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What child calls their grandparent by their first name, or even a version of their first name? I'm sure it happens in some families, but that is odd to me.

This reminds me of something I've meant to mention ever since I heard the first jail tapes......how wierd is it that Casey calls her mom "sweetheart" and "honey"? I think she did that to her brother too. I think the mom & brother used terms like that talking to her. Makes them sound like such a loving family! Um, but I think that's a false impression, JMO.
Since I don't believe in another world, it follows that I don't buy receiving messages from the dead. Dead is dead.
This psychic Kimmie sounds like a very sweet natured woman. But it also sounds like a letter she is reading to her 5 children.

The leads on Dante are old news and should have been checked out by LE.
We also know that Caylee was left in the car because her DNA is in the trunk. If they were hiding Casey in a trunk, that is attempted murder. If she died accidently, then Casey should have at least confessed by now.

I am not comfortable with this woman going on air, "speaking for Caylee".

Kool Look, I'm sorry but the dead do communicate with us! I am not a satanist.

I have had contact from spirits. My father who has passed has visited me. My husband's father has. I have cats who have passed come back and visit. My husband felt one of them, too, when he jumped on the bed. He was a fat kitty. Lol!

I have given people messages. As others have said, most of the time the messages come in fragments. However, I'm not going to say the psychic lady could not get so clear a message. People who are clairaudient may get that.

The spiritual realm is not as limited as many religions would like to make it. Don't try to limit God! He is limitless. His children are limitless!

I'm not calling you a Satanist, that word isn't even in my vocabulary til I just typed it. I dont' even know what it means, not really. I'm also not limiting. Especially not limiting the spiritual realm. Anyone that knows me, knows I'm a big believer in the spirit realm, both of the dark side and the light.

Our Lord however doesn't use the "dead" to communicate with us. Why does he have too? He's alive and well. I also have no doubts you may have received messages, feelings, all kinds of things. Along with your husband having this occurence you spoke of. But I would describe it and believe differently.

I absolutely believe all of us, each and everyone of us, have spiritual gifts, especially of prophesy for the Bible so clearly states, "That he would have it that we all would prophesy". So it's not just a few, but we all have abilities. Believe as you will, I'm not trying to change you.

I personally don't want to talk with the "dead", for there are spirits out there that want to resemble another, especially those passed on. This subject could be a whole forum, so I don't want to get things off track or off topic of this thread. Peace!
Hello, everyone. I'm up in Ontario, and I'm really glad to be here. The reason I'm writing today is that I felt very, very strongly about the interview with the psychic reader from Detroit, and I wanted to share my take on it with you. I believe that that reading has every earmark of a Bereavement Reading: a reading that occurs right after death, with messages that cover very specific subject matter, and, more importantly, show attempts by the spirit to help HEAL the person left on earth. This spirit was very intent on HELPING Casey. Love is what motivates the Spirit Realm; they want to share peace with those left on earth. This reading does that. THIS is why I feel it's a real reading; it is full of love and connection--not just helpful and entertaining facts. To me, it's the amount of love and care shown that indicates it's a Spirit making connection.

Recent death readings also address: cause of death, the feelings surrounding the death--kind of a final accounting--("I realize you didn't mean to hurt me."), and guidance from the spirit about the emotional state of the person left behind--again, ALL in the hope of healing those left behind. JUST LIKE MANY HERE, in this situation, this spirit realizes that Casey would not have PURPOSEFULLY hurt her. She sees the love that Casey has for her.

I realize it's very difficult, because we're talking about a world that not everyone believes in--the world of the spirit. So, I felt I should highlight what is typical of a GOOD, respectful, sacred reading--NOT one that is designed to provide instant answers, and entertainment value. So: 1) The spirit, (Caylee), addressed the cause of death. Spirits do that in the readings RIGHT AFTER THEY PASS. This identifies who they are to those listening. 2) She has a concern for Casey's situation, and seems to KNOW Casey: She knows that from a "soul" perpsective, Casey needs to talk. And the spirit also seems to understand Casey's soul challenges that are making her stay quiet: her Dad, her self-esteem, her motivations 3) She did all this in a gentle and compassionate way--not judgementally. 4) She spoke to what she knows Casey is suffering from: guilt, and being trapped--and she DIDN'T just mean trapped in THIS MOMENT, alone; she meant IN CASEY'S ENTIRE LIFE, she's always felt trapped, and desperate to escape being controlled. I think the spirit knew that Casey's coping mechanisms, (lying, stealing), are dysfunctional. I think this spirit KNOWS Casey.

1) Some of you are concerned that the reading seems "polished"; sometimes, readings are very clear, and you get full sentences, whole paragraphs. Zapf may have cleaned her message up a bit, so that it could be understood by us on television, and she didn't have to say single words, or incomplete thoughts.

2) TO THE BLOGGER WHO was concerned that Zapf said "Caylee is at peace", and then later said, "She wants to be found". : These 2 statements do not contradict each other; being at peace, to a reader, just means they are "in spirit". It still leaves room for Caylee to want to be found--especially for the benefit of Casey, who needs this information to come out.

I am a member of the intuitive community, up here. Zapf has very good and solid credentials. She's learned from respectful teachers. It is also true that sometimes, readers don't hear well, or they ARE NOT AWARE THEY ARE SPEAKING TO ANOTHER SPIRIT, AND give wrong information.

I think Zapf listens carefully. I think she is quiet enough. She may have got a few facts wrong, but it's the overall feel that is speaking to me. I think that reading needs to get to Casey--NOW.

Thank you for reading this.
For the record I believe in Psychic abilities, but this one I do not believe. I think this message from Caylee to her mom Casey is bogus. This lady could have called the Anthony's since their cell phones have been plastered on the web. Her route of going on the news to deliver this message a place where she wouldn't know that the Anthony's would even watch? Also, how would a toddler of only 3 years old use words like "Strict"? This message sounded scripted and written by an adult more than a three year old girl would say all these things.... Also, she could of heard the grandparents nicknames through media interviews...

Just my opinion
Re: Concerned in Canada. I understand exactly what you mean by "bereavement reading"
I have been "intuitive" since I was a small child. Three times I have been used by God to give someone this kind of message.
One was actually for someone from WS's though I will never mention the person's name without the person's permission.
This woman's message rung really true to me when none of the others have.
I am also interested in finding out if the man the "psychic" mentioned is the one in some of the pics we have seen with Casey. Especially the one where they were dressed in red/white and blue.
Since I know we are not supposed to bring up names,ect. If someone has a picture of the guy this woman is speaking of can you PM it to me.
Agreed. Needs to go to Brian Ladd of .com and st. john of the SOS team.

Just an fyi, the owner of this site, is not a promoter of the group or site you are referring to. I am not aware they have developed a single lead in this case on their own.
I get really upset when I see things regarding Brian or people from here that take things from here, without someones permission and put it over there.
The reason the site owner and a lot of us are unhappy with that site is because to the best of my knowledge not one thing that is said there has ever been proven to be true.
I agree with Blink34.
I get really upset when I see things regarding Brian or people from here that take things from here, without someones permission and put it over there.
The reason the site owner and a lot of us are unhappy with that site is because to the best of my knowledge not one thing that is said there has ever been proven to be true.
I agree with Blink34.

I have heard that also, but I don't really know much about it, so I can't say.
Interestingly enough, I have actually had a reading from Kimmee. I had to go look her up before I wrote this, but the name rang a bell. I used to go to all kinds of psychics and I believe she was the last one I visited. This was probably about 10 years ago.

Kimmee used to answer call-in questions on a station in the Toledo, OH area. When I traveled between Indiana and Ohio I often heard her and I thought she might be an OK person to see. A friend and I went to her shop and we each had readings. From what I remember, she was a very nice gal and she did tell me a few things, but I also remember thinking I would not go back. Wasn't worth the money.

That being said, (and I DO NOT wish to disrespect anyone) I, too am very intuitive and have also been given messages. I "hear" things in my head or "see" things in my mind's eye. I am a Christian, for what it's worth, and I used to use my gift in a different way, but then I decided to just stop and only give messages when God chose to use me in that way. Since then, I do still get messages, but it's far different.

I do believe Kimmee heard something. I just think that she may have added to what she heard to make it sound better, or, it may have come out that way. I have been given messages that I've been instructed to write down and I did and I passed them on. These messages were total messages and I know that they had nothing to do with me...God had all the power.

I do question her appearing on TV, but maybe she thought this was the only way to reach Casey. Who knows. Or, the FBI could be using this.

I think Noreen Ranier or Renier - in Florida - has worked with the police. In my opinion, most intuitives are given a "specialty" of sorts. She is very good at this sort of thing. IIRC she has a letter from the police thanking her on her site. I do NOT like Sylvia Browne at all. She has a gift, but is totally into money. Years ago I called her and it was like $800 or some ungodly amt. to see her! Oh, but you could go to her son for $400!! This was for 1/2 hour! NO ONE is worth that!!

I agree with the people who say you should NEVER charge to help a family find someone. If you are called in by the police, that is a different subject. Someone has to pay for traveling expenses.

Just thought I'd share my thoughts...
Originally Posted by Tate
The FBI is known to use tricks (props, etc) to get confessions. Perhaps a criminal profiler suggested using a psychic? Perhaps the "carefully worded" public broadcast from this psychic was a ruse. And if she can arrange a meeting in jail with Casey to deliver a "personal message" from Caylee, they may get her to break. I too think it's odd how Caylee's plea to her Mommy was worded. Just a thought...

Ditto!! :clap:I was kinda feeling along the same lines..

Errrr, thank yew, thank yew very much!
It would be interesting to find out later that the FBI had something to do with this. I guess anything's possible!
I wholeheartedly believe in a spirit realm - like somebody else, I received a visit from my cat too, whom I loved dearly and nursed in her last days before letting her go peacefully.

However, I don't believe what this woman says. Nor do I believe much of what Brian posts at his prediction website - I followed his website for a very long time and I think he does have some ability, but has an over active imagination which gets in the way of the 'reality' of his messages.
I do believe the message from the Detroit psychic.
IMO she worded it for us to best understand.

Yes, these people do exist in our world, fewer than many. Rem. Edgar Cayce ? 'Nuff said.....

I do feel that LE needs to question Dante pronto !

I am not saying he assisted, but I have said that this is a lot of work for Casey to carry Caylee in and out of burial hiding spots temporarily. IMO someone had to help her. She is a petite gal.I am 5'7", and 150#, and no way I could carry that baby, and dig a hole over and over. She would be heavy, "dead weight."

Did she die in the car trunk from the heat, I think probably.

She probably cannot rest properly due to the fact that her Mother is in so anguish, and the rest of the family.

The weekly show, "The Ghost Whisperer," is based on actual spirit accounts.
To say this is impossible, would be to say we have NO soul ! I believe we do, and I believe sometimes earth bound spirits roam our earth until they resolve their death issues.

I do not have faith in Gale. IF she in fact KNEW where Caylee was, why would she need so many suggestions to LQQK ? :confused:Why wouldn't she just go to the area without hesitation. Flame me if u like, but I have proof that she is a 'wanna be psychic. I am entitled to my opinion, and after 56 years of life I see a lot of things and know a lot from years of gaining wisdom.

So, I feel that LE needs to find Dante, and interrogate him.
That investigation will prove this Detroit psychics theory, valid or not.
It may mend many broken hearts.

I would be very curious to see Casey's face if this woman actually delivered these messages.

I feel it is worth a try !

IF anyone is in doubt, Google Lilydale in New York. That is an entire community of seasoned psychics. What u learn may make you a believer, or at least want to consider the possibility.

I'm sorry. I may not know enough about what the beliefs are about spirits and how they speak, but this was certainly not a bareley three year old speaking. The language was much more like that of an adult trying to sound like a child. I did not believe this was Caylee speaking. Unless the intentions is that this is an older spirit speaking for Caylee (woooo), 2-3 year olds do not express themselves in this manner.
I wholeheartedly believe in a spirit realm - like somebody else, I received a visit from my cat too, whom I loved dearly and nursed in her last days before letting her go peacefully.

However, I don't believe what this woman says. Nor do I believe much of what Brian posts at his prediction website - I followed his website for a very long time and I think he does have some ability, but has an over active imagination which gets in the way of the 'reality' of his messages.
I totally believe that loving pets sometimes come back to visit after they go to rainbow bridge.
I lost my first cocker spaniel several years ago. I was beside myself when she had to be "put down". She was my faithful companion for 16 years. Since I would often go to bed earlier then my children when they were teenagers I would close my bedroom door. When Ginger was ready to go to bed with me she would bark once and scratch at my door. A week after she was put down I awoke in the middle of the night to one bark and a scratch at the door. It was her way of letting me know it was okay to "put her down" having to do that just broke my heart. To this day I can still see those loving big brown eyes that looked up at me..one last time.:blowkiss:
Since she says that Caylee called George "Pop", I'd be interested to know if that's indeed what she called him.

I dont know but in the video Cindy posted of her 'reading the book' it sounds like she plainly says "mamaw and papaw".
Here in south that is a common name for grandma and grandpa.
I don't mean to be disrespectful, but what if she is incahoots (sp?) with the Anthony's.
She's implying that a man close to Casey did this, on the heels of the Grunds saying they might be considered suspects and JB implying (again) that Casey knows where she is.
This psychic may have gone public to elicit sympathy for Casey and the Anthonys.

I *do* believe that people communicate from beyond, and I agree with whoever said that about God being limitless. But this "message" just doesn't sit right with me.

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