a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #5

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ITA. And I don't have any worries.

Dear Jodi, Nurmi & Jenny Willmott:

I don't care if Travis slept with more women than Hugh Hefner.
I don't care if Travis had anal and oral sex on a daily basis with prostitutes.
I don't care if Travis treated Jodi Arias like a street-walking prostitute.
I don't care if Travis told Jodi Arias she was worth nothing more than her genitals.
I don't care if Travis promised Jodi Arias he would marry her and then told her she was too much a piece of garbage for him to even be seen out in public with.


Dear ALV:

You are 20-30 years late with your "Patriarchal Terrorism" and your folksy tales of mean men and angelic women.

You are an embarrassment to ALL women and men survivors of violence (Including me).

Listening to a pathological liar and regurgitating her lies on the stand does not make it THE TRUTH. I makes you a MOUTHPIECE who is JUSTIFYING TRAVIS' MURDER at the hands of an ABUSER.

No reasonable person will ever listen to you again since you're telling us that VIOLENCE AGAINST MEN BY WOMEN PERPS IS OK. It's not.

I've been caring for my 3 young children and a husband with an intestinal virus all weekend & we were all too sick to even do Easter! I'm sick to death of the BS coming out of this trial--this "expert" and her absurd view of the world just makes me sick.

Rant over!

This sums up my feelings too. They will stoop to the lowest of the low to dirty his memory- how can you do this to a family who are suffering so? The worst lie that Travis was interested in young boys didn't have anything to do with her defence- that it was in self-defence. They brought it up so that the jury would be so disgusted with Travis they would find it easier to justify his death. Almost making Jodi out to be hero who took a paedophile off the streets. I really dislike Alyce, her anecdotes & folksy way of talking are calculated to bond her with the jury. Where is the 'expert' opinion the people of Arizona are paying good money for? She struck me as some 60's feminist who believed that holding a door open for a woman is a form of abuse. I wonder how much of her experience is current as much of her autobiography she recounted on the stand seemed to be quite some time ago.
ITA. And I don't have any worries.

Dear Jodi, Nurmi & Jenny Willmott:

I don't care if Travis slept with more women than Hugh Hefner.
I don't care if Travis had anal and oral sex on a daily basis with prostitutes.
I don't care if Travis treated Jodi Arias like a street-walking prostitute.
I don't care if Travis told Jodi Arias she was worth nothing more than her genitals.
I don't care if Travis promised Jodi Arias he would marry her and then told her she was too much a piece of garbage for him to even be seen out in public with.


Dear ALV:

You are 20-30 years late with your "Patriarchal Terrorism" and your folksy tales of mean men and angelic women.

You are an embarrassment to ALL women and men survivors of violence (Including me).

Listening to a pathological liar and regurgitating her lies on the stand does not make it THE TRUTH. I makes you a MOUTHPIECE who is JUSTIFYING TRAVIS' MURDER at the hands of an ABUSER.

No reasonable person will ever listen to you again since you're telling us that VIOLENCE AGAINST MEN BY WOMEN PERPS IS OK. It's not.

I've been caring for my 3 young children and a husband with an intestinal virus all weekend & we were all too sick to even do Easter! I'm sick to death of the BS coming out of this trial--this "expert" and her absurd view of the world just makes me sick.

Rant over!

Great post. Thanks.
Watching HLN right now and they are showing the phone call with Flores right after the murder and I'm SO GLAD the jury has heard her lucidity with her LIES. She is so clear, so articulate, so confident. There is nothing "victim" about her or impaired in any way shape or form.
She just comes across as the manipulative bald faced liar that she is.
I think the gun and knife are still out there somewhere. And I think they will be found one day!

If you all recall in the Police Interrogation with Arias, Det. Flores tells her that they have MATCHED the casing found at the scene with bullets found at the Grandparents house. Now this has NOT been brought into the trial yet, so wither Martinez is waiting til rebuttal to bring it out or Flores was just saying that to try and get a Confession out of her. I guess we will see. AS far as finding that gun, the only way to solve that mystery is to have people go out and look for it. I just hope the Defense doesn't catch wind of this search cause you know THING will just tell the Defense where it is and it's over. That gun is probably been found already by the Defense team anyhow. You know she has told someone, Matt McCartney, someone of where it is and its gone. I bet money on that.

I was re-watching Sky Hughes' testimony & noticed a man sitting w/the mitigation spec. He gets up w/his binder right after Sky finishes but before they recall Gus to the stand (@14:25). Sorry, I can't link on MrTDoc's stupid iPad but it's on YouTube as 'Jodi Arias Day 18 full.'

Do you know who that is? He looks shifty to me, maybe a private investigator? Any thoughts? TIA

I was re-watching Sky Hughes' testimony & noticed a man sitting w/the mitigation spec. He gets up w/his binder right after Sky finishes but before they recall Gus to the stand (@14:25). Sorry, I can't link on MrTDoc's stupid iPad but it's on YouTube as 'Jodi Arias Day 18 full.'

Do you know who that is? He looks shifty to me, maybe a private investigator? Any thoughts? TIA

I'll take a look. Interesting you should say this as I saw a man I'd not seen before sitting there on the day Flores was on the stand and the phone call was being played...same man maybe. I didn't recognize that one. I came in to this trial a week after it had started so missed those early days.

I'll check and get back to ya. :seeya:
I wonder why this guy wasn't called by the prosecution? I also wonder what the "protection ritual" involved.

"Thomas Brown, a former roommate of Travis Alexander in the home of his murder, was interviewed up to three times by Detective Flores whereby he told them that Jodi had open access to the home when he was around and the Arias he knew was completely shy and somewhat awkwardly withdrawn. He was having a hard time picturing her doing this without help and he told cops that.

He also told them something about Travis being shocked to get the call that Jodi Arias was standing outside the home the early morning hours of June 4, 2008 and that he had been up all night performing some sort of protection rite. Brown’s information was not included in any information given to the defense and he was not even aware his name came up in the investigation by Jodi Arias herself"
ITA. And I don't have any worries.

Dear Jodi, Nurmi & Jenny Willmott:

I don't care if Travis slept with more women than Hugh Hefner.
I don't care if Travis had anal and oral sex on a daily basis with prostitutes.
I don't care if Travis treated Jodi Arias like a street-walking prostitute.
I don't care if Travis told Jodi Arias she was worth nothing more than her genitals.
I don't care if Travis promised Jodi Arias he would marry her and then told her she was too much a piece of garbage for him to even be seen out in public with.


Dear ALV:

You are 20-30 years late with your "Patriarchal Terrorism" and your folksy tales of mean men and angelic women.

You are an embarrassment to ALL women and men survivors of violence (Including me).

Listening to a pathological liar and regurgitating her lies on the stand does not make it THE TRUTH. I makes you a MOUTHPIECE who is JUSTIFYING TRAVIS' MURDER at the hands of an ABUSER.

No reasonable person will ever listen to you again since you're telling us that VIOLENCE AGAINST MEN BY WOMEN PERPS IS OK. It's not.

I've been caring for my 3 young children and a husband with an intestinal virus all weekend & we were all too sick to even do Easter! I'm sick to death of the BS coming out of this trial--this "expert" and her absurd view of the world just makes me sick.

Rant over!

I couldn't agree more! I have been ranting since day one of trial. I don't care either. He did not deserve to be slaughtered the way he was. So what if she couldn't have him, couldn't control him, couldn't blackmail him, couldn't marry him? She was a *advertiser censored* long befor she met him. And if I offend anyone by saying that, it is the still the truth and I hope the truth wins out in this trial!
Arias kept the receipts from this trip IMO as trophies or she was in her twisted mind going to use them as her alibi's or something, so if she kept the receipts is it possible she has kept the knife and gun somewhere where she knows they can be recovered as well? Just a thought.

She may have kept them for tax purposes. She went to a PPL event in Utah and was probably thinking of writing off the trip as a business expense. MOO
OMG you guys...I am so blown away right now I can't even barely type.

I just got home from a quick two night getaway and checked my mail for the first time in a few days and my mail box was FILLED with notes and cards and gifts for me and more importantly the Alexander family to pass along.

I'm so overwhelmed I haven't even really gone through them all yet. I'm just digesting the first things I saw but I had to stop and express my overwhelming gratitude. Hally, TorisMom and someone who I don't know your posting name but you are from Arkansas and shoot now the other one I don't remember your name either I'm so discombobulated right now with mind blowing gratitude.

Thank you so much.

The handmade bracelet with all the charms representing so many meaningful things to me with a handmade box with the inside showing a photo of my sister and I as a baby copied and affixed to the lid...ok now I'm bawling.

I was so out of it due to the Katie Wick thing the day I left, I literally left my house for 2 nights with my front door standing open (don't worry the security screen door was locked...but DUH!). I am just getting some of these things because i rushed out so fast i didn't check mail that day either.

I will write each of you individually too...I hope you see this. My Dad just arrived yesterday and i will show him each and every thing as well along with the beautifully heart felt letters.

You all make my life worth living!!! xoxoxox :seeya:



Any thoughts about this:

Filing Date Description Docket Date Filing Party
3/31/2013 MOT - Motion - Party (001) 4/1/2013
3/31/2013 OBJ - Objection/Opposition. - Party (001) 4/1/2013


My thoughts are:

1. more smoke blowing

2. if there is one juror "misconduct" that's why they have 6 alternates

3. Nurmi is getting desperate at this stage-standard

4. This judge is impeccable in protecting the record..all he has now is stuff going on outside the courtroom.

5. This like all his mistrial motions, will go nowhere but could be one less thing appealed on in the decades of DP appeals she will have.
It is not TA's foot. It's a blood spot that takes the absurd shape of a tiny footprint. It's right beside his shoulder. No way, no how, it's not his foot.


I will believe whatever the proscuter says. They have very sophictated ways of investating the photo
Arias kept the receipts from this trip IMO as trophies or she was in her twisted mind going to use them as her alibi's or something, so if she kept the receipts is it possible she has kept the knife and gun somewhere where she knows they can be recovered as well? Just a thought.

Actually, I don't think she kept them as trophies, I think she kept them with the thought that once she gets away with her lies, she can claim them as business expenses. The other is she needed some form of receipts to 'show' (LIE) about only having gone to Southern CA and Utah. What she didn't plan on was for police to discover she had borrowed gas cans. Don't forget she didn't know until she was arrested on July 15, that the police had been able to recover photos. So to that point she was still feeling she could cover her lies.
I wonder why this guy wasn't called by the prosecution? I also wonder what the "protection ritual" involved.

Well did he call the police and tell them this info. I find it puzzling some times with some people who 'come forward' via media, that they haven't talked to the police. Do they wait for the police to call them? If I had any relevant information I would call and leave that info for the authorities to consider and email it as well.
In the same context I have wondered over time about that guy from near Yreka who was on HLN a month or so back saying he lent her money to go on her trip and she told him she was desperate to see her boyfriend in Mesa because she thought he was 'cheating'. I haven't heard a word from him since, so maybe he's on JM's rebuttal list, but I thought if his info was true it would definitely show she had premeditation.
========= From NGrace Show transcipt ===========:

By 7:32 PM, Arias is in Lodi, California, stopping at a McDonald`s for a large fry and bottle of water. June 3rd, just after 10:00 AM, Arias makes three deposits in two separate bank accounts at Washington Mutual in Monterey, California. By 8:31 PM, Arias is in Pasadena, California. She stops by a CVS pharmacy, followed by an 8:41 PM visit to a Pasadena Starbucks.

========= From Calls for Justice Trial Day 5 ===========

Nurmi shows the bank deposits again:

#1 deposit account#8006 $400 6/3 10:10

#2 deposit account#7148 $300 6/3 10:11

#3 deposit account#7148 $100 6/3 10:15

State calls Esteban Flores again.

In your conversation with Ms. Arias, did you discuss her knowledge of Mr. Alexander’s pin numbers? Yes.

A CD is being played.

She had Travis’ ATM pin.
Plus if anyone were going to challenge the ME it would have been defense and it would have been right out of the gate. So I think the only point defense is arguing with the ME is that the shot was first.

I would love for JM to get Jodi back on the stand. On the big screen, he should play the tape back of the day he put up a zoomed in picture of Travis's closet. It showed Travis'shoes and sneakers NEATLY LINED UP.NOTHING DISTURBED. When Jodi saw that, she automaticlly said, "I put my foot on the edge of the shelf." I would like for JM to ask her how she remembered what part of the shelf her foot was. She said that because everything was neat.. Also, if she put her foot up on the shelf, and grabed the other one with her hand, they would have tipped over and fell.
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