Will Casey Anthony Fake Tears And Emotion For A Jury?

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Jul 19, 2010
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After watching the Frye hearings, I'm wondering if you all think ICA will fake tears for the benefit of a jury during trial. And in that regard, do you think that her DT is coaching her to do just that?

After hearing terms such as "Caylee's remains", "dead body", "Caylee's baby doll", "smell of death" "duct tape" etc. and seeing ICA show absolutely zero emotion - I'm wondering, if during trial, she will shed her crocodile tears for the jury.

It will obviously be clear to us if she does. But will a jury fall for it, or see through the fake emotion?

What do you think her demeanor will be during trial?
Listening to today's hearing, Linda during Cross was talking about a deceased body expunging its liquids.. I couldn't help but think of poor Caylee in that state,, made me sick to my stomach, actually. I wish the cameras would have panned over to ICA during that part.

IMO, even if she does feign tears, who will believe it?
After watching the Frye hearings, I'm wondering if you all think ICA will fake tears for the benefit of a jury during trial. And in that regard, do you think that her DT is coaching her to do just that?

After hearing terms such as "Caylee's remains", "dead body", "Caylee's baby doll", "smell of death" "duct tape" etc. and seeing ICA show absolutely zero emotion - I'm wondering, if during trial, she will shed her crocodile tears for the jury.

It will obviously be clear to us if she does. But will a jury fall for it, or see through the fake emotion?

What do you think her demeanor will be during trial?

BBM - I think their reaction to her tears (and I'm sure she'll try to poke a few out at times during trial) will depend on what they hear when. If they hear a bunch of stuff before the gory, specific details about Caylee come in, they'll see her flat emotions during that "boring" testimony. I think they'd be less likely to believe any tears if they see a whole lot of smiling/fidgeting/writing/staring off into space like she doesn't care..
I say "no". She can not muster up the tears now, and she won't be able to then either, with the exception of MAYBE when the remains are shown. I think that will be more out of shock than anything else though. She never stuck around long enough to see what her handy work had produced. She put a full body in a bag 3 years ago and has no concept of what her daughter was reduced to. I hope those pictures get ingrained in her brain, although I know they won't. Sociopaths are unable to 'feel' anyone's pain but their own.

All the times we've seen ICA feign tears, it was for HERSELF. During the motions where they talked about ICA's need to have her family there for support and not recorded- TEARS........during times when she had to say sorry to Amy for being a thieving lousy friend- TEARS........etc. Never, that I can remember, in all these tapes or calls have I once seen this girl cry for her deceased daughter. NOT ONCE.

So NO.........even if she is told to cry, she can't. At best, she'll put her head down and heave her chest back and forth but there will be no tears. We're talking 3 years after the fact. She was detached then, imagine how far gone she is now? Her demeanor just screams that she is beyond this.
I say "no". She can not muster up the tears now, and she won't be able to then either, with the exception of MAYBE when the remains are shown. I think that will be more out of shock than anything else though. She never stuck around long enough to see what her handy work had produced. She put a full body in a bag 3 years ago and has no concept of what her daughter was reduced to. I hope those pictures get ingrained in her brain, although I know they won't. Sociopaths are unable to 'feel' anyone's pain but their own.

All the times we've seen ICA feign tears, it was for HERSELF. During the motions where they talked about ICA's need to have her family there for support and not recorded- TEARS........during times when she had to say sorry to Amy for being a thieving lousy friend- TEARS........etc. Never, that I can remember, in all these tapes or calls have I once seen this girl cry for her deceased daughter. NOT ONCE.

So NO.........even if she is told to cry, she can't. At best, she'll put her head down and heave her chest back and forth but there will be no tears. We're talking 3 years after the fact. She was detached then, imagine how far gone she is now? Her demeanor just screams that she is beyond this.

I say... WHO CARES?? It's a little late to muster any kind of emotion, real or not. There are times that I would think she would be falling apart and when the camera zooms in on her, she is as cool as a cucumber. So, personally, it would not impress me either way. It's all an act and not a very good one, IMO.
Ica won't be shedding any real tears for Caylee. But there will be so many of us bloggers that won't and cannot ever forget sweet Caylee Marie Angelbabe. We have cried for Caylee Marie and will continue to weep for Caylee Marie. If ICA does manage to poke out a drop or two, it will only be for herself, not for Caylee Marie.

I wonder if the sneaky unscrupulous DT will try to sneak a hanky or tissue to ICA that has some tear-provoking ingredient. Would that be possible, and if so could an unopened box of tissues, in Caylee's favorite color, be provided for her by the SA? I would hope that ICA is watched intently, as are her DT partners in crime.
she will probably cry real tears but only when about her, ( like if ca and ga testify that she is a good kid who maybe had some minor issues, like lying..she doesnt deserve death, she is innocent, she was a good mother to caylee, blardy blar blar..) good ol baez will probably have to nudge her/ cue her to show emotion when they talk about caylee or perhaps if they show the pics of her remains...i pray a jury sees right thru it...just my humble opinion.
I wonder if she'll be bodacious enough in the trial to high-five Lee after his testimony as he leaves the stand.
she WILL cry if they find her guilty....and i PRAY they do! it will be 100% real THEN!
she will probably cry real tears but only when about her, ( like if ca and ga testify that she is a good kid who maybe had some minor issues, like lying..she doesnt deserve death, she is innocent, she was a good mother to caylee, blardy blar blar..) good ol baez will probably have to nudge her/ cue her to show emotion when they talk about caylee or perhaps if they show the pics of her remains...i pray a jury sees right thru it...just my humble opinion.

ITA - I feel like the "realest" cry we're going to see is when Tony takes the stand. She'll probably be doodling "Casey Lazzaro" the whole time and day dreaming about how she can't wait for this whole trial to be over so they can go back to the way things were.
I think the only real emotion she will feel is irritation that the SA are daring to challenge her ridiculous excuses. No one ever did it before. Anthony arrogance will shine through..
ITA - I feel like the "realest" cry we're going to see is when Tony takes the stand. She'll probably be doodling "Casey Lazzaro" the whole time and day dreaming about how she can't wait for this whole trial to be over so they can go back to the way things were.

I will block out my whole day just to see this.
Casey will only cry if they have a sharp tack handy to jab her with at the "appropriate" moments. Other than that, no tears except when the jury comes back with a guilty verdict and Casey realizes that her butt is really not getting out of jail now or ever. MOO
ITA - I feel like the "realest" cry we're going to see is when Tony takes the stand. She'll probably be doodling "Casey Lazzaro" the whole time and day dreaming about how she can't wait for this whole trial to be over so they can go back to the way things were.

I found that outrageously funny. I guess because it's plausible. I can see her doing that. I can see her writing "Casey Lazzaro" when TL testifies, "Casey Morales" when RM testifies, "Casey Rusciano" when AR testifies, and then "Casey Baez" when JB does his closing statement.
I'm thinking we will see a totally different Casey during the trial. Her defense team will see that she gets a good grooming right before the trial begins....
Better clothes, makeup, and hairstyle so she will look so lovely that no one could ever convict a young, pretty woman like herself!!! And she will be coached to cry on cue....the loving dtr and loving mother of the late Caylee Anthony......
But I don't want to be right, I want her to act just like she does now,cold and stone faced thru it all................and found GUILTY as charged!!! Then we may see some real tears, her game will finally be over and reality will sink in for her........
Casey will only cry if they have a sharp tack handy to jab her with at the "appropriate" moments. Other than that, no tears except when the jury comes back with a guilty verdict and Casey realizes that her butt is really not getting out of jail now or ever. MOO

You know what's nuts? I don't even think she'll cry then! How many trials have you watched where the defendant just stays stoic and the guard comes and walks them out. MANY. That's because they are guilty and the verdict was not a surprise. That's the case here. She is guilty, she knows it, they know it, and they all realize she is going to prison. The big question is only 'for how long?'. If they win a LWOP, JB gets high praises for SAVING HER LIFE.
The ones that cry when the verdict is read, have remorse and either really believe in their hearts they did not commit the same crime they are accused of, or they are innocent altogether.
You will see a very confident ICA as she will already be preparing for her appeal with all those notes she took and JB will be LONNNNNNNG gone. See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya, kind of a thing.

The DT has already prepped her for a guilty verdict, trust. Even though they give the air that they are going after an acquittal, this is not the case at all. It's all hot air. JB and team have to show confidence in their bogus theories because if they don't buy their own poop, who will?

CA is about the only one who actually has a belief that ICA can get out. But she stands alone in that hot mess. :crazy:
After watching the Frye hearings, I'm wondering if you all think ICA will fake tears for the benefit of a jury during trial. And in that regard, do you think that her DT is coaching her to do just that?

After hearing terms such as "Caylee's remains", "dead body", "Caylee's baby doll", "smell of death" "duct tape" etc. and seeing ICA show absolutely zero emotion - I'm wondering, if during trial, she will shed her crocodile tears for the jury.

It will obviously be clear to us if she does. But will a jury fall for it, or see through the fake emotion?

What do you think her demeanor will be during trial?

Not only will Casey feign tears for Caylee, but Cindy and George will as well.

They've already constantly milked the "I'm a grieving grandparent" routine, as if this sudden 'ailment' just coincidentally only locks into gear when the truth is required of them. :rolleyes:

Otherwise, they appear as though they're plenty comfortable accepting money in exchange for Caylee's replacement.

Nearly 3 years of horrid behavior by George and Cindy as they have kicked Caylee to the curb, will not be replaced by 3 hours of tearful testimony between them. The Jury will be well-aware of the Anthony's lies and deceit, mark my word.
I say "no". She can not muster up the tears now, and she won't be able to then either, with the exception of MAYBE when the remains are shown. I think that will be more out of shock than anything else though. She never stuck around long enough to see what her handy work had produced. She put a full body in a bag 3 years ago and has no concept of what her daughter was reduced to. I hope those pictures get ingrained in her brain, although I know they won't. Sociopaths are unable to 'feel' anyone's pain but their own.

All the times we've seen ICA feign tears, it was for HERSELF. During the motions where they talked about ICA's need to have her family there for support and not recorded- TEARS........during times when she had to say sorry to Amy for being a thieving lousy friend- TEARS........etc. Never, that I can remember, in all these tapes or calls have I once seen this girl cry for her deceased daughter. NOT ONCE.

So NO.........even if she is told to cry, she can't. At best, she'll put her head down and heave her chest back and forth but there will be no tears. We're talking 3 years after the fact. She was detached then, imagine how far gone she is now? Her demeanor just screams that she is beyond this.


I don't think she'll even be fazed by this...she's so detached from the real world, she won't even equate those with her situation or with Caylee....just another scene from the Law & Order or CSI show she's pretending to star in.
I hope she doesn't try to cry. She's not a good actress. But I don't think it matters. The facts are the facts--whether she's crying or not. Just get a haircut.

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