UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #2

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What Nathan Sloop did is deplorable. But for a mother to knowingly let that happen plumbs the depths of craven repugnancy.

Both are abominations and I hope they see that child's corpse in their dreams every night.
I'm still in. do you guys want me to save and upload the photos and cut and paste the text?


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For those just joining and/or guests. A time-line of hell!

May 4th - Tuesday
first of many cell phone pictures mom took of abuse over the days

May5th - Wednesday
Boyfriend's mom visited - said all was fine
Child suffered face and head injuries

Quote from RubyRed quote:
Between May 5 and May 8, Ethan "exhibited signs and symptoms of a possible head injury or brain swelling due to a head injury," Stephanie Sloop told police Tuesday while being interviewed about her son's death. Ethan did not eat well, was vomiting, lethargic and exhibited non-responsive behavior, according to the reports.

May 6th - Thursday
Child was burned with scalding water

May 7th - Friday
Child suffering from scald burns and head injuries

May 8th - Saturday
Child continues to suffer from scald burns and head injuries

May 9th - Sunday (Mother's Day)
Ethan was buried - teeth and face smashed with baseball bat, lighter fluid used to destroy evidence

May 10th (Monday)
late in day reported child missing

May 11th (Tuesday)
child found buried - teeth and face smashed in with baseball bat, lighter fluid used to destroy evidence

ETA: please let me know of inaccurate information or info that needs to be added,. TIA

There's more in the two charging document, eyes.
More photos:


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Like Calliope said, email that prosecutor. There is no way she should be able to plead "scared victim," just on the basis of those pics. Any could have been sent to the police when she was on many of her numerous trips out and about WITHOUT her "Nater Bean." It galls me beyond words that she has a mere $100k bond, no homicide charge, and the nerve to say she went out, got the guy his meds at the pharmacy, went to Walmart, got married, all while she is snapping pics of her dying son. Could any of you watch a 4 year old go through that, let alone over the course of days? Even if he wasn't your own child? No. Think of the people who use phones to get help, or the victims who escape and go directly for help. I really think she is rather like Karla Homolka, but worse. This was her son, and I think she is just as guilty, perhaps getting back at the ex in the most evil way imaginable. That she still had something to prove is all over that website...about being told someday she'd wake up (blah blah like she's repeating something her ex said) and now she'd woken up next to the man of her dreams. That site is slowly being blocked, btw, and I couldn't get back to the pics to quote her. At any rate, this should not go unpunished and if ever there was a woman for whom the "he scared me" plea should NOT be an option, it's this one. I'm not going to be able to rest until I know she's not getting away with this. Whatever happened to the type of mom with the super-human strength and overpowering drive to protect, who'd lift a car off her child? I need some Baileys and a sedative now. For me, this one just goes beyond horrible.
She heard him being beat in the bedroom and did nothing. This is horrible.
He was given Benadryl to keep quiet.
She did not get him help because she was afraid Nate would harm her if she tried to.


She is a . She could have called for help when she heard what was happening. That monster let that little boy die.

That's a damnable lie. Like was posted above, all she had to do was text the police. Or, standing before a judge getting married, in public, surrounded by others who could subdue him and protect her, tell them her little boy was locked in his bedroom with severe head injuries. Or, during her trips to the store, swing by the police station. Or simply grab the child and run outside when others were around. Run to the freakin' Air Force base described as being literally steps away from the complex. She had numerous opportunities to get help and she chose not only to keep quiet, but assist him in murdering and then desecrating the body of her child.
The tattoo WPS that is listed by LE must stand for redacted. The boy she is holding in the photos on the wedding site is redacted name of minor not involved. Must be his son from the first marriage. He may not have lost custody. The ex-wife may have felt the need to actually 'kidnap' their son to protect him. My experience with the courts says they gave him visitation and didn't pay attention to his ex-wife. His own son is probably lucky to be alive. JMHO

Nathan has a daughter from his first marriage, not sure who WPS is again, might have been his dad..... as one of the initials was earlier posted as his dad who died right after he graduated HS and married his first wife.

I personally think the first wife was better grounded, more emotionally mature, recognized Nathan was not a good person for a father or husband and high tailed it away from him before he destroyed her and her daughters lives.

sadly, his first wife has to bare the burden of someday explaining and answering their daughters questions about her 'dad'. Both Nathan and Stephanie were so self absorbed with each other they didn't have room to care for or even consider children.

So sad...... my heart bleeds not only for Ethan and his father, but for those who love both of them.... they are in deep pain now too..... I will continue to keep them in my prayers..... this is lifes worst punch in the gut.

And I keep thinking about those parents who are right now sitting in a hospital while their child is dying and there is nothing they as parents or medical science can do to save these childrens lifes - who would gladly give their own and trade places with their child if they could,
and then monsters like Nathan and Stephanie just come and snuff the life out of a child like they are a disposable plastic bag they picked up at the convenience store.

horrific and I would like to see BOTH Stephanie AND Nathan get the death penalty. NOTHING short of that would mean justice for Ethan. :furious:
I am still in at the wedding site reading the comments, and I found this one:

she is actually EXPECTING in july . . . WTF!!!!!!!
from: appalled
5/12/2010 8:32:54 PM

Anyone hear this yet?
And more photos:


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Looking at the photos, seeing them smile and go on as life is the bomb.... I am going to give myself a time out.

I know that If I respond the way I am feeling then I will get in trouble for sure.

No words can really say what I feel anyway.

Even Halmark don't make a card to express what I'm feeling....
About the bride

I have known Stephanie since I was 15 yeras old. However all throughout highschool her and I never dated, but knew all about each other. Then Just a few years ago as I was going through the deepest, darkest part of my life dealing with My child being kidnapped and being in the middle of a vicious divorce, I began receiving these encouraging emails that had impeccable timing. That was My Steph sending me an encouraging word just when I was at my lowest.

On October 8th I sent her an email and saw she lived in Vegas. 7 hours south of me. What are the odds!! We spoke nonstop for the next 24 hours as we began to book her a flight to come up and see me. Now the important thing to know is that I was All done with the so called 'Dating Game'. What a joke of a world we live in. The more Genuine You are in todays world the more that people dont want to date you. So all of a Sudden I found myself talking to a woman who was a "take me or leave me-this is who I am" kind of woman. Thats exactly the kind of man I am and I thought well this either is a Match made in Heaven or it will never work. Well as the Next 24 hours proved conclusively it was a "Match made in Heaven"


About the groom

I first met Nathan in 1995. I was 12 years old, and he was actually with my best friends sister at the time. He was 4 years older than me, so we didnt go to high school together.

Nathan changed me, though many think that's not possible. Nathan made me realize that for years I was writing checks my ego couldn't cash. We all have egos, some under control, some aren't. Though mine wasn't completely out of whack, it did need adjustments. Nathan showed me how to filter what I say and do, do what I say, and say what I mean, as your WORD is all you have in this world. Being together, we've both brought so much to the table. For starters, we began with full disclosure so that way our ex's couldn't try and use things against us. Its proven to make our relationship even stronger. Nathan has taught me so much, taken care of me, and been the man of my dreams. We share the same blood type, had the same surgeries as children, and most of all, we've taken the time to understand eafh other. The underlyings of that are between Nathan and I, but we have taken the time to understand each other, and that's what makes us so perfect together: we clearly communicate, as you should in a relationship. He tells me when I mess up, and helps correct me when I'm wrong. That's what a relationship is. Growing together, and helping each other. I couldn't imagine another day without him. It was truly love at first sight. I couldn't be happier with a better man. Someone else's garbage is now my treasure.

In the time we've been together, he has saved my life twice, without it having been in danger for provoking his bad side. I became pregnant in December, and with twins. I had began to bleed, and we went to the hospital to find out what was wrong, as I had severe abdominal pain, and bleeding. I had a cyst on my left ovary the size of a golf ball, filled with blood. I had twins trapped in the fallopian tubes, and a blot clot in my uterus. A surgery that was supposed to last one hour turned into 2 1/2. The doctor came out after my surgery and said if I had waited another 12 hours, I wouldnt have been alive. The second time, I went into a diabetic shock, and I was going to walk out our side door, and passed out in the process. Had Nathan not caught me, I would fallen flat on my face and possibly had broken my neck.

The more I think about all of this, had I not been with Nathan, and back in Vegas, or even in Florida, I would've had no idea that I was going to die. Even though I lost the babies we planned to have, it saved my life. You can always have more children, but Nathan couldn't replace me.


MORE: http://weddings.theknot.com/pwp/pwp...pleid=5526012639731774&pid=8111236&MsdVisit=1
On the 8th, Ethan was still conscious, because he was able to smear his feces on the bathroom walls. This tell me two things.

- With only Benadryl and Motrin for his physical pain, he was in agony from the torture being inflicted on him.

- When a child smears their feces, it's a sign of severe emotional trauma. He was fragmenting. When children reach that point, they are often placed in a psychiatric hospital - that's how extreme his emotional breakdown was.

This baby, sweet little Ethan, a baby who never hurt another human being in short life, spent days in a hell of physical and emotional trauma. Six days. One day after another after another in an utter hell of torture.
I am thrilled these two 's were so very much in "love" with one another! It will add to their pain when they're locked up for the rest of their miserable lives.

I can only hope she will be charged with murder. She didn't want that beautiful little boy and she is evil for ever even forcing his father to send him to her.

I hate her.
i don't think she can be expecting in july...that was when she was supposed to get married...didn't she say something about losing twins in December?
Date of event
How We Got Engaged

Nathan with his usual creative mind, and the fact he's a hopeless romantic, put together the most wonderful engagement I'd ever seen of. I'll be back with more later...


Our ceremony will be performed by Rev. Jim Smith, a close family friend who is ordained. Our ceremony will be held at Nathan's Aunt Linda and Uncle Don's home, and it will be an outdoor wedding held at sundown, as there are mountains in Aunt Linda's backyard, and will make for a very romantic ceremony in the Rocky Mountains of Golden, Colorado.
Driving directions

The ceremony and reception will be held at Nathan's Aunt Linda and Uncle Don's, but I will not leave the address here on this public site. It will come in your invitation, or if you need directions, please call Nathan or Stephanie.
Hotel Accomedations

For our out of town friends, I've researched, and am posting hotels close to the wedding so that way no one is having to go far. If you need help or transportation from the airport, e-mail or call Nathan and I, and we'll make arrangements to get any of you from the airport.


The reception will be held at Nathan's Aunt Linda and Uncle Don's home, as well as the ceremony. Attire is formal for the wedding and reception, and if you need directions or the address, it will be in the invitations, or you can contact Nathan and Stephanie.

Our Registries

* Macys
* Bed, Bath and Beyond
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