GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #5

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I agree, FigTree, it seemed a bit 'light'.

The prisoners clearly bent over backwards not to say anything that could upset the prison officials. They went on a bit much about the harmony in the prison and everyone getting along. It was barely a year ago that they had massive riots in the Indonesian men's side and had to ship a bunch of prisoners to other prisons.

I don't know if the prison had the final say on what the producers could air. I don't recall drugs being mentioned, but TS was clearly stoned out of his mind.

Kamille, you mention all the open space on the insanely crowded men's side. It's interesting that the Bali Nine guys are actually in what looks like an old guard tower, not regular cells.

Pure speculation, but I'm wondering if TS spent all his money on drugs, couldn't pay his cell rent, and got unruly when they 'evicted' him for non-payment, leaving him to stay with the poor Indonesians that can't afford a private cell. He could move back in when his next installment of money came in.

I think the hand shaking with the prisoners from the guard was not only unnecessary, but didn't add anything to the story.
Looking over the video a few times now, I think the whole segment was purposely orchestrated for an ulterior agenda.
I have a feeling that someof this relates to trying to get reduced sentences and the possibility of early release secured for the life sentences of the Bali Nine.
Schapelle Corby's return to Australia didn't incite the media frenzy which warranted another look at Kerobokan - especially when they were focusing on the mens side of the prison, mainly the 2 Australian prisoners.
We wait and see what news surfaces about their sentences being reviewed.

I'm not sure that in the episode that TS was stoned - I cant see any evidence to support it - the clip of him was so short, his eyes closed, motionless,, there was no verbal cues and his behaviour said nothing either way to me to think that. Sorry, but I cant make an opinion on his drug habits from that clip.
This is not to say that that he was or wasn't, but if the stats be close to correct, most of those filmed were stoned.



Thanks for the article Possumheart!
Read more:

EXCLUSIVE: 'Body In A Suitcase' killer Heather Mack rarely sees her two-year-old daughter as she parties in prison with her lesbian lover and
uses money meant for child support to buy crystal meth

In an exclusive interview with, Sheila's brother - Heather's uncle - William Wiese, said it was like Mack was 'dancing on Sheila's grave.'
Now the family firmly believe that the US federal authorities are determined that Mack and Schaefer will face trial on their return to the US, as it's clear they lied in the Indonesian
trial and there is no double jeopardy with Indonesia.

Other prisoners - including Stella's father, Schaefer - have been shocked that she rarely sees her daughter Stella, who was taken away from her in March because she
wasn't allowed to live in the prison after her second birthday.

'I don't understand how any country could allow a baby to grow up in prison,' says Wiese. Also, any loving mother would not want her baby to grow up in prison and would do
anything to get the baby out of prison. About a year and half ago, the trust had a guardian for Stella appointed by the Chicago court and he has done incredible work trying to
help and protect Stella.

'We had been trying to get Stella out of prison for over a year since many psychologists and psychiatrists that we spoke with were very concerned about her growing up in a
prison since the first few years of life are so critical for a baby's development, but Heather would not cooperate with us on that effort,' says a deflated Wiese, who's found every
path to finding amicable solutions blocked by party loving Mack.

Wiese adds: 'I am so thankful for the hard and diligent work of the FBI on this case. With all of the lies coming out of Indonesia, I never thought we would learn the truth of what
really happened leading up to the murder and the actual murder.
While the text messages that the FBI released in connection with the Bibbs case were very difficult and heart wrenching to read, those test messages were a window into the truth.

'According to the text messages, she was an active participant and the mastermind - she also tried to murder Sheila before Tommy arrived with a drug overdose.
I do not believe she hid in the bathroom, as she testified in her Indonesian trial. I thought I'd never find out the truth, but with the text messages, this is clear it was pre-meditated.

'It's been very difficult, we just miss our sister so much, she was taken so way before her time, there's such a void.'
Family vow: 'Heather will never get her hands on Sheila's money'
The long legal battle is due to reach its conclusion next month, but Mack is trying to delay court proceedings by demanding her fifth amendment - the right to remain silent
so as not to incriminate herself especially as there is a possible US prosecution hanging over her head.
Cook County Judge Neil Cohen will decide on July 28 whether this will be allowed.

A family source tells 'If the Judge determines that Heather waived her Fifth Amendment right, she would have to then answer the petition and if she fails to answer,
all of the Trust's allegations in the complaint and discovery would be deemed true.
The Trust would then likely file a motion asking the court to render a decision on the law since there are no remaining issues of fact to be determined a trial.'


JMO: If the article is accurate - and the basis of the article is an interview with the Weise family...

It is HM who has the drug problem - the power problem - and IS a problem.
It didn't take her long to show her true colours in regard to her daughter.
- and now she's not seeing her child.
If this be true, and it is a HM's decision to not see Stella, this is how narcissistic psychopaths think they can still hold the balance of power and show their strength
- they punish their children. This speaks volumes to me... in retrospect, it might be better that Stella has no contact at all with her mother at this time.

What I hope is that Stella is adapting and thriving well now that she has been removed from the shackles of her mother, chips, coca cola, damp cement floors, constant noise, drugs, and
influences which were unhealthy and destabilising.
I hope Stella never sees the inside of that prison again.

41 days to go before a decision is made on the Slayer.
I really hope the DM has some of this right.

If there's no double jeopardy for murder and HM and TS can both be tried when they come back, that is great news indeed.

I hope they are right about the 'slayer statute' - that if HM refuses to testify, it's over, she loses all legal rights to the trust.

I'm trying to be optimistic about Stella. Oshar seems flighty, but her little boys look OK and seem to be going to a good school. It's probably a good thing that Oshar wants to hire an almost full-time nanny. I imagine it might be challenging for Stella to adapt to a normal environment. A nanny will be completely focused on her, not distracted by other duties. I know that Oshar is probably funneling money to HM, but as long as there's enough left for Stella and Stella is being treated well, that's probably the best we can hope for now.
l hope they stop sending trust fund money to Indonesia. Stella's new guardian does not need it and she's likely funneling it to HM. OS apparently can afford to send her own children to private school and hire a full time, live in nanny for Stella so she doesn't have to deal with her. If she truly cares about Stella, she will have no problem continuing to pay a nanny to raise her. :rolleyes: Stop sending her the money that keeps her and Stella's ties with HM going and let's just see what happens.

Hang on to every penny, invest it, and give it to Stella when she turns 30, just like Sheila stipulated that she would have wanted.

Its why I agree with you Kamille, and I hope there is some conclusion for the Weise family over the distribution of the Funds soon.
SWM's family is in a heart-breaking situation.

If they cut off all funds, Oshar may or may not keep Stella. She might decide to just turn Stella over to an Indonesian foster family. There's also really no practical way to force her to account for the money she receives for Stella's care.

As it stands right now, I don't think HM will bring Stella back to the US when her term is over. She knows it's likely that she is going to be arrested and tried when she returns. KW would want to take Stella (and her inheritance), but I'm inclined to think that HM might prefer to see Stella fostered instead of with KW.

Something interesting in the article. I was sure that TS had a paternity test in Bali. Now the DM says that he can't try to take legal action against HM without new DNA tests, which HM won't go along with.
SWM's family is in a heart-breaking situation.

If they cut off all funds, Oshar may or may not keep Stella. She might decide to just turn Stella over to an Indonesian foster family. There's also really no practical way to force her to account for the money she receives for Stella's care.

As it stands right now, I don't think HM will bring Stella back to the US when her term is over. She knows it's likely that she is going to be arrested and tried when she returns. KW would want to take Stella (and her inheritance), but I'm inclined to think that HM might prefer to see Stella fostered instead of with KW.

Something interesting in the article. I was sure that TS had a paternity test in Bali. Now the DM says that he can't try to take legal action against HM without new DNA tests, which HM won't go along with.

Well here's the way I see it. Stella was supposed to have been deported back to the US when she turned 2 and was no longer able to stay in the prison with her foreign mother. Indonesia set a precedent by allowing her to stay in the country with an approved "guardian". The "guardian" has ties to the local political scene and appears to have lied about herself and her personal situation on the paperwork. It was a known fact over there that whomever is the "guardian" of Stella receives funding from the trust fund for her needs. For 2 years that "guardian" was HM and we know from TS what she was doing with that money...and I have every reason to believe him...and it had nothing to do with Stella's needs.

Now that Indonesia has set a precedent for Stella and basically incorporated a foreign child, who was wanted by her own grandmother in the US, into their foster system, they should be responsible for making sure that her "guardian" is taking care of her needs and providing her with funding if necessary. The trust fund should no longer be sending money, especially since it's all in limbo as to who the actual benefactor is going to ultimately be. The funds from that trust should be completely frozen until HM chooses to co-operate with the legal proceedings regarding it. If they had stipulated that all funds would be cut off once Stella was out of the prison and now a ward of the Indonesian foster system, right when HM indicated that she was going to turn Stella over to a guardian via that system, perhaps Stella wouldn't be in this situation.

I do feel incredibly sorry for WW and his siblings. Because technically, if they wanted to truly fight for Stella and her future they would have had to do much more than they did to ensure that she was not "sold" to someone to keep HM in cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. Because that's basically what has happened IMO. Would OS continue to funnel money to HM if Stella was in the US, all funding from the trust was cut off and she had no prospect of having Stella in her life when the real pay off happened?

Someone needed to get some attorneys over to Bali, hook up with the US Consulate and be on top of all of this. But it's a catch 22 because the Wiese family likely was not prepared to take Stella in themselves. Sending attorneys over to Bali to fight to put her in foster care in the US probably wouldn't have gone over well when they had a local person willing to take her in to her family. If KW was in a different financial and personal position, had seriously fought right from the beginning with the help of an attorney none of this would have happened IMO. She and her attorney probably would have been over in Bali working to bring her grandchild back to the US. I don't think a DNA test was ever done but they also could have gotten that accomplished as well. Then they could have competed with OS to see who could "grease the hands" of the authorities better. :rolleyes:

But the Wiese family was in a very difficult position. Put out a lot of their own money hiring attorneys to bring back the child of the woman who killed their sister, just to put her in the foster system in the US. I understand why they did not chose to do that but the appointed GAL, who was based in the US and never went to Bali to check out the situation but rather just had phone conversations with likely corrupt officials there, certainly didn't do anything to help check out the sketchy situation that Stella is now in. So now they feel an obligation to send money for Stella's needs. So in effect, Stella WAS sold. I wonder what would happen if OS just stopped visiting HM or funneling anything to her. Just cut her off and raised Stella away from the influence of her murderous mother. What would HM do to manipulate the situation in her favour once again?

Would be interesting to find out. And the first step might be to stop sending funds to OS.

I have sometimes thought that perhaps WW should have offered TS and HM $50K each to forfeit all parental rights. Bring Stella home, legally change her name, and put her up for adoption with a good family.

HM would never have allowed that. She'll be dogging Stella for the rest of Stella's life.

If WW cut the funds off (and I'm not sure Cohen would let him) and Oshar refused to take care of Stella without $$, I'm pretty sure HM would put Stella in Indonesian foster care. Apparently legally TS has no rights in Indonesia.

It wouldn't matter if WW flew over personally and offered Oshar $$ to hand over Stella. The Indonesian officials wouldn't let him or anyone else take Stella out of the country without parental authorization or complicated legal maneuvers - ie, a court order revoking HM's parental rights and granting them to WW or whoever.

eta: It occurred to me: Oshar and HM signed a lot of legal documents when Oshar took custody of Stella. It's quite possible that Oshar could legally take Stella out of the country, to the US, for example. If HM and Oshar ever have a falling out, Oshar could contact WW and ask for $$ to bring Stella to the states and hand her over.

It looks like some of the information in the DM article indirectly comes from TS - obviously he can't witness firsthand what HM gets up to in the women's section. I don't know if he's witnessed HM visiting Stella with Raphael or if he's just heard about it. I read that Oshar wouldn't let him see Stella, but I also read that he was refusing to see her because it was too painful. I think HM got in some trouble after the last scandalous DM article was published - she quit tweeting outrageous pictures to the world. I wonder if TS is hoping that by making the prison authorities look bad, they'll crack down on HM - maybe even ship her to another prison. It does not surprise me, however, that she supposedly has only seen Stella a couple times. I just couldn't see how Oshar, a working single mother of two who likes to socialize, was going to find the time in her schedule to regularly take Stella for visits.
The info from TS, about HM selling the food and supplies that were sent to the prison for Stella, for money for herself, came from TS in his "letter" that was published in the DM. So some of that info in the current article is regurgitated old info.

Chris White is a freelance journalist, based out of the UK it appears, who usually sells the stories of HM and TS to the DM online. I assume he has his own contacts in Kerobokan as he also sells articles about other prisoners there.

If OS was cut off of funding and refused to continue to watch over Stella (which I doubt would happen, she'd probably just stop funneling funds to HM or do nothing at all) I'd hope that the US consulate would do their jobs over there (aren't the US taxpayers paying for them to be over there to represent their citizen's interests?) and step in to have Stella returned to the US which is the only place she has citizenship.

I don't think Jakarta is going to be pulling out all the stops for HM, an imprisoned murderer, to retain her "parental rights" and allow her to keep a child in a country in which she does not hold citizenship (in the foster be paid for by their charities and taxpayers while also paying for her mother in prison) while consulate officials of United States are involved with officials at home in having her returned. If they had been doing their jobs in the first place, she probably would have been returned anyway. They should have been telling the GAL that the prison is no place for a child and that she needed to be sent back to the US. They should have been telling prison officials the same thing...strongly. But they are likely just as complacent when money is changing hands over there as the rest of the officials. And since there wasn't anyone from the US over there fighting for Stella's rights, it was easy for HM to make this "deal" with OS and local government officials.

I have sometimes thought that perhaps WW should have offered TS and HM $50K each to forfeit all parental rights. Bring Stella home, legally change her name, and put her up for adoption with a good family.

HM would never have allowed that. She'll be dogging Stella for the rest of Stella's life.

If WW cut the funds off (and I'm not sure Cohen would let him) and Oshar refused to take care of Stella without $$, I'm pretty sure HM would put Stella in Indonesian foster care. Apparently legally TS has no rights in Indonesia.

It wouldn't matter if WW flew over personally and offered Oshar $$ to hand over Stella. The Indonesian officials wouldn't let him or anyone else take Stella out of the country without parental authorization or complicated legal maneuvers - ie, a court order revoking HM's parental rights and granting them to WW or whoever.

eta: It occurred to me: Oshar and HM signed a lot of legal documents when Oshar took custody of Stella. It's quite possible that Oshar could legally take Stella out of the country, to the US, for example. If HM and Oshar ever have a falling out, Oshar could contact WW and ask for $$ to bring Stella to the states and hand her over.

It looks like some of the information in the DM article indirectly comes from TS - obviously he can't witness firsthand what HM gets up to in the women's section. I don't know if he's witnessed HM visiting Stella with Raphael or if he's just heard about it. I read that Oshar wouldn't let him see Stella, but I also read that he was refusing to see her because it was too painful. I think HM got in some trouble after the last scandalous DM article was published - she quit tweeting outrageous pictures to the world. I wonder if TS is hoping that by making the prison authorities look bad, they'll crack down on HM - maybe even ship her to another prison. It does not surprise me, however, that she supposedly has only seen Stella a couple times. I just couldn't see how Oshar, a working single mother of two who likes to socialize, was going to find the time in her schedule to regularly take Stella for visits.

The article says that the Weise family tried to get Stella out of prison, and tried to get her back to the USA, but HM would not co-operate.
'I don't understand how any country could allow a baby to grow up in prison,' says Wiese. Also, any loving mother would not want her baby to grow up in prison and would do
anything to get the baby out of prison. About a year and half ago, the trust had a guardian for Stella appointed by the Chicago court and he has done incredible work trying to
help and protect Stella.
'We had been trying to get Stella out of prison for over a year since many psychologists and psychiatrists that we spoke with were very concerned about her growing up in a
prison since the first few years of life are so critical for a baby's development, but Heather would not cooperate with us on that effort,' says a deflated Wiese, who's found every
path to finding amicable solutions blocked by party loving Mack.

It makes me think that the 11th hour try by TS's mother (Kia Walker) was another try to help Stella after HM had refused TS any visits with Stella, and that the Weise family attempt to help Stella had also failed. From very early in the case - after HM met Oshar, and her sentence was sorted out, HM (and her lawyers) must have been orchestrating Stella's isolation from her blood relatives.

Oshar has been instructed by HM in the terms of the agreement that TS has no visiting rights to Stella and so may not see him.

I hope that Stella (rep) sues her mother.
Here's a Schapelle Corby article that's really more of an article about the Indonesian translator who is frequently shown in court cases in Bali, including HM and TS. His name is Wayan Ana.

Here is what he had to say about TS (he said nothing about HM...I guess he was raised to believe that if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all)

And the job goes further than just interpreting. Like the case of American man Tommy Schaefer, convicted of killing his girlfriend’s mother in a five-star Bali resort and stuffing her body in a suitcase — the so-called suitcase killers.

Wayan felt like it was his son. As the young man sobbed in court, barely able to talk, Wayan touched his thigh. “Calm down, take your time,” Wayan urged.

But he is quick to point out that he only ever would touch the thigh of someone if it was a male. He would never dare touch a female defendant.
The article says that the Weise family tried to get Stella out of prison, and tried to get her back to the USA, but HM would not co-operate.

It makes me think that the 11th hour try by TS's mother (Kia Walker) was another try to help Stella after HM had refused TS any visits with Stella, and that the Weise family attempt to help Stella had also failed. From very early in the case - after HM met Oshar, and her sentence was sorted out, HM (and her lawyers) must have been orchestrating Stella's isolation from her blood relatives.

Oshar has been instructed by HM in the terms of the agreement that TS has no visiting rights to Stella and so may not see him.

I hope that Stella (rep) sues her mother.

Never once have I understood how HM has total parental control over Stella from prison, for a child that is not even a citizen of Indonesia. Why has HM been able to keep all her rights, while broke TS, the Wiese family, and the Walker family have none. And what about Stella's rights??? Letting a woman who helped murder HER OWN MOTHER should not have the only say in Stella's well being.

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The laws of Indonesia and the US were never written to cover complicated situations like this. The problem is further compounded because the US doesn't have an extradition treaty with Indonesia.

Unmarried fathers in Indonesia don't have the legal rights that they have in the US. US laws don't apply and can't be enforced in Indonesia. There also appears to be something going on with paternity, because I read that TS wants DNA tests to confirm that he is Stella's father but HM won't cooperate. If he can't legally establish he's the father, he can't even attempt to gain custody or have a say in court.

Occasionally we see similar heart-breaking situations with American women who have married men from Middle East countries. The husband can take the kids to the ME and refuse to bring them back and there is absolutely nothing the mother can do.

Australia and the UK have much closer ties to Indonesia than the US does, and they were powerless to stop the execution of Myu and Michael or to get Lindsey Sandiford's sentence commuted. The US is in an even weaker position regarding Stella.
Anyone else been following the escape of 4 foreign male prisoners from Kerobokan on Monday?

Two of them were found in a luxury resort in East Timor, 1100km away. How they managed to get there and where they got the luggage and money to check in is anyone's guess. LOL The other two are still on the lam. One is an Australian who only had 10 weeks to go on his sentence. Rumour has it that he did not want to be deported at the end of his sentence because he's facing a lengthy sentence in Australia for other charges. They sent another two prisoners down the escape tunnel that the escapees dug to see if they had gotten stuck in there and drowned because it was full of water. Because of the danger, there was no way they were sending prison guards! hahaha The whole story is actually quite comical to follow...well to me anyway. :giggle:

This article indicates that the escaped Australian was shown on the ABC documentary that just aired. He was boxing with Matthew Norman.

Some other interesting quotes from the article...

Authorities have vowed to arrest the men, but acknowledged they have no idea where their passports are.


Mr Pasaribu said Kerobokan prison had never received the men's passports.


The 10 guards who were on duty have also been questioned, but Mr Pasaribu said it remained unclear whether any of the officers had been involved.

"I've asked my staff and they said they had no idea the hole was there," he said.


Prisoners exited through ceiling, CCTV didn't capture escape
Mr Pasaribu confirmed the men had escaped their cells through the ceiling and some CCTV cameras were not working.

"We haven't recorded how many are broken," he said.


Under Indonesian law, if the prisoners are captured or choose to return, they will face no extra jail time.
This article indicates that the escaped Australian was shown on the ABC documentary that just aired. He was boxing with Matthew Norman.

Some other interesting quotes from the article...

I didn't even know about it - so thanks for the heads-up Kamille.

There would have been quite a few people who knew about that tunnel and helped in that escape, I'm sure ;)

Funny that this comes up because this would be one of the dumb things HM would attempt so she didn't have to go back to face charges in the US.
Okay here's another interesting article. It appears that prison officials, including the new head guy, Tonny Nainggolan, don't quite believe that the escaped Australian fugitive was actively posting on Facebook while a prisoner in Kerobokan. Seriously?!?! There are MANY prisoners posting to facebook a number of them, including HM, have guards as friends. No one believes that the prison "governor" is surprised at this at all. He probably is just angry at the exposure his prison is getting right now and is trying to deflect the obvious lack of authority anyone seems to have over the prison and the prisoners.

Could this possibly lead to a full investigation of the internet capabilities of the prisoners in there. And the fact that they ALL (or at least the women and male foreigners) seem to have cell phones with internet capability. Is there free wi fi that they can access? Will they finally put their foot down and actually confiscate the phones and not allow people to sell the prisoners new ones? Doubtful. :notgood:

With an in-depth report from an Australian TV crew broadcasted last week, showing unprecedented access to the Bali jail and now a major investigation underway following the escape of the four prisoners, more and more information about the goings on of the prison are coming to light.

For one, there had been talk that prisoners could get online, with some, like American Heather Mack of the Bali Suitcase Murder even updating Instagram and posting YouTube videos from within.

Now, a look at the Aussie fugitive’s Facebook profile seems to show he was very active online leading up to his jailbreak, with a number of statues, memes, and songs via streaming site Joox posted to his wall.

But Indonesian officials say they are investigating and don’t seem ready to admit that Davidson was active on social media while imprisoned.

News Corp Australia talked to Jail Governor Tonny Nainggolan, who said authorities are tracking the Facebook page to understand whether it was really updated from within the jail or if it someone outside positing for Davidson.

Shaun Davidson's facebook...

And TS is one of his friends.
I didn't even know about it - so thanks for the heads-up Kamille.

There would have been quite a few people who knew about that tunnel and helped in that escape, I'm sure ;)

Funny that this comes up because this would be one of the dumb things HM would attempt so she didn't have to go back to face charges in the US.

No way would HM even attempt to crawl through mud in an underground tunnel to get out. She's been out plenty of times. She could have taken off then if she wanted to. ;)

I think she's quite comfortable in Kerobokan while serving out her time. And we know she's probably working on a precedent setting decision to allow her to remain in Bali after her sentence is over. It will be based on "humanitarian" grounds so that she can raise her daughter. That is my prediction. :notgood:

Okay here's another interesting article. It appears that prison officials, including the new head guy, Tonny Nainggolan, don't quite believe that the escaped Australian fugitive was actively posting on Facebook while a prisoner in Kerobokan. Seriously?!?! There are MANY prisoners posting to facebook a number of them, including HM, have guards as friends. No one believes that the prison "governor" is surprised at this at all. He probably is just angry at the exposure his prison is getting right now and is trying to deflect the obvious lack of authority anyone seems to have over the prison and the prisoners.

Could this possibly lead to a full investigation of the internet capabilities of the prisoners in there. And the fact that they ALL (or at least the women and male foreigners) seem to have cell phones with internet capability. Is there free wi fi that they can access? Will they finally put their foot down and actually confiscate the phones and not allow people to sell the prisoners new ones? Doubtful. :notgood:

Shaun Davidson's facebook...

And TS is one of his friends.

Once again, great sleuthing, Kamille!

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No way would HM even attempt to crawl through mud in an underground tunnel to get out. She's been out plenty of times. She could have taken off then if she wanted to. ;)

I think she's quite comfortable in Kerobokan while serving out her time. And we know she's probably working on a precedent setting decision to allow her to remain in Bali after her sentence is over. It will be based on "humanitarian" grounds so that she can raise her daughter. That is my prediction. :notgood:


But with access to American funds the whole time, of course.

I seriously hope the attorneys take all the money. It is a detriment to Stella.

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