Jose Baez Releasing New Book!!

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I don't recall JB ever saying GA molested OCA tonight. He mentioned the Dr. Depo's which he tried to allude backed up his OS claims. Basically, he said you would have read his book.

I now take back my thoughts that he will reveal things inhis book - and don't believe it going to say much at all.

I wonder if JVM is crying in her big hair that it was Dr. Drew that got the 1st book interview. Hmmm, I wonder why his BFF Geraldo didn't have him on 1st for his big reveal?

Verrrry interesting points about Geraldo and JVM. I wonder why?

We can probably assume now that he doesn't reveal a single important/interesting item in his book. If there was even one such item, he'd have used it as a "teaser" to make us want to buy the book in hopes of finding out even more.
I am still dying to know WHY she would sign a waiver but NOT profit off of the book. She is so tit for tat. There has to be something he promised her in return!!!! Maybe he trashes her parents and brother or something? She would not sign that waiver without getting something out of this book! Or maybe he's so pathetic she doesn't think he has anything to say anyway. Maybe she's getting a giggle out of watching him go down in flames?

1. I wonder when she agreed to sign a waiver as well as when she actually signed it. When he wasn't getting paid these last couple years, how could she refuse?

2. IIRC, he said she wasn't going to profit "financially" from this book. That makes me wonder what he's going to buy for her, or rent for her to use, or loan to her for her use. Like an apartment, a car, etc.

I take great joy in the fury she must feel at her mother possessing a hefty $500,000 + as a result of Caylee's death, while she herself has nothing to show for it. Zilch. She's broke. No, she's way worse than broke--she's in debt for hundreds of thousands of $, and IRS will stalk her for every fast-accruing cent of whatever she owes them.
Also his comment about being the perfect probationer....aren't people on probation required to search for and get a job and complete their GED?

As far as her being able to do her probation standing on her head - what choice does she have? She is afraid to come out in public, and she loves loafing around while someone else supports her..and that's a good thing?

When Baez says Casey is not the selfish type of narcissistic person that a lot of people think she is and was grateful to those that helped her and helped save her life

Well Duuuuuuuh....she was in jail, first charged with child neglect then with murder...she needed them and all the lawyers Baez was able to get on his team...She should be grateful.

I'm not sure what Baez considers selfish but even if he believes her stories, not seeking help for your daughter because you protecting yourself from Mom's furry for letting her drown, stealing money from family and friends because it is easier than working, perpetuating the fears of your family with a made up kidnapping story to protect yourself from people finding out the truth of what happended to Caylee and finally, leaving your daughter with her molesting Grandpa just because you can't afford your own place because you you'd rather party then work .... all seem pretty dang selfish to me.
He sure stepped around the question of what about he personally would feel. Since he and his wife had a new baby during the trial - he forgot to mention how he would feel if something like that happened to his child. He brushed it off by saying wel we aren't like those people - meaning the Anthony's. Uh huh...Murder only happens to people "like the Anthony's".

When he spouts such rubbish does he really think anyone will buy his book. He forgets there are thousands and thousands of people out there who read more and absorbed far more of the depos and evidence than he ever did!

I was referring to bloggers, not Lawyers. :floorlaugh:
JB's choices post-trial:

1. Try to cash in anyway he could
2. Shut up about FCA and move on

He couldn't cash in then, and he's too arrogant and greedy to shut up now. A book is born.

Sadly for JB, a book requires words and thoughts. So, he has to say something. What could it be??

He knows absolutely nobody is interested in him as a person or as an attorney, so a book solely about him/his experience wouldn't sell. Nope, the book has to be about FCA. But what can he say about FCA?

He can't tell the truth about Caylee's murder. He can't say that he really-- and truly-- never bought into FCA's lies, that he just pretended to because that was his job. Impossible to say that, for so many reasons.

Likewise, he can't say that he actually believed FCA and her lies, because that would make him look like a ridiculous idiot.

What's left, except the threadbare, multi-purpose, dripping with slime accusations against George? I'm sure JB will choose language that protects him from a legal rebuttal by George.

Ah well. I have no doubt that whatever JB writes will do little more than illuminate what he isn't.
While reading the comments posted after the Dr. Drew show, I read Tracy McLaughlin (FCA's babysitter) comment -about FCA upset that the bad weather was preventing the helicopters from circling above her home. She also said there would be more examples of the real FCA in the book she was writing. Wonder if she really is writing one? Maybe wishful thinking. She could tell us a lot, but maybe not a whole book full.
Thanks for the new slant. I was so outraged and revolted by the verdict that I couldn't bear to read much about it here afterward. After watching JB on Dr. Drew's show, it looks as if I was also wrong in my prediction that JB won't criticize the A's in his book.

I don't care if he does attack them, but I do strongly object to the fact that -- in the name of defending a client -- defense attorneys are allowed to publicly defame, slander, and/or incriminate anyone they want to on the flimsiest of excuses without being subject to a lawsuit from the victims. It seems to me it would be much fairer if attorneys were only allowed to do that with impunity in a court of law and in court documents. Ditto for prosecuting attorneys, for that matter.

The OCA trial has ended, and it seems only fair that Baez's defense-attorney-privilege of slandering others without danger of being sued should have ended when the trial ended.

:seeya: First right off, I want to apologize for my meltdown yesterday-I thought I was past the anger, but with this new 'book', the ugly has reared it's head again-I am sorry!

Anyway, I'll try to be clear on this and not let my heart rule---It appears that all JB is doing is more of the same, taking real situations and wrapping his ideas around it to make it sound plausable. Like the GA thing, sure, there are supposed actual things in his past that show him to be at least a former abuser, pair that with his attitude and bring in stories about girlfriends and it would make some people think 'hey, this probably could be true'. Like the pool, CA mentioned to her workers the stairs were up, pool is full, the story kept on repeating etc., so he used it because it looked like a probable scenario, it could be true. That's basically all he is saying, sounds like it anyway. He can go ahead and speak of the dysfunction, this is not news, he can speak of whirling helicopters flying all over the place, it serves no purpose. There is nothing there except he tried and shifted the guilt off FCA.

I agree with the poster who said something about how he could not articulate in the courtroom, if you saw the show the other night, he also had a hard time explaining himself and trying to choose words the right way and could not-it could have been because the camera was right in his face, but he's an old pro now with the cameras, - a deer caught in the headlights. All he is trying to do is reclaim himself, unless there is a threat on the horizon we all don't know about yet. Imo, he should have just kept walking into the sunset. seems to have gained quite a bit...:what: Do you suppose Johnny Appleseed wandered by?

:floorlaugh: I think it's had a chance to grow back since he is no longer pulling out his hair, or maybe the better reason is no more fallout:waitasec:-it has been colored tho'-imo. :floorlaugh:
I have it all figured out...... JB thinks he is so smart as the keeper of the secrets, the free-er of the felon, that he thinks on the day KC finishes probation, since they can't afford a big bait and switch caravan.....that if his book comes out all those interested in the case will be distracted running to the bookstore to buy his book while the tot mom runs to next hiding spot!

EGO can be a very misleading thing, Jose!
My rambling thoughts again.
First Baez needs to be crated up and put into storage in the basement and forgotten about until 50 years have passed and the building is being torn down and then his crate is hauled of to a landfill.
How many attorney's dropped off of this case? Something just wasn't right about that and maybe lack of money was part of it, but I feel that it was a lot more then that.
Why is it that an attonery can waste tax payers money to investigate everyone and anyone who was within a mile of his felonous client when he was going to claim a drowning even during trial?
I am sure to the pit of my stomach that we know more of the discovery then he ever knew as I think he is the laziest person I've seen in a long time and didn't bother to read it.
He will never convince me that Caylee drowned in any way shape or form.
His felonous clients behavior after Caylee's death tells me exactly what she did and she never looked back even to this day she will go on and I'd bet my bottom dollar that she will claim she never gave birth to a child when she meets some sap who will believe her.
She has already burned the church people and they wont be the last I assure you.
After she is released from being the "perfect probationer" will her protectors still hide her and protect her?

His garbage that he was spewing on Dr Drew such as the ladder thing are the words of one or the other of the Anthony's and what struck me is that we know these people lie as much as his felonuos client and so he has nothing to say that is true.
Birds of a feather...
My rambling thoughts again.
First Baez needs to be crated up and put into storage in the basement and forgotten about until 50 years have passed and the building is being torn down and then his crate is hauled of to a landfill.
How many attorney's dropped off of this case? Something just wasn't right about that and maybe lack of money was part of it, but I feel that it was a lot more then that.
Why is it that an attonery can waste tax payers money to investigate everyone and anyone who was within a mile of his felonous client when he was going to claim a drowning even during trial?
I am sure to the pit of my stomach that we know more of the discovery then he ever knew as I think he is the laziest person I've seen in a long time and didn't bother to read it.
He will never convince me that Caylee drowned in any way shape or form.
His felonous clients behavior after Caylee's death tells me exactly what she did and she never looked back even to this day she will go on and I'd bet my bottom dollar that she will claim she never gave birth to a child when she meets some sap who will believe her.
She has already burned the church people and they wont be the last I assure you.
After she is released from being the "perfect probationer" will her protectors still hide her and protect her?

His garbage that he was spewing on Dr Drew such as the ladder thing are the words of one or the other of the Anthony's and what struck me is that we know these people lie as much as his felonuos client and so he has nothing to say that is true.
Birds of a feather...

I agree with that. Linda KB hinted at that in some of her interviews. I had more respect for her than JB.
My rambling thoughts again.
First Baez needs to be crated up and put into storage in the basement and forgotten about until 50 years have passed and the building is being torn down and then his crate is hauled of to a landfill.
How many attorney's dropped off of this case? Something just wasn't right about that and maybe lack of money was part of it, but I feel that it was a lot more then that.
Why is it that an attonery can waste tax payers money to investigate everyone and anyone who was within a mile of his felonous client when he was going to claim a drowning even during trial?
I am sure to the pit of my stomach that we know more of the discovery then he ever knew as I think he is the laziest person I've seen in a long time and didn't bother to read it.
He will never convince me that Caylee drowned in any way shape or form.
His felonous clients behavior after Caylee's death tells me exactly what she did and she never looked back even to this day she will go on and I'd bet my bottom dollar that she will claim she never gave birth to a child when she meets some sap who will believe her.
She has already burned the church people and they wont be the last I assure you.
After she is released from being the "perfect probationer" will her protectors still hide her and protect her?

His garbage that he was spewing on Dr Drew such as the ladder thing are the words of one or the other of the Anthony's and what struck me is that we know these people lie as much as his felonuos client and so he has nothing to say that is true.
Birds of a feather...

BBM. This is exactly true. He is taking these made up half truths and using them. Remember RK? Same thing, just because he had a bit of trouble in his past and his ex mentioned the dreaded duct tape-he used those things as another probable scenario where he could have looked like a perp. And you're right, it was the A's who started with these 'ideas'. Remember the white dog story? Another one and adding, it's heresay. So, he couldn't get his own intuition on this, except he did say about bringing in a trained professional to deal with her while in LE hands-They don't do that, not that I'm aware of. Look how long it took to make an assessment on her when it did happen and the result was - what?:waitasec:

By him stating it happened on June 16 is just a starting point, because it was already used. I do not think she drowned in any pool either. What is going on in my head now is the question of the 16th and CA running to open the 1st of many foundations. So now, how is she going to explain this? Or is this too now irrevelant? Too bad someone didn't ask the way Caylee was found, if he thought it was irrevelant. How would this be answered given the fact all these lies were going around? I know what she said on the stand-that she realized there was no Zanny '6 weeks prior' or something like that, what now? Some pretty slick manuvering going on at every turn. Sickening, isn't it?

Everybody have a great day here....let's keep it light and keep it right

BBM. This is exactly true. He is taking these made up half truths and using them. Remember RK? Same thing, just because he had a bit of trouble in his past and his ex mentioned the dreaded duct tape-he used those things as another probable scenario where he could have looked like a perp. And you're right, it was the A's who started with these 'ideas'. Remember the white dog story? Another one and adding, it's heresay. So, he couldn't get his own intuition on this, except he did say about bringing in a trained professional to deal with her while in LE hands-They don't do that, not that I'm aware of. Look how long it took to make an assessment on her when it did happen and the result was - what?:waitasec:

By him stating it happened on June 16 is just a starting point, because it was already used. I do not think she drowned in any pool either. What is going on in my head now is the question of the 16th and CA running to open the 1st of many foundations. So now, how is she going to explain this? Or is this too now irrevelant? Too bad someone didn't ask the way Caylee was found, if he thought it was irrevelant. How would this be answered given the fact all these lies were going around? I know what she said on the stand-that she realized there was no Zanny '6 weeks prior' or something like that, what now? Some pretty slick manuvering going on at every turn. Sickening, isn't it?

Everybody have a great day here....let's keep it light and keep it right

Why, that was how they buried their pets. IMO CFCA was taught how to do this by her parents and used it for Caylee as a way to murder her. It's absolutely sicking.
Gosh I will never get over this.
:seeya: First right off, I want to apologize for my meltdown yesterday-I thought I was past the anger, but with this new 'book', the ugly has reared it's head again-I am sorry!

Anyway, I'll try to be clear on this and not let my heart rule---It appears that all JB is doing is more of the same, taking real situations and wrapping his ideas around it to make it sound plausable. Like the GA thing, sure, there are supposed actual things in his past that show him to be at least a former abuser, pair that with his attitude and bring in stories about girlfriends and it would make some people think 'hey, this probably could be true'. Like the pool, CA mentioned to her workers the stairs were up, pool is full, the story kept on repeating etc., so he used it because it looked like a probable scenario, it could be true. That's basically all he is saying, sounds like it anyway. He can go ahead and speak of the dysfunction, this is not news, he can speak of whirling helicopters flying all over the place, it serves no purpose. There is nothing there except he tried and shifted the guilt off FCA.

I agree with the poster who said something about how he could not articulate in the courtroom, if you saw the show the other night, he also had a hard time explaining himself and trying to choose words the right way and could not-it could have been because the camera was right in his face, but he's an old pro now with the cameras, - a deer caught in the headlights. All he is trying to do is reclaim himself, unless there is a threat on the horizon we all don't know about yet. Imo, he should have just kept walking into the sunset.

I don't want you to think I am picking on you here, but I need to draw a line in the sand about George. The SA office stated categorically there was absolutely no evidence to substiantiate abuse charges against George. George does have incidents of violence in his past. It is true that during an argument with his father a plate glass window was broken at his fathers place of business. And it is true that both Cindy and George did not remain completely faithful to each other during their marriage.

But, in our society, the one thing you can "suggest" to ruin a man's reputation AND get away with it in public opinion is suggest a person is a sexual abuser or in a reverse situation claim you have been abused and be believed whether you have or not. For so many years the pedelum swung the other way. Abused women pleading for help were ignored, ridiculed and called liars, even by their own families who should have protected them. But during the 80's and 90's. the opposite happened. Men were found guilty and sent to jail who were in fact innocent. People have "recovered memories" - we all remember that. And I believe society has a guilty conscience about all the people who've been abused and have suffered terribly. Now, anyone who points a finger is believed, and any one who claims abuse is believed. It is he said she said and society swings with the victim. How does George refute those claims? Get angry and say how dare FCA say that? Society says - Oh we thinks he protests too much - he must be guilty! And if he doesn't say anything - society says "well he's not denying it so he must be guilty".

For JB to suggest this is true, particularly with FCA who lies about everything is outrageous and disgusting. Unless he has proof - which he doesn't, he needs to be ridiculed for his statements. I think we need to stop repeating his lies. All IMO

We had many many threads about this subject during the trial and by no means do I even begin to suggest that women who claim abuse are lying - no way! We heard from many brave posters who told us of their suffering and my heart goes out to them. But FCA? Phhttttt!

BBM. This is exactly true. He is taking these made up half truths and using them. Remember RK? Same thing, just because he had a bit of trouble in his past and his ex mentioned the dreaded duct tape-he used those things as another probable scenario where he could have looked like a perp. And you're right, it was the A's who started with these 'ideas'. Remember the white dog story? Another one and adding, it's heresay. So, he couldn't get his own intuition on this, except he did say about bringing in a trained professional to deal with her while in LE hands-They don't do that, not that I'm aware of. Look how long it took to make an assessment on her when it did happen and the result was - what?:waitasec:

By him stating it happened on June 16 is just a starting point, because it was already used. I do not think she drowned in any pool either. What is going on in my head now is the question of the 16th and CA running to open the 1st of many foundations. So now, how is she going to explain this? Or is this too now irrevelant? Too bad someone didn't ask the way Caylee was found, if he thought it was irrevelant. How would this be answered given the fact all these lies were going around? I know what she said on the stand-that she realized there was no Zanny '6 weeks prior' or something like that, what now? Some pretty slick manuvering going on at every turn. Sickening, isn't it?

Everybody have a great day here....let's keep it light and keep it right

BBM - Jose's statement is just complete carp - he knows perfectly well she had a psychological assessment done when she was first arrested. We all remember Judge Strickland raising his eyebrows as he silently read it in court in the early days.
What did Jose want? Someone like Dottie to hold her hand and say there there dear - we're sure you didn't mean it.....:banghead:
Verrrry interesting points about Geraldo and JVM. I wonder why?

We can probably assume now that he doesn't reveal a single important/interesting item in his book. If there was even one such item, he'd have used it as a "teaser" to make us want to buy the book in hopes of finding out even more.

reminds me of the line that we would have to wait for that opening line in court and would all see the true picture.....I would never read anything that man wrote (hopefully there is a spell check)---it was hard enough to listen to him....makes me sick that he is even out promoting a bunch of lies....thats all hes got....LIES.....:jail:
I don't want you to think I am picking on you here, but I need to draw a line in the sand about George. The SA office stated categorically there was absolutely no evidence to substiantiate abuse charges against George...

Hear, hear, LG. I sure do second this line in the sand. Besides Caylee's murder and the verdict itself, nothing was more disgusting to me about this case than JB and FCA's utterly despicable strategy of sliming George to save her sorry derriere.

That JB is still out there repeating the same lies, absent any reason for doing so besides making a buck, tells me every bad opinion I had about the man was justified.
Alright fellow posters - I'm going to take a break from commenting on Jose and his new book - and my apologies if I've sounded argumentative.

Obviously I still have BIG issues with this case's reopened some :worms: and I seem to have been whipped back into full :slapfight: mode. Carry on and I'll go back to :present: for awhile so everyone can have their say...
Hear, hear, LG. I sure do second this line in the sand. Besides Caylee's murder and the verdict itself, nothing was more disgusting to me about this case than JB and FCA's utterly despicable strategy of sliming George to save her sorry derriere.

That JB is still out there repeating the same lies, absent any reason for doing so besides making a buck, tells me every bad opinion I had about the man was justified.

And if I may.
I think the majority of people believe just like we do that G never touched CFCA.
As much as I can't stand GA if he were to come out and say that he believe's what we believe (I do think he does) with out excuse's for CFCA it would settle a lot of hearts as far as he's concerned. Alas this will never happen because he dosen't have a back bone to stand on his own and for Caylee.
Understand this is only my opinion.
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