2011.05.13 - Jury Selection DAY FIVE Afternoon Session

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I feel ya. I get a brand new computer, and I've put it off until Sunday.

I said I was only going to watch bits of jury selection so I would be fresh for the trial, and I was very irritated yesterday because I've had to miss a lot of this for 2 days in a row.

Face it ,we're addicted.I'm supposed to help the DH stain the deck this afternoon.Promised him,I said it's just jury selection,I can miss that.But I don't really want to miss it now that I've gotten into it.
K.belich did come back and say she looks much younger.
she's getting a pouty stink-eye from ICA
So far today:

#1312 f - retained
#1011 m - defense used peremptory challenge
#1019 m - retained
#1055 f - still being questioned


Thank you so much. Good luck to you all today. Now I will go to bed.
she answers very much as I would have if I knew nothing whatsoever about this case. the only difference is she is more inclined to think the DP is warranted than I.
IMO, she'll be good for the defense.

Her tone very different with Baez than when questioned by the others.

Moved back home at 28, then stayed for 3 yrs.
I still want to know who is going to give the victim impact statement?

If I had to make a bet, I would bet on Cindy and she will make that victim impact statement about Casey and not Caylee at all. She will tell a jury that Caylee loved her mother... which was true... and that Caylee would not want her mother to get the death penalty... which we will never know if Caylee would be for or against the DP because Casey murdered her. She will act like she is speaking for Caylee and she will be speaking for herself.

do you have a dog

what kind of dog

does it act like a chiwawa (sp)

this is good, important stuff.....taxpayers, money up cause this is what you are paying for.
Asked if her dad lived in the area -- she said, I'm not sure, I'd have to do some research.

Just wait -- BAEZ and co. have that answer for you - I'm sure they will be questioning you about it shortly.
Mercy: (adjective)- The opposite of the reaction that one would have when choosing to murder their 2 year old daughter, duct taping her, and throwing her into the woods then leading police on a wild goose chase.

Examples: Casey Anthony case.

Maybe AF fancies herself as something of a Portia, sadly she lacks the eloquence of Shakespeare's heroine whose client was the innocent sympathetic Antonio as opposed to the guilty as sin Anthony AF is stuck with. :wink:
Boy, JMHO I can actually see the word ENVY tatooed across ICA's forehead when she looks at this pj.

See - DO YOU SEE ICA - what YOU could have been? Waste, HUGE waste..............
do you have a dog

what kind of dog

does it act like a chiwawa (sp)

this is good, important stuff.....taxpayers, money up cause this is what you are paying for.

LOL looking for bias because of the decomp dog evidence in the trial. Seriously. People who have dogs may be more inclined to accept it but they want to make sure they don't know too much about training dogs to cause an issue.
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