2009.01.07 - Annie's D. Interview (Document Release 2009.04.06 / 2009.09.29)

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I think if it were crystal meth we would see it in her physical appearance. People hooked on CM have rotten teeth and look absolutely horrible.

I agree! I doubt she was using crystal meth. She would have been in some serious withdrawal after her first arrest. She looked perfectly fine to me. I think she was using the typical club drugs...a little coke here and there, some X once in a while, smoke a little weed, whatever someone is offering. Don't forget, Casey didn't have much money (only what she could steal) so a meth habit (or any other long-time drug use) would have to be supported by someone else. Ok, maybe she was into prostitution but still, she just didn't have the look of a heavy user. All her friends said she wasn't into serious drugs. Most kids today don't consider marijuana to be a drug. While it would make more sense to believe she killed Caylee in a drug-fueled state of craziness, I just don't think it happened that way. She is one cold hearted b**ch! I believe she just snapped and poor Caylee happened to be the closest target for her rage.
ITA so what is the truth and what's a lie ...they all have said that KC was a good mother...and can't believe she would hurt Caylee on purpose but could be covering up an accident..

I'm not accusing them of doing/selling drugs , I am just saying that they are young and this is the most serious thing they have ever been involved in, they are scared and it is not a stretch to think they might lie about having done any drugs with KC.
I think if it were crystal meth we would see it in her physical appearance. People hooked on CM have rotten teeth and look absolutely horrible.

Not within the first two months or so. There is a beginning before there is an end.:(
My knowledge on drugs would fit in a thimble----I am still trying to figure out how they use bamboo shoots (use it for pipes or grind it up and smoke it). But the use of meth wouldn't rot the teeth unless it had been used over a period of time---right? If she had been using it for say a month or 2 then what would she look like? I have seen peeps that look like you said tho. The kids told me that these peeps used meth and thats what happened to them. I never could figure out why they would use that crap when they know how it's made. That is scary in it's self.

Sorry! I had not read this far yet when I stole your point right out of your head!:)
Okay, I'm so OT I'm actually on topic!

I went back and read the posts about how it sounds like Annie is helping to corroborate KC's story in her interview DESPITE all the distancing she does at the beginning. I find it particularly odd that she practically acts like she has hardly seen her at all in a year or so but then they are SUCH bff's that she just has to sneak over and spend the night after her "personal problem". Not to mention the fact that CA and GA go flying out of the house to smuggle her in. I've already said here that I think it has to do with the ZG22 stuff and Annie's tickets. But I'm trying to think of all the ways she subtly reinforces in her testimony things KC and her defense might have deemed helpful for if her real agenda is to CYA about the ZG22 business.

For one, she makes a point of talking about KC telling her she wanted to be institutionalized at some point. It strikes me that a few months later Lenamon was all over the PPD deal in an attempt to get the death penalty dropped. That might have been in the works already.

Secondly, she does a great job of trying to set up JG as a possibility - with motive and opportunity to get in KC's car trunk. We know that's been a defense theme ever since CA jumped on the bandwagon and after KC conveniently emphasized to her parents when she was in jail that she just "didn't trust" him. Getting Annie to testify to that would be very helpful to KC.

Third, that bit about distancing herself from KC until practically the slumber party, making it look like they just didn't hang out much any more. If their dual traffic citations were on May 24, that was only a couple of weeks before the cookies hit the fan - and certainly means they were seeing each other socially. That may have been the real reason for her to push for that; if she knows that she and another "ZG" got a traffic citation the same day, and she actually KNOWS who the other "ZG" is, then that is an even bigger hole in KC's entire ZFG Nanny story - one she would have had to know from the very very beginning. (Wonder if that was why LA advised her to "tell the truth" and not protect KC). I've always had a problem with Annie and the Xanax theory - I'm sure CA's medicine cabinet made getting stuff like that from others pretty unnecessary - although it was the only time in the interview she broke down into tears.

Can anyone else think of points Annie brought up that might have been seeded into her testimony to help KC's version of things?

Yes, that KC was not smart enough to do any of this alone.
Maybe she isn't the one put Caylee in the woods. Maybe she was still in the trunk when it went to the tow yard.

Maybe KC told Ah that she killed Caylee but don't know what happened to the body. Maybe KC told AH, "The last time I saw her was when I put her in the trunk. "

AH told cops KC was to stupid to do this by herself---Yes that would be stupid--leave body in trunk---So somebody had to get rid of body when car got home from tow yard. Therefore she "had help"

Maybe the friend (AD) or friends (AH and AD) know more than they wish they knew. Simple as that. I know I would be scared if:runaway: all of a sudden I was knee deep in like this!
Meth is usually snorted, sometimes fired and sometimes smoked. It is very inexpensive and it lasts a long time. Not like coke where you need to keep doing it to stay high. Meth lasts for hours.

I always suspected that she was dabbling in meth. IDK. She's a psycho no matter what she was or was not using. MOO
I really feel like their was. I feel like, somewhere along the line, she fell into a dark hole and stayed there. From friends' accounts, she wasn't a big partier up until she started hanging out with certain people. I think it was Annie who said she would only go out once a month, and often she would only have one drink or be the designated driver (I remember something along those lines). I said earlier that I think KC always had sociopathic tendencies (the lying, morphing, etc.) and if drugs were involved they were the icing on the cake to create the perfect monster capable of..... you know what.

It seems like KC lost her mind and went Buck Wild...
Maybe the friend (AD) or friends (AH and AD) know more than they wish they knew. Simple as that. I know I would be scared if:runaway: all of a sudden I was knee deep in like this!

I would be scared if I found out today, if I found myself in this mess. Whew.

OMG---I never thought about them in salads. I would guess they don't look the same as a salad shroom, have never seen but heard of. Bout had a heart attack when I learned that peeps actually ate shrooms that grew in cow patties. Maybe I should google it for a pic. I will be in a world of mess if I ever have to turn my puter over to LE/FBI. We have come a long way baby. My step mom told the youngens they couldn't hang around with one family because they ate "grass". Poor ole thang. Fersure she wouldn't make it in this modern world.
I didn't know the cow patty part.:eek: Just thought they were psycedelic mushrooms. Had I known that, I never would have tried um.:D
I didn't know the cow patty part.:eek: Just thought they were psycedelic mushrooms. Had I known that, I never would have tried um.:D

LMAO. Stop that--your makin me chock from LMAO
I moved from Tx and am here to tell you that there are plenty of them patties. When I was a kid I used to pull tiny shrooms out of patties--good thang nun oves ate any ovem. That could be dangerous---God always watched over me and the other lil kids I hung wid.
Am sure there are drugs floatin around with the kids in Fla. They are here in Pa and there was in Tx. Peeps don't even hid it like one would think they would/should. I member the place where I chased the drug dealer down the road (on foot)---I could drive thru town and the G/K's (7 and 15) would tell me where the meth labs were. One was 3 houses away and I was afraid they would blow up the neighborhood. Anyway, I would guess that most of these kids use some of the drugs. I have seen the bottom of the barrel in the drug world and the player I have seen, in this case aren't on the bottom. I would venture to say that IF any of them sell it----it is just small change to get their drugs free. Buy it---keep some for yourself and sell the left over, type of thang.

I know that some of you are probably sittin there with your mouths open in shock but the ones of you who have seen what I have, would probably agree wid me. These kids are scared, as Woe.be.gone said. Thus the lawyers. I can't blame them for that. In our own day we had the popular crap we did. So do they.

But I sure would like to know what AH knows or what she was told. Is she on Morgan's list?
Have I mentioned lately what an ijut I think this woman is??? Given that I am allowed to express my opinion here I would also like to add that if she thinks she's pretty, she's a lucky gal. She's living in her illusions of grandeur.


"a.n.n.i.e 4 dayssss!!!!! p.s. hating me wont make you pretty. [RIP CAYLEE MARIE]"
Have I mentioned lately what an ijut I think this woman is??? Given that I am allowed to express my opinion here I would also like to add that if she thinks she's pretty, she's a lucky gal. She's living in her illusions of grandeur. MOO

"a.n.n.i.e 4 dayssss!!!!! p.s. hating me wont make you pretty. [RIP CAYLEE MARIE]"

Not a 10. I think I have posted AH all thru here and not AD. Maybe I should got to bed and give this case up. Just 2 sh!ttin old to keep up.
Am sure there are drugs floatin around with the kids in Fla. They are here in Pa and there was in Tx. Peeps don't even hid it like one would think they would/should. I member the place where I chased the drug dealer down the road (on foot)---I could drive thru town and the G/K's (7 and 15) would tell me where the meth labs were. One was 3 houses away and I was afraid they would blow up the neighborhood. Anyway, I would guess that most of these kids use some of the drugs. I have seen the bottom of the barrel in the drug world and the player I have seen, in this case aren't on the bottom. I would venture to say that IF any of them sell it----it is just small change to get their drugs free. Buy it---keep some for yourself and sell the left over, type of thang.

I know that some of you are probably sittin there with your mouths open in shock but the ones of you who have seen what I have, would probably agree wid me. These kids are scared, as Woe.be.gone said. Thus the lawyers. I can't blame them for that. In our own day we had the popular crap we did. So do they.

But I sure would like to know what AH knows or what she was told. Is she on Morgan's list?
WOW MB, you are shocking me ! I think you've been holding back on us ! :)
It was possible that she looked up chloriform , being curious about having seen Ricardo's image "Win her over with Chloriform" on his computer, just to find out what the heck. If there was just the one search, and not the searches for household weapons and neck breaking...... and the trunk having evidence of chloriform, I could have held out hope it was an accident like her brother, boyfriends and best girlfriends all hoped. I still think her parents think it was an accident and that is why they are cutting her so much slack. They know KC is responsible, they just don't think it was cold blooded murder, they think it was an accident and she is too scared to admit it. Lee as much as said so when talking to Tony. How they reconcile the computer searches I do not know, and the trunk evidence they understand is irrefutable, but they are hoping and praying the dream team can convince a jury otherwise, as they did in the OJ Simpson case, and in the first Phil Spector case. By the time a year and half passes loyalties may change and someone may come forward.

the chlorform has never made any sense to me what did she do with it knock Caylee out for short periods of time for what reason? if she wanted her to go to sleep so she could party she could have given her benadryl..and yes i agree the A's know KC killed Caylee but think it was an accident and she used duct tape to make it look like a kidnapping...even Jesse said that he thought it was an accident he did not thnk KC could murder Caylee..this may be a dumb question but has LE ever found chlorform at the A's house?
At times, I can't help but wonder if the only thing KC might actually fear is Cindy. She certainly didn't seem fearful or even worried in the presence of law enforcement even as she admitted lying to them. More like supreme indifference. "Uh-Huh". YAWN. Got gum?

Heck no she is not afraid of Cindy I think if she admits the truth to her mother then Cindy wins and was right all along KC is a lousy mother and then in KC's mind her mother wins the battle ..KC hates her mother for judging her ..
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