posse Comitatus of the 1960s. Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City federal court building bomber is believed to be associated with sovereign citizen as is his partner, Terry Nichols. The organization is solidly against the concept of representative democracy, doesn’t believe in a central government in any form, and many of its members are known for their extreme conservatism, to the point of anarchism." Transfer Folder 090701/sovereign_citizen.htm
This is a good article, lots of history. Includes what they have done in Texas. Lots of info on their paper terrorism tactics as well as their more violent tactics.

"The filing of frivolous lawsuits and liens against public officials, law enforcement officers and private citizens, on the other hand, has remained a favorite harassing strategy. These paper "attacks" intimidate their targets and have the beneficial side effect of clogging up a court system that sovereign citizens believe is illegitimate. Frivolous liens became such a problem in the 1990s that a majority of states were forced to pass new laws to make filing them illegal, their removal easier, or both. Today, eager sovereign citizens can use the Internet to download a variety of boilerplate forms and documents to wield against the government. More adventurous types can matriculate at "schools" such as the Erwin Rommel School of Law; additionally, a number of activists, ranging from David Wynn Miller to The Aware Group, hold seminars around the country to teach people -- for a price -- about the latest tactics and weapons."

"Sovereign citizens also widely use fictitious financial instruments such as phony money orders, sight drafts and comptrollers' warrants. Believing paper money to be invalid, the movement easily justifies the creation of entirely new forms of "money." From "Public Office Money Certificates" in the early 1980s to the money orders and warrants of the 1990s, this has been a particularly popular tactic because it potentially allows the sovereign citizen to get something for nothing whenever a government agency, bank, business or private citizen mistakenly accepts one of the bogus instruments. Groups like the Montana Freemen, Family Farm Preservation and the Republic of Texas put out billions of dollars (face value) of such instruments before finally being shut down."

Prominent Groups and Individuals: A Rogue's Gallery

(These are just two I pulled out for my own personal reasons. Alot of 'Redemption' going on there in Greenville, and I have gotten the distinct impression that a large number of the more vocal government servants in Texas would just as soon form their own country.)

"The Aware Group. A Greenville, South Carolina, sovereign citizen group led by John Howard Alexander that is active in marketing "common law" trusts and Redemption over the Internet and at seminars across the country."


"Republic of Texas. The original “Republic of Texas,” formed in late 1995, soon split into several competing factions, which later re-unified in 2002. Daniel Miller, the leader of one of the factions, is the “President” of this sovereign citizen group, which pretends that Texas is an independent country."

A long and very informative article.
Don't know why the family isn't fighting this man. How can Carr take the house as an 'abandoned' home if the family was living there? If Carr gets away with this theft beware if you own vacant land or are away from home for any period of time!

Reminds me of the judge in colorado who sucessfully sued to take about one third of his neighbor's small lot. Judge's lot didn't have good access to backyard from the front yard, so the judge and his wife used part of the lot as their own. And even though the rightful owner and his wife paid taxes on the lot and planned to build on it someday, they lost a huge portion of the lot to the judge who IMO legally stole it.
The judge and his wife didn't pay for the land or pay taxes...yet ended up with the 'access' area of the neighbor's lot.

Usually, adverse possession laws like the one you describe require that a person pay the taxes on the portion of the property they are claiming. The judge is a nut:

Settlement (with video):

A new law was passed there t6o prevent a case like that from happening again.

Look at what this criminal nut did when they tried to charge him for stealing another house.

What a complete waste of taxpayers money and the courts time this waste of human space is.

Note the judge ordered a psych eval. of the guy. He does seem crazy. But that's has GOT to enrage his anti-government self!
I would love to know status on that case.

he's got quite the little smirk

he's filed this same paperwork 11 other times!!!

the article says the family is foreclosing so I wonder if that means it looked abandoned inside? (not that it matters to me - he's an opportunistic nightmare IMO)

I think so. He said they look for homes that are empty. But what if you were renovating or moving? Let's say someone's mother died, the house is now theirs, so they have an estate sale or remove the contents so they can sell the home. This guy has a right to take over the house? Nutty.
"The antigovernment movement has grown in recent years and is rooted in the anti-Semitic, anti-black and anti-tax Posse Comitatus movement of the 1970s and 1980s.

Most recent recruits to the sovereign citizens movement found themselves in desperate situations, often due to the economy or foreclosure, and are drawn to the idea of easy money or living free of legal consequences.

Sovereign citizens are becoming well-known by the courts for filing astronomical liens against banks, attorneys and government employees.

While these are usually unsuccessful, they can be expensive to fight and take a long time to resolve.

The FBI has been informed about the case but won't comment on the specifics."

Well, I don't think Carr is anti-black. He's black himself.

I looked up the status of the case against him. Looks like there's a jury trial set for March of next year:

Finally, if someone did this to me, I'd wait for them to leave, break back in, and then sit there with a rifle when they tried to return.
This isn't the first time I've heard of this happening -- a long while ago now I was watching a tv report on a family who'd had much the same thing happen, and they (with kids) were basically homeless after going on a vacation.

It's clearly a scam some people use and profit by - and the more who get away with it, the more cases of it there will be. It needs to be stamped out, and quickly!

I will try to find the other case, if I can..

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