FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #4

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regarding the valet

Yes, I've seen malls in upper class areas that have valets.

I know malls in Arizona and California that have valets.

The problem with valet parking is two fold.

One, the valet can make a copy of your key.

Two, the valet can go through your glove box, and get your registration, insurance (if kept in the car), etc.

So, that is why I tell everyone who will listen that keeping the insurance card, registration,etc, in your glove box is not a good idea.

As a matter of fact, do not leave anything inside your car with your name and address on it.

You dont' want a double whammy, and have someone steal your car, go to your house, rip off your house, and possibly harm someone.

Most burglars will not harm homeowners, but, if they are confronted, and face jail time, 99% of criminals will not go back to jail, and will do what is necessary to avoid such an event.

Very good points about a valet being able to copy keys, etc. and not leaving personal info in the car.

Our insurance security verification form is required to be in our car at all times, but it only has our name, car info and the insurance company's phone number. We aren't required to carry registrations...because of that very reason. Too much info on it.

I wonder who could tell us what the valets wear at that particular mall and also what their security staff wears?! Anyone from that area? Hmmm...

I tend to agree with pretty much everything Leftcoast says about this case.

The being abducted from the Mall scenario is not something I thought about before but undoubtedly very viable.

I remain convinced that this person knew Jennifer but she didn’t know them as it were.

There are so many compelling factors regarding somebody to do with the Mosaic complex in my humble opinion:

1) Jennifer had raised concerns about Workmen
2) Jennifer thought someone had tried to get into her apartment
3) The poi parks the car 1 mile from her apartment and heads back towards it.
4) The dogs track the poi’s scent back to the complex.
5) The car ‘coincidentally’ is dumped when the alarm is raised.
6) The crime rate regarding Mosaic suggests it’s a dangerous complex.

If it’s not someone who is local to the area either for work or residence then I’m a Frenchman!(although I will happily accept this if it is discovered it is not)

Regarding the dumping of the car some have commented that why not burn it out?

I agree inconspicuously parked properly in a complex not in the middle of a field or on fire is better however why not do that at a complex more than 1 mile away?
Dump it at a complex the other side of town!

Something made the poi dump it close and I think its because he had to be back in the mosaic or the immediate area.

I won’t bang the drum on this point anymore, as you’re all probably bored of my repetitiveness.

As an aside on Car Safety I don’t know about the US but a common practice in the UK now is people stealing cars which have SatNav and then driving to the persons home as this is all to often programmed in peoples Sat Nav so if you do have Sat Nav don’t program in home.

Someone sees you and your family get out of the car at the mall, steals your car, programmes home and then robs you.

I do agree. I am going to check further into the mall valet and security clothing today. I am going to call them and ask! I will let you know what I find out after work.

UK~ Keep banging your drum because it sounds like you have a good beat going and we need a tango on this case between our theories and LE! Sometimes people need to hear things more than once to decide it is a possible or probable conclusion.

Thanks for the warning on the Sat Nav. Many might not think about it. It reminds me of another one: Don't program your cellphone with "Mom", "Hubby", "Daughter", etc. You don't want someone knowing the entire families' numbers in case it is lost or stolen. One hubby gave out his password info for his atm because someone sounding like wife called and said she had forgotten it. Since the call had come from her phone...he didn't question it and the perp had her purse, all her info, and soon their money!
Thanks SS

I was very intrigued by the link Enrique posted regarding the tipster and the officers on the street hearing rumours she was still alive(albeit this was a couple weeks after she vanished)

I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was common knowledge among the local criminal fraternity about who was involved or at least some strong suspicions.

You know how these things work people dont grass or rat do they?

LE seemed to have full belief in the tipster so it may suggest JK was there but was moved again before LE arrived.

Having read a lot of the articles and seen the interviews I do wonder sometimes if the Kesses have played this to much by the book.

I don't want to criticise them at all they have suffered and are suffering enough but they seem like very lovely honest people and maybe have allowed LE to do their job and had full faith in them.

I would and again I am agreeing with Leftcoast have my own investigation, hire my own PI no matter what LE said, I would get involved in the local crime community somehow or pay people to give me some information, use any means legal or not.

I think you have to stop playing by the rules and start 'fighting dirty' to get more out of people to try and nail this scum.

Standing on a street corner with Jennifers picture for hours on end is admirable but what does it achieve? Nothing much in my opinion.

I would put myself completely in harms way if necessary to get to the bottom of this.

Perhaps the Kesse's are doing this behind the scenes and if they are I wish them all the best.

There was a case a few years ago of an english girl who went missing on safari in Kenya, the local auhtorities claimed she was eaten by wild animals it turned out the gamekeepers had raped and murdered her.
This only came to light with the constant badgering and private investigation of her father.

Im not for one moment suggesting that Orlando PD are corrupt as the Kenya police but they are there to do a job and only have so much resource with which to do it.

Someone knows this piece of trash and they know they did it.

The information is there to be got its how you get to it that's the problem.
I lot of people are of the opinion (I'm one of them) a good PI should have been hired as soon as it was realized the police investigation had stalled.

I have posted before IMO this case was in trouble four weeks after the abduction.
It seems to me all the eggs were left in the one basket. This is not a criticism but merely an observation.
I cannot begin to imagine the stresses and emotional upheaval the abduction of a much loved daughter would cause.

For this case to go anywhere Jennifer has to be found as much as the suspect. Perhaps even more so.
A lot of the alive rumors could have been caused by a prostitute that was just about Jennifer's double.
Ironically her name was apparently Jennifer too.

The 'dogs were barking' was no street talk at all about the abduction.
To UK~ You are both exactly right!!! I would do EVERYTHING to see my child again!! I would have to vote "No Confidence" on LE from the beginning tho. They don't have the resources and they seem to lack the very thing needed to drive them...it isn't their child. Yes, they try to do their job to the best of their abilities...gathering info, searching, etc...but the cold, hard reality is that during those critical hours if they miss a lead or don't ask the right questions of the right people...the case is on a downward spiral to nowhere. (I believe it is what happened in this case.)

LE isn't going to tell me not to hire a PI from the onset! I want to know our bases are covered and I want to be kept in the loop on the investigation. For LE NOT to tell me what is going on would further my anguish. I would have some control over that with a PI. I would actually go a step further to bring in a reputable psychic. I have seen their work and believe insight to even one good lead is worth it. Going diving into the cesspool of people who associate with scum sometimes is the only way to gain information. I would put on my gear and jump in head first! What is the worst that could happen? Bad info or I get myself killed? If my kid is missing, I would gladly take that risk.

I don't believe LE has the capability to solve many cases if they don't involve the public in their efforts. They still tend to get stuck on one theory, even if time after time, it is proven that approach simply leaves too much room for error and deterioration of the case.

With technology as we know it today, it is very much in my opinion, the days of LE holding back any information should be coming to a close. When the public is your best weapon for recovery of missing children/adults and they refuse to use it...you can see by this very board what they have created. Millions of cries for help go unanswered.

They need to stumble on one lucky break for Jennifer. I pray they find it very soon.
You are right SS......in many fields (LE, medicine, law) they can't see the forest for the trees.
In fact it applies to every field and it even applies to some of the positions I have held.

We get to the stage where we can't think outside the square.
Going off at a tangent a little here but I am a huge advocate of having CCTV everywhere except your own homes.

No doubt some civil liberties group would jump all over me for some god unknown reason but I believe that CCTV should be in place to cover every inch of public places with the exception of rest rooms.

If there was good CCTV footage in this case it would have been solved, instead all there is really to go on other than theory is some incredibly poor footage.

Imagine how crime rates would reduce if ALL public areas had CCTV.

Every criminal committing a crime in public would know they are being watched!

If mosaic had it we might be able to establish if Jennifer drove out or even witness the abduction.

I know its the 'Big Brother' scenario which seems to make certain people uncomfortable but personally I don't have a problem with being watched by the authorities when I am walking down the street as I am doing no wrong.

Imagine a full colour frontal shot of the poi, they would be nailed and early on.

In an ideal world we wouldnt want to be watched all the time but its not an ideal world and if me being monitored means it would stop this sort of thing happening or at least reduce it?

If it means one persons life was saved I think its a sacrifice all of us should be willing to take.
Hopefully this will give you a glimpse into Jenn's life, and those affected by her abduction. The letters below are from www.findjenniferkesse.com.

May 24th, 2007 Jennifer has been missing for 16 months………………..
We thank each and every person who has continued to care about, pray for and offer strength during this extremely difficult trying time. We thank you for visiting this website, for passing it along. Thank you to those that have put a "missing person's alert" on their homepages with a link to Jennifer's website. AWARENESS IS KEY……….

We want to share some heartfelt "Jenn stories" from some of those in Jenn's life . We hope they touch you and help you to understand that Jenn's abduction has affected not just family and friends, but co-workers, former classmates, neighbors, the volunteers, strangers who care, the law enforcement personnel, media, sorority sisters, the list goes on and on. We hope that everyone is now more safety oriented, are paying attention to the world around them and are willing to get involved.

Aunt Ticia;

The thought of writing the monthly letter has crossed my mind on several occasions. One thing that stops me is the powerful letters you write and that anything I could write may not "hold a candle" to yours. Just so you know, for me, today, May 24th marks a day-but doesn't affect the heartache of everyday without Jenn. Sending heartfelt loving support xxxooo Ticia

May 24th 2007. Sixteen months ago today the promising life of Jennifer Kesse, as well as those who know and love her, changed forever. Although, some events throughout this time are blurred, I remember distinctly where I was when the call came and often times think of January 24, 2006 as our family's own 9/11. Logging on to Jennifer's website and reading the guestbook gives us a glimpse of how far reaching and how great the impact Jenn's abduction has been on family, friends and perfect strangers, literally throughout the world. Yet the answers elude us and we are left to wonder...Where is Jenn? Why Jenn? How could this happen to Jenn?? When will Jenn be found? Who took Jenn away from us? As time goes on it is no secret holding on to hope gets harder, but For the Love of Jenn and to keep some semblance of order in our everyday lives we continue to EXPECT MIRACLES. Whether it be jubilation or sadness when our questions are answered, to some degree it will be a relief that we don't have to worry anymore. I speak for myself but know others feel the same, NOT KNOWING, waiting, wondering and the void we feel at family gatherings not having Jennifer with us is the hardest part. To all the dedicated professionals who have worked tirelessly to find Jenn, your efforts are appreciated by many. Keeping the lines of communication open and keeping Joyce and Drew informed, admirable. Although, I don't think you could have it any other way given their determination and commitment to find their beloved daughter. Straight honest open information is what I hope you will continue to give them. They deserve that. First hand I have experienced the love and respect these parents and children have for each other, and first hand I have enjoyed the love and respect they taught Jenn and Logan. Respect of self and respect of others as well. When you read these letters on a weekly basis it is signed by the Kesse's and Rob Allen. Rest assured, that the names of those of us who love and miss Jenn and support you, Joyce and Drew in your efforts are implied.

Jennifer's Aunt Ticia


Well Joyce and Drew, I now see how difficult it is for you all to write this letter every month. And I have to say its really hard to fit Jenn or my friendship with Jenn into words, it has been since day one, instant and I think its hard for people who don't know the "la la sisters" or boppsy twins to truly understand the depth of our friendship... but this is a small attempt for the world to see what Jenn means and is to me and how very much I miss and love her. Love to you both...Laur

Our moms joke all the time how my friendship with Jenn began "pre-birth". Our parents have known each other all of their adult lives and I even have a picture beside my bed of Jenn and I playing together as babies. But the truth is, I can remember the very day Jenn and I truly became best friends. We had moved to Florida in the summer of 1988 and I missed my friends and family in NJ terribly. A couple months after our move, my aunt and uncle were having their best friends (the Kesse's) down to visit from Virginia. My mom told me that they had a daughter my age and I would finally have someone to play with. I remember seeing Jenn's picture on my aunts refrigerator (with her long platinum ponytail and huge smile) thinking that she was too old for me to play with. Something about her...she just seemed to give off the presence of someone older than her age (even at 6 years old). The long and short of it is that that day they arrived for their visit and 20 years later here we are. What I found in Jenn is something so special and treasured its hard to wrap my or anyone else's head around it. From 7 years old on, Jenn has been with me through absolutely every twist and turn my life has taken. Most of the time calling Jenn my best friend doesn't even seem like the right word. Jenn is so many things in my world. She is my confidant, my therapist, my 5 hour phone conversation, my strength, my wisdom, my solace. She is my comfort and consolation, my challenge and my reality. She is my understanding and my insight; my sympathy and my compassion. She is my voice of reason. She gives me support when I am right and never hesitates to say I'm wrong. She is ALWAYS the one who gets it. She is ALWAYS the first one there. She is a voice if I need advice and she is quiet when I need an ear. She is my sounding board. She listens to what I say and she hears what I don't say. She is my favorite person to laugh with. She is my favorite person to cry with. Jenn is my other half. I can't remember a time in my life that I didn't share with Jenn. No matter where we lived or what we were doing a phone call or visit with Jenn made everything seem a little bit better. Jenn and I have been the rock in each other's lives for 20 years. We have seen each other through every up and down, good and bad, happy and miserable experience of our lives. It is hard to put into words what a friendship like this means. It is a security and a blessing some can only hope to find and I feel unbelievably fortunate to know someone so extraordinary. I recently read that when it hurts to look back and you're scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there. And what I pray for with all of my heart is that through her hellish nightmare Jenn can look at our memories, and laughs and the many many stories of our lives together and ALWAYS feel me beside her. Xoxo Laur

Erin; hi joyce, drew, logan & rob...i thought i would write a few words in honor of jenn. Erin January 24, 2006 marks the day that very important loved ones lives in my life, including my own, would be forever changed and filled with heartache. It is a day that is constantly on my mind every second of the day, as well as my family's. When I was little, I can remember how much Joyce, Drew, Jenn, and Logan were a part of my life. They had moved to Florida a little after my family did and they were very much a part of my growing up and my happy times. Jenn was like a little sister to me. There isn't a time I can remember where she wasn't at my house or my family at her house. And yes, because I was the older sister that meant me sometimes "bullying" her and my sister or teasing them as teenagers often do. Yet, Jenn always was sticking up for herself and Lauren. She was always by my sister Lauren's side, whether it was working on their babysitting club, riding their bikes, or playing dress up, like the time they were an old grandma and grandpa for Halloween. And yes, Jenn was the old man. There was never a time Jenn and Lauren weren't there for each other. They did everything together and they were more than the typical childhood best friends, they were kindred spirits. Lauren relied on Jenn for so much in her life and Jenn was always there. Jenn came to visit me in Boston for New Year's in 2004 with my sister Lauren. I lived in a tiny apartment with no furniture and all I had for Jenn and Lauren to sleep on was an air mattress that had a leak. But Jenn didn't complain. She and Lauren laughed the whole weekend and talked all hours of the night on a small, leaky air mattress. My sister had been going through a really tough time and even though Jenn could have stayed in the warm weather and spend New Year's in a million different places, she came to spend it in Boston with Lauren because she needed her. That is the type of person Jenn is....just a solid, good hearted and caring friend. She made the best of Boston even though it was below zero. I remember she was so happy because she met a guy she really liked named Rob. I was so happy for her because she was doing so well and I remember thinking how lucky Lauren was to have another sister like her. Jenn's abduction can not be put into words other than describing it as hell. The person who abducted her not only changed her life, but all of the lives around her who love her so much. The heartache that Jenn's family and friends feel is something that many can't even imagine. The day Jenn was abducted is the day that I lost not one sister, but two. I often wonder if the person or persons who know something could see the tears we all cry and the love we have for Jenn; I think then maybe they would lead us back to the person we love so much. Jenn is a beautiful person on the inside and out. She encompasses what many wish they could be. She is rational and smart. I know that somewhere someone knows something. Everyday I pray for a miracle. When I wake up in the morning and go to bed at night, I pray for the miracle and think of Jenn's beautiful smile and how much she means to me and my family and all those who know her. We will not give up and I honor Jenn on her birthday and hope for that miracle. Love, Erin

Bob; Simply said, Jenn is someone that anyone would want to be around. It's hard to not feel good when you see someone else enjoying their time with friends and family so much; and that is how I always see Jenn. When someone mentions Jenn, it's tough not to smile. I have only known her about five years, but that seems to be the effect she has on everybody; I can only imagine how strong that feeling is among her close friends and family. Jenn, Lauren, and I share a similar off-color sense of humor and anytime we get together, we spend most of our time laughing until we can hardly breathe. It feels good to be included in a friendship that is so close and strong; Jenn and Lauren are family to each other. And I know all three of us can't wait to have those laughs again. Bob
Help Find Jenn... www.findjenniferkesse.com
Those thoughts are incredibly touching no doubt the piece of filth that has done this hasn't thought twice about the damage caused not only to Jennifer but all those around her.

I think its a big week/weekend in this case now.

I really think that this is all LE have left, the withheld footage was their trump card they were hoping to play once they had the poi in custody.

If nothing comes from is I don't suppose there is anywhere else for them to go.

The more I look at the picture the more I find the person dressed incredibly bizarrely.

Again I have mentioned this before but it might be possible that the person has intentionally dressed oddly?

For a start those shoes look far too big, the bizarre hat/haircut along with what looks like some sort of overalls or dungarees to me.

What if the poi has taken Jennifer somewhere perhaps to his residence and then intentionally dressed oddly for the purpose of going out in public to dispose of the vehicle?

The counter argument is dressing oddly could bring unwanted attention to you of course.

Again its just more theory but I do find the person to be dressed very strangely, I think I would notice someone dressed like that.

If you assume this was pre meditated could it be that the poi has planned to take Jennifer, restrain her and then dump the car whilst in some sort of disguise?

He surely would be aware that dumping the car would expose him to possibly being seen on CCTV so you're not going to wear your favourite T shirt for example!

I'm not saying all out fancy dress but for example wearing a hat when really they never ever wear a hat?

This might explain why it appears nobody has identified the poi.

Just some more thoughts!
Excellent posts everyone.

UK thanks for agreeing. I agree with everything you said, except having CCTV on every corner.

I agree that the POI may be disguised or simply does not look like the picture.

Who's to say the POI isn't dressed in workout clothes. Bike helmet or hat, sweats, and a t-shirt? Maybe he was disguised as a police officer or security guard?

I think LE has in it their heads that this guy is hispanic, 5'5, and a worker. He very well could be. But...

What if he is white, bald (wearing a hat), 35, and simply a stranger?

What if he is dark skinned or black, and the video is so poor, it actually transposes darks and whites? For example, the police said their uniforms looked light on the camera. Could the skin color also be affected? Heck, we only see one arm.

that is why you can't have any preconceived ideas in your head when starting an investigation. You need an open mind.

If the KEsse's, who I'm sure are getting updates from LE, don't get any positive news this weekend, I do think it is time for PLan B.

IF LE doesnt' have a suspect, or someone they "think" did it, but just can't prove it, then time to move on with a new strategy.

LIke I've said before, I believe my idea will work.

But, it takes some money. You have to remember, some people out there are afraid of the police, their husbands, maybe the POI, etc. You have to give a way for the person to give a clue anonymously.

That 1,000,000 reward is nice, but, isn't it important to find the perp. if JK is no longer with us?

Anyway, let's hope this weekend brings some news.

I agree, if LE doesn't have a good suspect as of Monday night, this case will probably be cold for a long time. Somewhere, somehow, somebody must have overlooked an obvious suspect. I just can't believe this guy is a tourist from Ohio, who went to Florida, nobody saw him, flew back, and will never be caught, Virtually impossible.

It is quite possible there is a suspect but not enough proof.

Anyone who watches The Cold Case files will have seen that cases are revisited many times over the years and then put away again because they don't have the evidence to get a conviction.
Then there is some breakthrough and they nail the person they suspected all along.

Of course we are not privy to what is going on behind the scenes in the investigation.
If all LE has is the latest video and the person in it is the one and only suspect then quite frankly I don't where the case goes from here.

It seems a lot of people are destined to live with a lot of heartache for a lot of years and that is very sad.
It is quite possible there is a suspect but not enough proof.

Anyone who watches The Cold Case files will have seen that cases are revisited many times over the years and then put away again because they don't have the evidence to get a conviction.
Then there is some breakthrough and they nail the person they suspected all along.

Of course we are not privy to what is going on behind the scenes in the investigation.
If all LE has is the latest video and the person in it is the one and only suspect then quite frankly I don't where the case goes from here.

It seems a lot of people are destined to live with a lot of heartache for a lot of years and that is very sad.

That is a possibility. I hope that is the case.

However, given Drew's body language, I tend to think not. Drew said "we aren't close". However, he could not know, or be bluffing.

Plus, I still think that LE has some type of physical evidence to tie the POI to that car.

You have to believe there is a print on the door handle, mirror, shifter, etc.

If Le has a suspect, and some type of physical evidence, they should be able to compare it to a suspect. Even if the suspects' DNA or prints are not on file, LE could still get such information via an undercover sting, a warrant or other means.

This case is going to be determined by two things. A tip from the public with the name, and the physical evidence left in that car. IMO


Ps Another point is this. Unless LE has 100% proof that physical evidence is from the POI, how are they going to prove he is responsible? For example, a valet, a friend, neighbor, could possibly have a fingerprint inside Jk's car, and not be the perp. So, I hope LE has a cig. butt, a bottle of water, or something they know for certain the POI was the last to touch. To me, it is crucial. Of course, if the perp. is a complete stranger, and has absolutely no rational explanation for his prints in that car, then it is a slam dunk. imo
The letters were heartwarming and terribly sad. It does give insight to what kind of person Jennifer truly is and why so many people love her. She sounds like a person so very giving and thoughtful. A best friend for life, a wonderful sister, a daughter anyone would be proud and delighted to have, and an all-around great person. It makes this all the more tragic not to have a single clue about what has happened to her. Again, I offer a prayer to Jennifer and her family. I pray they find peace and comfort soon. I pray Jennifer comes home and her nightmare ends.
Until the police release everything they have and let the public help in bringing her home or bringing this scum in...it IS going to take a miracle!

I agree the money for a solid lead to her whereabouts is paramount. Concentrate on her and appeal for someone to talk. It would be lovely to think someone would drop her off and collect a million dollars, but fairytales don't happen in real life. If the abductor's motive was driven by greed...a ransom note would have been in the mail soon after she went missing. This man's motive has nothing to do with money and neither will her return. However, offer the money to the greedy lot who might have real clues to what happened and they will be the ones apt to act upon it. Everyone has a price and can be bought in the criminal element. Their standards are so low to begin with that selling their soul or selling someone else out isn't much of a stretch.

I agree with your comments about the reward, etc. LE does need to release what they have, its' now or never.

There are other reasons why potential witnesses are afraid to come forward, other than "greed"

Some people may be illegal, and don't want to be deported

Some may be afraid of the poi, and if word gets out that this person called the police, their life may be in danger.

Its' possible the POI's wife suspect's, but, is in denial, or is afraid of being alone, or being beat up if she calls the police

Some tipsters may have had bad experiences with LE in the past, and are afraid

maybe a tipster may have warrants, and doesnt' want to go back to jail

That is why my plan would allow such people to come forward, anonymously.

Calling those tip lines, and mailing in tips, is not anonymous. those phone calls are taped, traced, and mailed tips have handwriting samples, finperprints, dna if licked shut, post mark where mailed, etc.

Plus, how can one be anonymous, call in a tip, and receive a reward. It is impossible. You have to have a name on the check, or someplace to send a wire transfer. There is no such thing as anonymous.

People who are criminals, or know about LE are not stupid. They know this. It is the worse kept secret.

There has to be a method, away from the mainstream, where a tip can truly be anonymous, and the tipster can be rewarded, for risking their own life, to bring closure to JK's family.

Plus, we are all assuming that the "right" tip hasn't come in. Maybe, it has, and LE erroneusly eliminated this person, didnt' take the call seriously, or other reasons, and the tip was merely disregarded. This happens all the time.


I agree with your comments about the reward, etc. LE does need to release what they have, its' now or never.

There are other reasons why potential witnesses are afraid to come forward, other than "greed"

Some people may be illegal, and don't want to be deported

Some may be afraid of the poi, and if word gets out that this person called the police, their life may be in danger.

Its' possible the POI's wife suspect's, but, is in denial, or is afraid of being alone, or being beat up if she calls the police

Some tipsters may have had bad experiences with LE in the past, and are afraid

maybe a tipster may have warrants, and doesnt' want to go back to jail

That is why my plan would allow such people to come forward, anonymously.

Calling those tip lines, and mailing in tips, is not anonymous. those phone calls are taped, traced, and mailed tips have handwriting samples, finperprints, dna if licked shut, post mark where mailed, etc.

Plus, how can one be anonymous, call in a tip, and receive a reward. It is impossible. You have to have a name on the check, or someplace to send a wire transfer. There is no such thing as anonymous.

People who are criminals, or know about LE are not stupid. They know this. It is the worse kept secret.

There has to be a method, away from the mainstream, where a tip can truly be anonymous, and the tipster can be rewarded, for risking their own life, to bring closure to JK's family.

Plus, we are all assuming that the "right" tip hasn't come in. Maybe, it has, and LE erroneusly eliminated this person, didnt' take the call seriously, or other reasons, and the tip was merely disregarded. This happens all the time.


Actually, Tulsa has set up what I believe (could be wrong about it not being traced...but don't think so) is a good way to do it already. We have such an infiltrated problem with gangs here and people won't talk. This plan is very new and I don't know the specifics. I will check into it further. They have used Crime Stoppers and other things, but this one supposedly guarantees the person complete block from retaliation from LE plus gangs and allows them to collect the reward without fear of either.

We also have a huge illegal population here, too. The fear for any of the tipsters come from many areas, but when gangs take over your neighborhood...they have very good reason to be afraid. They know they will actually kill your entire family for the one who calls...because they have done it more than once to prove their point. I will get back to you when I learn more about it.
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