2011.06.21 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-four)

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Thank you. I'm surprised HHJBP didn't question him about that. If it were me I would have asked him to repeat that and then said "So you did know that all of the testimony had to be included in the reports Mr. Baez!"

Somebody is gonna notice that and add it to the bar complaint HHJBP files at the end of the trial and that should remove all doubt about whether it was intentional or not. JMO

I really hope that HHJP's bar complaint against Baez includes video as well as written testimony. Because seeing and hearing his disrespectful actions, tone of voice and body language lends even weight to the evidence IMO.
Hate to say this, but if it were up to me, I think I'd probably grant her a do-over due to ineffective counsel.

But the defense is based on her dumba$$ lies. What did they have to work with? Mason and Simms are not incompetent....and truth be told....sometimes there simply is NO DEFENSE when the lies are this bad. casey finally gets to be the CEO. Hope she's happy! It's a train wreak for sure....but she is the conductor
Exactly. Why should she get an appeal based on ineffective counsel when she has other 'competent' attorneys on her team? :maddening: As a Florida taxpayer, this makes me angry. Seems like CM has been more concerned with 'having fun' then giving ICA a quality defense.

Agree but think CM's story is going to be he tried to however JB's retort is "I am the lead attorney for Miss Casey Anthony'. :banghead::banghead:
Baez law firm will have a new name once HHJP sends JB to jail.

" Juanny on the Johnny"
Good morning, Caylee suppporters. :seeya: I can hardly wait to see what twists and turns are in store for us today.

Bad form to quote myself, I know. But I just have to say I wasn't disappointed. This case sure delivers on this point. There's a new twist or surprise every day. Sometimes every hour. :)
I just have to mention this...I was noticing that in some of the later photos of Caylee, her jaw appears somewhat distorted. Could administration of chloroform cause her jaw to go slack, as from a seizure, etc.? I know we talked about this briefly in the beginning of the investigation. It seems strange to me, although it could just be be the way her head was tilted in one of the photos I saw.

Anyone know what I am referring to?
Had to quote my own post to reference this photo:

Watching the tape of Casey and Lee talking about she found Baez... Lots of unecessary detail from her... did she have his name before she was arrested? Seems like she just opened up the phonebook (do they make those any more?) and picked the first name under "defense attorney."
I believe so... Here is facebook and jail side by side...

OMG....so sad.
If River is going to be put on the stand, they will have to call her back, cuz she left! :D
Sorry to interrupt---I had to leave just as they were taking the 10:30ish break....Who did they call before lunch, and is it worth watching? Thanks so much if anyone can let me know...
i'll give kc credit for one thing, a stone cold poker face.
when ldb spoke about using the cd to rebut kc's possible
testimony, she didn't bat an eyelash,or twitch a muscle.

Actually, I saw her purse her lips in disgust/anger while shwallowing. It was a flash, a moment, a second.

I wonder if we will get to see YM take the stand today again. I can't wait to see what JB thinks he can get out of him??
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