Assuming Karr's Confession Holds Up, What Was His Intent?


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Aug 21, 2003
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Given what we know and assuming Karr's confession holds up, how would you look at intent? That is, if Karr went there to kidnap her would he have written the ransom note ahead of time? Or was Jon Benet meant to be Karr's Christmas present to himself whereby he intended to use her strictly for sex?
"That is, if Karr went there to kidnap her would he have written the ransom note ahead of time? Or was Jon Benet meant to be Karr's Christmas present to himself whereby he intended to use her strictly for sex?"

You just highlighted a problem, Wudge. Remember: according to CASKU, pedophiles don't write notes. If he had planned to kidnap her, it would make more sense to have a typed note, not hand-write one and risk getting caught all the more!
I believe that the intruder (Karr or not) wrote the ransom note before hand. (While in the house that night before they came home) Evidence shows that the note was written on a pad of paper in the house.

Reason IMO as most of us know it does not apply to these types of people.

Just because some analysis says that pedophiles do not write notes means little.
10 years ago people presumed that our children were safe in our homes.

Pedophiles did not abduct children from their bedrooms.
Wudge said:
Given what we know and assuming Karr's confession holds up, how would you look at intent? That is, if Karr went there to kidnap her would he have written the ransom note ahead of time? Or was Jon Benet meant to be Karr's Christmas present to himself whereby he intended to use her strictly for sex?
Maybe he had no plan. Perhaps that is why the whole thing is such a mess and makes no sense.
We know he was in love with her, maybe he just had to see her for Christmas. Egads, with a mind like that anything goes.
Only questions:

Why would a kidnapper kill the person whose safe return he intended to earn himself money?

Why would he kill them before he got them somewhere and got the money or was refused the money?

IF he would kill them because they acted out of line before getting them out of the house, why not just get the heck out of the house before he could be busted?

Why would a guy obsessed, in love, with a little girl "kidnap" her, not just keep her for himself? (so why a note?)

Why would a guy obsessed, in love, with a little girl kill her and then brutalize her body?

Why would a guy scope a place out, know a plan, then "handwrite" a note when he was computer literate and probably had access to computers or a typewriter? If he had time to access the house to write the note, did he not have access to a computer and printer in the house?

Why ask for only 118,000 when in 1996, it was obvious that there was so much more to be gained in this particular kidnapping? Why not ask for a half mil?

There are so many more questions.

Wrinkles said:
Only questions:

Why would a kidnapper kill the person whose safe return he intended to earn himself money?

Why would he kill them before he got them somewhere and got the money or was refused the money?

IF he would kill them because they acted out of line before getting them out of the house, why not just get the heck out of the house before he could be busted?

Why would a guy obsessed, in love, with a little girl "kidnap" her, not just keep her for himself? (so why a note?)

Why would a guy obsessed, in love, with a little girl kill her and then brutalize her body?

Why would a guy scope a place out, know a plan, then "handwrite" a note when he was computer literate and probably had access to computers or a typewriter? If he had time to access the house to write the note, did he not have access to a computer and printer in the house?

Why ask for only 118,000 when in 1996, it was obvious that there was so much more to be gained in this particular kidnapping? Why not ask for a half mil?

There are so many more questions.


A death not intended would answer some of your thoughtful wrinkles.
SuperDave said:
"That is, if Karr went there to kidnap her would he have written the ransom note ahead of time? Or was Jon Benet meant to be Karr's Christmas present to himself whereby he intended to use her strictly for sex?"

You just highlighted a problem, Wudge. Remember: according to CASKU, pedophiles don't write notes. If he had planned to kidnap her, it would make more sense to have a typed note, not hand-write one and risk getting caught all the more!

I tend to think like you here. The note could well have been written after her death, perhaps moreso in the hopes that it might deflect attention than anything else.
It seems that getting out of the house after an unintended death would deflect attention the most immediately and reasonably. Even for the unreasonable person, it seems that packing the child's body in a nearby suitcase, box or ... (to make it a real hunt to find her in the first place) would prove a quicker use of a deflector. Add a singular line of "Stay tuned for the ransom note" stuck on the refrigerator door - seems like what a person with a real kidnapping motive might do.

The pieces just don't fit...

Wrinkles said:
It seems that getting out of the house after an unintended death would deflect attention the most immediately and reasonably. Even for the unreasonable person, it seems that packing the child's body in a nearby suitcase, box or ... (to make it a real hunt to find her in the first place) would prove a quicker use of a deflector. Add a singular line of "Stay tuned for the ransom note" stuck on the refrigerator door - seems like what a person with a real kidnapping motive might do.

The pieces just don't fit...


I agree that I would think a flee-to-survive instinct might well take over upon an unintended death. Of course, if Karr turns out to be a total fruitcake, their minds can operate from "much differently" to "totally nonsensically" versus non fruitcakes.

I am sure his attorney will have one or more psychiatrists assess his mental facilities.
The ex wife said that Karr was very controlling. Maybe, if he did it, he lost control when things didn't go according to what he had planned and hit JonBenet over the head or had that sadistic control and death of a child in mind from the beginning.
One of the schools he taught at also said he was fired because he was too strict. Maybe he just lost his temper. You can love someone and still be psycho and controlling and abusive. How many parents who have physically abused their children say they loved their children so much. They are just sick and don't think with a rational mind.
I think he wanted to posess her, which is why the paintbrush was used instead of the normal way of having intimate sexual contact with her. The use of a Garotte, all the marks on her body, they all said she was under his control. No marks showing she fought back. She couldn''t.

Once he realized she was beyond bring back to normal, I think he reached over and grabbed something like the flashlight to finish the job. If she had ever come to, even for a second, she could have named him. And Dr Baden said definatively the Garotte came first and then the head blow.

Then it was over and he covered her up, left and was probably on a plane for Atlanta first thing in the morning. The killing wasn't in the plan I think.
But his use of the Garotte was undeniably pulled tighter than he thought.

Why do you think he had the same ribbon or flat white rope around her one hand, over her sweater? Do you think at one point her hands were tied together? An awful thought I know.

Wrinkles said:
Only questions:

Why would a guy obsessed, in love, with a little girl "kidnap" her, not just keep her for himself? (so why a note?)

Why would a guy obsessed, in love, with a little girl kill her and then brutalize her body?


Well, according to his assumption that he and Jonbenet were "in love" with one another, maybe there was a "lover's spat" in which she did not want to go with him, and he became violent upon realizing that his "lover" did not feel the same way about him.

Just the fact that he claimed that they were supposedly "in love" with each other opens up all sorts of possibilities of twisted thinking on his part. He is apparently a nutcase in the worst kind of way, so it's really impossible for a normal person to understand the twists and turns that may take place in his reasoning.
I think he planned on both - kidnapping her for ransom, as well as molesting her. He wrote the note (possibly beforehand), took her and drugged her (I think chloroform, or roofies - maybe in pineapple?), and started molesting her in the basement, as part of the thrill for him - but got too rough, or used too much of the drug, and she died. So he just left.

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