a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #4

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juror list (copy and paste from KBisme

Ok, so I'll start on my notes. First, I couldn't see Jodi from where I was sitting because an interns head was blocking my view of her. I did have a great view of the jury though, so almost all of my notes are about them. I'll first start with adding my take on each of them to Anita's awesome list. I made a list of my own because I wasn't as smart as PASA (she printed Anita's list and had it with her). My comments are in purple.


1.Church Lady- Mid 50's, short hair, no make-up, glasses.
This lady looks absolutely disgusted the whole time. I never once saw her look in the direction of JA. Not ONCE. She either stares straight forward or looks at JM.

2.Trump-Guy in 40's, lots of hair, car salesman look.
I called this guy "Comb Over" he had his head resting on his hand almost the whole time. He also never looks at JA. He seemed to be paying attention, but also seemed bored.

3.Housewife-She is a big lady (tall and heavy set, not obese) with a very sweet face, no make-up.
Interesting different view today. I called her the "Angry Neighbor Lady" Lol. I wrote that she follows along, but has a constant "sour puss". I don't know if it's just "her look" or what, but she seemed to be frowning every time I looked at her.

4.Grandpa-Bald, sweet faced older man that looks like my grandpa.
I also named this man Grandpa. He does have a sweet face and seems the "calm" type.

5.Tricolor-Early 30's, short, stylish haircut with three colors, reminds me of one of my hairstylists.
This is the only one I remembered Anita's name for because her hair stood out, Lol. She reminded me of my best friend. She probably gave more facial expressions than any of the others. She is very engaged and took a fair amount of notes.

6.Nancy-Lady in her 50's, lovely face, reminds me of Nancy Reagan with glasses, short sassy haircut.
I called her Spikey Hair. Anita's description is better. She was the only one I saw look at Jodi when the jury first walked in. She took a lot of notes.

7.Paul Rudd-Younger guy, mid-late 20's with spiky hair, sweat jacket, looks like the actor Paul Rudd.
He does look like Paul Rudd, but with shorter hair. He's a good looking young man.

8.The CEO-Good looking man, mid 50's with goatee. Can see him being the jury foreman.
I called this guy "The Dad". He looks nothing like my dad, Lol, but for whatever reason... I got a fatherly feel from him.

9.Willy-Old hippy with long white ponytail, thin, small build.
This guy looked PIZZED the whole time. He seemed to be staring towards the media lady or just into the corner. I only saw him look at JM or JA maybe once.

10.Barb-Female, 40's, has the "sexy librarian" look, wearing a form fitting sweater, slender build and voluptuous. If ANYONE on the jury is offended by disparaging comments regarding breast augmentation, my guess is it would be her. She is the only juror I couldn't see very clearly; just when she entered and exited the courtroom and when I stretched up out of my seat to gawk at her.
I called this lady "Plain Jane" She was very hard to see from where I was, but I could tell she was taking notes quite a bit.

11.Poquito-Little Mexican guy (maybe 5'3) with long graduated pony tail, lots of facial hair and piercings.
I called him "Paco" He was hard to see too, but mostly because he was slouched down in his seat I thought he'd fall off Lol. At one point he was bent over instead of slouching, but still very hard to see.

12.Neil-Early 50's high forehead, glasses, looks very nervous and turns red easily. This is the guy that makes KCL nervous.
I called this guy "Jim" I wrote "very hard to read".

13.The Wrestler-Younger good looking guy, large build.
I called this guy "The Jock" He reminded me a little of Oz on American Pie (Chris Klein).

14.Old potsmoking CPA (I have no idea why I wrote this, i have ZERO recollection of this juror. He did not make any impression on me, other than when I was going down the rows naming them.)
I called this guy Sleepy. He swiveled in his chair a lot and fell asleep at least twice. He was also slouched down in his chair.

15.Elderly Man-This man is definitely the oldest juror, he occasionally uses the headphones to listen to the proceedings that Jodie's Auntie uses.
I called him "Captain" He has a very intense gaze. It's hard to describe but he gives off a stubborn and no bs vibe. Maybe ex military or something?

16.Maureen-Red haired, glasses (the red might be too red to be a natural ginger) If I had to guess one Mormon on the jury, it would be her.
I called her The Secretary. She took a lot of notes and had a "polished" look to her. She had her whole body turned facing Jodi. I barely saw her look at JM. She was the only one that really made me feel nervous at all.

17.Pony Tail-Young girl, pony tail, plain, pony tail and sweats.
I called her frumpy lady. Not in a rude way... it's just the word that came to mind. Very plain. She took a lot of notes.

18.The Artist-Bald, attractive, glasses, 50's-60's, large build, holds his notebook on a binder as if he's going to sketch. He looks around the gallery a lot. I thought we met eyes a couple of times, but who knows, that room is so huge!
This guy also had a very intense gaze. He took some notes. He rubbed his face and tapped his fingers to his lips a lot. He wasn't the only one doing stuff like that, but I'll get into that in my notes.

Ignore the names I threw in there. We should stick with Anita's. I just thought it would be interesting to give different peoples views on them. More to come!

thread #1
thread #2
thread #3
Thank you just doesn't seem to be enough to express my THANKS to Katie, PASA and other court observers. I appreciate and enjoy reading your observations!!:tyou::yourock:
Thanks KCL and PASA! I was so excited to read your notes this
morning!!! KCL good to hear your bro is getting great care
and looks forward to being with you soon!!! Thank you for every
thing you both do so that we can "feel like" we are in the courtroom
too. I previously donated to the family and if I am able I will donate
again. The stress they are under is too much....they need no other
worries! God bless BB and everyone supporting TAs family:angel:
Thank you KCL & PASA!! You represent Websleuths well!

I just wanted to bring this post over--KCL: could you check your PMs today? I sent you a message re: getting an address. THX
Thanks so much to KCL and PASA for their observations. It's so great that we have members that share their experiences in court, because I know we would all love to be there....and through your notes it feels like we are.

To our BB, what a wonderful person you are! Thank you, thank you for including us WSers in your gift giving!

When I think of elephants...I think of their great memory, actually shedding tears, and their eyes that seem so full of emotion. This trial had been so full of emotion, we all have shed tears over it, and Travis you will never be forgotten.

KCL, I cannot say it enough times, how strong I think you are. You are so appreciated. I just think you are such a selfless, amazing woman.

Question for KCL:

Did you get a chance to ask Beth yesterday if she knew anything about the voir dire of the jury last Wednesday at lunch time?
Thank you to those reporting from the courtroom. I may forget to click that thanks button while reading the post b/c I just get so wrapped up in reading that I just keep scrolling and then forget to go back. So even though I do not thank you, I appreciate what you do.
Thanks so much to KCL and PASA for their observations. It's so great that we have members that share their experiences in court, because I know we would all love to be there....and through your notes it feels like we are.

To our BB, what a wonderful person you are! Thank you, thank you for including us WSers in your gift giving!

When I think of elephants...I think of their great memory, actually shedding tears, and their eyes that seem so full of emotion. This trial had been so full of emotion, we all have shed tears over it, and Travis you will never be forgotten.

KCL, I cannot say it enough times, how strong I think you are. You are so appreciated. I just think you are such a selfless, amazing woman.


Rosemary - may I steal your elephants walking for a future project? I love that!!!!!!!
I am still very new to this site, as far as posting, but have been reading for quite some time.

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to KCL, PASA, and the rest of you that post your observations here for us to get a feel for what it is really like inside the court room.

Your posts and descriptions provide fantastic insights not found from regular TV newscasters.

I thoroughly enjoy reading your updates, posts, notes, thoughts, and descriptions.

I cannot thank you all enough for providing these posts.

Katie, Pasa and all our in house court watchers - will you please watch jodi for this type activity? I swear I think she is up to something!
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - trial day 32: the defense continues it's case in chief #93


She's been seen doing this on other days as well, fwiw. She sneaks something into a folder while looking forward, then she eventually picks up that folder. The one day there was a short video clip of her leaving through the side door while conversing with her attorneys, she had done it earlier that day and had the folder in her hands when she left the courtroom.

One day I saw that woman who sits at the back of the defense table hand a notebook or something to JA's mom as they were leaving for a break. I thought it was most likely JA's manuscript for a book or something. Notes to peeps on the outside?

Anyway, JMHO

PS.. fwiw, the notebook or whatever was handed to her mom was one of those notebooks that are black and white on the outside with binded pages within. I forgot the official name for them. But my kids used them in college, mostly. They have three holes in them for possibly being placed in a three-ringed binder.
and it think its awful convenient that Donavon sits right behind her sometimes. I think there is a LOT of note passing going on... and I wish someone would catch/confront them about it.

I'd love to see a camera stay on her the entire time. I'm sure we'd be in for quite a show. Of course, i'd miss my Juanderlust time... but i'd just dvr that camera for later :blushing:
Question for KCL:

Did you get a chance to ask Beth yesterday if she knew anything about the voir dire of the jury last Wednesday at lunch time?

Shoot I forgot that..thanks for reminding me! Today I may not go down as I really would only have the second part of the pm session after I'm done working (I hate that I have to work at my actual JOB sometimes lol actually I love my job). If I feel up to it I may still head out if court is still going on that long...it works out as I'm right up there at the time to go visit my bro who's nearby.

Long winded answer...if I don't go today, I will ask her tomorrow! Thanks for the reminder (and if I forget again, please remind me again!).
and it think its awful convenient that Donavon sits right behind her sometimes. I think there is a LOT of note passing going on... and I wish someone would catch/confront them about it.

I'd love to see a camera stay on her the entire time. I'm sure we'd be in for quite a show. Of course, i'd miss my Juanderlust time... but i'd just dvr that camera for later :blushing:

OMG Juanderlust...how did I ever miss this?

Hey, I met the gal who created the "Juantages" yesterday. How about me, I say to these "newbies" about just some Juan love (they have the Juan Support page on FB) about how I love the word "Juantage" and she's the gal who coined it! hahahah! Joke was on me! SHe makes them!
It just kind of 'came to me' the other day... my hubby (deceased now) was in a band called Wanderlust....... i kinda thought it was his way of saying 'ok, you can think he's cute, i won't get mad' :seeya:

He checks in quite a bit with me (its been 9 years, he was only 40) so i had to laugh when i said it out loud for the first time.

Always sending good thoughts and energy your way to share!
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