13 Dec 2010 - New Audio Shows Elizabeth Johnson's Viciousness

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She sounds like Casey Anthony! In sound and in phrases. :eek: All you worry about is Gabriel, not me.

You made me kill my baby.

You talk to girls.

You can go find another girl and make another baby.

You made my life miserable.

Your fault, your fault, your fault...

She couldn't get an apartment because of Gabriel. She tells him he was taking Gabriel from her. Then she says Logan made her kill the baby. She's selfish, she puts blame on Gabriel instead of straightening out her life, it's all about what happens to her. Gabriel wasn't the center of her world, SHE is. Selfish, jealous, frustrated with herself. Not a good combination for a small child who can't defend himself.


BBM And with those character traits, I don't think for a minute she would allow herself to stay in prison so that Gabriel could "have a better life". The mother/martyr might exist, but NOT in Elizibeth Johnson. Gabriel was only a tool and means to an end EVER for her. I believe EJ does not have the capacity to care for ANYONE but herself.

I also believe that she used Tammi Peters Smith, calling her to take Gabriel as a method of punishing Logan, then immediately calling the police to report that Logan had kidnapped Gabriel. Do any of us think that is the action of a mother trying to make a better life for her child?

I believe she soaked up the attention from the Smiths the way pathological narcissists indiscriminately seek ego-stroking anywhere they can get it. She used them to make her getaway. In the end, when Tammi kept exerting control, EJ wasn't ABOUT to be controlled by ANYBODY. She used them all, thumbed her nose at them publicly on MySpace, murdered the kid that kept stealing all the attention away from HER and was a nuisance to boot, and took a hike on the bus to Miami to start a new life she thought would be glamorous and fun.

My biggest questions:

1) The drive towards Victoria, was it to throw "the diaper bag" in a distant dumpster?

2) Would Gabriel still be alive today and in the loving care of his father and extended loving family, with Elizabeth getting the true medical/psychiatric help she so much needed IF Tammi Peters Smith had never coached Elizabeth in how to illegally steal a child from his rightful home?

3) Was the meeting of TPS and EJ the PERFECT STORM of deadly mental illness?

4) Can psycho-babbling scripture maintain the brick wall of denial until death do them part?

5) What can be done to help and support the Logans of the world, and their families, that find themselves facing the shocking and traumatic truth about the dangers of mental illness in mothers of young children?

All my opinion only.

I believe she did it because of the detail she gave. She says she suffocated him and he turned blue and she put him in the diaper bag and then in the dumpster.

for me that's a bit too much detail to not be true ...

and with all my heart & soul, I hope I'm wrong

either way, she's evil

& if Gabe is somewhere safe, then TPS is even more evil for allowing this to go on and on knowing how much Logan is suffering

AMEN to that!

I've seen several in my life that seem to think that the stronger the brick wall (of denial) is, the more likely it will keep out the eternal flames. We all die, and those brick walls DON'T pass on with us to "protect" us. Just sayin'.
On the Today Show right now. LE released the recording of Elizabeth saying she killed Gabe.

One of her attorneys Raynak(SP?) on now saying Elizabeth has maintained that she did not kill Gabe.

Logan's attorney on saying they maintain that Gabe is alive - there's no evidence to show otherwise.

Elizabeth's grandfather on right now being interviewed.

Aware of phone call. Talked to EJ 2 days ago. She proclaims her innocence re: killing Gabe. He believes her in that.

He said she's definitely bipolar. But she did not harm Gabe. She was a good mother, loved Gabe, just felt she could not give Gabe a good life. He said Logan agreed one day to the adoption, then next day changed his mind. (Note: according to missinggabe (Gabe's aunt Sandy), this is not true.)
EJ said she could not describe the people she gave the baby to. This is what she told grandfather.

He says best person to ask where's Gabe is Tammi Smith. Doesn't know why there hasn't been more activity in that direction.

He says EJ is good person, was a good student.

He supports her. We will get this behind us.

Interview and piece over. I'll upload the video in about an hour it should become available.
I specifically asked Sandy if Logan had ever done anything that would make Tammi or Jack think he had agreed to adoption, and she said categorically NO!

My opinion:

I don't know why Bob is saying that. I also am not happy with him singing Elizabeth's praises, but I understand that he's an old man, and this must be very hard on him.

I'm not going to bash him. He needs to find a way to live with all this, with what Elizabeth has done, whatever that may be. I know it's very hard on him.
I saw the itnerview and found it very disturbing. I believe at one point he refered to Gabriel as "it." I hope I am wrong about that. His need to prop up his granddaughter with exteme praise was inappropriate. Hate to tell him but half of the America is not bi-polar. I know this is stessful, painful, heatbreaking, but his granddaughter knows where this little boy is and what happened to him. It was like Gabe didn't matter. So sad. I know the family is in grief and, it seems, in deep denial, but Gabriel is the one everyone should focus on.
I saw the itnerview and found it very disturbing. I believe at one point he refered to Gabriel as "it." I hope I am wrong about that. His need to prop up his granddaughter with exteme praise was inappropriate. Hate to tell him but half of the America is not bi-polar. I know this is stessful, painful, heatbreaking, but his granddaughter knows where this little boy is and what happened to him. It was like Gabe didn't matter. So sad. I know the family is in grief and, it seems, in deep denial, but Gabriel is the one everyone should focus on.

He cares about Gabe. He's not the most articulate person in the world, but in his own way, what he is trying to get across, is that he believes Gabe is alive.

Please understand, family members, as in every missing child case, have fears that people will decide their loved one is deceased, and therefore stop looking for them. They desperately need people to keep on looking. Especially in this case, because there is no evidence whatsoever that Gabe is dead.

Please, everyone, keep looking for Gabe. If he's out there, he deserves to be rescued, and returned to his loving father and family, where he belongs.

I care very much about this sweet precious baby, and I care very much about his family. I'm sorry. I can't help getting emotional.

Please, let's not turn this into a bash fest. This forum, Gabe's forum, has been so focused. So many people have done such great work in here, analyzing and trying to figure out what happened to Gabe, and where he is, so he can hopefully be brought home to his dad.

Countless hours by so many people working on Gabe's case. An untold number of excellent tips developed, and sent into LE. Good tips. Solid tips.

Sorry. I'm rambling. I'm emotional this morning.
He cares about Gabe. He's not the most articulate person in the world, but in his own way, what he is trying to get across, is that he believes Gabe is alive.

Please understand, family members, as in every missing child case, have fears that people will decide their loved one is deceased, and therefore stop looking for them. They desperately need people to keep on looking. Especially in this case, because there is no evidence whatsoever that Gabe is dead.

Please, everyone, keep looking for Gabe. If he's out there, he deserves to be rescued, and returned to his loving father and family, where he belongs.

I care very much about this sweet precious baby, and I care very much about his family. I'm sorry. I can't help getting emotional.

Please, let's not turn this into a bash fest. This forum, Gabe's forum, has been so focused. So many people have done such great work in here, analyzing and trying to figure out what happened to Gabe, and where he is, so he can hopefully be brought home to his dad.

Countless hours by so many people working on Gabe's case. An untold number of excellent tips developed, and sent into LE. Good tips. Solid tips.

Sorry. I'm rambling. I'm emotional this morning.

Me too Ms. B...well said...
I'm re-listening to the interview and a couple of things standing out to me right now..EJ mentions 1st "Trash Can"..2nd. "Dumpster".....big difference...
Transcription of interview with Bob Johnson, Elizabeth's grandfather, Monday Decemer 21, 2010, on MSNBC Today Show.

Reporter: When you heard her confession, which of course was on a phone conversation nearly a year ago, just released now, what did you think?

Bob: Well, I was aware of that conversation a year ago, and I was aware of Elizabeth recanting the incident. I've talked to my granddaughter two days ago and she still proclaims her innocence. I believe she's innocent. She did not harm that child.

Reporter: Now her attorney...

Bob: There was a lot of information...

Reporter: Her attorneys, as you may have heard in the piece that we just all watched says that she could be bipolar, that she could suffer from that condition, and that could explain why maybe she confessed, and then ended up taking that confession back. You've known her her whole life. Do you think that she's bipolar? Are there other examples that could show this sort of behavior?

Bob: Well, she is definitely bipolar. However, she did not harm the child. I firmly believe that. It's not within her nature. She was a good mother. She loved the child. She just felt that her and Logan could not give it a life better than what she had, so she wanted to adopt it.

Logan agreed to the adoption one day, and the next day he was off of the adoption idea. Well, Elizabeth proceeded on the basis that he was going to sign the adoption papers, and gave the baby to Tammi Smith. And then, Logan found out about it, took her to court, got a custody visitation, and that, that's how that went together.

Reporter: Well, if Elizabeth didn't kill Gabriel as you believe is the case, where do you think he is, for so many people it's just hard to imagine a baby just disappearing, and there being no word of him.

Bob: Erin, that's a great question. I'm glad you asked it. I talked to my, I talked to Elizabeth two days ago, Saturday, and she told me something she had never told me before, and that was that Tammi Smith orchestrated that entire trip, from Phoenix to San Antonio.

When they got to San Antonio, she talked to Tammi. Tammi arranged this meeting in the park. This was a neighborhood park. This was a twenty minute ride from the hotel.

Elizabeth rides with the baby, gives the baby to these two people, and leaves. I asked her very specifically if she could describe the people, and she said, "No.". She was, I'm sure, very overwrought. This was the end of the journey...

Reporter: Yes.

Bob: ...and she left, and that was that. I think the best person to be asking where the baby is, based on what I just heard from out of her own lips, two days ago, is Tammi Smith.

Why they have not been able to focus on that, I just wonder why there hasn't been some more effort in that direction.

Reporter: Well, hopefully, they will, sir. I do want to ask you this. As her grandfather, if it does turn out that she was involved, that Elizabeth did kill this baby in a moment where she lost control, will you still support her?

Bob: Well, of course. Of course. I love Elizabeth, and she's a good person. She was a good student. She was a 4.0 grade average student in high school. She got a four year full ticket scholarship to Northeastern University in Boston. She's a very capable person.

You know, half of the people in the world, or the United States, is bipolar, so there's a, there's a way to manage against that. She'll be, she'll be okay when we get this behind us. I very strongly feel...

Reporter: Thank you etc....

Video link: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/40749024#40749024
Grandpa Bob has spoken to reporters before. Elizabeth was well aware that Logan would not agree to adoption. As was Grandpa:

..." Logan Mcqueary refused to sign over his parental rights. Elizabeth told her grandfather she planned to circumvent McQueary by avoiding him for 30 days and then claiming abandonment."

That doesn't sound like someone who was proceeding..." on the basis that he (Logan) was going to sign the adoption papers..."

There is more audio at:

Elizabeth..."You put out an amber alert on me. I was going to have a felony."


Elizabeth..."I was going to have a felony for kidnapping. That's as good as murder."

So who told Elizabeth that Logan was trying to get LE to issue an amber alert?

You know this is a interesting statement. WHO would have known bout the Amber Alert? Only Logan and LE. Would this be just some more of TPS telling her during there phone conversations, all along, that TPS saying.."Oh, EJ, LM will just put out a amber alert for you and Gabe, but don't worry it would just be for kidnapping and that's just a felony"...Otherwise she at the time, didn't know what charges were out there against her, let alone know what a felony charge would be....
I just wanted to say to BeanE sometimes the thaxs button just isn't enough.....

Bless you and all that you do on the boards and for your never ending positive faith and countless hours in bringing home all those who are lost.



I believe she did it because of the detail she gave. She says she suffocated him and he turned blue and she put him in the diaper bag and then in the dumpster.

for me that's a bit too much detail to not be true ...

and with all my heart & soul, I hope I'm wrong

either way, she's evil

& if Gabe is somewhere safe, then TPS is even more evil for allowing this to go on and on knowing how much Logan is suffering

Sadly I agree. I don't think any mother would ever say such things with ease and coolness that she has on that tape just to scare someone, or for making up a story. She killed him as she says. imo
He cares about Gabe. He's not the most articulate person in the world, but in his own way, what he is trying to get across, is that he believes Gabe is alive.

Please understand, family members, as in every missing child case, have fears that people will decide their loved one is deceased, and therefore stop looking for them. They desperately need people to keep on looking. Especially in this case, because there is no evidence whatsoever that Gabe is dead.

Please, everyone, keep looking for Gabe. If he's out there, he deserves to be rescued, and returned to his loving father and family, where he belongs.

I care very much about this sweet precious baby, and I care very much about his family. I'm sorry. I can't help getting emotional.

Please, let's not turn this into a bash fest. This forum, Gabe's forum, has been so focused. So many people have done such great work in here, analyzing and trying to figure out what happened to Gabe, and where he is, so he can hopefully be brought home to his dad.

Countless hours by so many people working on Gabe's case. An untold number of excellent tips developed, and sent into LE. Good tips. Solid tips.

Sorry. I'm rambling. I'm emotional this morning.

You expressed yourself very well. I understand the family is clinging to hope. Sadly, not everyone has your background for the case, and their reaction to interview may be pretty much the same as mine. I apologize that my comments were harsh. I know they are all in a terrible tragic situation.

And to BeanE -- thank you for your devotion and compassion to this case. I do understand.

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