NE NE - Corrie Wood, 28, Grant, 20 September 2008 #2

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I agree.

Yes, I am hated on the internet today!! :boohoo::boohoo::boohoo::boohoo:

We love you over here NSC :blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:

:dance:This Urkel dance is just for you :dance:
What is the addy for bluecrime? I tried and it took me to a page that said the site is for sale right now!
In one of the other threads I said about whether it was more than him and that it was done away from the House and then she was taken there.
Ive always thought that the girl was sus.
How could you not.

Does anyone know how long they were friends for ? how good a friends they were ? as in Corrie and L

NSC are you BCH ?
In one of the other threads I said about whether it was more than him and that it was done away from the House and then she was taken there.
Ive always thought that the girl was sus.
How could you not.

Does anyone know how long they were friends for ? how good a friends they were ? as in Corrie and L

NSC are you BCH ?

The girl could VERY well be a POI :innocent: However, I do not feel she would have had anything to do with beating, JMO. I do feel she is involved in some way shape or form in the mix of things. I am not BCH and if I was I wouldn't publicly display it. LOL
In one of the other threads I said about whether it was more than him and that it was done away from the House and then she was taken there.
Ive always thought that the girl was sus.
How could you not.

Does anyone know how long they were friends for ? how good a friends they were ? as in Corrie and L

NSC are you BCH ?

Jane Corrie and L were not friends for long from what I have heard less then a year
Thank you so much. I have to keep up with all of the gossip!!


Yes, it is a little gossipy over there!! I have only made those few posts where I sign my name. But I am not liked very much. Oh well, back to putting on my CSI cap for the day! Ha!
Scott has an Arraignment and Pretrial Hearing scheduled for Dec 15th at Keith County Court. (For Oct 13th charges of DUI and DWLS???).

The Arraignment for Case ID "...1001" was originally scheduled for Nov 17th, then Dec 8th and is now Dec 15th.

12/15/2008; 11:00AM; Room #01
Pretrial Hearing
State v. Scott R Petro
Case ID CR080000993

Pretrial Hearing: Conference with attorneys to determine scope of possible trial with view toward resolving issues through agreement.

12/15/2008; 11:00AM; Room #01 (previous court dates were 11/17 and 12/08)
State v. Scott R Petro
Case ID CR080001001

Arraignment is also sometimes referred to as a “first appearance.” The arraignment is a formal procedure where rights are read, charges are read and explained, and a plea (guilty or not guilty) is entered.
County Court, Keith County
Pretrial Hearing: Conference with attorneys to determine scope of possible trial with view toward resolving issues through agreement.

Does this mean that they will discuss a plea agreement with this person who has had x number of DUI's? There shouldn't be anything to discuss except him going back to prison because of the number of DUI's he has had. Two just since Corrie was murdered. Those are only two of them though! Scott has probably always been able to plea bargin his way out of the DUI's and that is wrong. He is a danger to everyone on the road. Maybe they will throw him in the clink and keep him there until they get all the evidence back and can lock him up and throw away the key :clap:
Good morning everyone!

Question - over on bluecrime someone said that Scott failed to appear in court for his DUI, can someone confirm if this is true please? Granted he has a history of that, so it isnt surprising, but daaaaamn this is a heck of a time to try and pull something like that.

If it is true, just another piece of proof that he believes he is above the law. Man I cant wait for that dose of reality thats cruising his way :behindbar
Good morning everyone!

Question - over on bluecrime someone said that Scott failed to appear in court for his DUI, can someone confirm if this is true please? Granted he has a history of that, so it isnt surprising, but daaaaamn this is a heck of a time to try and pull something like that.

If it is true, just another piece of proof that he believes he is above the law. Man I cant wait for that dose of reality thats cruising his way :behindbar

I don't know about there but here a failure to appear results in a warrant for their arrest and there is no bond.

What is blunt force trauma?
Blunt force trauma is kind of an umbrella term. It is non-specific but sufficient enough to put on a death certificate. However, it can take many forms. Blunt force trauma is caused by a blunt object striking some part of the body. The blunt object may be a bat, wrench, hammer, floor, dashboard, etc. The typical signs of blunt force trauma include lacerated major blood vessels or aorta, lacerated or crushed organs, hematoma, crushed or severed spinal cord or fractures of the skull. Any one of these injuries is sufficient to cause death.

While automobile accidents and accidental falls represent the greatest causes of blunt force trauma, this type of injury is also present in a wide variety of homicide cases when gunshot wound is not the cause of death. Most homicides involving blunt force trauma result from the victim being struck in the head or neck with an object such as a hammer, fireplace poker, flower vase, etc. In these cases the bones of the skull or neck are fractured in one or more places by the velocity of the blow. Blunt force trauma can also occur if the victim has been severely beaten with an object or with fists. In these cases the injuries are generally to internal organs like the kidneys, liver, spleen, etc.

Blunt Force Trauma to the Brain
The brain can be damaged by trauma in two ways. When the head is struck by a hard object the cerebral cortex (gray matter) can become bruised. If the force of the blow is sufficient to cause a whiplash like circumstance then the injury can occur to the nerve cells (axonal injury) deep in the white matter of the brain. Injury of this type involves a variety of forces including the acceleration of the object and the acceleration force imparted to the brain by the object. Injury results from the direct contact between the object and the head and the greatest injury to the head occurs from the initial direct impact with the blunt object. The area of contact may be large (a baseball bat, 2x4) or small (hammer head, a paper weight) but the velocity of the impact will largely determine the extent and type of damage caused by the resulting blow.

The cranium, the complex structure of bones that encloses and protects the brain, is composed of three layers; the outer table (hard outer layer of bone), the inner table (inner layer of hard bone), and the diploe or spongy bone layer between the two.

When the blunt object comes into contact with the bones of the human skull several reactions are possible. A piece of bone may break loose from the skull and be forced into the cranium with concentric fractures forming around the break area. This bone fragment or plug as it is called often takes on the approximate shape of the object itself. Another reaction is where the object causes an inward bending of the skull resulting in crushing of the outer table and diploe with fractures radiating outwards. In this case the inner table is left untouched by the blow. A blow can also cause a situation where there is both inward and outward bending of the skull structures. In this case, the inner table as well as the outer table and diploe are all shattered. Radiating fractures spread outward from the impact site.

Weapons Characteristics
The number and type of objects that can potentially be used in a crime to inflict blunt force trauma on a victim is almost immeasurable. However, it is possible to identify certain characteristics of the resulting wound which allow a group of potential weapons to be identified. This is called a "class characteristic". A fracture showing smooth curved lines would be caused by a similar class of weapons such as a claw hammer or crow bar. Some times a weapon will leave individual marks on the bone. These marks might arise from imperfection in the manufacture of the object or marked caused by prior damage to the blunt object itself. Such marks are referred to as "individual characteristics" and can further serve to identify a particular object as the murder weapon.

Sometimes a single weapon can produce more than one type of fracture wound. For example, if the victim was hit with the flat side of a shovel blade then a large flat area of one or more fractures would be evident on the head. However, if the victim was hit with the shovel blade turned on its side the resulting wound would be a linear fracture possibly exhibiting a pattern with curvature similar to that of the shovel blade. In many cases a victim will display several occurrence of blunt force trauma. It is the job of the medical examiner and forensic investigator to determine if all the wounds were made by the same object and to try to determine which wound occurred first,

Blood Spatter in Blunt Force Trauma
As in most crime scenes blood spatter pattern analysis can provide vital evidence in determining what actually happened during the commission of the crime. Blunt trauma to most of the body may not produce significant blood spatter since most of the blunt force damage will be to internal organs. Blunt trauma to the head and neck, on the other hand, almost always results in a series of characteristic blood spatter patterns. The blood spatter is characteristic of medium velocity blood spatter resulting from an external force of greater than five feet per second (fps) but less than twenty-five fps. Blunt force trauma also produces cast-off blood spatter as blood is thrown from the weapon as it is raised and then brought down on the victim each additional time. This spatter can occur on ceilings, walls and floor depending on the force and direction of the inflicted blows. In the process the victim’s blood is also transferred to the blunt object and can usually be recovery from the weapon once it is identified.
There seems to be a new arraignment date for Scott on BCH someone has it posted that there is now a 2nd one of Dec 17th. The first being December 15th.

Just another thought as well... I was reading the archives on Blue Crime Hunter to see if anything stuck out at me. Someone posted about there being potential bite marks? How long would that take to identify? Do they take a bite sample? Obviously, DNA.. But wouldn't this be a dead ringer? No Pun intended?

I want to stay as unbiased as possible. I still think Scott is the likely suspect. However, I don't want to rule out Red, Loomis, Jared who works for Scott, and any other potential employees that may have worked for them (just a different angle) - Then there are the obvious accessories if Scott is the person who committed the murder. Any thoughts???
Potential bite marks ? really ? from Corrie during the struggle ? or to Corrie ?

How are you doing NSC :) x
There seems to be a new arraignment date for Scott on BCH someone has it posted that there is now a 2nd one of Dec 17th. The first being December 15th.

Just another thought as well... I was reading the archives on Blue Crime Hunter to see if anything stuck out at me. Someone posted about there being potential bite marks? How long would that take to identify? Do they take a bite sample? Obviously, DNA.. But wouldn't this be a dead ringer? No Pun intended?

I want to stay as unbiased as possible. I still think Scott is the likely suspect. However, I don't want to rule out Red, Loomis, Jared who works for Scott, and any other potential employees that may have worked for them (just a different angle) - Then there are the obvious accessories if Scott is the person who committed the murder. Any thoughts???

I dont remember where I know this from (maybe CSI???) but I believe they take molds of your teeth (just like when you are getting braces) and then match them to the skin bites, indentions, bruises.

Or there is a type of "paper" that dentists use to take bite indentions (this part is from my own dental experience). I would guess that LE would need a search warrent or supena to get a person to submit to either if they werent willing when initially asked.

I think a bite wound would be odd. Biting is typically a defensive stance and I thought it was said that no one had any injuries. Also biting makes me think of girls, girls often bite when they are fighting (and on the losing end of the fight). Lastly, bite wounds make me think of something along the lines of a sadistic sex. Its just very odd to me for a deceased victim to have a bite wound and no POI had any visible injuries.
Re the rumor that there was a bite mark(s) on Corrie. We don’t know if this is true or not but here’s some more info about bites & forensic analysis.

From what I could find, assailants may bite their victims as an expression of dominance, rage and animalistic behaviour. A well known bite mark case is Ted Bundy's. Bite mark analysis would be done and could be used as evidence, but there are a number of variables involved (see below). Of special interest I think is any saliva deposited / left behind which can be used for DNA matching.

Bite Mark Analysis includes:

· Photographs of bite mark
· Swabs to get any saliva left behind on bite/victim
· Dental impression or mold of the suspect (via warrant or submitted voluntarily)
· Saliva/DNA of suspect
· Computer Imaging


Guidelines for court testimony are set forth by the American Board of Forensic Odontology, in terms of how an expert should offer an analysis of bite mark comparisons in court. The identification can be declared positive, probable, possible, not possible (the suspect is excluded) or insufficient as evidence to make a definitive statement. The highest standard is "reasonable medical certainty," wherein for all practical purposes, the perpetrator is confidently identified by the expert as the person who made the mark.


It must be noted that not all bite marks are of forensic value, especially since the analysis is generally vague. While there are some cases, such as Ted Bundy's, where the bite-mark analysis was pivotal, the "science" of dental impressions has relied more on anecdotal success than on a solid history of standardized testing. A bite mark has to be fairly clear, with several experts confirming the evidence independently, before a court should consider it as significant evidence.

This guide tells you all about human bitemarks. It explains how bitemarks are recognized and gives details of evidence collection techniques and how to analyze the injuries.

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