George and Cindy board a plane for Texas and TMZ swim with dolphin pics

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I personally don't feel the words common decency and George and Cindy Anthony belong in the same sentence when I recall the way they treated so many who were trying to help them.

I don't see one iota of decency in taking an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and then turning around and lying your arse off decent.

Not to mention the way they treated Tim Miller, nor the way they bad mouthed him afterwards - decent? Nope, don't think so.

I guess you get what you give. IMO.

I think you misread my post.

I was responding to a post that said those who feel empathy for the A's are "bleeding hearts".

I said I don't find decency and being a bleeding heart as the same thing.

Nowhere did I mention the A's decency or lack thereof.
The weather in Phoenix is close to Florida weather, however, we have higher humidity! :) They won't notice the difference.

Give me Phoenix weather ANY day over Florida!
Didn't the private plane of Todd Macaluso land at one point in Arizona?

And before KC's release wasn't there a report of someone in Phoenix that volunteered to take her in???
What exactly about the pics leads you to believe they are photoshopped?

I can't pinpoint it, just my first impression of the pics, that's all.
Ever watch America's Funniest Home Videos where Tom B sticks his head on a clip in place of the person taped? Just reminded me of that, that was all.
I can't pinpoint it, just my first impression of the pics, that's all.
Ever watch America's Funniest Home Videos where Tom B sticks his head on a clip in place of the person taped? Just reminded me of that, that was all. that was laugh out loud funny. :)
They lose many dolphins in aquariums and places like that. At our aquarium in Baltimore they figured out after losing lots of dolphins that the sonar pinging off walls and music etc. was driving them crazy. The most recent calf we had born died not long after it's birth. Dolphins even commit suicide.

Dolphins belong swimming the oceans miles every day with their families. :twocents:

I'm surprised you see the dolphin looks miserable, many people think dolphins are happy because they look like they are smiling...

How sad! You are right, they belong in the ocean with their family. Not performing tricks for Humans!!!!!
CA lied to free a child killer. She doesn't deserve to ever be happy imo.

i was reading this thread earlier and almost posted something but decided against it. took my little one to the grocery store, looked at this thread again when we got back, and found your post. Just wanted to say that I feel exactly the same way as well. Im sorry if this offends anyone.....
I saw where the Sentinel said they got the info from WFTV, what I couldn't find was where WFTV reported it. Thank you for letting me know that it was a TV report, not yet online. I can't understand why anyone would bother taking cell phone photos of people on an airplane and then notifying the news. So what if they're on a plane, they're allowed.

Cuz they're CELEBRATIES ,doncha know :crazy:
Perhaps as the parents of the most hated woman in America, and not very well liked themselves, they fear for their lives and are worried they may be attacked. Who would make a better witness for them if they were attacked and sued some one than their own attorney.
I thought you were going to say they needed Lippman as protection. :)

PS-that was meant to be funny, right?

RBBM: Good point ! The Anthony's may be "negotiating" something if they have Lippman tagging along with them ...:waitasec:

BBM: I wonder if this "part of the plan" -- a "continuation" of the "farce" by CFCA, the A's, and the DT ? MOO ... I believe the A's and CFCA have been in contact the past 3 years THROUGH the DT ... Everything we saw from Day 31 through the Trial was a "farce" ...


OR....CA's bring KC an autographed copy of her new book coming out. I can hear CA hummming now..."We're in the money, we're in the money." jmo
This is insane...someone...please tell me why this person is out?

Twelve people decided she should have another stab at life. I'm sure she will not disappoint them. jmo
They lose many dolphins in aquariums and places like that. At our aquarium in Baltimore they figured out after losing lots of dolphins that the sonar pinging off walls and music etc. was driving them crazy. The most recent calf we had born died not long after it's birth. Dolphins even commit suicide.

Dolphins belong swimming the oceans miles every day with their families. :twocents:

I'm surprised you see the dolphin looks miserable, many people think dolphins are happy because they look like they are smiling...

poor dolphins!!!! I have a little 7-year-old daughter who won circus tickets in her 1st grade class last year but told the teacher she couldn't take them because circuses are mean to animals - I was really proud! Looks like we are going to ban the dolphin show now too! Who knew? I thought dolphins were happy in the tanks..... (and safe from tuna fishing boats)
They lose many dolphins in aquariums and places like that. At our aquarium in Baltimore they figured out after losing lots of dolphins that the sonar pinging off walls and music etc. was driving them crazy. The most recent calf we had born died not long after it's birth. Dolphins even commit suicide.

Dolphins belong swimming the oceans miles every day with their families. :twocents:

I'm surprised you see the dolphin looks miserable, many people think dolphins are happy because they look like they are smiling...

This reminds me of a zoo visit when we saw an elephant just rocking back and forth from his front right foot to his back left foot. Here is this beautiful creature that should be traveling miles and miles every day,stuck in a small plot of dirt . It should be banned ,IMO.

But hey,cleaning elephant dung would be a great community service while Casey is on probation. I bet Cindy would even do it FOR her. :crazy:
Really impossible to tell where they went from Houston if they did get a connecting flight. Couldn't they have gotten to Mexico or other international locations directly from Orlando International? I know we have flights direct to Mexico City and I think even Peru. ... here we go, I found a list of direct flights from here. Although, knowing airlines you get diverted all over the place instead of going the direct route. Anyway, the way they have been getting themselves noticed, I'm sure we'll see pictures of them trying on sombreros or something soon.

They've been getting themselves noticed where? How? When?
I'm an animal lover...and I know there is controversy surrounding animals in captivity...but Dolphin Cay started with some remarkable guests ( is open air)...

The first residents of Dolphin Cay were 16 rescued dolphins, who were swept to sea during Hurricane Katrina from their previous home at the Marine Life Oceanarium in Gulfport, Mississippi.

Just an FYI
They lose many dolphins in aquariums and places like that. At our aquarium in Baltimore they figured out after losing lots of dolphins that the sonar pinging off walls and music etc. was driving them crazy. The most recent calf we had born died not long after it's birth. Dolphins even commit suicide.

Dolphins belong swimming the oceans miles every day with their families. :twocents:

I'm surprised you see the dolphin looks miserable, many people think dolphins are happy because they look like they are smiling...

Very true. Ric O'Barry who worked for several years as the dolphin trainer for the Flipper series became an activist crusading against the dolphin captivity industry after Kathy, one of the 5 dolphins who played Flipper, died in his arms. (Suicide). Dolphins are put under enormous stress when in captivity. The Cove won best feature documentary in 2009.
All you guys are such an amazing bunch. Your caring is never ending. Is it any wonder why we're still here?
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