2011.05.13 - Jury Selection DAY FIVE Afternoon Session

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I'm still laughing about the guy who had never heard the name Jose Baez before and didn't know who he was - was he in the courtroom? LOL - Priceless. Baez was so miffed he had to get up and ask if the juror knew any of the other names of people at the SA and DT tables. :floorlaugh:

OMG when was this?? I have to go back and watch this one!!

No, the public is allowed in - guess in this district they just aren't interested. Yesterday a spectator wandered into the jury holding tank by mistake - had to come up and explain to the judge.:great:

Low Blow to somebody's ego. I think a lot of the public were turned off by all the mistruths. not worth their time.
Awww, she doesn't have any friends that she socializes with. That's kind of sad.

my mom was the same way....neighbors weren't to be trusted---only family and that got shaky as the dementia progressed...but all her family didn't like "outsiders".....
This PJ "doesn't like to sit in the judgement of others".

My early guess would be she doesn't make the panel/call back.

Glad to see you are here!

This lady is confusing me.....:waitasec:

This lady sounds a bit... I don't know. No friends? She foes to church. How can she have no friends? Sounds strange. I don't want people with mental or emotional problems on the jury. They can be a wild card and come up with illogical lines of reasoning.
PT doesn't want to judge but claims she has no problem judging ICA...Wha?

Claims she has no friends... Interesting.

I'm confused, too. That makes no sense. I can't judge but I will judge. Huh?
Obviously JP is not familiar with menopause! (we can't unhear something)
I hope she is not answering these questions in a way she thinks the judge wants her to without understanding that she shouldn't.

did they pluck her out of the year 1850?
State: can u explain that u have idea of not judging, how u will b able to do this job

PJuror: if evidence, and u can prove it, then i can understand
my mom was the same way....neighbors weren't to be trusted---only family and that got shaky as the dementia progressed...but all her family didn't like "outsiders".....

^^^My entire life. Mom is undiagnosed, she is not okay.
Regarding the smell in the can tactic. That could backfire on the state. First, what if the can they open, for whatever reason, does not have the same level of smell as the one the scientist opened. Then, I would not think the courtroom or the jurors would smell very good after that. Hope they do it outside!
No, the public is allowed in - guess in this district they just aren't interested. Yesterday a spectator wandered into the jury holding tank by mistake - had to come up and explain to the judge.:great:

This lady

(picture provide by sots)

JA: want to talk about what we spoke about. you don't like to judge people on what other people say.


JA: that is what a juror is called on to do, to make a judgement based on what people called to testify have to say. how can you do the job of a juror?

if you have the evidence and its there and proving it, I can understand.

JA: even if it is what other people say? Do you include in evidence what other people say?

Yes, correct.

JA: done.

HHJP: defense may inquire into pre trial publicity and other areas.
Chiquita71!!!! There you are! Are your hands alright? I've been missing you today!!!!
I'm concerned about the jurors smelling the can and getting very ill.

Actually Patty (from experience) it is not as bad as you would think..there is no need to stick you nose into the carpet or whatever sample they have, just wave over the containing towards you, and you will get it immediately. It is actually sweeter than rotting garbage...As I have said, so many times, It is a unique ordor, not pleasant, but certainly NOT as bad enough to make you ill. And I am talking from the aspect of having a "Gag Reflex" I cannot control IF get a whiff of certain things too strongly...:rocker:

Sorry, unpleasant topic, but wish to reassure, there would be no need for upclose sniffing to be involved..IMO
Glad to see you are here!

This lady sounds a bit... I don't know. No friends? She foes to church. How can she have no friends? Sounds strange. I don't want people with mental or emotional problems on the jury. They can be a wild card and come up with illogical lines of reasoning.

Having friends takes work, responsibility. Maybe she doesn't want to be bothered.
AAAACK!!!! There is that joke again!!!! sigh....
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