Suffolk homicide chief: New look at Gilgo - Newsday article 3/9/12

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I am not a mod, but the theories about individual named police officers probably belong in the Rumors thread, if they are appropriate for this site at all. The mods and admins here are very careful about libel.

Reading this stuff makes me uncomfortable for some reason.

Hi Aleph, Anytime we even think of police corruption we wince inside ourselves. LE should always be beyond reproach, right? We all need to feel uncomfortable as you and then try to do something to eliminate it.

I also think allot of this could be backed up by the published meetings in SC. I have read a couple of transcripts of public meetings where problems like we discuss here have been open and printed in the paper!!! I don't think much of it is a big secret.
In the latest Prostitution Scandal in NYC, there is talk of NYPD, politicians, and diplomatic/international guest involvement.

After reading a few articles I found this interesting tidbit about the 44 year old Madame in question. Her first husband, upon coming to the US has a very familiar name.
"Soon after she arrived in the U.S. the-then Miss Tennant married her first husband Fernando Pak, to whom she had two daughters Suzanna and Noelanie. She was divorced by the time she was 24."

Read more:

Apparently she met F. Pak, in Scotland, in her late teens and came to the US with him. They got married in the US.

On a public search he seems to have ties to Jersey City, NJ. It will be interesting to see if he is related to MP. His age is 44

Here is another link to the breaking story:

Her 2nd hubbie, Mr Gristina, was arrested in 1998 for soliciting prostitution in Manhattan. He is currently running for some public office (Assemblyman, IIRC)
Her newest hubbie (#3) has a few very close relatives who are in NY LE.
I put the theories up and you are free to dispute them. After all this is what this Board is all about. To the poster that said my posts are familar. Yup, I have posted many times before on different Boards using different names: ISOM, Petefiotherant, PeteF on Newsday and LI Politics under numerous names because I couldn't figure out a way how to post using a registered name.

The cop theory is just a theory. I have told you of my bias. I still don't believe those 4 gals were killed by a serial killer. Morel likely they became expendable because they were causing problems for their captors. Remembr that Ms.Gilbert was heard screaming: They are going to kill me, and then she was dead. WHO was trying to kill her and why?
Is it possible that the Russian mob is involved? I understand they run alot of the organized prostitution rings in the Long Island/NYC area.
Amazing, eh? But I don't think the FBI would give favor and overlook anything major with the local LE troup, do you? No, I think if any of this was related to the current murders the FBI would lead the way to the truth. Don't you think so? We've heard about so much corruption in the SCPD. Bring it on and let the Big Boys handle it. Yea Yea

Hankshaw, Thanks for all your input here as I know we all appreciate it. I'm guessing you must be a good 'ole Local Yokel ;} to know all of which you speak here, common knowledge among the locals of LI. If you have any links they would be great to have. But if not keep writing. You never know but that someone in power might read your words and that outcome might lead to Justice being served and these murders being solved. Tak sa mycker

All good points as usual scandi!

I like the way you think!
Every path we go down...looking at folks who may or may not be tied to this investigation leads to some story about some EX-cop/ex-detective...either SCPD or NYPD.
There is the odd ball, RT, now out in AZ re:"God's Army."
There are all the cops with petty criminal friends from their old neighborhoods. (JB & DC)
Father of murder for hire killer, SP.
The ex-cop/detective from Staten Island accused of raping prostitutes.
The ex-cop/detective working in the DA's office, in NYC, seen in photos with the current "Mom Madame" arrested last week in NYC.

I know there are many more stories of cops either related to or friends with criminals. In SCPD, it's not like they need the money, FGS!
Is it possible that the Russian mob is involved? I understand they run alot of the organized prostitution rings in the Long Island/NYC area.


FYI - The Webmaster has kindly informed me that parts of my posts had to be deleted or edited. I have no quarrel with them on this issue. It seems the more read an Internet Site the more it loses its ability to express free speech. I understand the problems.

My fellow posters, I believe you have read and understood my disclaimers on some of my posts when I say I have a deep-seated bias on Spota and some SCPD cops. I tell you to take it for what it is worth.

I filed a post about the 4 burlap bag victims. at least 2 posters were kind enough to post the timelines of when those gals went missing. It shot a big hole in my theory. GREAT. That is what these sort of boards are for.
@Hawkshaw, Or the common link...client, pimp, driver, roommate, previous employer, rehab facility, etc.

Can you give us something to go on? You'd be surprised how fast people here are with research.

He is of high reputation and is in a positiion to have such information. No need to give you that person's name, but I am sure he will provide me with the name of the missing prostitute and when he believes she vanished from the face of The Earth. Just give me some time to get to him.
I would first like to thank the Webmaster for providing me with a comprehensive explanation why WebSlueths edited my posting about certain individuals in the SCPD and Suffolk County CJS. It was not lost on this writer.

What really can be VERIFIED as true when the information is not available to those that are trying to find the Truth?

2000 years ago there was reportedly a Man called Jesus that was crucified on a cross for his beliefs. I am sure that there are billions of people since that time to this very day that will dispute that.

Those that do believe such a Man was crucified don’t believe He was The Son of God.

Was there another shooter on the Grassy Knoll?

Is Obama’s birth certificate a forgery?

It goes on an on and on. It all comes down to what you want to believe and what you don’t want to believe.

With those exaggerated points being made:

I tried and many others before me have tried to FOIL the IAB records of the individual I speak about. I want to know how many complaints are on file, substantiated or not. In particular I want to know about the accusation that he kicked in the door of a prostitute’s home to retrieve his weapon he left behind. Was he criminally or administratively charged with that incident. If not criminally, then why?

You will be told that you are not entitled to this information as it is confidential. This man is now the highest ranking police officer in the SCPD, and the public doesn’t have a right to know what kind of man is leading their police department?

Newsday did a feature story on that individual a couple of weeks ago. At least they described that he was involved as a witness for then ADA Spota in the Pius Case. Newsday runs scared anything Suffolk County, and especially the PD and DA office. They did get the story out. Believe me that was no accident.

If you want to read something that may force you to question the suitability of this person, then please GOOGLE: Quaternary v Hanslmaier. Read what a federal judge had to say about the Pius Case. Read it through. You will see this individuals name on that document. You can then draw your own conclusions as to what really happened.
Every path we go down...looking at folks who may or may not be tied to this investigation leads to some story about some EX-cop/ex-detective...either SCPD or NYPD.
There is the odd ball, RT, now out in AZ re:"God's Army."
There are all the cops with petty criminal friends from their old neighborhoods. (JB & DC)
Father of murder for hire killer, SP.
The ex-cop/detective from Staten Island accused of raping prostitutes.
The ex-cop/detective working in the DA's office, in NYC, seen in photos with the current "Mom Madame" arrested last week in NYC.

I know there are many more stories of cops either related to or friends with criminals. In SCPD, it's not like they need the money, FGS!

I happened to very casually know that detective pictured with the Madam. After I retired I did some work for Celebrity PI Bo Dietl. Sly was also working for him. He may have still been in the PD, as I recall.

Personally, I think he was a pretty nice guy. He should have picked his clients more carefully LOL. I don't think he was smart enough to make illegal money from that association. It sure does make grist for the mill. LOL

WI is probably familiar as to why I have been attacking these misfits for many years now. Let me advise the readers. BTW, Webmaster this is verifiable and without doubt.

They framed, arrested, and convicted my son in law of burglaries he allegedly committed while he was a SCPD police officer.

The chief witness in this case was a criminal known as Joseph Careccia. Careccia came to their attention after SCPD detectives were attempting to make a case against Careccia and his criminal crew that committed home invasions, burglaries, arson, and would bring in one of the crew, Peter Ghattas to provide them with information on Careccia et al.

They brought him in around Mid-August,2003. After two weeks of taking statements from him they brought him to Burke/Spota’s office on 9/3/03. He repeated his information to the DA office, signed a cooperation agreement and then was let go to fend for himself. He was murdered on 9/24/03 outside of Rob’s Pro Tow, the subject of another Spota bogus investigation in 2010 regarding alleged police corruption of a SCPD officer giving information to the people at Rob’s.

The police then went to Parkland, Florida with ADA Scott Prudenti to bring Careccia back to LI for investigation. It was perfectly logical for them to do so as Ghattas pretty much named him as the prime mover in the widespread criminal ring. He was brought back to LI on 10/23/03. Within days he was holding conferences with the DA office and detectives. He was represented by Raymond Perini.

Instead of housing Mr.Careccia in a civil jail as a material witness, the DA housed him in area hotels and motels for 7 months at taxpayer expense.

On 11/13/03, Careccia gave detectives information that my son in law helped them do an armed robbery of Strathmore Bagels on 7/25/00, by using a pilfered SCPD radio while acting as a lookout.

On 7/2/04, Careccia would be brought to Judge Hudson’s sealed courtroom to finalize a plea deal to testify against my son in law in the DA investigation. He repeated that accusation of the robbery in a sworn statement to Judge Hudson.

AS WI probably knows, my SIL was proven to have been in Europe on 7/18 thru 7/27/03.

That little tidbit of information was never presented to the grand jury in the Sept/Oct presentation. The hapless detectives under the direction of Burke and Det.Sgt Robert Doyle never bothered to check where the SIL was on those days believing that no person could possibly persuade a jury that he knew of his whereabouts on a particular day five years earlier. They didn’t count on his being in Europe. They found that out months after the lie was manufactured by the detectives or after they got his credit card records showing transactions that he was in Europe. Ooooops, Needless to say the DA never told us that they knowingly brought a liar into the grand jury to testify in a serious criminal case.

They also elicited information that a Eddie Wright was at the King Kullen ripping down the alarm box during that burglary where it was alleged the SIL was working that night and providing them protection. The BOZOs never bothered to check where Wright was on that date. He just happened to be incarcerated in a Virginia Jail for that one.
more later. much more.......and of course it is well documented by their own records.
And who is this Careccia fellow? He lived on the same block of 12 homes from 1998 to 2002, only four houses down from James Burke. Of course I have links to prove that as well.

It seems as though Mr.Burke, or Chief Burke has an affinity to live near burglars. He lived near burglars/alleged murderers in 1979 for the Pius Murder, and 18 to 22 years later he was Careccia's neighbor.
HI folks, don't think I can do this anymore. Webmaster gave me an idea what and what I can't write about. made a post with names, sites to go to and all verifiable. the post isn't there anymore. Hey, I don't mind writing but I sure as hell mind if the post disappears.

the whole purpose of the posts is to support my own agenda on the framing of the SIL and to use that as an example as to why the SCPD and DA cannot be trusted to do the Gilgo Investigation.
HI folks, don't think I can do this anymore. Webmaster gave me an idea what and what I can't write about. made a post with names, sites to go to and all verifiable. the post isn't there anymore. Hey, I don't mind writing but I sure as hell mind if the post disappears.

the whole purpose of the posts is to support my own agenda on the framing of the SIL and to use that as an example as to why the SCPD and DA cannot be trusted to do the Gilgo Investigation.

Hawkshaw, I know what you mean, I have the same problem, I cant post the most significant info I have on my POI, but thats the ruels, you can´t post about people who have not been named POI or supect in the case either by LE or by main stream media, and I do belive those ruels are justifyed, because if they didn´t have those ruels this website would go berserk, not necceserily concerning this case, but in general.
WS are doing a great job keeping this website serious and trustworthy, and the price to pay for that is that somtimes VERY significant info are not alowed to be posted, because the rules must apply to all, it´s an impossible task for the WS moderators to distiguish between significant info and deflamatory info.

And hawkshaw, may I ask you again, plea that you share the identity of that young woman/prositute your cop friend on Manhattan is investigating the disappearence of, the girl you said could be linked to one of the 4 Gilgo beach victims PLEASE?
Yes, why has there been no publicity on any recent missing prostitutes? Is this an older case?

If there is a missing NYC prostitute then please post it so that she might be found.
It is really frustrating that Fitzpatrick was in charge of Homicide during the time that all of the GB4 went missing and at the time Shannan Gilbert disappeared. These are not "fresh eyes."

The cases that were reported were not fully investigated, by any LE agency, during his time in charge.

Since Dormer left, there has been no "official" statement from LE about SG or the GB4. Until last week's Newsday interview referring to the possibility of more than one killer.

SCPD has battened down the hatches and gone mum...even with the finding of another skeleton in Manorville.
Yes, why has there been no publicity on any recent missing prostitutes? Is this an older case?

If there is a missing NYC prostitute then please post it so that she might be found.

FOR WHATEVER IT IS WORTH: LINDA ALVAREZ, from E.13th St., Manhattan. Will have to dig up the case to find why he thought she MIGHT be connected. She would be about 40ish, so says my source.
Hawkshaw, I know what you mean, I have the same problem, I cant post the most significant info I have on my POI, but thats the ruels, you can´t post about people who have not been named POI or supect in the case either by LE or by main stream media, and I do belive those ruels are justifyed, because if they didn´t have those ruels this website would go berserk, not necceserily concerning this case, but in general.
WS are doing a great job keeping this website serious and trustworthy, and the price to pay for that is that somtimes VERY significant info are not alowed to be posted, because the rules must apply to all, it´s an impossible task for the WS moderators to distiguish between significant info and deflamatory info.

And hawkshaw, may I ask you again, plea that you share the identity of that young woman/prositute your cop friend on Manhattan is investigating the disappearence of, the girl you said could be linked to one of the 4 Gilgo beach victims PLEASE?

I hear what you are saying and I appreciate the Webmaster's concerns. But I think once a Blog Board gets too much attention the Board starts acting like mainstream media.

I posted a name of a DetSgt in Spota's office. I posted the name of the company for the readers to check out for themselves. I posted the name of the crook that created the company. It is all there in the public domain for anyone to see and for them to draw their own conclusions and ask WTF is going on here.

I said that a very violent was the neighor of JB, and was so for 4 years. That is a matter of record I verified on the Internet and with official records of the SC clerks office.

I put a case on the Board for anyone looking for information on the Pius Case to see for themselves how JB was involved as a witness in the Pius Murder Case. Read what the judge said about the entire case.

The point of those stories was to show the readers that the SCPD cannot be trusted to do an fair and impartial investigation. I wouldn't trust them to do any investigation even if they had a videotape of the perp doing the crime.

I referred you to the 1989 SIC report. some of the same players mentioned in that investigation are players to this very day.

You read all of the above DOCUMENTED evidence I referred you to and you judge for yourself.
Those of you that have read my posts on 631 know what I have said about the highest officials in Suffolk County. It appears as though I have been banned from further postings on that Board and not given any explanation as to why.

BTW, I was invited to participate on this Board. Invited by those that read my posts and thought I could make a contribution.

These are Web Blogs, after all. You take the information for what it is. I never made a secret about my bias towards those officials, and one can call me a nut job or a informed contributor. Trust me I have been called a nut job many times on many boards.
I hear what you are saying and I appreciate the Webmaster's concerns. But I think once a Blog Board gets too much attention the Board starts acting like mainstream media.

I posted a name of a DetSgt in Spota's office. I posted the name of the company for the readers to check out for themselves. I posted the name of the crook that created the company. It is all there in the public domain for anyone to see and for them to draw their own conclusions and ask WTF is going on here.

I said that a very violent was the neighor of JB, and was so for 4 years. That is a matter of record I verified on the Internet and with official records of the SC clerks office.

I put a case on the Board for anyone looking for information on the Pius Case to see for themselves how JB was involved as a witness in the Pius Murder Case. Read what the judge said about the entire case.

The point of those stories was to show the readers that the SCPD cannot be trusted to do an fair and impartial investigation. I wouldn't trust them to do any investigation even if they had a videotape of the perp doing the crime.

I referred you to the 1989 SIC report. some of the same players mentioned in that investigation are players to this very day.

You read all of the above DOCUMENTED evidence I referred you to and you judge for yourself.

I just read the appeal from

getting ready to read


I'll see after I read the confession what to make of all this. It is a slow LISK day, so I will take the time to read it all.
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