Guns N Roses Lyrics Cause Teacher To Lock Herself In Classroom

White Rain

Active Member
Jan 3, 2007
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ROXBURY, Conn. — Karaoke can be scary, but threatening?
A school custodian's impromptu after-hours karaoke performance prompted a police response when a teacher thought she was being threatened over the loudspeaker.
State police say the teacher at Booth Free School barricaded herself inside a classroom Wednesday when she mistook someone singing a Guns N' Roses song over the public address system for a threat.
She was working after hours and thought no one else was in the building. Then she heard someone say over the loudspeaker that she was going to die.
Six troopers and three police dogs showed up and found three teenagers, one of them a custodian at the school, who had been playing with the public address system.
Police say one of them sang "Welcome to the Jungle" into the microphone. The song contains the lyrics "You're in the jungle baby; you're gonna die."
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Please forgive me but I cracked up when I read this story. The visual is too funny. I went to youtube and listened to the song and the poor lady must have thought an invasion was taking place!
LOL, I can see how that might have scared her! How unusual for the custodian to have turned on the P.A. system while singing?!

Here's the lyrics:
Welcome to the jungle
We got fun 'n' games
We got everything you want
Honey we know the names
We are the people that can find
Whatever you may need
If you got the money honey
We got your disease

In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your shun na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,\knees, knees
I wanna watch you bleed

Welcome to the jungle
We take it day by day
If you want you're gonna bleed
But it's the price you pay
And you're a very sexy girl
Very hard to please
You can taste the bright lights
But you won't get there for free
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Feel my, my, my, my serpentine
I,I, wanna hear you scream

Welcome to the jungle
It gets worse here everyday
Ya learn ta live like an animal
In the jungle where we play
If you got a hunger for what you see
You'll take it eventually
You can have anything you want
But you better not take it from me

In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your shun na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,knees, knees
I wanna watch you bleed

And when you're high you never
Ever want to *advertiser censored* down, suck down, suck down, suck down YEAH!!!!!

You know where you are
You're in the jungle baby
You gonna die
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your shun,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,knees, knees
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Feel my, my, my, my serpentine
Jungle,in the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your shun,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,na,knees,knees
Down in the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your
It's gonna bring you down!
If he sounded anything like Axl Rose, it had to be scary!
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I had a good laugh when I read this. I am shore the poor thing was scared but that is just too funny!
ROXBURY, Conn. — Karaoke can be scary, but threatening?
A school custodian's impromptu after-hours karaoke performance prompted a police response when a teacher thought she was being threatened over the loudspeaker.
State police say the teacher at Booth Free School barricaded herself inside a classroom Wednesday when she mistook someone singing a Guns N' Roses song over the public address system for a threat.
She was working after hours and thought no one else was in the building. Then she heard someone say over the loudspeaker that she was going to die.
Six troopers and three police dogs showed up and found three teenagers, one of them a custodian at the school, who had been playing with the public address system.
Police say one of them sang "Welcome to the Jungle" into the microphone. The song contains the lyrics "You're in the jungle baby; you're gonna die."

OMG, that's too funny!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I used to love Guns N Roses back in the day. Apparently this teacher never heard the song before.
That poor lady lol.That custodian must have been wayyy off tune.
I liked GNR back in the day also :)

This reminds me of a story my MIL told me like 14 years ago.She wasn't sure how true it was.Friends told her that some of their friends went to Reno for a few days.Three of the friends, middle aged ladies, left their room and got on the elevator.Once on they noticed 2 large men and a smaller one.The elevator door closed and then they heard one of the guys say "Hit the floor!"Well the ladies went down scared to death.The 3 guys were just laughing very hard.The elevator stopped and the guys got off.The ladies were very relieved.Later on that evening they went to the hotel restaurant.While they were waiting on their food they noticed the 3 guys come in.The guys waved at the ladies and they got nervous and started wondering what they should do.The waitress came over with a bottle of champagne and a big bouquet of flowers with a card.The card said...

"Thanks for the laugh.I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!By the way we said "What floor?" Signed Eddie Murphy.

Lol Dunno if its true but if it is those poor ladies lol.
That poor lady lol.That custodian must have been wayyy off tune.
I liked GNR back in the day also :)

This reminds me of a story my MIL told me like 14 years ago.She wasn't sure how true it was.Friends told her that some of their friends went to Reno for a few days.Three of the friends, middle aged ladies, left their room and got on the elevator.Once on they noticed 2 large men and a smaller one.The elevator door closed and then they heard one of the guys say "Hit the floor!"Well the ladies went down scared to death.The 3 guys were just laughing very hard.The elevator stopped and the guys got off.The ladies were very relieved.Later on that evening they went to the hotel restaurant.While they were waiting on their food they noticed the 3 guys come in.The guys waved at the ladies and they got nervous and started wondering what they should do.The waitress came over with a bottle of champagne and a big bouquet of flowers with a card.The card said...

"Thanks for the laugh.I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!By the way we said "What floor?" Signed Eddie Murphy.

Lol Dunno if its true but if it is those poor ladies lol.

I loved GNR as well...he might be gross now, but during the time that they filmed the video "Sweet child of mine" Axl was hotter than anything out there. *drool*
I used to watch that video EVERY DAY before going to got me all riled up.....*shiver* woo-hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lmbo! that's funny...I feel bad for the lady because obviously she has never heard the song or the guy singing it was way off, but that is funny...maybe in a few years she will get a good laugh from it...can you imagine how embarrased the custodian must have been? I am sure he didn't realize she was there or he wouldn't have been over the loud
The teacher must lead a very sheltered life. Most people know the difference between being threatened and being sung too.:doh:
I can just picture her hiding in the class room:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
:crazy: :crazy: :dance: Thank you so much for posting this -- laughed so hard.

I feel guilty for enjoying this story because that poor woman was frightened, but ...:laugh:
:laugh: I have to say, I am still giggling over this story, although I feel a bit guilty. I am sure the lady feels a bit embarassed and the custodian will have a story to tell his grandkids !!!
This reminds me of a story my MIL told me like 14 years ago.She wasn't sure how true it was.Friends told her that some of their friends went to Reno for a few days.Three of the friends, middle aged ladies, left their room and got on the elevator.Once on they noticed 2 large men and a smaller one.The elevator door closed and then they heard one of the guys say "Hit the floor!"

That's a common urban legend :p
I wonder if they were playing the new video game Guitar Hero III, or had been playing it at home recently. It has "Welcome to the Jungle" on it. I'm surprised she didn't recognize the song - it's one of GnR's most popular! :D
I read this yesterday and giggled and now I'm giggling today. I've played this song in my classroom while getting it ready for a new year and "tearing down" for the summer. I would have been THRILLED if someone had put it on the PA system! (Of course, I have a desk-dancing habit already--sooo that probably would have put me over the top!)
The only thing they played over the loud-speaker in my school was classical music.
The drama teacher made fun of me the day Jam Master Jay was shot, 'cause I cried. He thought I was an opera/classical kind of gal. (Now, I do love both, but who says I can't have appreciation for all kinds of music?)

Thought is wasn't real :cool: Hehe

White Rain I also thought he was pretty hot in those days.Loved to watch him do his dance to Paradise City.*whew need to start fanning myself* Now though I see him and I am like what in the world happened to him :waitasec: Too bad he had to get so strange and weird on the rest of GNR to the point they will not even talk to him.I belive they could have been going strong still today.To bad Axel caught that Hollywood bug that some famous people get :(
Me thinks this teacher needs a can of Aqua Net and a teasing comb. How big was hair back then. I saved the cover of Rolling Stone circa July 1989 cause I loved Slash. Perhaps the young teacher knows of "Velvet Revolver".

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