MD - Phylicia Barnes, 16, Baltimore, 28 Dec 2010 #6

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Without knowing the actual condition of the body (if there was no tissue on the skull, for example, they wouldn't know if there was blunt force trauma?)...I would say drugs or drowning. Hate to say it, but she could have been put into the well or the river to drown. Awful.

I thought possible drowning too (horrible)...after 4 months would they still be able to tell if there is water in the lungs?

This is video of rb speaking to NG last night, during and after the presser confirming that PB's body had been found in the Susquehanna River.

If there's no transcription, I will do my best in transcribing this segment.

~No words~

Falconi, NG's shows are almost always transcribed on CNN's website within a day or so. I'd just hate for you to transcribe it if it's already there... :)
I would find it odd if the man ended up completely naked and was not murdered. Some shreds of clothing should have remained.
As I have said on this blog all alone, MJ has told you half truths and half lies.
Its like he thinks of this entire ordeal as game of hide and seek?
Some criminals have a mindset of that nature, and he appears to fit.
You never know they could have taken her to that site, and raped her there ant then dumped her?

I don't think it will be long before LE pieces this crime together and some arrest begin.

where can i read about these tweets "fishing", "falling out of the boat"? Its sad that a person would post such things just so outright.
where can i read about these tweets "fishing", "falling out of the boat"? Its sad that a person would post such things just so outright.

I don't know. Perhaps the guilty party deleted the comments. Won't matter though, I'm certain someone 9 out of ten have them saved. I'm sure someone had to save them. Probably already been sent to LE N E way.
where can i read about these tweets "fishing", "falling out of the boat"? Its sad that a person would post such things just so outright.

Welcome to Websleuths, DES! :seeya:

I'm not sure if it was on twitter or FB (I didn't see it) but I believe it is probably gone by now... Maybe someone who saw it will answer.

This is video of rb speaking to NG last night, during and after the presser confirming that PB's body had been found in the Susquehanna River.

If there's no transcription, I will do my best in transcribing this segment.

~No words~

Here is my transcription of this segment:

NANCY GRACE:Joining me right now is a special guest, also taking your calls, Phylicia's father, Russell Barnes, is with us.

We are waiting to take you live to a presser, to find out what authorities have to say at this hour.

Mr. Barnes, thank you for being with us.

RUSSELL BARNES:Yes, thank you.

NANCY GRACE:Mr. Barnes, what are police telling you tonight?

RUSSELL BARNES:Ummm, oh pretty much uhh not anything too much for as (unintelligible)
They have to wait to uh a lot of things, identification comes back until they let me know that was Phylicia, uh that was found, uh ahhhh as I see that that the guys that've been working on the case, has been really heartbroke. This has touched alot of people. So, this is really a personal ooor just like touching you get, with everyone, in ahh just in this whole country. So, uh we still not finished. We wanna find out what happened Phylicia how did she come up at this dam? Where-who would bring her to this area that she does knows nothing about.

Uh, so, um, that's my heartfelt and we wanna find out what happened with Phylicia.

NANCY GRACE:Russelll Barnes is with us at this very, very difficult time.
Mr. Barnes, I want you to know, ever since we heard about Phylicia,
it was in the middle, remember, of a blizzard.


NANCY GRACE:in your area. And you know, we were trying to to get you or her mother to the studio, and her mother braved the elements and got on the airways and begged people to help find her daughter.

Mr. Barnes, thank you for being with us. But, what what I don't understand, Mr. Barnes, is how she can go visit the sister and then just vanish. What, what have police said?

RUSSELL BARNES:We, we do not know either. There's a lot of uh answers that we need to find out (unintelligible) Phylicia did not know anyone this area that we know of personally but the immediate family. Uh and that's where the it lies at.

Uh, we know she had no disgruntled uh communications with, against anybody. She's a well-loved uh individual with ev-

NANCY GRACE:Nancy Interrupts
Well of couse she is. She's was just sixteen at the time she went missing. Straight A student,*absolutely beautiful, and when I spoke to her mother on the phone, you could just tell-her mother* has poured her whole life into helping Phylicia make good grades, be an athlete, be an honor's student.

*-denotes Russell Barnes saying yes at these points during Nancy's talking.

NANCY GRACE:Back to Russell Barnes, this is Phylicia's father, joining us, he is with us tonight, listening to that press conference live.

Mr. Barnes, they have absolutely identified your daughter. Is this a burden lifted off of you that now you know she's at peace?

RUSSELL BARNES:Well, well, uh this is (unintelligible) pretty much personal as a family. This is pretty much the first step. Uh, our goal is to find out what happened. Why is(ditch?) Phylicia there? And uh, and what happened to Phylicia.
There's been a lot of misrumours with like uh with my daughter, uh, uh, that's been implicated. This is not true. Uh, she got home that night uh when she through-she got off work, everything is on timeline.

And that and that she had uh called called everyone abruptly, along with the B-C-, Baltimore City Police Department letting them know that her sister was missing. A lot of things was blown out of proportion with the police department, because she just would miss her she'd come back. But when whe'd make phone calls with the mother, myself, and family members and things that this was not of her characteristics, that's what makes it worse. So, everyone was uh contacted immediately.

NANCY GRACE:That's not what her mother told us.



NANCY GRACE:Her mother told us that she had a horrible feeling and out of the blue she called the half-sister and the half-sister told her.

RUSSELL BARNES:Uh, Yea, uhRight.

And as a mother, and a mother's instinct, yes it it probably was horrible, but it it was her daughter, you know it wa- love that her sister had for her has for her-uh that was not true. When she got home she automaticall-immediately called myself and before when she found out where Phylicia was at, then she contacted the mother within in that hour.


NANCY GRACE:If that is correct, If that is correct*, I am glad.

*=denotes point at which Russell Barnes says -that's fine-.

End of segment
The stories about contacting P's mom are totally in opposition to one another...someone isn't telling the truth. Why should her sister lie and say she called P's mom, if she didn't? P's mom would know if that is true or not. No wonder if there is bad blood between these various branches of the family by now.
where can i read about these tweets "fishing", "falling out of the boat"? Its sad that a person would post such things just so outright.

Welcome des!

Not sure if these comments are still available online, but I believe Twitter.
I agree that it's sad how outright things are posted these days.

~Enjoy WS, it's a great place~
Welcome to Websleuths, DES! :seeya:

I'm not sure if it was on twitter or FB (I didn't see it) but I believe it is probably gone by now... Maybe someone who saw it will answer.

thanks for the welcome. my interest in this case lead me here and this forum is very informative.
I truly believe the references to falling out of the boat were references to a new drug user. I also believe that new drug user was Phylicia. There was a party the night of the 27th, and many of the POI's were involved. There were a LOT of references to new drug users in the frenetic postings of the night of the 27th and into the 28th. And yes, LE has all of this.

I hope that Phylicia's tissues are still holding on to the clues that LE needs to bring those responsible to justice.
Regarding NG's comments about a blizzard in our area at that time, that is not true... I wonder why RB agreed?
Regarding NG's comments about a blizzard in our area at that time, that is not true... I wonder why RB agreed?

My kind reply is that he just learned of his daughter's death, so he might not have been thinking clearly. No matter what we may think about his parenting and follow through, PB was his daughter and he loved her. So I will give him some benefit of the doubt.

I have other thoughts about Mr. B, which I can post because I would probably get put on a time out. enough said.
GJ, I just want to applaud you and all the others who have kept this case going on here. I hung in there for awhile but finally dropped off. I really thought they would never find her. It's amazing how much info you guys have and how you have all kept at this, for four months now. Proud to 'know' you and to be part of such a group here on websleuths.

Anyway, I hope finding her body will speed everything else along.

Like clu said, I wasn't expecting her to be found in a river and it broke my heart. It caught me off guard and I had a good cry. I want this case solved so badly.
GJ, I just want to applaud you and all the others who have kept this case going on here. I hung in there for awhile but finally dropped off. I really thought they would never find her. It's amazing how much info you guys have and how you have all kept at this, for four months now. Proud to 'know' you and to be part of such a group here on websleuths.

Anyway, I hope finding her body will speed everything else along.

Like clu said, I wasn't expecting her to be found in a river and it broke my heart. It caught me off guard and I had a good cry. I want this case solved so badly.

Me neither, and me too. I'm having a lot of trouble regrouping.
I realized that I was trying to make a deal. If I worked really, really hard, and didn't give up, Phyliica would be okay. Didn't work. I knew it wouldn't, but that was part of my motive, in hind sight.
But maybe if we work really hard, those who did this will not walk away free. That's my goal now. So, so very sad and angry. I do not want her life to be wasted and in vain. It really, really isn't right.
I am thinking that they took her clothing off, so that there would be no evidence, DNA. So this leads me to continue to believe that this was a sex crime and she was raped. They may have given her drugs and then threw her in the river/dam. Therefore no injuries, and not clothing.
I hope its not too late to tell if there were any drugs in her body and if they were what kind (date rape)?

I hope as much DNA/evidence as possible was preserved, saved or whatever you call it. I feel a little better today and I continue to send prayers out to PB, her relatives, Much love and Big hugs to J. Sallis.

My first real, real complaint about Mr. Barnes interview. Mr. Barnes was slightly misleading. We all know that JS placed the call on the evening of Dec 28th, 2010. DB confirmed that when she was speaking 2 the police, that JS made the first call. It was then, when JS received the disturbing news. One can not mislead the public, then, turn around and complain about inaccuracies in this case that have been brought forth to the public. Period! I know people are concerned about their family image. However, PB is more important than having a high ego or people wanting to take control and also, the Barnes family wanting to appear to be clean cut is really a little too late. One shouldn't have ever attempted to put down JS. She has really been amazing and as strong as possible. Are the people who are related to PB in Bmore not understanding that it is JS who has raised PB, JS has been there through all the ups and downs in PB's life. It is JS who took care of PB when she was sick and it is JS who made certain PB would strive for excellence. So, his interview was a little insulting or offensive to me as a mother. Don't take credit when credit is not due or earned. JS made the call and then discovered her baby girl had been missing most of the day.

I think it's safe to say why PB was taken away and what she may had to endure. I think all eyes were on PB because she had gotten older and more shapely but also, I believe a couple of people were annoyed with PB. I can't quite understand about why the males body was naked as well. All I could think of was how cold it was on Dec 28th and maybe the male was stripped of his clothes to make certain he freeze to death. I've heard that when people body temperature drops too low, their Brain starts to play tricks on them and they think they are really hot and will remove their garments. However, It has not been reported of any clothing being located just of yet. Can't wait to hear the results on PB and this man.
GJ, I just want to applaud you and all the others who have kept this case going on here. I hung in there for awhile but finally dropped off. I really thought they would never find her. It's amazing how much info you guys have and how you have all kept at this, for four months now. Proud to 'know' you and to be part of such a group here on websleuths.

Anyway, I hope finding her body will speed everything else along.

Like clu said, I wasn't expecting her to be found in a river and it broke my heart. It caught me off guard and I had a good cry. I want this case solved so badly.

I know how you feel.
Me neither, and me too. I'm having a lot of trouble regrouping.
I realized that I was trying to make a deal. If I worked really, really hard, and didn't give up, Phyliica would be okay. Didn't work. I knew it wouldn't, but that was part of my motive, in hind sight.
But maybe if we work really hard, those who did this will not walk away free. That's my goal now. So, so very sad and angry. I do not want her life to be wasted and in vain. It really, really isn't right.

agreed! After the news yesterday, I was going to just be done with this case. I said, no more of this because it hurts too bad. Instead, GJ said, lets go. Lets get em. Lets do this for PB and her mother JS; and once again I was motivated. Thank you and Thank you to each person here who never gave up. Certainly, at times we might have to step away for a short period of time. Yet, we know what needs to be done, which is, continue to press forward until justice has been served. We're going to do that for PB and her Mother JS
I don't have much new to share, but wanted to pop in as I am local.

I live in the county where Phylicia was found, have been here for about 13 years, and lived in Baltimore County before that. The area around the dam is wooded and out-of-the-way, a relatively safe and suburban-rural community. A lot of people go there to fish or take pictures of bald eagles. She had to have been put in the river from above or near where she was placed- there would be no way to put get her in the water from the area where she was last seen (in Baltimore County).

The local news stations have broadcast a lot about this case, ever since she went missing. She might not have gotten much national attention, but I watch Baltimore Channel 11 news every morning, and her case was frequently on the news. Searches were announced, and information was given about how to volunteer to search.

Unfortunately, this is a jaded city and state. We have so much crime, drug use, disease, and despair that I don't think many people locally expected a good end to this case. I'm very glad she was found, though I wish she could have been found safe.
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