IL IL - Lacey Gaines, 22, Justice, 7 Dec 2009

This is important, why was she at the doctor, pregnant?
STD to make boyfriend mad at her???
No defensive wunds........odd.
Was she already deceased when her throat was cut?
Are both X and recent BF spanish???

I wondered the same thing. She has stated she wanted to marry her new boyfriend and make a new life with him. I asked and no one knew why she was at the Dr.

Could have been anything.

I wonder if they surprised her and cut off her air supply and then laid her down and cut her throat.

Yes both were latino and I believe may have been here illegally.
If the ex asked for the pat. test then that means at some point he was questioning if he was the father of the boy, and more then likely that was do to the fact he found out he would have to pay child support for this boy.

Sadly I have seen case's where mothers are killed just for that simple does not want to pay.

I wonder what his alibi is ? Do you have any idea....
omg i have no words :( im so sad for you and your family i will pray that your beloved niece gets the justice she so deserves
ChaCha my heartfelt sympathy and prayers go out to you and your family. How terribly sad, especially at this time of the year. :rose:

The timeline seems to be kind of tight for a stranger since she'd been at the doctor around 3pm then found shortly after 7pm. Right now I'm leaning toward someone who knows her ex or someone connected with the new b/f. But that's just my initial impression from what you've posted here.
ChaCha I'm so sorry for your loss... Your niece was such a beautiful young woman. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. I hope they will quickly find and capture the person who had done this so you and your family will have closure.
She reported she had been trying to escape abuse and stalking from the ex. The boyfriend came home and found her this way.

Please accept my sincere condolences over the loss of your niece, Lacey.

Violence against women in this country is grossly out of control. In Lacey's case, I don't think we have any choice but to point the finger at the ex. She had a 2009 order of protection (OP) against him for stalking, abuse, and threats.

I don't care if her ex passed a LDT. I don't care if he has an alibi. He's the one with the motive. I hope the police are simply stalling until they have gathered enough evidence to nail him. He may have hired someone else to commit the deed, but surely he was behind it.

May the peace of the Lord descend on you and all of Lacey's family and friends. The truth shall be revealed.

I am so shocked and saddened to read this. Especially knowing some of what your daughter has experienced. My prayers to you and your family and for swift justice.

Of course we at WS will do whatever we can.
ChaCha, so sorry to hear about your neice. My prayers for you and your family.

I have more questions than anything.

First, where was she found? If in the home, was there any sign of the home being broken into? If someone came to the door, would she look before she opened it? How many doors into the residence? Was there any signs of disturbance in the home, even if nothing broken just misplaced? Another resource for asking questions is the mortuary that prepared her for burial. Usually they won't discuss the injuries unless the family directly asks questions. Ask because sometimes some bruises won't show up for 24-48 hours after death. Family can request a copy of the autopsy. It may or may not be released to the family, but it is worth a try (sometimes they can't release it on an active investigation.) The death certificate will also have some discription of the injuries.

Here is my reasoning for the questions. It sounds like she was hit with a blitz attack. If she was found at the entrance, then it most likely happened when she went to answer the door. If she was found away from the entrance, then either she with someone she knew or she could have been running from someone (but if she was running toward another entrance, then I would have expected more defensive injuries, when she got caught.) Even the smallest injury on the hands and arms is considered a defensive wound, so a small bruise or nick is defensive.) If she was in the habit of checking before she answered the door, then you can almost bet that it wasn't the ex or anyone else she was afraid of.

Check her cell phone records. Who has she been making calls to and receiving calls from recently? Talk to her girl friends. Family may know a lot, but everyone has things they don't want to mention to family. Has she been making complaints about the bf, or anyone else? When was her last contact with the ex? What was the attitude then?

Listen closely to the current BF's discription of events. Where was he when it happened?

Try to find out if both the knife and the cord or rope came from the home. Did police get any usable fingerprints? And were any from anyone outside the home/.

At this stage, don't rule anyone in or out.
Cha Cha - my heartfelt prayers to you and your family. I'm so very sorry.

I don't believe LE should be quite so quick to dismiss the ex BF. He may not be the killer, but my guess is he knows what happened and why.
ChaCha - my thoughts are with you and your family. I am so sorry you have lost your beautiful neice (and she is a beauty).

Praying for justice to come quickly,

ChaCha, so sorry to hear about your neice. My prayers for you and your family.

I have more questions than anything.

First, where was she found? If in the home, was there any sign of the home being broken into? If someone came to the door, would she look before she opened it? How many doors into the residence? Was there any signs of disturbance in the home, even if nothing broken just misplaced? Another resource for asking questions is the mortuary that prepared her for burial. Usually they won't discuss the injuries unless the family directly asks questions. Ask because sometimes some bruises won't show up for 24-48 hours after death. Family can request a copy of the autopsy. It may or may not be released to the family, but it is worth a try (sometimes they can't release it on an active investigation.) The death certificate will also have some discription of the injuries.

Here is my reasoning for the questions. It sounds like she was hit with a blitz attack. If she was found at the entrance, then it most likely happened when she went to answer the door. If she was found away from the entrance, then either she with someone she knew or she could have been running from someone (but if she was running toward another entrance, then I would have expected more defensive injuries, when she got caught.) Even the smallest injury on the hands and arms is considered a defensive wound, so a small bruise or nick is defensive.) If she was in the habit of checking before she answered the door, then you can almost bet that it wasn't the ex or anyone else she was afraid of.

Check her cell phone records. Who has she been making calls to and receiving calls from recently? Talk to her girl friends. Family may know a lot, but everyone has things they don't want to mention to family. Has she been making complaints about the bf, or anyone else? When was her last contact with the ex? What was the attitude then?

Listen closely to the current BF's discription of events. Where was he when it happened?

Try to find out if both the knife and the cord or rope came from the home. Did police get any usable fingerprints? And were any from anyone outside the home/.

At this stage, don't rule anyone in or out.

Thank you very much for your insight. Every time I come to Wesleuths and read an entry it makes me think. I appreciate your help greatly.

This is what I know, A friend told me the police said there was no evidence of forced entry, nothing was disturbed. nothing was stolen. The murder weapon was from the kitchen and was laying next to her.

Lacey was always cautious as she had been stalked for over a year by her ex-boyfriend.
So, if Lacey is a fighter and there were no signs of a struggle, no signs of forced entry (if she were asleep she wouldn't be able to let anyone in the house), then it must be someone that has a key (the new boyfriend? a maintenance man? manager of the apt. bldg.?). If Lacey did let this person in, then she must have felt comfortable enough with them to fall asleep. If she allowed someone in and they subdued her with a chemical or some type of hit then there would be evidence, right? A bump to the head or a sign of where she tried to remove someone's hand from her face (if they were using a chemical).

ChaCha, I'm so sorry. I have a nineteen year old daughter and I can't imagine losing her. I don't think I could go on. Continued prayers for you and your family.

How is Lacey's little one doing?
Can you tell us of anything she may have said to the grandmother? It says she dropped the child off there fearing for his personal safty, soshe had to have said something.
So, if Lacey is a fighter and there were no signs of a struggle, no signs of forced entry (if she were asleep she wouldn't be able to let anyone in the house), then it must be someone that has a key (the new boyfriend? a maintenance man? manager of the apt. bldg.?). If Lacey did let this person in, then she must have felt comfortable enough with them to fall asleep. If she allowed someone in and they subdued her with a chemical or some type of hit then there would be evidence, right? A bump to the head or a sign of where she tried to remove someone's hand from her face (if they were using a chemical).

ChaCha, I'm so sorry. I have a nineteen year old daughter and I can't imagine losing her. I don't think I could go on. Continued prayers for you and your family.

How is Lacey's little one doing?

It's been horrible. For 3 years I have feared my child or grandchildren would have been killed. My blog posts. Then this happens to Lacey.

I don't know anymore than what I was read from the 1st responders report.

My guess is someone was waiting or came in without her knowledge. They strangled her, so she was unconscious, then finished the job by cutting her throat. They were there for one purpose. They didn't sexually assault her. They didn't try to take anything. They left her to be found. They just as quietly left as the entered.

They planned and executed this. They knew her and her habits. They knew she'd fight back. IMHO It has to be a non-stranger crime.

I know Lacey would have fought back. She wouldn't let anyone take her life easily. I have heard even when she sported black eyes and bruises she would say you should have seen her ex and she would add I won't let him steal my spirit.

Someone did steal her life. Her spirit is with Jesus now.
Can you tell us of anything she may have said to the grandmother? It says she dropped the child off there fearing for his personal safty, soshe had to have said something.

I spoke to the Grandmother and she told me Lacey had called her from the Dr office asking if she would keep the baby. She told her she would.

Later on I heard from another person Lacey had said she and her current boyfriend had been arguing. Lacey use to call me and she told me when they argued it would be about her ex. I also heard that the new boyfriend was jealous.

There was also some speculation that she may have been pregnant and even secretly married.

These are all just second hand remarks and should in no way be construed as the truth. I am not a professional just her Aunt Cherry.

The police have said they have a strong suspect and are in the collecting stages of the investigation. They're waiting on the cell phone records.

The police are looking at where she might have gone to the hospital for previous acts of abuse. Lacey told me she went just not where.

Crimestoppers had put out a $1000 reward. Lacey's family has requested that the posters use a better photo and be printed in Spanish as well as English.

There was an OP in Crete, IL. The Crete police had placed a trap on Lacey's old phone. She went one day her ex was threatening her and the det spoke to him and told him to leave her alone or he would be arrested.

I turned over all old emails and a few text messages she had forwarded me.
I am truly sorry for your loss, Cha Cha, I would have faith in LE at this point. They sound like they are doing everything they can, and are just not releasing too much info until they have it wrapped up. He won't get away with it. I am very sorry.
If the ex asked for the pat. test then that means at some point he was questioning if he was the father of the boy, and more then likely that was do to the fact he found out he would have to pay child support for this boy.

Sadly I have seen case's where mothers are killed just for that simple does not want to pay.

I wonder what his alibi is ? Do you have any idea....

The ex knew he was the boys father. He needed to prove parentage to get visitation. Lacey didn't want him to have access to the baby becuase she was afraid he would take him to Mexico. And she asked me how could she trust him with the baby knowing what he had done to her and was capable of.

He did it pro-se with the section about child support left out. In the documents he admits to having sex with Lacey while she was a minor.

Lacey even went to the police and asked if he could be arrested for statutory rape. But they sadly said it would be too difficult.

As Lacey grew up she began to realize she had been taken advantage of.

I was told by a detective that many older (her ex was 10 yrs her senior) latino men come to the US in search of young girls because they are easier to fool and manipulate.

Lacey worked 3 jobs at times and when she was with her ex she told me she regularly sent money to Mexico.
She sounds like a very trusting girl with a big heart. I am sure she will be missed.

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