MO MO - Elizabeth 'Betsy' Gill, 2, Cape Girardeau, 13 June 1965


Elizabeth Ann Gill went missing at age 2 1/2 on 6/13/65 from Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Beth was playing outside with the
other kids in the family. When they were called to come inside, Beth was not to be found. Hundreds of volunteers spent days searching the area. The leads were few and FBI at that time had rules precluding them from taking the case. That was changed in the 1980's. In August 2010
the FBI officially entered the case and has been following leads the family has given them. Please google: Elizabeth Gill missing Cape Girardeau and you will find page after page of information on this case. I was able to post "The Story" God bless all who've helped us with their thoughts, prayers and support. Anyone with ideas or information can post here or privately email me at:
Martha Gill Hamilton, Sister
She is now 48 years old and her family will never stop searching.
New leads are coming in from the posted reward. Spread the word and help bring Elizabeth (Beth) Gill home.


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very intriguing and the song tribute to Bethy from & by her sister is so sweet & of luck for Beth to be found
i pray that you are able to find her - i will try to share your links on my social media profiles!
Thanks to all helping bring 'Beth' home, and please repost Elizabeth (Beth) Gill's info and Facebook Page
Our family realizes the answers we seek, may not have a happy ending, but we truly believe our Beth is alive and has no idea she was abducted and raised by non-family. She may believe she was legally adopted. While many abducted children are murdered, statistics show 80% of babies/toddlers are taken because someone wants a child. Back in the 1960's there were numerous black market adoptions. Since law enforcement can't force the one person who may have answers to talk and the $25,000 reward hasn't brought any info forward, we believe Beth will have to be searching for answers and find us. Every time someone spreads the word we have a better chance of the info reaching Beth. God bless and thank you all for your support and assistance in "Finding Beth Gill."
Cleveland case gives hope in local missing-person cases

The discovery Monday in Cleveland of three women who disappeared more than a decade ago has lent hope to families and investigators searching for missing people in Southeast Missouri.


"Even though our case is totally different, it still pushes us to continue on, because miracles do happen, and we see that," said Martha Hamilton, whose 2-year-old sister, Elizabeth Gill, disappeared June 13, 1965, while playing in the front yard of her home on Lorimier Street.

Thanks to all. Please spread the word to help bring our Beth home. Join our Facebook group "Finding Beth Gill." Have a safe and fun Memorial Day as we remember those who have sacrificed to keep our country free.


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I have sent kimster all the information and we hope to get this case featured on the front page
Darn you nurse - I was JUST going to post this.
BETHY' s sisters quote:

Hello everyone!
Gee... I'm not sure how I should begin, so I'll just go for it....

I'm one of Bethy's sisters. Not the one whom DKC mentioned, but I was informed of her post and about this thread and after doing a little reading and checking out this website, I thought I'd respond. Maybe I can clear up some of the questions and concerns, some of you have mentioned, here.

Eisbar, she had (has) blue eyes, but her hair was more of a light, dusty brown.... oval face, but she wasn't pudgy.... maybe a little tiny for her age. My mom is only 4 & 1/2 ft. tall and my dad was 5.5

I'd like you all, to know that pictures of Bethy have never been witheld. Sheromom, all the photos we had, of Bethy, were released to the police, for distribution to news agencies, etc, at the time of her disappearance. Back, in 1965, the news media was nothing like it is, today. Believe it or not, not many news agencies, other than local, were even interested in such events. They were personal, not national tragedies. We (the family) never thought to post on websites, like this. It was so long ago, when she disappeared and I don't think any of us (siblings), are very sleuthey, or web-a-logical..... I mean.... We just never thought about adding Bethy's information to any kind of list, at websites, such as this. The internet was not even in existance, until what.... the 80's? Who'd think that people would be talking about Bethy's disappearance, after 20 years, much less 40 years?

My sisters and I were VERY surprised, when we learned this. There is also, my mother, to consider. My father died in 1970, but mom is still here and we always have to be careful to consider her feelings about this subject. Old wounds have a way of breaking open, with new attention and the loss of my little sister has left holes in our hearts, that will never mend. We were a close family then, as we are now.

My sisters and brothers and I will be seeing each other, this weekend and we'll discuss whether or not, we should post pictures and info. I would expect that we will all agree that it could do some good, even now. It's just that my family is pretty private about this and these days, EVERYONE has to be careful. People prey upon of this kind of tragedy and my family has suffered enough. There are more kooks out there today, than there were 40 years ago, but from what I've seen so far, this is a very good website, the members seem sincere and balanced and it is extremely, well monitored.
Regarding the question of family involvement; a question of accidental death/cover-up, etc.... Let me tell you the story from my own perspective, as I was there, along with my younger sister and 3 little brothers, the day that Beth disappeared. I was 13 years old. It was a Sunday. As Eisbar noted, my Dad was working in St. Louis during the week and would return home, for the weekends. (No interstate) It was a 3 hour, or more drive. He had just left for St. Louis, that Sunday. My mother had been to visit her sister, near Chicago and to attend my sister's 8th grade graduation. Mother was due back, on Saturday, but had car trouble and was delayed, until Sunday. Another, older sister, would check in on us, around noon, I think. Cape Girardeau was a small town, in 1965. Nothing like this had ever happened and no one ever expected it could, or would happen. All the kids in our neighborhood, played between each other's yards. It was our block, our territory and we knew it well. We knew who was who and where we could play and where we couldn't play.

One of the newspaper reports stated that Beth was seen, walking down the sidewalk Carrying a sand pail, but I doubt that was accurate, as she never left the yard, except to play in the neighbor's adjoining yard, unless she was accompanied by someone older... she was not given to wandering away from home. (The newspapers also reported that her nickname was, "Betsy," but that was also, inaccurate. We called her Beth, or Bethy.)

Our house was just a block and a half from the Mississippi River. There had recently, been a motel, built in the neighborhood, just a block from the Mississipi River bridge, which crossed over, into Illinois. The back of that motel stood at the edge of our back yard and one end of the parking lot, was open to the next door neighbor's back yard, where we often, played. My family has always thought that it was most likely, that Beth was seen by someone at the motel and kidnapped. She probably would not have been afraid, had she been approached by a stranger... If they were kind to her. She wasn't afraid of strangers.... none of us were. It would not have been difficult to have just, picked her up and walked away, or coaxed her into a car. I promise you that she was not killed by me, or any of my siblings. She wasn't missing, long enough for any of us, to have been able to deal with something like that.... If I remember correctly, the police were were notified, within an hour of the time, her presence was missed. Also, I was given a pollygraph test, by our chief of police.... I was very ashamed that I might have to admit to him, that I did not watch for her, as closely, as I should have. She wasn't missing, for very long, before we began searching for her, but it only takes a minute, for a child to be snatched up and lives, to be turned inside out. There was an extensive search of the neighborhood. If she were dead, I'm certain her body would have been found. If Bethy had died, by the hand of a family member, it would most certainly have been an accident and I can say without a doubt that any of us, would have been too concerned for her, to have tried to cover it up. I was the oldest person there, at the time and I was supposed to have been in charge, so I won't deny that I was responsible for her disappearance, through my own negligence, athough none of my family has ever burdened me with that blame.

As TKC mentioned, Philip Clark's story turned out to be a hoax. Some of the best leads, we were aware of, were reports of a suspicious couple, who were in the the area, selling hand made purses. (The police called them, "Gypsies".... How's THAT, for effect! "The Gypsies took my baby!" Is that not too corney, or what?) One of those reports, was that this "Gypsey" man and woman, approached a home in Southern Illiniois and the woman made such a fuss over a little girl, that the father asked his wife to take all the children, back into the house. The couple reported it, to the police, when they heard about Beth....there were other reports too, but unfortunately, they weren't enough to solve the mystery, or bring our baby, back home.
If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to answer anything I can. In the meantime, a big thanks, to all of you, who continue to search for truth.


Reading this post and reading about the purses, prompted my memory regarding the following person, although I have no idea where he was in the late sixties when Bethy disappeared:
Thanks for posting the Huffington Post story. It's hard to believe the wife waited 14 years to go to LE. Fear is a powerful restraint. I can tell you that the purses these people peddled were not "high end" like the ones this monster sold. One of the few things the FBI did at the time was trace the material in the purses back to their source. In fact there was more done to trace these people through the purses, but it came to naught. Investigators have looked at serial child molesters and murders around the country in 1965. None have been shown as possibilities in Beth's abduction. We have considered all possible outcomes and scenarios but have never found factual evidence that Beth is not alive. Therefore our hope and faith are not diminished and our search continues. I would like to again thank this group for caring, sharing, and helping. We will always know that websleuths renewed our hopes that answers can be found. God bless this group of devoted people for trying to help so many people search for truth....and truth will come.
Sister of Elizabeth Ann Gill

This sounds really promising!

I was confused about this quote in the article:

While investigating the other missing-person case, Harper spoke with two men who said it was not uncommon for their family to abduct children and raise them as part of the clan, steering girls into arranged marriages once they reached adolescence, he said.

What/which other missing person's case? Did I miss something?
Mja inc investigations have over 80 active cases. They did not share what the case was they were working on from Michigan that could be connected to Elizabeth Ann Gill's abduction. If you go to their website, I think they have 5 cases in MI that they will be working on this trip.
They have solid reasons to believe the people they were investigating on this other case may be connected to the kidnappers of Beth. The Gill family appreciates all who are helping in our 48 year search. We couldn't continue without the support of others.
Mja inc investigations have over 80 active cases. They did not share what the case was they were working on from Michigan that could be connected to Elizabeth Ann Gill's abduction. If you go to their website, I think they have 5 cases in MI that they will be working on this trip.
They have solid reasons to believe the people they were investigating on this other case may be connected to the kidnappers of Beth. The Gill family appreciates all who are helping in our 48 year search. We couldn't continue without the support of others.

Thanks for clearing it up for me, Moo!

Thinking of you & your family and hoping this leads to Bethy!
Wow...what a case!
It appears there could very well be a strong possibility that these "gypsies" took the little girl to sell her. I agree that some surviving relative knows the truth. I would offer them $ if their information leads to the positive identification of Elizabeth. Money is a powerful motivator, as well as a little pressure from L.E. in the form of surveillance and visible reminders that they are waiting for information. Make it easier for them to cooperate, then not.
We have a $25,000 reward for proof via DNA for Finding Beth. See our Facebook page - files - reward news release for details. The reward flyers have been mailed throughout the US and long haul truckers have posted flyers as they travel. I'm sure some have reached people who have information or can find info from family members.
Thanks for helping spread the word to bring Beth home.


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