GUILTY FL - Cherish Perrywinkle, 8, Jacksonville, 21 June 2013 #3

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Probably the best thing, taking those two children away from her. She's probably upset about losing her welfare payments now they aren't with her. I hope these children get the love and care they need and deserve
I, for one, have never thought that RP was simply naive or negligent. Her actions and reactions, in my opinion, led me to believe that she thought she was conning DS (out of money).
I honestly cannot understand Rayne's actions. Why was she out shopping with such young children so late? Why was she not suspicious of his interest in her and her children? Why did she not realise Cherish was missing for so long? And why the appalling behaviour with her daughters afterwards? Going off her older daughter's statement Rayne has never put her children first.
Welcome to the dark side 2hope4. That has been my way of thinking for about 5 years now. Forced sterilization and people required by law to take parenting classes before they have children and requirements for state registration everytime you have a child with income verification and dna tests. Yeah I know it will never happen, but a girl can dream.

I'm with y'all, too.

Honestly, you can't legally drive a car without a license but anyone can have a child. I'm all for everyone who wants to have children having to get parenting licenses first.
I honestly cannot understand Rayne's actions. Why was she out shopping with such young children so late? Why was she not suspicious of his interest in her and her children? Why did she not realise Cherish was missing for so long? And why the appalling behaviour with her daughters afterwards? Going off her older daughter's statement Rayne has never put her children first.

Blef, riddle me this, not only was she at Walmart at 11:00 pm with an --alleged--stranger and three young children, which is appalling enough, but one of those children had a plane to catch at 4 a.m. How was that going to happen when Cherish wasn't even packed yet and Rayne has no car??

Rayne knew exactly where Cherish said she was going -- she (RP) even placed an order for herself -- and she knew how long Cherish had been gone. She disputes this in her 47 versions of her story, but if you read the police report she clearly states that Cherish left with DS a half-hour ago. She also finds it of the utmost importance to change her name to "Ms. Rayne" 30 seconds into her 911 call. She also spelled Cherish's name wrong on the police report, first and middle.

There are some here who think poor Rayne just made an error in judgment; there are some here who think Rayne was complacent in DS's dressing-room plans; <modsnip>. Why would a mother who is putting her sleepless daughter on a cross-country flight in about three hours be at Walmart ordering cheeseburgers (from the CLOSED McDonald's that she passed on the way in, incidentally)??? No mother who was putting their kid on a plane would be.
I still keep thinking about Shaniya Davis.
I think she and Cherish may have more in common than we realize.

This! I have believed from the beginning that the momster & the monster were not strangers that crossed paths purely by accident. IMO, RP knew that if Cherish went on the scheduled visit with her father it would be the end for her. She wasn't going to risk losing all her "little pay checks" so she cut her losses and Cherish paid the price.

I feel pretty hopeful that she will never get access to the other children again but I'm willing to bet that much like Lena (Lunsford, WV) she will keep popping out more babies (and hopefully losing custody just as quickly). She belongs in a cell right beside the devil she gave Cherish to.
I don't believe for a second she knew him at all. Police would have found out that by now.
I think she is just a flaky person. Whereas a responsible adult is going to think "My child needs to be in the airport early in the morning, I better put my child to bed early." I don't think she thinks that way.
I don't believe for a second she knew him at all. Police would have found out that by now.
I think she is just a flaky person. Whereas a responsible adult is going to think "My child needs to be in the airport early in the morning, I better put my child to bed early." I don't think she thinks that way.

Way back, the neighbors were interviewed; they stated the van was parked on their block more than once in the week prior.

ETA: JSO has deferred to Corey's office concerning other potential charges.
I don't believe for a second she knew him at all. Police would have found out that by now.
I think she is just a flaky person. Whereas a responsible adult is going to think "My child needs to be in the airport early in the morning, I better put my child to bed early." I don't think she thinks that way.

According to Rayne's timeline, not only would Cherish not be put to bed early, she was going to send her to California (supposedly) not having put her to bed AT ALL that night. It was 20 after 11 before she called 911; so she wasn't even looking for DS until 11 when it was time to check out. She still had to drive home, pack, and get Cherish to the airport at least an hour before her 4:00 a.m. flight. I don't know exactly how far the drive is to the airport, but either she was sending her cross-country on an hour of sleep, at the very most, OR she wasn't planning on sending her to California at all.
According to Rayne's timeline, not only would Cherish not be put to bed early, she was going to send her to California (supposedly) not having put her to bed AT ALL that night. It was 20 after 11 before she called 911; so she wasn't even looking for DS until 11 when it was time to check out. She still had to drive home, pack, and get Cherish to the airport at least an hour before her 4:00 a.m. flight. I don't know exactly how far the drive is to the airport, but either she was sending her cross-country on an hour of sleep, at the very most, OR she wasn't planning on sending her to California at all.

Respectfully BBM

Which begs the question, how was she going to get the three girls home after Wal-Mart? Was she going to have the strange man--who she admitted gave her the creeps and was paying too much attention to Cherish--take them to their home so he'd always know where they lived?

Even curiouser, how did Rayne plan to get Cherish to the airport at 3 am when she and AP don't own a car? Are we to believe she had cash studiously set aside for round trip cab fair? (Rayne, as legal guardian, would have to go into the airport with CP to get her checked in.)

Then again, she took the girls shopping for dresses when she admits she had virtually no money, so I suppose she could call a cab and hope it would magically work itself out like the shopping trips for dresses do. Aharon said they do this shopping run often at dollar stores...

It was a normal Friday night and Aharon Pearson said Rayne Perrywinkle and Cherish were doing what they always do, shopping at dollar stores. The night started at the Dollar General on Edgewood Avenue.
I have been wondering if she was hoping to hitch a ride to the airport from DS.
If she normally shops with no money, it might be her pattern of behavior of going to the store with children and hoping somebody gives her some money?
I don't think she knew DS prior to this.
Police haven't arrested or charged her, and it would have come out by now.
I have avoided this thread to remain within TOS. I do not know what I think on whether there was prior acquaintance or simply someone she had "seen around" (the van sightings on the block previously)

All I can say is, I find Rayne to be a most unusual person and her ever evolving tale of events that night to be very suspect and incredible.

I just wanted to thank those of you were are able to post your concerns on this case while still staying within TOS. You have my uptmost respect because the how of that still escapes me. I have yet to figure out how to walk that line in this case.

back to lurkmode before I screw up.
I have avoided this thread to remain within TOS. I do not know what I think on whether there was prior acquaintance or simply someone she had "seen around" (the van sightings on the block previously)

All I can say is, I find Rayne to be a most unusual person and her ever evolving tale of events that night to be very suspect and incredible.

I just wanted to thank those of you were are able to post your concerns on this case while still staying within TOS. You have my uptmost respect because the how of that still escapes me. I have yet to figure out how to walk that line in this case.

back to lurkmode before I screw up.

I just want to clarify what I meant when I said I didn't think they were strangers that crossed paths purely by accident. I didn't mean to suggest they were best buds or anything like that. IMO, RP knew exactly who (or what) DS was when she put her child in his crosshairs that night. I don't believe that she ever had any intention of putting Cherish on a plane the next morning and DS was the means to the end.

I've tried looking at this countless other ways. I've tried being charitable and considering that RP may just be an idiot with zero parenting skills but it doesn't fit for me. I have spent a large part of my time since July raising 2 nieces that have a mother that could be a carbon copy of Rayne. Their mother is not an idiot. She IS a narcissistic, drug addicted user that does such an amazing job at playing dumb and wounded that half the time you walk away not realizing you've been used and fearing that you have taken advantage of her lack of intelligence instead. Her sister and I have both found ourselves seeking out therapy because dealing with her is such a head trip that for our own sanity we had to get help dealing or walk away from 2 little girls that need us.

Remember the episode with Rayne wanting to make sure the reporter knew about her scrapped up knees after her child had been found raped and murdered? Last weekend my 7 year old niece was almost hit by a truck while playing unattended in the parking lot and road. Luckily the driver saw her just in time and hit a dumpster and brick building instead of R. When I was called and asked to rush over her mother met me in the parking lot and the first words out of her mouth were "I fell off the bottom steps and think I need to go to the ER". I was then directed by LE and CPS to take my niece to the ER because she seemed to be "shocky" and even there her mother went on about her injuries so much that she was told by the nurse to go sign up to be treated or go home. It is always all about her.

Rayne has made this all about her and how she has been judged, lied on, accused and injured from day 1. Cherish is but a minor character in the RP recounting of this great injustice inflicted on her. I can't even pretend to give her the benefit of the doubt any more. Her numerous lies and inconsistencies aside, the few known facts are pretty damning on their own. From going shopping with little money at an hour when the children should have been fast asleep to being only hours away from putting Cherish on a plane despite not having packed and having no transportation to get her to the airport ... It seems pretty clear to me that RP knew exactly what she was (or wasn't) doing.
I do not disagree vasportsmom, that is all I can say. I feel Rayne is an interesting personality type and I'll just leave it at that. As to her being naive and not recognizing a potential predator I find that hard to believe given her previous history in jobs that would put her in direct contact with males exhibiting such sexually predatory behaviors
I do not disagree vasportsmom, that is all I can say. I feel Rayne is an interesting personality type and I'll just leave it at that. As to her being naive and not recognizing a potential predator I find that hard to believe given her previous history in jobs that would put her in direct contact with males exhibiting such sexually predatory -

I have a feeling that the time will come when we know more about Rayne's (ugh, I really hate her having that name; my niece is Rayna) personality type than we want to. I foresee an in depth psych eval ordered on her ...
Wasn't Donald suppose to go to court today? OR it is tomorrow?
Last night I was reading the report on all the officers that got disciplined and demoted/transferred because of their inept handling of Cherish's kidnapping. This is one of the reasons I've had to step back from this case for a bit because I've come to realize that except for her father, every adult in her life who she trusted failed her, beginning at birth with her mother and in death with the police and just reading about it and thinking about it is sometimes just too much. It was INFURIATING to read what a circus it was that night within the ranks of the police department, and calling it amateur hour would be putting it mildly. I can't get the image out of my mind of the cop in his car reading the manual on an Amber Alert, literally, because he had to sound it and the cop who should have been in charge just returned from a vacation that day and didn't feel like coming in.

Anyway, the most chilling thing I read was Rayne repeatedly telling the police that DS was going to rape and murder her daughter. I'm sure that when a child is kidnapped by a stranger, the parent fears this very thing the most; however, Rayne knew who Cherish was with, she knew where they were supposed to be going, she trusted him enough to dump her three young daughters into his no-backseat-having van and enough to give him permission to take Cherish off alone. If your new friend went to McDonald's and didn't return when he was supposed to, wouldn't you first think either they got lost or they got into an accident, maybe got a flat tire? Why did she immediately go to "rape and murder"?? She told the police she was a psychic and she told the police that DS was going to rape and murder her daughter. Well, I think she knew that not because of her psychic abilities, but because she knew who DS was and what DS does.
I have a feeling that the time will come when we know more about Rayne's (ugh, I really hate her having that name; my niece is Rayna) personality type than we want to. I foresee an in depth psych eval ordered on her ...

You can call her Kim Hoy; that is her given name. Personally, I like to call her Kzim. I want to prove that you don't have to go through all the trouble of legally changing your first and last name just so you can confuse other people, i.e., the police, with the multiple spelling options a concocted name like Rayne Perrywinkle affords. Wouldn't you agree, Aharon Pearson???

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