Size 12-14 Bloomies "modelled"

Great presentation, Jayelles.

Speaking of presentation, IMO that's all the big bloomies were - a superficial effect, appropriateness not important... just like dressing a 6-year-old as a Vegas showgirl.
Jayelles said:
Images can be found here:-

Please go and see them for yourselves and post comments here.
Fantastic, creative and very illustrative work, Jayelles!

No one can convince me that JB would have decided to wear panties that big to the Whites' party. No way.

I'm a kindergarten teacher and we keep a supply of kids' underwear in a closet in case they have 'accidents'. And not once in the many years I have been working in my job has one of my kindergartners ever agreed to put on underwear which was too big for him/her. Not once. Often I use to grab some panties, hand it to them that they try them on, but whenever the panties happen to be dangling down, they do not want to wear them. The more assertive kids usually flat-out say so, and the shyer ones look down unhappily at those dangling pants, and after I ask them if these feel right, shake their heads, and we look for another, better fitting pair.

Just speculating: could those oversized size 12 panties have been bought for JB to wear over her bulging pull-up diapers, and Patsy's allegation that they were meant as a present for her cousin Jenny was just another lie?
Jmpo, but I find it strange that a multimillionaire's wife would have chosen for her niece's Christmas present something as 'mundane' as underwear (even if they were bought at Bloomingdale's).
rashomon said:
Just speculating: could those oversized size 12 panties have been bought for JB to wear over her bulging pull-up diapers, and Patsy's allegation that they were meant as a present for her cousin Jenny was just another lie?
Jmpo, but I find it strange that a multimillionaire's wife would have chosen for her niece's Christmas present something as 'mundane' as underwear (even if the were bought at Bloomingdale's).
Jayelles, fantastic job, maybe that link could be made a sticky!

Rashomon, they don't make pullups in the U.S. in size 6's unless you are talking about the Good Nights Brand for bedwetting.

Excellent post, thanks for all your hard work. They say seeing is believing, and there is really no way to suggest they might just be a little larger, but not much, or even that JonBenet would want to wear big girls underwear, these are so large fitting no way would JonBenet select these to wear.

Great visual, Jayelles. Makes it seem even more that someone knowing nothing of little girls' underwear would have redressed her in these large panties.
You are lengendary going to so much trouble.
I always thought the size 12 14 would have not so much fit as not be so baggy.
I see now.
Nehemiah said:
Great visual, Jayelles. Makes it seem even more that someone knowing nothing of little girls' underwear would have redressed her in these large panties.
The person doing the redressing may very well be aware of that the underware was way to large, the whole purpose was to deceive.
To make it look like someone redressed her who was unaware of little girls clothing habits.

BTW, great work Jayelles, two thumbs up.
No way would a little girl wear that. They would be falling down and if pants were worn, the waist would be hanging out of the pants. Especially after she used the bathroom and pulled her pants back up. She would also have bunched up cloth in her pants that would be noticeable and very uncomfortable.

The model was a good idea.
Becba said:
No way would a little girl wear that. They would be falling down and if pants were worn, the waist would be hanging out of the pants. Especially after she used the bathroom and pulled her pants back up. She would also have bunched up cloth in her pants that would be noticeable and very uncomfortable.

The model was a good idea.
If the velvet jeans had a fly zip and button it would be difficult to do them up over the too large panties.
Thanks for your time and effort on this project Jayelles.
You are all very welcome. I enjoy practical experiments. I hadn't a clue what the results of this were going to be. I just made up my mind that since my daughter was now the same size as Jonbenet was when she died, that I would seize the opportunity to see for myself what the size 12-14 Bloomies would have looked like. Ramsey supporters have long claimed that there wasn't much difference in size between the 4-6 and 12/14 but no-one provided photographic evidence of this.

I think this IS important. As Nehemiah says, it totally smacks of someone who didn't know her - someone who wasn't familiar with underwear sizes or who would have questioned the size. Someone who might have fetched the knickers from her drawer and put them on assuming that they must be OK purely because they were in her drawer or room.

THAT could have been strong evidence FOR an intruder.

However, we have the bugaboo - Patsy's interviews. In her interviews, Patsy admits to knowing about JonBenet wearing the larger sized knickers. She said that Jonbenet opened the packet herself and because of that, they "took the decision" to just "use" them.

THAT makes no sense to me. I would have expected Patsy to be horrified that Jonbenet wearing massive knickers that didn't fit. Perhaps even embarassed. Patsy paid hundreds of dollars to have JonBenet's pageant clothes custom made - why on earth would she let her wear underwear that was miles too big and be in danger of just falling down around her ankles?

This is indeed a puzzle and one which Ramsey supporters are clearly keen to avoid addressing.

Last night a thread appeared at jameson's forum referring to my model experiment. In that thread, I was attacked, my experiment was attacked, the whole thing was dismissed as unnecessary - a suggestion was made to simply accept the Ramsey's "innocent explanation". Then a plea was made to get rid of the thread altogether. It was apparently removed rather quickly and another thread appeared in its place. In this thread, jameson made one rather vague reference to my experiment stating that I was from the "other side" and then the thread diverted to a discussion about bed-wetting.

The size 12/14 Bloomies are evidence. The killer handled them. There is forensics on them. They were miles too big - didn't fit at all.

Why on earth do the ramsey supporters want to ignore that?
THAT could have been strong evidence FOR an intruder.

IMO, that was the whole idea about the size 12. To make it look like that way.

It was apparently removed rather quickly and another thread appeared in its place. In this thread, jameson made one rather vague reference to my experiment stating that I was from the "other side" and then the thread diverted to a discussion about bed-wetting.

I feel sad for them. Living with a blindfold makes life hard.
I think I now understand what some posters are suggesting:-

1) That JonBenet was wearing her size 4-6 Wednesday knickers when she was murdered and that

2) The perp or stager knew that he/she had left forensics on them and so

3) The size 12/14 Wednesday knickers were removed from their package and put on JonBenet's body

Two questions remains:-

1) Were the 4-6 Wednesday knickers found?
2) What happened to the remainder of the 12/14 package of knickers?
Nehemiah said:
Great visual, Jayelles. Makes it seem even more that someone knowing nothing of little girls' underwear would have redressed her in these large panties.
Or someone knew very much about little girl's underwear and didn't care about the size.

I don't think it is etched in stone that what was done to JonBenet was done to be observed by police.
Jayelles said:
I think I now understand what some posters are suggesting:-

1) That JonBenet was wearing her size 4-6 Wednesday knickers when she was murdered and that

2) The perp or stager knew that he/she had left forensics on them and so

3) The size 12/14 Wednesday knickers were removed from their package and put on JonBenet's body

Two questions remains:-

1) Were the 4-6 Wednesday knickers found?
2) What happened to the remainder of the 12/14 package of knickers?


For JonBenet to be discovered dead wearing underwear purchased for her older cousin, as a gift, makes the size discrepency a question worth asking.

Recognizing that some elements in the wine-cellar may be staging is one thing, demonstrating it is another, your experiment goes a long way to showing how ludicrous a claim it is that JonBenet chose the size-12's herself.

The pair of size-6's allegedly worn when she was killed are missing.

The remainder of the pack of size-12's were handed in to the BPD at a much later date, was it years? by Ramsey PI's. This naturally witheld evidence.

What Patsy states regarding the packet of size-12's already being opened is not only after the fact, but is contradicted by no size-12's being discovered in JonBenet's panty drawer in the bathroom, they are itemized on the search warrants, on an earlier thread myself and BlueCrab analysed this.

Remember in the interviews Patsy states she placed the remainder of the size-12's into JonBenet's panty drawer in the bathroom, yet not only were none discovered. The Ramsey PI's rolled up later claiming look what we found, a pack of size-12's!

All this is before you discuss the importance of a Wednesday pair to her whomever redressed her.

UKGuy said:
Recognizing that some elements in the wine-cellar may be staging is one thing, demonstrating it is another, your experiment goes a long way to showing how ludicrous a claim it is that JonBenet chose the size-12's herself.

I can introduce another aspect of the ludicrousness to this scenario.

JonBenet was generous. She gave things away. She shared her cupcake with other children rather than see them go without.

Why would JonBenet, of all people, take a Christmas gift away from her cousin, especially when she supposedly had her own version of the same gift?
why_nutt said:
I can introduce another aspect of the ludicrousness to this scenario.

JonBenet was generous. She gave things away. She shared her cupcake with other children rather than see them go without.

Why would JonBenet, of all people, take a Christmas gift away from her cousin, especially when she supposedly had her own version of the same gift?


Thanks for that, those size-12's make you really question what was going on?

why_nutt said:
Why would JonBenet, of all people, take a Christmas gift away from her cousin, especially when she supposedly had her own version of the same gift?

I always had the impression that this was an accident. Maybe the packet of size-12s was placed in JB's room or drawer by the housekeeper who didn't notice the size and then JB opened them thinking they were for her. Something like that. Once the packet was opened, PR decided to just keep them for JB to grow into.
Cypros said:
I always had the impression that this was an accident. Maybe the packet of size-12s was placed in JB's room or drawer by the housekeeper who didn't notice the size and then JB opened them thinking they were for her. Something like that. Once the packet was opened, PR decided to just keep them for JB to grow into.

I tend to think Linda Hoffmann-Pugh had nothing to do with the underwear, mostly because her job was not to change the aesthetics of the house and the choices of where the Ramseys put their possessions. Linda's job was to make the house sanitary. If a clean bag of newly-purchased underwear were sitting on the kitchen table, for example, it was her job to pick up the package, clean the table surface, and put the package back where it was, because it is supposed to be her employer's decision as to where that package needs to be. For that matter, if, as you propose, the housekeeper might have put the package in JonBenet's room, why would that be a likely decision for Linda to make, when the equally viable option exists to put them in Patsy's bedroom because, from Linda's perspective, the underwear could just as likely belong to Patsy?
why_nutt said:
I tend to think Linda Hoffmann-Pugh had nothing to do with the underwear, mostly because her job was not to change the aesthetics of the house and the choices of where the Ramseys put their possessions. Linda's job was to make the house sanitary. If a clean bag of newly-purchased underwear were sitting on the kitchen table, for example, it was her job to pick up the package, clean the table surface, and put the package back where it was, because it is supposed to be her employer's decision as to where that package needs to be. For that matter, if, as you propose, the housekeeper might have put the package in JonBenet's room, why would that be a likely decision for Linda to make, when the equally viable option exists to put them in Patsy's bedroom because, from Linda's perspective, the underwear could just as likely belong to Patsy?

It didn't have to have been the housekeeper. It could have been anyone. Also, it is possible that JB saw them in a bag or on a counter somewhere and took them to her room because she assumed they were hers. There are many possible scenarios and I just offered the housekeeper and one.

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