RU - Putin foes, feminist punk band Pussy Riot, jailed for 6 months after protest

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Royal Court plans Pussy Riot readings on day of trial verdict

British actors will read testimony from trial at free event proposed by playwright EV Crowe as part of global day of action

"What Pussy Riot does is take a stand, through art, and then maximise its impact through social media. They are women who make me want to understand the world I'm living in, to write about it, and to be brave whatever the cost," Crowe said.
Icelandic mayor dons dress in support of Pussy Riot (
Russia Times reports that Reykjavik mayor Jon Gnarr appeared wearing a pink dress and a balaclava mask during the parade, dancing atop a truck bearing the banner, “FREE PUSSY RIOT.” According to The Moscow Times, one of the band’s songs, “Clear the Cobblestones,” which may reference Moscow’s Red Square, was playing during Gnarr’s demonstration.
more, with a picture, at link above

Quote from Wiki:

Their usual costume is brightly-colored dresses and tights, even in bitterly cold weather, with their faces masked by balaclavas, both while performing and giving interviews, for which they always use pseudonyms. The collective is made up of about 10 performers, and about 15 people who handle the technical work of shooting and editing their videos, which are posted to the Internet

Many localities have laws forbidding covering one's face in public; of course, exceptions are made for performers, but may require a special permit. Not sure what the Russian laws would allow.

The reason for this prohibition is that if the police cannot identify a person, the law cannot be enforced, and therefore face-coverings esp. at political demonstrations can promote riots.

I don't respect these women as political activists at all. If they truly feel so strongly, they can uncover their faces and give their true names (or a consistant stage name). Maybe some of them are not even Russian.

They throw tantrums and carry on about feminism, but facing the consequences for their actions, they quickly play the "we're just helpless little women" card.

The truth is that they are probably getting a big fat paycheck from billionaire George Soros who loves destablizing countries so he can hedge against their stock market and make even more billions.

And, frankly, the name of this group, "Pussy Riot" is just plain lewd.

They had no right to disrupt a church with their noise. And, we Americans have no reason to hate Putin. We best stay out of the internal politics of other nations, unless we want our own economy to sink like the Titanic.

I hope Russia gives each one 10 years! And, they can throw Soros in the slammer, too. Oh, and don't forget Madonna.
If the name Pussy Riot is lewd, then perhaps you should take that up with the men who originated the slang word "pussy" to describe women's genetalia. Not to mention the numerous other names that came about, some of which are used synonymously for "jerk" (c-word, I'm looking at you).

Marginalized groups take back derogatory words because it is empowering. Pussy, bit*h, n***er, queer... All good examples of this.

The only people it usually bothers are the privileged, who are angered about losing their "freedom" to use the words. :twocents:
Somehow, I don’t think “Vagina Riot” would garner this band as much attention as the name “Pussy Riot.” I don’t have a problem with it and I’m an American woman. These women of Pussy Riot are bringing worldwide attention to the relationship between the church and Putin’s government. Good job ladies! Let the sunshine inside!
The truth is that they are probably getting a big fat paycheck from billionaire George Soros who loves destablizing countries so he can hedge against their stock market and make even more billions.
Do you have anything from a reputable source even suggesting a connection with George Soros? From a reputable MSM source, not some cockamamie right wing hate site.

Glad to see Putin's at least got some support in the U.S. Let's hear it for political repression!
Do you have anything from a reputable source even suggesting a connection with George Soros? From a reputable MSM source, not some cockamamie right wing hate site.

Glad to see Putin's at least got some support in the U.S. Let's hear it for political repression!

:laugh: Sorry but I have never heard that expression before
Pussy Riot slideshow, courtesy Daily Telegraph.

If the name Pussy Riot is lewd, then perhaps you should take that up with the men who originated the slang word "pussy" to describe women's genetalia. Not to mention the numerous other names that came about, some of which are used synonymously for "jerk" (c-word, I'm looking at you).

Marginalized groups take back derogatory words because it is empowering. Pussy, bit*h, n***er, queer... All good examples of this.

The only people it usually bothers are the privileged, who are angered about losing their "freedom" to use the words. :twocents:

This. Excellent post
Why Pussy Riot Matters

Putin has engineered matters in Russia so that, barring the unexpected, he will remain in power until 2024, and he is tightening his grip on opponents of his regime, and clamping down on social liberalization. Perhaps the fates of Muammar Gaddafi and Hosni Mubarak (and soon, perhaps Bashar al-Assad) are on his mind. Maybe he is just really thin-skinned. But the fact is, by punishing Pussy Riot for the crime of ridiculing him he has opened himself to worldwide criticism and, ironically, ridicule.
If the name Pussy Riot is lewd, then perhaps you should take that up with the men who originated the slang word "pussy" to describe women's genetalia. Not to mention the numerous other names that came about, some of which are used synonymously for "jerk" (c-word, I'm looking at you).

Marginalized groups take back derogatory words because it is empowering. Pussy, bit*h, n***er, queer... All good examples of this.

The only people it usually bothers are the privileged, who are angered about losing their "freedom" to use the words. :twocents:

All of those terms you listed are generally considered offensive, whether the listener is "privileged" or not. If you had used them to describe other people, your post would have been deleted.
Do you have anything from a reputable source even suggesting a connection with George Soros? From a reputable MSM source, not some cockamamie right wing hate site.

Glad to see Putin's at least got some support in the U.S. Let's hear it for political repression!

Before we go crazy all over the world trying to force "democracy" on people, we need to recognize that we do not have a functioning democracy.

Do the American people support all these wars and attempted wars in the Mideast? No.

In my opinion, we would rather spend all those $$$ trillions here in the US, mainly on improving infrastructure and rebuilding the economy.

Does anyone at the higher levels of our government care what we think? No.

You see the problem is that before we preach our solutions to the world, we have to actually solve our own problems.

And, we should lead by example, not massively air bombing other countries into submission we have done so often in the past: Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, "Shock & Awe" in Iraq, Libya, ...
Do you have anything from a reputable source even suggesting a connection with George Soros? From a reputable MSM source, not some cockamamie right wing hate site.

Glad to see Putin's at least got some support in the U.S. Let's hear it for political repression!

Georgie-boy is no friend to the American middle-class.

Paying Pussy Riot to cause trouble in Russia would be part of the Soros standard method of operation. He dumps money into leftist groups, and then reaps profits amid the ensuing havoc they wreak. Soros sponsored leftist orgs in the US to campaign for "equal rights" in lending which brought so many Americans of every background to foreclosure, layoffs, long-term unemployment, under-employment and a decade of economic grief.

Anything to make a buck, and at the expense of the nation which so foolishly admitted him as a "refugee."

"Your Pain, Their Gain"

Crumbling home prices and $100 oil helped Wall Street's Highest Earners pull in $19 billion last year

Problems paying the mortgage, filling the gas tank and feeding the family have eroded living standards for millions of Americans during the past several months. Not so for people who manage big piles of money--many of them made a fortune betting correctly on the housing debacle and rising commodity prices last year.

Our second annual look at the pay of folks who run hedge and private equity funds shows that the top 20 took home a collective $18.7 billion last year, 43% more than in 2006. To even make the list you needed minimum earnings of $350 million, which is $90 million higher than the year before. No chief executive of a traditional Wall Street investment bank even came close.

... For hedge fund billionaires Pickens and second-ranked George Soros ($2.4 billion), whose own investments compose a significant portion of their funds, there's more to be made from asset appreciation than from fees. Soros made $2 billion from the growth of personal investments within his $17 billion Quantum Endowment Fund, which returned 32% for the year.
Somehow, I don’t think “Vagina Riot” would garner this band as much attention as the name “Pussy Riot.” I don’t have a problem with it and I’m an American woman. These women of Pussy Riot are bringing worldwide attention to the relationship between the church and Putin’s government. Good job ladies! Let the sunshine inside!

What exactly is so objectionable?
Georgie-boy is no friend to the American middle-class.

Paying Pussy Riot to cause trouble in Russia would be part of the Soros standard method of operation. He dumps money into leftist groups
Yes, perhaps, but you have no evidence Soros is somehow funding Pussy Riot.
Quote: "But the fact is, by punishing Pussy Riot for the crime of ridiculing him ..."

The Pussy Rioters were harrassing members of the long-persecuted Russian Orthodox Church. If they were interfering with Orthodox Jews engaged in a prayer service, wouldn't Madonna etc. be playing such a different tune?
The "long persecuted Russian Orthodox Church" actively supported Putin's candidacy and was, in time past, a force of power against those who protested against the manifest unfairness and brutality of the czars.
The "long persecuted Russian Orthodox Church" actively supported Putin's candidacy and was, in time past, a force of power against those who protested against the manifest unfairness and brutality of the czars.

People associated with the Russian Orthodox Church have the right to support any candidate they choose.

The Russian Orthodox Church has been an important part of Russian culture since the days of the Byzantine empire. You are faulting the people of the modern-day Church based on political support it offered to the czars back prior to 1917. Do you also feel that today’s Roman Catholics deserve to be harassed for their church's support of the European monarchs?

The Bolsheviks and later Soviet leadership wanted to obliterate nationalism, and they saw religion as a vehicle of nationalism; however, they didn't hesitate to take advantage of religion and nationalism themselves when it proved expedient.

As for the Russian Orthodox Church, Soviet authorities have sought to control it and, in times of national crisis, to exploit it for the regime's own purposes; but their ultimate goal has been to eliminate it. During the first five years of Soviet power, the Bolsheviks executed 28 Russian Orthodox bishops and over 1,200 Russian Orthodox priests. Many others were imprisoned or exiled. Believers were harassed and persecuted. Most seminaries were closed, and publication of most religious material was prohibited. By 1941 only 500 churches remained open out of about 54,000 in existence prior to World War I.

The German attack on the Soviet Union in 1941 forced Stalin to enlist the Russian Orthodox Church as an ally to arouse Russian patriotism against foreign aggression. Religious life revived within the Russian Orthodox Church. Thousands of churches were reopened and multiplied to 22,000 before Khrushchev came to power. The regime permitted religious publications, and church membership grew.

The regime's policy of cooperation with the Russian Orthodox Church was reversed by Khrushchev. Although the church remained officially sanctioned, in 1959 Khrushchev launched an antireligions campaign that was continued in a less stringent manner by his successor. By 1975 the number of operating Russian Orthodox churches was reduced to 7,000. Some of the most prominent members of the Russian Orthodox hierarchy and activists were jailed or forced to leave the church. Their place was taken by a docile clergy who were obedient to the state and who were sometimes infiltrated by KGB agents, making the Russian Orthodox Church useful to the regime. The church has espoused and propagated Soviet foreign policy and has furthered the Russification of non-Russian believers, such as Orthodox Ukrainians and Belorussians.

The Pussy Rioters are apparently protesting Russian nationalism. And, their supporters are globalists.
Indeed, the modern Roman Catholic church should be protested if and when it attempts to interfere with the political process, or worm it's way in to government too much. Although we in the US don't have our own equivalent of Pussy Riot, we do have plenty of vocal citizens who speak out against the church when necessary (most recent example being when it tries to influence health care legislation, and coverage of birth control and abortion).

Same for the fundamentalist Protestant groups (religious right).

Luckily for all of us, the catholic Church seems to have (mostly) learned from history about what happens when the church and state are too closely intertwined,and these days usually limits itself to lobbying efforts. The church as a rule does not endorse candidates, but will criticize policy proposals (birth control coverage, the Ryan budget, for examples). The Russian Orthodox church, on the other hand, sounds like it is much more "in bed" with Putin and his government than the Catholic Church is anywhere, these days. plenty there to protest and criticize.

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