mccanns case and censorship

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In the UK you can say what you want about someone so long as it is true or comes under fair comment or is not defamatory.
If people choose to go around making accusations, then why should they not have to prove it. If their claims are true then there can be no censorship, they just go to court with their evidence and if it is true the court rules in their favour. If they have been telling a pack of lies then obviously the court will not rule in their favour. Why should people be able to make false accusations about people.
I have not heard of the mccanss demanding compensation for themselves. If someone falsly accused me of being involved in a crime I would take them to court too. I am fairly certain if someone suggested Amaral was involved in covering up the abductions because he was involved in criminal activity, he would quite rightly sue for libel too. If Amarel has written things about the McCansn that are not true (I also heard he claimed a child's body had been found in the Jersey care home, but not sure if that is correct), then every single profit he makes should go to the McCanns or the find madeleine fund. Why should an ex-detective with a criminal record for giving false evidence be able to profit by lying about people and falsly accusing them?
If someone leafleted your street with leaflets falsly suggesting you were a criminal would you be happy?
Amaral has sued people for defamation, when he was accused of being involved in the torture of the mother of Joana Cipriano. So when he sues people for defamation it is OK, when others sue him it is censorhsip
Perhaps you need to read up a bit. The mccanns are suing mr amaral for 1.2m quid for causing distress.

Censorship refers to, obviouslyyou didnt watch the video, banning his book which detailed the facts in the case. They got a temporary ban which was overturned and held up by the highest court. And good. Last I heard it was the nazis burning books.

As for him suing for defamation, it was true that he was defamed because that awful woman and her stupid lawyer said mr amaral tortured her and was there and egged others on. Its a fact he was never there so yes its libel. Mr Amaral and others in the police cant be sued for defamation if they in their police investigation came to conclusions that madeleine had died. Its really that simple. And I do foresee the mccanns losing the case lime every other one they have instigated all courtesy of the madeleine fund.
As far as I am aware Amaral has not written the book as part of his policewor, but as an individuel. And if he has made defamatory statements that are either not fair comment or he cannot prove then of course he should be sued for libel.
Anf if people do not want to sell his book then why should they be forced to sell it?

And what libel cases have the mccanns lost. They took Bennett to caught, and he was unable to prove his statements depsite claiming they were true and was banned from publishing them. Now he is facing a possible prison sentence not the McCanns. If it is not libel then why does he not show the evidence he has that it is true? The newspapers had to pay out and print front page apologies. It is amazing that considering so many people like bennett and Butler claim their statements are true, so far not one of these statements has been held up as true in court.

And the ban being overturned has nothing to do with it being libelous or not. The courts said he had free speech so the book could not be banned. But this was not saying his statements were true or he could not be held liable - it was a "on his head be it" ruling i.e he can publish the book but if it turns out he had libeled someone then he is liable for it. If he can sue others for defamining him, then he cannot claim others should be denied that right. It is actually better for the Mccann case that he has sued Cipriano's lawyer, because now he cannot bleat that sueing for defamation is censorship when he gets taken to court. He has removed that defense for himself now.
oh and for the record mr amaral was not writing as an individual he was writing about the conclusions of the whole police force who concluded before he was sacked off the case that madeleine had died and it was a cover up, so lessof the demonising one man its so frankly boring and untrue

we also know the mccanns paid their detectives to dig up dirt on amaral, nice priorities for the parents of a missing child who did not cooperate with police and refused to answer questions

So you think the book has been written and published by the PJ, and not by Amaral as an individuel? Even thought the Portuguese version of the CPS said there was no evidence against either Murat or the parents?
And considering Amaral has a criminal conviction for lying about evidence in a case relating to a missing child he does not really need any one else to demonize him.
nothing todo with mr amaral, was his team and the team that

worked with british detectives too


I really do not mean to be rude, but I am not certain what you mean to say? Are you saying the book is nothing to do with Amaral, and it is written by the PJ and British police? If that is the case why are the courts allowing Amaral to be sued for libel?
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I really do not mean to be rude, but I am not certain what you mean to say? Are you saying the book is nothing to do with Amaral, and it is written by the PJ and British police? If that is the case why are the courts allowing Amaral to be sued for libel?

There is a myth going around that Mr Amaral and him alpne has come up with the accidental death and concealment theory when this just is not true. Its an attempt to scapegoat him when in fact the whole of the portuguese police dept involved came to that conclusion.

the courts allow writs to be issued. normally after an application the trial goes ahead. Courts do not decide to accept or decline writs based on what they think the outcome might be or the merits of any case.

Seeing as the supreme court in portugal has overturned the ban of his book, I dont see the libel trial as having a foot to stand on. Still, I guess the Mccanns hope all the money they have used from the fund to which people donated to find Madeleine but used to litigate against several people, will earn them a million. lets see hey?
Catch you later.
There is a myth going around that Mr Amaral and him alpne has come up with the accidental death and concealment theory when this just is not true. Its an attempt to scapegoat him when in fact the whole of the portuguese police dept involved came to that conclusion.

the courts allow writs to be issued. normally after an application the trial goes ahead. Courts do not decide to accept or decline writs based on what they think the outcome might be or the merits of any case.

Seeing as the supreme court in portugal has overturned the ban of his book, I dont see the libel trial as having a foot to stand on. Still, I guess the Mccanns hope all the money they have used from the fund to which people donated to find Madeleine but used to litigate against several people, will earn them a million. lets see hey?
Catch you later.

The overturning of the ban on the book has no influence on the libel trial. If amaral has made any assertions about anyone in his book that he cannot prove and are defamatory then he is committing libel. He could try the defence of fair comment and claim it is his opinion, but this is unlikely to work as accusing someone of a crime and tagging on a "in my opinion" or "this is just a theory" is unlikely to come under fair comment.

In the UK, courts can reject cases on the basis of no merit or no case to answer. This is something Tony Bennett is well acquinted with as he has had his attempts to prosecute individuels thrown out at least twice.

Also for their work with the mccanns, carter -ruck have worked on a no-win no fee basis. In the UK this works by the clients not paying anything at all, but if they win the losing party pays the lawyer fees.
The overturning of the ban on the book has no influence on the libel trial. If amaral has made any assertions about anyone in his book that he cannot prove and are defamatory then he is committing libel. He could try the defence of fair comment and claim it is his opinion, but this is unlikely to work as accusing someone of a crime and tagging on a "in my opinion" or "this is just a theory" is unlikely to come under fair comment.

In the UK, courts can reject cases on the basis of no merit or no case to answer. This is something Tony Bennett is well acquinted with as he has had his attempts to prosecute individuels thrown out at least twice.

Also for their work with the mccanns, carter -ruck have worked on a no-win no fee basis. In the UK this works by the clients not paying anything at all, but if they win the losing party pays the lawyer fees.

Who mentioned carter ruck? They have nothing to do with this at all. It remains a fact, borne out by their published accounts, that the fund has been used to sue people in Portugal. Fact.

As to libel, police forces cannot be sued for doing their jobs and reaching certain conclusions. Supreme court ruled the book was nothing but a replication of the facts in the case, so, yes, no leg to stand on.
He wrote the book as an individuel, not as a police report. he is protected in the police, although he can (and has been) be prosecuted for lying even in the course of police work. The supreme court did not rule the book was a replication of the facts. But we will have to see what the libel trial states. If Amaral is able to prove every single one of his defamatory statements then he is OK, if not then is has committed libel.
remember bennetts books were banned because he could not prove its statements.
He wrote the book as an individuel, not as a police report. he is protected in the police, although he can (and has been) be prosecuted for lying even in the course of police work. The supreme court did not rule the book was a replication of the facts. But we will have to see what the libel trial states. If Amaral is able to prove every single one of his defamatory statements then he is OK, if not then is has committed libel.
remember bennetts books were banned because he could not prove its statements.
The court certainly DID rule it was a replication of the police files. Seems you have decided ahead of the courts that any statement made was defamatory. Are you a judge? Lol
The Lisbon court of appeal, said their ruling was not a ruling on the factuality of his claims, nor was it a defamation or libel trial. they ruled that to ban the book at that stage would go against freedom of expression. However, a libel trial can, and is, going ahead. If Amaral loses the libel cases, there is a possibility that the book may be banned again as this time the court will have to take into account the fact that another court has rules the book libelous. At the appeal trial the book had obviously not been ruled libelous so the court could not make a judgement on whether or not it was true. If the book is ruled libelous it will also mean anyone who publishes or reproduces the book, or part, thereof, will be liable to libel charges too.

Incidently Amaral has lost a libel case he took to court, and has been ordered to pay not only the defence fees, but the court fees as well.
The Lisbon court of appeal, said their ruling was not a ruling on the factuality of his claims, nor was it a defamation or libel trial. they ruled that to ban the book at that stage would go against freedom of expression. However, a libel trial can, and is, going ahead. If Amaral loses the libel cases, there is a possibility that the book may be banned again as this time the court will have to take into account the fact that another court has rules the book libelous. At the appeal trial the book had obviously not been ruled libelous so the court could not make a judgement on whether or not it was true. If the book is ruled libelous it will also mean anyone who publishes or reproduces the book, or part, thereof, will be liable to libel charges too.

Incidently Amaral has lost a libel case he took to court, and has been ordered to pay not only the defence fees, but the court fees as well.

I fail to see how a dry, factual book written by a senior detective who actually RAN an investigation can be considered libellous.

What we have here is attempted censorship, no more, no less...and it has FAILED. The book is out there. Truth will almost always come out.
Amaral wouldnt know what the TRUTh was if it came up and bit him the bum.

This is a policeman who was convicted of falsifying evidence - he has a suspended sentence . He was sacked from the original investigation for completely cocking up - he has other trials to face Is he complicent in the torture case ? - well let the portugese sytem run its course.

The book is not banned in the UK or America - publishers are perfectly entitled to print and retailers sell it.

hats of to the Mcanns for standing up to the lies and innuendos that have followed them - most people would have wilted .

One day in this case we might find out what happened - how it happened and who took Madeleine - but it sure aint coming from the mouth of Amaral
It remains a fact that Amaral and his team were originally investigating Madeleine's disappearance as an abduction.'

It was British police who developed the evidence implicating the McCanns.
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