17 y/o Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #20

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Since we're on the subject of "Things We'd Like To See Addressed"...

I'd really like to see that photo of the defaced black cultural center removed from GZ's new website.

I know I have heard the Martins state many times that this is not a black and white thing, it's a right and wrong thing. They've also made repeated calls for nonviolent protest only.

I do not agree it was turned into a racial case and NOT by the Zimmerman camp.
Cant have it both ways.
It is not racial when it suits the Martin camp? It is racial when it suits the Martin camp?
Which is it?.

I do not agree it was turned into a racial case and not by the Zimmerman camp.

Zimmerman profiled Trayvon as being criminal because he was black and wearing a hoodie. The racial aspect of this case came directly from GZ. If he hadn't profiled Trayvon in the first place, he wouldn't have gone after Trayvon, and Trayvon wouldn't be dead.
opposing all violence is one thing, asking for the bounty to be removed is another. Hvae they done that?

You are wanting them to stop their grieving process and address each individual thing that is said? By anyone? Across America? A bounty on someone's head equals violence in my book and they have already spoke out about that. we will just agree to disagree.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
Suppose it's possible. Pretty coherent thought if that was the case, but in context with not calling 911, hard to see this scenario unless he mentioned something to the girlfriend. Do you think it's any less possible that Trayvon was gonna catch Zimmerman by surprise and intimidate GZ or clean his clock?

Not directing this at you, but it seems the direction of the "sleuthing" on these 20 threads is mostly angled at portraying Zimmerman as a conspiring racist intent on killing Trayvon. If that is the case, Murder 1 should be on the table.

I'm one of the few who don't think race really played a part in the killing. I think it played a part in raising Mr Zimmerman's suspicions. I think had the young man walking innocently down the street been less black, Mr Zimmerman would have driving by without thought and bought his milk and gone home. But I think once his spidey-sense was all a'tingle, Mr Zimmerman went color blind and his sense of hero-ship kicked in. I think he got out of his vehicle and tried to make Mr Martin halt so he (Zimmerman) could show the LE that he, crime stopper extrordinaire, could apprehend the bad guy while they, the LE, couldn't. I think Mr Martin refused to cow to his autoritiiii and he got enraged and when Mr Martin fought back Mr Zimmerman lost it and fired his weapon, making what he saw as a little punk listen to him once and for all.

what bothers me right now is this: Mr Zimmerman spoke out to ask for money for himself but never once addressed the life he stole from Mr Martin.
I'm one of the few who don't think race really played a part in thek illing. I think it playeda part in raising Mr Zimmerman's suspicions. I think had the young man walking innocently down the street been lessblack, Mr Zimmerman would have driving by without thought and bought his milk and gone home. But I think once his spidey-sense was all a'tingle, Mr Zimmerman went color blind and his sense of hero-ship kicked in. I think he got out of his vehicle and tried to make Mr Martin halt so he (Zimmerman) could show the LE that he, crime stopper extrordinaire, could apprehend the bad guy while they, the LE, couldn't. I think Mr Martin refused to cow to his autoritiiii and he got enraged and when Mr Martin fought back Mr Zimmerman lost it and fired his weapon, making what he saw as a little punk listen to him once and for all.

what bothers me right now is this: Mr Zimmerman spoke out to ask for money for himself but never once addressed the life he stole from Mr Martin.

BBM. No kidding. He's on the level of the Anthony's. Actually, even they didn't set up a website for Casey and ask for donations. How crass. I can't believe his lawyer is okay with this.
Since they did find an empty bag on TM all I can say on his behalf is....
Marijuana smokers are not dangerous, but they look like they are not focused, and in slow motion.
It is possible that TM wanted more then just Ice tea in the rain…
(I used to do that many years back) BUT… that would never make him dangerous.
I smoked in the 60’s just made me laugh, slowed me down, and craved munchies.


I guess I must have missed something, because the only thing I've heard about the empty bag on TM was at school, which was the cause for one of his suspensions. I didn't hear anything about one being found on him the night he was killed.
You are wanting them to stop their grieving process and address each individual thing that is said? By anyone? Across America? A bounty on someone's head equals violence in my book and they have already spoke out about that. we will just agree to disagree.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk

For Trayvon's parents to address these things, is to bring unnecessary attention to the people doing it. That's what they want... attention. If I didn't want to be associated with it... I would not address is... because is has nothing to do with me... and it most certainly has nothing to do with Trayvon's parents.

I don't understand where people are coming from sometimes? It makes no sense to me?

I've also heard of a person calling 911 because a Subway didn't give them the sandwich they wanted. A person's perception of an emergency isn't always what a real emergency is. Any 911 operator can tell you about the crazy calls they get from what some people perceive to be an emergency. GZ saw a black person in a hoodie and that equalled an emergency to him when it wasn't. Just because he called 911 doesn't mean his perception of an emergency is correct. He was obviously wrong as TM didn't do anything and only had Skittles and Arizona tea in his pocket. It wasn't reasonble for GZ to assume TM was a criminal and go after him.

IMO,JMO, etc. etc.

Just because Z thinks things, doesn't mean they are so.
Even if someone is totally convinced that they have reason to to be quite fearful of fleece clothing, iced tea, and candy it doesn't make their "reasoning" sound.

Z's 40+ calls to 911 emergency and non-emergency are a pretty good testament that he often "saw" big trouble where there wasn't any of the kind.

How often do any of us call 911???? Weekly? Monthly? Probably not.
Zimmerman profiled Trayvon as being criminal because he was black and wearing a hoodie. The racial aspect of this case came directly from GZ. If he hadn't profiled Trayvon in the first place, he wouldn't have gone after Trayvon, and Trayvon wouldn't be dead.

We can agree to disagree. :D
BBM. No kidding. He's on the level of the Anthony's. Actually, even they didn't set up a website for Casey and ask for donations. How crass. I can't believe his lawyer is okay with this.

I just checked out the site, and am really disgusted by his use of the American flag. I mean, our basic rights are LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

What happened to Trayvon's right to LIFE? What happened to Trayvon's liberty to walk home unaccosted? What happened to Trayvon's pursuit of happiness - like talking to his girlfriend on the phone without being killed for it?

Suppose it's possible. Pretty coherent thought if that was the case, but in context with not calling 911, hard to see this scenario unless he mentioned something to the girlfriend. Do you think it's any less possible that Trayvon was gonna catch Zimmerman by surprise and intimidate GZ or clean his clock?

Not directing this at you, but it seems the direction of the "sleuthing" on these 20 threads is mostly angled at portraying Zimmerman as a conspiring racist intent on killing Trayvon. If that is the case, Murder 1 should be on the table.

I wouldn't put it that way. George didn't have to want to kill to be a racist - people are just judging him by his own words on the 911 tapes, and his previous 911 calls. But when he says things like "these ***holes always get away" then it does sound as if George was determined to stop Trayvon in his tracks one way or another. The 911 operator didn't take it seriously enough, in my opinion, and didn't know he had a gun on him.

And you can't have Murder One when no one saw the beginning of the altercation except Trayvon, and he's not talking. Everything happened so fast it's nearly impossible to prove premeditation. And since Florida law allows concealed weapons, that can't be used to prove anything either.

As one of my good friends once said, if there's a body on the ground and you don't know anything else, it's probably going to be manslaughter. And that's what the police wanted to charge George with that night, but were held back by the original state prosecutor, Wolfinger.
Don't you think accusing someone of racism based on supposition is nearly as bad as racism itself? I don't know isn't very convincing evidence.

The "I don't know" reply wasn't meant to be evidence of anything, IMO it was an irrelevant question. Racism doesn't mean that one must be unfailingly polite and never aggressive or hotheaded with members of one's own race. (In fact, I think that often racism and general aggressive tendencies go together.)

We know from his own words that GZ thought that TM was suspicious.
We know that GZ knew very little about TM that would make him suspicious, nothing beyond that TM was a young black male.
From that demographic, GZ jumped to the conclusion that TM was up to no good, on drugs, a criminal casing the place out and the police had to be called to chase him away.

Automatically expecting the worst of someone based on their race is the dictionary definition of racism to me but you are free to disagree if it means something else to you.
I just checked out the site, and am really disgusted by his use of the American flag. I mean, our basic rights are LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

What happened to Trayvon's right to LIFE? What happened to Trayvon's liberty to walk home unaccosted? What happened to Trayvon's pursuit of happiness - like talking to his girlfriend on the phone without being killed for it?


JMO/IMO, etc..

I totally understand your concerns and outrage. I haven't checked the site, probably won't. But, I am glad it's up. If (and I said if...) there is an arrest, everything there can't hurt. It might be quite helpful for the special prosecutor to glean as much as she can about how Z thinks, and how Z views the world. :wink:
I'm one of the few who don't think race really played a part in the killing. I think it played a part in raising Mr Zimmerman's suspicions. I think had the young man walking innocently down the street been less black, Mr Zimmerman would have driving by without thought and bought his milk and gone home. But I think once his spidey-sense was all a'tingle, Mr Zimmerman went color blind and his sense of hero-ship kicked in. I think he got out of his vehicle and tried to make Mr Martin halt so he (Zimmerman) could show the LE that he, crime stopper extrordinaire, could apprehend the bad guy while they, the LE, couldn't. I think Mr Martin refused to cow to his autoritiiii and he got enraged and when Mr Martin fought back Mr Zimmerman lost it and fired his weapon, making what he saw as a little punk listen to him once and for all.

what bothers me right now is this: Mr Zimmerman spoke out to ask for money for himself but never once addressed the life he stole from Mr Martin.

Unless there is conclusive evidence I have missed, perhaps GZ doesn't feel he stole a life. I fail to see how anyone can conclude much thus far, unless they had a predisposition for a certain conclusion from the onset.
Speculation and heresay is great, but what actual evidence can be presented (In a court of law) against Zimmerman that he committed a crime?

If you throw out his story, all you have left is the witness that saw TM on top of GZ. Everything else is heresay.
Unless there is conclusive evidence I have missed, perhaps GZ doesn't feel he stole a life. I fail to see how anyone can conclude much thus far, unless they had a predisposition for a certain conclusion from the onset.

He brought a gun to a fist fight. He followed the other person. He shot an UNARMED teenage kid...yeah IMO, he stole a life. And to ME it speaks volumes that he still think he's done nothing wrong.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk
He brought a gun to a fist fight. He followed the other person. He shot an UNARMED teenage kid...yeah IMO, he stole a life. And to ME it speaks volumes that he still think he's done nothing wrong.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk

Exactly. No matter what, he chose to pull the trigger. He took a life whether it was self defense or not. And he seems a-okay with it, like it's no big deal. No remorse whatsover for ending someone's life. That scares me a lot, and I would not want to live in the same neighborhood with someone who carries a gun and doesn't give two carps about taking a life no matter what the circumstances are.

2011 Florida Statutes CHAPTER 776 JUSTIFIABLE USE OF FORCE[20]

776.012 Use of force in defense of person.—A person is justified in using force, except deadly force, against another when and to the extent that the person reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or herself or another against the other’s imminent use of unlawful force. However, a person is justified in the use of deadly force and does not have a duty to retreat if:
(1) He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony; or
(2) Under those circumstances permitted pursuant to s. 776.013.

Not to be argumentative, but I think you are both correct.

One must convince a reasonable person that lethal force was the ONLY possible decision. In order to convince someone else it could be assumed that the one utilizing this level of force believes this also.

The only thing a well written SWG law would do is eliminate any retreat requirement. For example, under SYG if someone came at you with a knife, you would not HAVE to turn your back and attempt to run prior to shooting. However, in coding this into law a natural contradiction occurs. If lethal force is only justified in cases where no other alternative reasonably exists, and retreat might well be a reasonable alternative, is lethal force still justified?

For example, if you are in a running motor vehicle and a maniac is hammering away at the window with a knife, is it reasonable to pull out a gun and shoot when you could simply step on the accelerator and move? This is where it is hoped that a jury steps in to say no, lethal force was NOT the only reaonable alternative, and you were under no immediate threat that could only be countered with lethal force. If the SYG law does not allow for this it is flawed.

In this case we have something else altogether, and it is questionable whether SYG applies to Zimmerman at all.

Trayvon, who was under no obligation to retreat, did so anyway. He was violating no laws, and attempted to leave. Zimmerman pursued. Even assuming (and there is no evidence to support this) that Trayvon eventually decided to assume the rights granted by the SYG law and defend himself, and got the upper hand, it is arguable that Zimmerman's decision to pursue cost Zimmerman the right to claim self defense.

For example, if you follow a cheerleader around while rubbing the crotch of your pants and saying "Rape kill rape kill...", she would have a reasonable cause to assume that she was in mortal danger. If she then turned and sprayed you in the face with pepper spray, incapacitating you, you would not then be legally entitled to pull out a gun a shoot her and call it self defense.

This recording is not slowed or anything and you can hear Zimmerman slur two words plane as day, bessssssss for best at 5 seconds into the call and then trushk for truck 3:19. At 2:53 he tells the dispatcher his phone number then one minute later at 3:53 he forgets he already told the dispatcher his phone number. IMO all signs of drinking and should have been tested.

Trayvon Martin News [SHOCKING FULL] Murder Caught on Tape | Killed By George Zimmerman 911 Call # 1 - YouTube

I found it a bit odd when the dispatcher asks his name he replies "George" and the dispatcher has to prompt him for his last name.
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