AL - Incest Sodomy Rape multiple victim under age of 16

FWIW, isn't he the one with supposedly influential relatives according to one of the verified insiders on the other thread? I don't know who they are or how they are supposedly influential. I just remember some comments to that effect.

Yes and a well-known football player for a nephew. However I just cant see with their statute...willing to risk bailing him out with these awful charges. I could be wrong though
Concerned.. edit your post to remove the quote so a mod can edit her post since shes offline now?
I doubt it will be there long after posting this, and im at work so i cant screen shot them.. or save them.. can you?
Also makes me wonder exactly what WWH does know...:waitasec:
Also, as we have said on the other thread, cousins do not meet the definition for incest in Alabama. Just throwing that info. out there.

Legal law or not, it meets this Bama girl's definition of incest. That goes for 2nd, 3rd, AND 4th cousins, as well. If you might run into them at a family reunion or could possibly be buried in the same family plot at the graveyard, you DON'T need to be having sex with them.


/end rant :maddening:
there is no way these cases are unrelated, OMG REALLY!!! I live in Alabama and this is making all of us Alabamians look like idiots. It doesn't take a genius to figure out these are all related. UGGGGGGGGG!!
This is all just sick sick sick.

Of the arrests so far - who is still in jail? DW, DK, and DH? RSW is out on bond?
Butterfly.. no worries.. it doesnt make you an idiot any more than living in florida makes someone a child killer.

This case has my head spinning though!
I doubt it will be there long after posting this, and im at work so i cant screen shot them.. or save them.. can you?

I didnt know what to do, but I copy and pasted the "questionable" pics to a word doc. Can I upload that here somehow? what do I do with it? I feel icky having those pics on my computer, but i agree with you, she will probably delete them now that people are saying they see them
Dont post them.. its bad enough that these unsuspecting girls have their pics out there without their knowledge. Thanks for saving them though. Did you notice the group of those arrested in the pics as well?

Yes I did notice. I didnt think I was suppose to post them, I just didnt know what I was saving them for. But if they are needed...I have them. Why is she not in trouble for having these pics on her wall. One pic is OBVIOUSLY a minor but old enough that an adult shouldnt have a pic of her like that on the internet.
Dont post them.. its bad enough that these unsuspecting girls have their pics out there without their knowledge. Thanks for saving them though. Did you notice the group of those arrested in the pics as well?

WWH having these pics on HER own myspace wall definitely proves to me that she knew something was going on. She was not in the dark.
I too believe all of this mess is somehow linked to Brittney's disappearance. However, until LE has the ability to link it all together, they shouldn't state that they [the cases] are related (so they haven't).
For some reason I just can't help but feel Derek and Donnie Jr are victims themselves. I realize they are now grown men but for some reason I feel sorry for them. I know I'm probably going to get flamed for this comment but that's just how I feel. If found guilty they should line the 3 older men up and shoot their arses! I just feel these poor younger guys have probably been molested and tortured for many years and possibly their entire lives. This is how the cycle of abuse starts. I do realize they are adults now and have to be held accountable for their part...

I have to agree with you about the likelihood that the younger men involved were victimized. Given the latest comments that were made by family members under the news articles on Facebook, I can see why law enforcement may have told DW's father that he was also a victim. If the victim that came forward is reporting abuse that took place years ago, DW would've likely been a teen, perhaps younger than 16 himself. Once he reached the age of 16, I would assume that anything that occurred with a younger person would make him a perp, as well as a victim.

I think that this situation is a lot more convoluted than law enforcement has made it out to be in their public statements. I also think that there could be assumptions being made about who the actual victim(s) are that came forward. For example, I assumed that the victim that came forward was abused by all of these men, but now I am wondering if different victims were abused by some, but not all of them.

Either way, it is horrible that there is even one victim.
Her suddenly 'going missing' has to be connected. I was hoping she was just hiding out. However I am more and more concerned that they might have gotten rid of her because of the upcoming arrests, and they knew she had too much information. :mad:

I think that law enforcement would be actively investigating BW's disappearance if they thought that there was even a chance that there was a connection. Homicide charges would greatly increase the jail sentence for anyone that was involved. But, as of right now, law enforcement (Mobile police) are still telling BW's family that she has taken off on her own. Her father clearly disagrees, but I think that's because he doesn't have access to the information that relates directly to the sex abuse investigation.
caught up on the new thread...
Looking at the facebook wall of DPH/PNH...DH's son..newly arrested... (not sure of his acronym) The comment on July 10th stood out to me...

"Got some things on my mind.... In deep deep thought..... Think I have a lot to change... Prayer is the only thing that keeps my mind semi clear. <snipped the rest of prayer>
WWH commented "like i told you yesterday iam here if you need anything"

I've tried to write down my thoughts as to why her words have got my insides twisted but they only come out in a way that would probably be against TOS...
So I will just say that I hope that same care and concern she shared with him, was extended to the abused victim in this case and that she acted upon them in a pro-active, law-abiding, protective, way. - that was hard to type!

The WOOD family is so BIG it's hard to keep track of ALL them but I really want to say that I feel for ALL the ones that have had nothing to do with this & probably didn't even know about it til the arrests..There are many WOOD family members this does not apply to & ALL of them should be beyond ashamed for keeping these DARK secrets & worse going along with ALL of it..Those ppl are just as responsible imho.

I'm starting to think IF Brit took off it was to protect her BRO (if he is guilty of the charges) vs she was afraid of something else related to this.

Thanks Gliving for doing this 'sub' thread! :)

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