GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #6

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Hello Lucky, I'd be glad to do mapping request. This map can be done closer but gives a good overview of the area you requested. I can give overviews or expanded mapping which covers more area or closer zoomed maps which show much smaller areas.

I'll upload as attachments at first and clicking on them will expand them, a person may need 50 post to expand them. I can make them full screen but trying to save band width.

For searchers you might print one or two if you need them.

View attachment 21847

Now that's more like it lol. I'll try that with the one I made.
If they have so many people to search. how long will it take to group them and start searching?

Not long, they need to register everyone and break into groups with search leaders who should provide instructions going in groups. Pretty sure besides Kelli and/or her cell phone they'll be looking for other evidence. Shoes, clothing, pocketbooks, ID cards, disturbed areas of dirt or ground. Maybe tire tracks, foot prints, hang outs in the woods like a place where a fire was built, beer bottles around. Ect..
Vigil planned by Kelli's military unit for tomorrow night:

"Members of missing soldier's, Pfc. Kellie Marie Bordeaux, 44th Medical Brigade will come together to "Take Back the Night" Thursday evening ending with a candlelight vigil.

The 44th Medical Brigade SHARP (Sexual Harassment and Assault Response Program) Team will host the awareness campaign at 7 p.m. on the softball field behind the brigade's headquarters."
I meant when he left with her (to drop her off... sorry I didn't clarify)...

So, he was at the bar before picking her up? Did he get a text or call to come and get her or had they made previous plans?

No with in at least half an hour window prior and post them leaving the bar no one else came or left.
For anyone local. Where is 5400 block of Basking Ridge Drive off Morganton Road in correlation to MB's apartment? Anyone?
I really hope there is a resolution to this case soon!
I worry greatly about the 2 day gap in her being reported missing, that would allow plenty of time to get rid of evidence.

VOH, have they searched the river you speak of under the overpass?

I am not sure, but I am assuming that's part of the 295 corridor they searched.
Glad you put that pressure on her. You did the right thing.

I think it used to be that people simply didn't want to be involved. Nowadays, I think it is more complex and there are many reasons, none of them good IMO.

People are afraid of being dragged into something, and having their name evermore linked to something unsavoury. People are less neighbourly. Many people have a mindset that is devoted to 'looking out for number 1'. Also, many people don't trust their own Hinky Meters and don't enact upon something, even when it does set off that little 'fishy' ping inside.

Maybe it isn't so much that people are hesitant to do the right thing, but that they're more intent on doing the right thing only for themselves, not for the betterment of others. In this case, perhaps helping to find Kelli.

Curious. Did your chum give you her reasons for being hesitant? What barriers did you have to knock through?

you might be right. She's kind of selfish. I don't exactly consider her a friend either. Hence why I stated my friend's gf. :banghead: Another story. She just said she was nervous.
Hello VOH,
Can you recall, how long was he gone to pick her up? roughly?
Did he pick only her up? Did anyone else go with him to pick her up?
and lastly...
Can you recall what Nick was wearing that night? Was he in a white t shirt?'


I cannot answer any of these questions. Sorry.
Thanks such. I just calculated it on a map, just over 10 miles. 10 minute drive or so from Froggys. Trying to remember the road that Kelli's apartment complex is on? I got that fishy feeling in my gut Muck was talking about.
I just located this - Profiler Dr. Godwin comments on the Kelli Bordeaux Case

This is his own website on the rapes in the area -

Ahh he is the same guy that claims he collected roughly 75 bags of evidence in the Jason Young trial after the crime scene was released.

Mind you he was never called to testify about any of those "roughly 75 bags of evidence" during either one of Jason Young's trials.

He seems to like to comment about a lot of high profile cases. :moo:
Hi all! This is my first post here, though I’ve been a long time lurker. I’ve tried to follow this thread as much as I can, so I hope I’m not repeating something that’s already been discussed. And I hope I can get my thoughts across properly…

From what I’ve seen of KB’s photos she seems to be a fun loving girl. It’s reported that NH took KB home at 1:20am, which seems a little early to me for a 23 year old. Even now myself at almost 30 when I do go to the bar we very rarely leave before the bouncers force us out. I’m assuming Froggy Bottoms closed at 2am? And I remember VOH mentioned that some patrons stay even later. Pair that with the fact that no husband (or anyone else for that matter) was home waiting for her, she seemingly had no obligations for the following day (as she wasn’t reported missing until Monday), and she was texting all evening, and I’m really led to believe that perhaps she had plans other than to just go home when NH dropped her off. I’ve read that Kelli may not have been feeling well Friday night/Saturday morning, so if that is the case perhaps that explains it. Or maybe she just isn’t a late night girl.

Another thought…if NH’s story is to be believed then when asked if she was married KB replied “it’s complicated.” If that’s all that was said, then NH wouldn’t have known her living situation and very well may have figured that her husband/bf was waiting at home for her. Especially when he says he assumed she wanted to be dropped off away from the apartment because she didn’t want anyone to see her with him. In that case, he wouldn’t have known beforehand that he would have 2 days to cover up whatever he may have done to KB. So if something did happen in the car on the ride home he probably would have been rushing to cover it up thinking that it wouldn’t be long before police would be notified, and he would be the first POI. In my mind, a rushed perp leaves behind lots of evidence…

For some reason I’m just not convinced NH did it…
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