JB's ghosts, hauntings, psychics, visions, dreams, seance?

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Apr 4, 2009
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I've heard that Jameson claimed she saw the ghost of JB and this ghost told her IDI.

I'm kinda curious as to whether any reports of JB's ghost, haunted house, or psychics, and whether this has led to any real leads.

I've heard one psychic claim IDI, and drew a sketch (which sorta kinda looks like JMK), any psychics claim RDI?

Anyone here had a visitation beyond the grave from JB, in a dream, vision, or ghost?

What is the story behind ghosts of murdered souls that DID receive a proper burial (as JB did)? Do they then rest?
Would JB's ghost be at her body headstone or where she was murdered?

Would you be frightened if in a dream or wake you see the ghost of JB? I know I'd be scared ****less.
I see.....dead people. But I am curious as to how all the facts come together and what happened that night.

If your IDI or RDI, and you receive a personal visitation of JB's ghost who tells you the opposite of what you believe
would you change your mind? Any attempts to do a seance?

Do ghosts age? If we saw JB's ghost would she be her age at death or her current adult age?

I don't believe in ghosts but then I would be scared if I saw one. Have you seen any ghosts? What was that like?
The sketch resembled Linda Pugh's husband, Merv. The psychic, who is since deceased, also said a yellow raincoat was signficant. There's been others through the years, but nothing that as panned out.

I think Jameson had a vision while taking a shower earlyon---can't remember the details, but it was two younger men, I believe. Also coincidental is the duct tape was traced back to a factory in Hickory, NC where jameson lived---and had been produced and distributed fairly close to the murder. They traced it by the glue.

I seldom dreamed about the case. One time, there was a lone figure under a streetlight staring at the house----it snowing and dark, and creepy. Another time I was in an apt. and there was a broken glass that was significant. That was it. I've never dreamt about JBR being alive.
I seldom dreamed about the case. One time, there was a lone figure under a streetlight staring at the house----it snowing and dark, and creepy. Another time I was in an apt. and there was a broken glass that was significant. That was it. I've never dreamt about JBR being alive.

I'm getting chills as I read this. :eek:

I have had a cat, a brown tabby w/orange patches, that I had put to sleep almost a year ago and she still shows up in my dream. In my dream I ask her, where have you been I've been looking for you.
I've heard that Jameson claimed she saw the ghost of JB and this ghost told her IDI.

I had to learn the hard way not to trust THAT particular source.

any psychics claim RDI?

Some, but I can't remember any names.

Anyone here had a visitation beyond the grave from JB, in a dream, vision, or ghost?

I wish.

Would you be frightened if in a dream or wake you see the ghost of JB? I know I'd be scared ****less.

Nothing much scares me about this.

If you're IDI or RDI, and you receive a personal visitation of JB's ghost who tells you the opposite of what you believe
would you change your mind?

I'd probably think I'd gone completely insane! So it would be kind of a moot point...
I'd probably think I'd gone completely insane! So it would be kind of a moot point...

OH I already know THAT! J/k btw. In ur case, JB's ghost would show you the intruder who killed her. In my case JB ghost would show PR rage-attack & staging.

Although it's possible that JB didn't know what happened to her at all. Could she have been struck and killed while she was asleep? (of course her ghost would then see what happened next I suppose)
I'm getting chills as I read this. :eek:

I have had a cat, a brown tabby w/orange patches, that I had put to sleep almost a year ago and she still shows up in my dream. In my dream I ask her, where have you been I've been looking for you.

That gave me a bit of a turn, Voynich.

No really spooky experiences here although my paternal granny was a cat fanatic with lots of red hair and, for about a month after she died, this big fat red-haired cat kept coming into our house.... My dad also has a really hilarious true tale about a guy digging a grave and climbing out and asking a passer-by the time. The latter ran away at the speed of sound. LOL.

Re JBR, quite recently I dreamt that a few people from here were at a conference to discuss the case but it's many years since I dreamt about JBR herself.
OH I already know THAT! J/k btw.

Yeah, I left myself WIDE open for that one!

In your case, JB's ghost would show you the intruder who killed her. In my case JB ghost would show PR rage-attack & staging.

Great! We don't need the police, we need the Ghostbusters!

Although it's possible that JB didn't know what happened to her at all. Could she have been struck and killed while she was asleep? (of course her ghost would then see what happened next I suppose)

In all seriousness, that COULD have happened.
I'm curious as to what you think happened in sequence from the time she arrived in her home to her death.

No problem. Just go to the thread marked "Members Theories" at the top of the main board.
All children that die revert to their "soul age"- equivalent to young adult. So do the elderly. The age the body is at death has no bearing on the age of the soul. However, and this is not just true of children, souls will appear as they would be remembered.
When my late mother comes through, she will have her eyes closed (she was blind) but she can see. My late grandfather lost both legs to diabetes, but there is no illness after death. Yet, he will often appear that way so I know it is him.
All children that die revert to their "soul age"- equivalent to young adult. So do the elderly. The age the body is at death has no bearing on the age of the soul. However, and this is not just true of children, souls will appear as they would be remembered.
When my late mother comes through, she will have her eyes closed (she was blind) but she can see. My late grandfather lost both legs to diabetes, but there is no illness after death. Yet, he will often appear that way so I know it is him.

So you've actually seen a ghost?
So you've actually seen a ghost?

Folks, I'm not one of these people who thinks that there are no such things as ghosts. Just because I've never seen one doesn't mean there aren't any. After all, does not the Bard say, "there are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy?"

I know this sounds crazy, but I've sometimes tried to communicate with the spirit of JBR. But no good. Boston Brand, I ain't.
Early in the week, I did have a dream about JB from beyond the grave, but it was far and away different than what is discussed here. While I usually don't subject others to the horrors that exist in my mind, this is one istance where
be careful what you ask for" may apply.

In the dream, I was visited by JB, PR and my mom. They were not ghosts. But they weren't human, either. They were these horrible, rotting zombies. And they didn't want to talk to me. They wanted to eat me. I swear, I FELT their teeth tearing into my flesh as if it had really happened.

I woke up and all I could hear was this high-pitched drone. Then I realized it was the sound of my own screaming. Nearly scared Bro to death. I was so shaken up I almost didn't make it into work that day.

But not much about this case scares me now.
Early in the week, I did have a dream about JB from beyond the grave, but it was far and away different than what is discussed here. While I usually don't subject others to the horrors that exist in my mind, this is one istance where
be careful what you ask for" may apply.

In the dream, I was visited by JB, PR and my mom. They were not ghosts. But they weren't human, either. They were these horrible, rotting zombies. And they didn't want to talk to me. They wanted to eat me. I swear, I FELT their teeth tearing into my flesh as if it had really happened.

I woke up and all I could hear was this high-pitched drone. Then I realized it was the sound of my own screaming. Nearly scared Bro to death. I was so shaken up I almost didn't make it into work that day.

But not much about this case scares me now.

This Jameson character sounds like a fraud, a nutjob, or most likely both, like 100% of all other self-described "psychics".
Ok - posted, or tried, kicked offline, etc. I need to be brief for my sanity - I posted a good detailed post & like fairy dust it's gone! Anyway...yes, many experiences...I'll go into a couple:

In highschool best friend & I (whom people thought we were twins - won't go into that weirdness) - were, for whatever silly reason dressing up in all black , like costumes (sort of - we liked 'the Cure', etc!)...so, I'm leaning over the coffee table picking up some dishes, etc. out of the corner of my eye I see a figure all in black, a human figure, (I know my friend is upstairs) but as I turn around it is always out of my eye..just at the edges & then it disappears around the corner. I go into the kitchen, I hear my friend call my name in a funny, coy way - I'm laughing to myself wondering what she is up to - I call out 'what?' in response to her calling my name......silence....then she screams her head off. I go to the bottom of the stairs, she appears at the top, and looks at me at starts screaming like crazy...I run up the stairs to her, we collapse & huddle together...turns out she saw some 'shadow' run up the stairs & thought it was me trying to sneak up on her or something...when I called out from downstairs she knew it wasn't me & freaked! No one else was in the house. What I saw out of the corner of my eye perhaps thirty seconds before she saw run up, or glide as she put it, the stairs. I could go into this - I've learned just recently of so-called 'shadow people' this fits the bill...we had many encounters...including both of us, alone, and she says 'ouch' & looks at me, I think 'what the heck?' and she has a large scratch on her arm...or doorbell in the middle of nowhere at her house, in the middle of rice fields, windows all in the front, no one at the door, we 'sense' something standing between us...walk around corner & usually calm, nice dog starts barking furiously from the other side of the sliding glass door...or walking together feeling a tap at our outer shoulder, no one in front or behind us & we simutaneously felt it & looked around for some 'source'...just the iceberg....

Also, in an old house in northern Ca. I saw, just on the verge of entering a room, straight in front of me, a girl, her brown hair in pigtails, hands behind her back looking shyly at me - as soon as I entered I exited! Believe me, that freaked me out...even with the other stuff I've experienced, she was a real 'ghost'......

Same house...i had put up a mirror high up on the wall (first no children lived in this house at the time)...and after a fews days of noticing smudges on it when the faint winter light hit it in the late afternoon I finally took it down - guess what? There was a handprint..lines & all...on the mirror...a child's handprint..and it was upside-down with regard to how the mirror had been hung....by the way I had to use a LADDER to get the mirror down.

These stories are nothing really, but perhaps the most 'objective' in the sense other's either experienced or could see first hand what had happened.

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