NY - Valerie Lucie, 11, found hanged after rape by dad, 30 Sept 2003

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Aug 15, 2003
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sszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sounds of frying this man over hot coals... but that's too good for him...
Prosecution stated:
'Our evidence indicates this was just one incident, that there was an assault and then for whatever reason in this poor little girl's head, she felt it appropriate to end her life,"

For whatever reason? Does her father have to sodomize & rape her repeatedly for this to have a devastating affect? What a sick comment. :sick: :sick:

Hard to believe he has not touched her until now (or the other 4 kids) or anyone else... the Father from Hell, poor girl :(

Blueclouds, that statement by the prosecutor does sound very cavalier. I would think that just about any girl who had been touched inappropriately by her father, let alone raped, would feel that way. I hope that young girls are a little more enlightened these days to realize that it is not their fault when something like this happens. I hate to think of the torment that poor girl suffered at the hands of the one man who she should have been able to trust completely.
The suicide is an intervening cause of death and would not support a murder charge due to intervening time and unforeseeability.

I do not know what forensic evidence there is, perhaps dna testing will let us know what happened. I think it is unlikely that he would have confessed to such a shameful act if it were not true, but it also seems unlikely that such a miserable excuse for a man would feel any shame that would induce him to confess. He may indeed have been threatened with the loss of his other children and been foolish enough to have confessed falsely. I don't know.
It seems a shame that an 11 year old girl takes her own life, particularly for such a reason.
I just hope they find some proof one way or the other.
Once he gets to prison,,, they will do more than cut his hair!!
:confused: This man should be held accountable for her suicide.
A second charge of murder or at least accessory to murder!

The mother (Judith Scruggs ) has been held accountable for her 12 year old son's suicide. Because she did nothing to get him physiological counseling. She said he was being bullied at school and was afraid to go. Other things were also involved. I think the father of that poor girl is much more to blame

Susie from Texas I am still under construction , please be patient..:dance:
Makes me feel sick to my stomache.

He should rott and suffer in places unamed.
Any DA worth his paycheck would find a way to make him serve life w/out parole and make sure that every inmate in hearing distance knows why he is there.
They have their own special way of dealing with men like him.
Ya know.. Some big boy named bubba may need to make him his *B*****
Lets find out who that is and send him money.

I agree wholeheartedly... if a mom can be charged & jailed for not doing enough to prevent suicide THEN THIS MONSTER SHOULD BE CHARGED, JAILED & ()e*(&*^&%(^ FOR CAUSING THE SUICIDE.

It's my thought that even if police had told him he failed a lie detector test, they still didn't know what he had done, if actually anything. So, if he said he did such a thing to her, then I'm sure that's what he did. Making up a story so detailed about cutting her hair if she didn't comply doesn't sound plausible. This story he told was no doubt a true one. Now, with his lawyers advise, he's claiming he was pressured. Bull. The man did exactly what he said he did and probably even left some things out.

If this was the first time that this was ever done to her, she probably felt overwhelming guilt, extreme physical pain from being raped and sodomized, and the thought of this happening again was more than she could bear. And, where was the mother? Has anything been said about her?

There might have been a note if the father found her. But, it wouldn't last long, would it?
As a child I was forbidden to cut my hair....
When I was in 3rd grade my mother ( who was a hairdresser) finally agreed (I think cause she was mad at him) to cut my hair to my waist. Till then it was to my knees.
It atually took my father at least a month to even notice it was cut.
There is a serious emotional abuse going on whne you threten such a thibg to a young girl.
THe *advertiser censored* shouls not fry.... He should suffer the jury of his peers. ( I meAN INMATES JAILED WITH HIM)
Let other criminasls decide his fate..
I know from experience that judges don't serve justice, bu inmates do..... Maybe that in itself serves a purpose?
I hope the LE will notify the prison he is going to be put about his crime and that his little daughter killed herself because he made her feel so ashamed. Maybe Buba and his friends can explain to him how he made that little girl feel. I doubt it because he is a big A----Hole and it won't bother him in the least.

It makes you wonder about demon possessionThe man just all of a sudden got an over powering urge to do this horrible thing to her!
I would not fall for that though if I was on the jury. I would hope for a speedy trial so I would not have to look at him for very long.

Susie from Texas I am still under construction please be patient.:dontknow:
This little girl had to have lost all hope.
Even if it was the first time she was raped, no telling what other kinds of abuse, both physical & emotional she has had to endure.
The children were home schooled, she very well could have felt there was no way to get away from him and could not endure another attack. I hope he lives a long life and suffers every day just like he made her suffer! The man who should protect and cherish her the most IS responsible for her death.
Homeschoolers are often seen as a threat. He may have done nothing wrong and simply have been foolish in giving in to the police threats to confess. I don't know. I just don't think that girl who did not scream would later silently kill herself. Its possible, but I think there may be more here than we yet know about.
"From Toth-I just don't think that girl who did not scream would later silently kill herself"

I rather think this is exactly the kind of girl who would kill herself. One who would scream and fight back, would not give up life so easily either. One who silently takes it would have both the emotional scars from the act, PLUS the (mis-placed) guilt from not doing anything about it. Internalize it enough, and it will eat you alive, and she probably decided better to be dead than live with what she felt.

I agree that if a mother who didn't get psychological help for her son can be charged with anything for his suicide, this guy ought to get something.
You could well be right. I think the only thing we know now is that we sure need further data on this one. Police interrogations and threats to take children away have indeed produced false confessions in the past. "First Time" heinous crimes have indeed prompted serious repercussions in the past also.
Where does it say she didn't scream? Did I miss something. She could have screamed like hell but that doesn't mean anyone heard or he could have muffled her.

I DONT BELIEVE FOR ONE SECOND this guy had not touched her prior. He is a beast. He definitley should be tried for torture, ravage of an innocent child and MURDER.
I can see what Toth is saying. If there was no previous attacks on
the little girl, maybe the LE coerced a confession out of the father. But don't you think there is evidence of such a brutal attack on her!!! If it was not him then it must have been someone with opportunity to have done so. The LE would know if
anyone else was there that could have done it. If the father knows of someone else you know he would be yelling for revenge as well as the injustice of having him locked up for such a heinous crime!!!

Susie from Texas I am still under construction please be patient.:dontknow:
Raping your daughter for not doing what she was told? Whatever happened to swatting her bum or sending her to her room?

That man should get life. Or death. He killed his daughter. Even if she had lived, the girl she had been was dead.
Autum...what does taking a SHOWER have to do with not doing what she was told? This man is evil.

Suzie, come on. This man talked about threatening to cut her hair IF she didn't do what HE WANTED...where is tha cohercing. She was raped and sodomized...IN HIS OWN HOUSE. This man is a PIG! He deserves to be hung from his testacles, stripped and skinned alive and THAT still is not even close to what he did to that precious CHILD. She was all of 11.

Where could this child go after that brutal act. I can see her not being able to walk, use the restroom,,,everything hurting.

The physical pain she must have endured is beyond what we can imagine. My Mother worked in an emergency room at a pediatric hospital, she saw children this age and younger, even babies, who had been raped and sodemized. The physical damage is EXTENSIVE. The emotional damage is EXTENSIVE.

I read he made bail, two houses were put up, his and an elderly couple from their church. I can not believe he can walk the streets. This girl simply must get JUSTICE!!

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