DC DC - Robert Wone, 32, Washington DC, 2 Aug 2006


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Nov 10, 2004
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I saw this one over at CTV and it seemed like a good one for us!


Robert Wone, apparently straight, married lawyer in his 20s in D.C.
Worked late one night, and, as pre-planned, crashed at old college friend's townhouse instead of commuting to the 'burbs.
Friend is gay, and a prominent activist. Lives with his lover, a third man, and a woman, who occupies the basement apartment.
11:30PM friend calls police--said he heard labored breathing, and came down to find Wone stabbed in the guest room "by an intruder."
Police say Wone was dead for at least an hour, and discover that body had been moved, and area beneath it had been cleaned.
They predict a speedy arrest...but nearly a year later, the tenants lawyered up, refused to cooperate, and no one has been arrested.

One more thing; months later, the townhouse was broken into, and $7000 worth of electronics were stolen.
Police arrested a man who said he got the key from Price's brother (Price is Wone's college friend who lived in the house).
The article says that the burglar lives with another prominent gay-rights activist.
I really wish some of you would get interested in this case. It's amazing what happened to Robert. The report below basically reads like he was given a paralytic drug, raped and killed by his rich, powerful male "friends." He seems to be innocent of any wrongdoing. Not that it's OK to kill him if he was doing wrong, but this is way more tragic in my mind. These guys have only been arrested for tampering with evidence. Most of them are powerful lawyers, Robert was a lawyer too. It's very interesting to read. The scream heard by a resident makes the timeline VERY tight. It seems like he arrived by 10:30pm and was dead before midnight, with a delay in the police being called. These guys have moved on with their lives and even have a defense fund that people are contributing to. I hope there is justice for Robert. I think because Robert was an adult, asian and gay men are involved this case is flying under the radar for most.

What would be the motive for murdering Robert? I noticed that the friend said he heard labored breathing and found Robert yet the ME obviously said that Robert had been dead for a hour when the friend found him so how did the friend hear labored breathing? I hope that LE can somehow figure this all out and someone is arrested. This sounds like a "thrill kill" murder to me as there is no reason this man should have been murdered. The whole thing is strange.
I was thinking that maybe they wanted sex and/or sperm from him, drugged him and he woke up and they panicked knowing he would remember and killed him? Or maybe they couldn't wake him, and then decided to stab him?
holy - I am definitely interested in this! I didn't even know about this. I lived about TWO BLOCKS from 15th and Swann for 4 years - I moved to NYC in November 2007, so I never even heard about this! Two blocks away...so weird. ...any updates?
What a bizarre murder. Some things were blacked out on the document, but it does state that the victim was sexually assaulted and incapacitated. I didn't understand why they didn't save blood or something they could have tested later for evidence of what was used in the injections. That seemed like a lot of injections and reminded me of acupuncture. I don't know what to think of this, but I'm suspecting that Price and Zbyorski (sp?) might really have been trying to get Ward out of the relationship and he went crazy. Either that, or Zyborski came home from a business trip and caught his roommates together, went into a jealous rage, and the victim got caught up in it. If the victim was straight and a longtime friend though, I don't see why Price would want to harm him or even cover up for the other two men at all. Also, maybe the victim was slipped a mickey in all the water they drank before going to bed. Ward may be a psychopath and is threatening the other two men for some reason. The document doesn't say what room they think the murder happened.
and also - Wone's semen was found all over his own body. um, how does that happen exactly?

this crime makes no sense whatsoever. it sounds like Wone just got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. although I wonder if Price's invitation to stay the night was part of the plan to lure him over there.

any idea what cases Wone was working on as a lawyer? did any of them involve Price or the other 2 defendants in some way? could that be another possible motive?
This is really a strange case. I hope LE can unravel this whole thing and find out the truth of what happened. Someone need to pay the price for this horrific murder.
I think all the needle marks were from non-medical suspects trying to hit a vein. Mr. Wone had obviously retired for the night as he had his mouth guard in, to prevent grinding his teeth during sleep. I do think it was a planned sexual assault using injectable drugs to incapacitate the victim.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say this was "sex games" gone bad. And I just find it hard to believe that the victim would spend the night for working late. I mean it was only 11pm when he allegedly went to bed, not THAT late and couple that with the coroner saying he had been dead for quite some time before EMS got there. I just can't stop thinking he was a willing participant.

The three gentlemen that lived in that home were involved in a very kinky 3 way relationship. Did Wone not know this? And if he did are these really the friends he wants to spend the night with if he too isn't possibly curious about their sexuality?

There were lots of drugs found in the house. I suspect that this was some sort of S&M act and one if not all 3 of the other men were drugged and perhaps paranoid and went into a rage.

The fact that it appears they bathed and redressed Wone is just beyond creepy. So why wouldn't they also slip his mouth guard in?
It says Robert's semen was found in his own anus. What can be made of that? Sorry to be so graphic. It just seems weird to me. Especially since they cleaned everything else up. Oh and here is a non-blacked out version of the affidavit.


Also here are pictures of them.


ward looks loony.

Thanks for the other links. Maybe Robert's body fluids were transferred on some toy or object?
Thanks for the other links. Maybe Robert's body fluids were transferred on some toy or object?

that's what I think. I don't know enough about kinky sex :eek: but I'm sure it's very likely this was the case.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say this was "sex games" gone bad. And I just find it hard to believe that the victim would spend the night for working late. I mean it was only 11pm when he allegedly went to bed, not THAT late and couple that with the coroner saying he had been dead for quite some time before EMS got there. I just can't stop thinking he was a willing participant.

I thought that too at first. Now, I think Wone wasn't willing in any way. First, he had never stayed over there before. His wife said he was going to stay with another friend, then decided to stay there. I don't think he ever got to bed. I think that is all a lie.
The defense is trying to use 2 unsent messages from Robert's blackberry to say Robert was still alive at the time the State says he was being murdered. The problem is no one recorded the messages and the blackberry was given back to Robert's wife, returned to his job and now can not be located.
A comment to a blog says it all .......

"You can set a Blackberry to whatever time you choose, then write an email - and the email will be time stamped with the time you choose (not the actual time).

In other words, at 10pm tonight, I can take my Blackberry, set the time to 11:04, write and save two emails, and the time stamps on both saved emails will read (for example) 11:05 and 11:07. I can then set my Blackberry back to the correct time - say, 10:05 - but those emails will still be time stamped 11:05 and 11:07.

What you can't change is the time stamp indicating when the emails are received. In Mrs. Wone's inbox, a message would arrive that would indicate it was created at 11:05, but her computer would show it really arrived at 10:05.

Which is, IMHO, why the emails were written, but never sent. The motive to write and not send such emails would be to establish that Wone was alive and not under duress (or dying) at 11:05 and 11:07. Its an easy little trick to play."


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