Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

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I absolutely think CA should be held accountable for lying under oath!

The mentally challenged woman and the bird-flipping kid could have caused a mistrial. Okaaaayyyy . . .

CA was attempting to derail an entire murder trial -- but that's okay????

So let me get this straight. If I am grief stricken it is okay for me to go into a court of law and lie under oath.
A little OT-- but is Cindy's father still living? My heart goes out to her parents. tia

Someone posted a couple of days ago, yes.
If he died I'm sure it would have been news worthy, for the A's.

Why should Cindy be excused for lying under oath. Her daughter was looking up ways to kill and Caylee was killed. Cindy didnt just start lying to save ICA from DP....she has been lying about everything connected to ICA since the day Caylee was nowhere to be found. I see Cindy making a living on this for as long as possible. GG is not an excuse for lying.
I would like to see JP tell the jury that because she lied, they are not to believe anything she said, in fact, throw out her testimony.ALL OF IT. IMO
with a straight face and without fear of repercussion, the defense team tells the jury, judge and anyone else who will listen, that casey is innocent of all charges, that they believe 100% in her innocence, and that they will provide evidence that proves ga is an incestuous pedophile - and we're worried about ca lying under oath to save her kid from the needle? no, i don't think ca should be prosecuted for perjury.

further, i don't think ca is responsible for casey's actions - the world is filled with parents that refuse to see the bad behavior in their children, that fail to discipline their children, that enable and even reinforce the bad behavior - but their children don't kill, don't commit murder. sometimes people are just broken, and there aren't any tidy explanations as to why.

also, i think cindy and george will manage. if nothing else they are officially brands, and corporate america loves brands, because they sell. book deals, tv deals, exclusive interviews, head of one foundation or another, etc., etc. - there will be no shortage of economic opportunity for the anthony's imo. which, ironically, will probably be the toughest thing for casey to take.
You can analyze it until you're blue in the face and still end up wondering but, knowing Judge Perry that doesn't put up with any nonsense in his courtroom, I wouldn't be surprised if they take her out in handcuffs right behind Casey.
I am sorry but it saddens me and amazes me that people say it's OK because she lost her daughter/granddaughter. The law is the law.

I don't think she needs years and years in jail. Maybe just 30 days or something. It needs to be shown that lying under oath has a consequence and maybe something positive will come out of this horrible crime. Isn't that how it all started, because the Anthony's (Casey, Cindy and George) thought they were above the law and just lied, lied and lied?
I absolutely think CA should be held accountable for lying under oath!

The mentally challenged woman and the bird-flipping kid could have caused a mistrial. Okaaaayyyy . . .

CA was attempting to derail an entire murder trial -- but that's okay????

So let me get this straight. If I am grief stricken it is okay for me to go into a court of law and lie under oath.

Don't forget the potential juror who was publicly scolded and fined
for simply asking someone how to get out of jury duty.
Of course she and anyone else who perjured themselves under oath should be prosecuted. Just think of all the killers who have either never been tried or tried and released back into society because well-meaning family lied to cover for them! Bite the bullet, Cindy, and tell the truth!

If she isn't prosecuted for this then then perjury should be removed as a crime and witnesses should be able to spin any tale that they want.
She has lost a granddaughter she loved dearly.
She has lost a daughter she loved dearly.
Her daughter will be convicted of murder.
Her once quiet, life will be forever a media circus.
The world will never desist judging her.
She has been proven to be a liar in front of the world.
She may have to watch the State kill her daughter.
She has and will continue to be vilified in the media and on chat boards everywhere.
She will probably never be able to work as a nurse again.

Punishment enough for the sin of trying to protect her family. Cindy is no angel, but she isn't the devil incarnate either. She's a MOTHER.


Keep this in mind though: she brought on the media circus on herself. There is such a thing as no comment. Other parents whose child go missing *do not act like this.* They might get in front of the cameras, but their demeanor is completely different. Other parents who have kids go missing don't tell the public to "get off their a$$es and look for a live kid - and not look for the missing kid themselves.

Never once have I heard them say thank you.

I personally believe that they knew KC killed Caylee early on. They covered it up. GA not so much - I believe he went along with CA. He has told the truth in depos, the grand jury and such. He lied to the public.

As far as vilification: millions were ready to forgive CA. This is proven on the first day of her testimony on the stand. How many people on this forum who instantly forgave her after years of washing their hands of CA because of her actions? I was one of them. I watched for years on this forum folks who felt bad for CA but slowly changed their mind *because of her actions.* This changed when she deliberately got on the stand and lied. She did not have to do this. If she was trying to save KC from the death penalty, she would have the chance to do this at the right time.

Never working as a nurse again: I doubt seriously she'll ever find a job. Those who hire don't want to hire proven liars. You cannot trust a liar. This she brought on herself.

My heart does go out to her because she lost Caylee, her daughter at the very least will be going away for life. She has to live with the "where did I go wrong" factor. (this is why I do feel she needs to be punished for lying on the stand, but not necessarily jail time)

But there are a lot of people who do go thru this - but don't use dishonesty to twist things in their favor. This was CA's mistake.
If the bird guy can get 6 days in jail for flipping off (to the camera IMO) and was just a spectator...What should a primary witness in a 2 year old's murder get for lying UNDER OATH???
There are two yes votes in this household. Cindy needs to be charged with perjury, obstruction of justice and lying to law enforcement. My DH and I were discussing it this morning and we both agreed that if ICA can be charged of lying to law enforcement why can't Cindy be charged with the same thing?
Let me add that I have been thinking alot about this this morning. I think it did Casey more harm than help with Cindy getting up on that stand and lying. If I were a juror, I would think "hmmmm...why lie if there is nothing to cover up".

Karma is written all over this case and has been from the get go.
Think about how much additional taxpayer money was needed because of all the deceit, from the cleaning of the car, the hairbrush, sending someone out to the woods before the body was found involving some questionable characters and the perjury in the courtroom. Think of all the additional witnesses and court time. Had CA, GA and LA told the truth the minute that car was picked up from the towyard and turned that car over without cleaning it, this ordeal would have been short and sweet. The trial would have been a slam-dunk.

Yes, I feel they should be prosecuted for perjury, and perhaps serve community service or something along those lines.
JMHO. I think CA feels a lot of guilt. She feels guilt because of the argument she and ICA had on the 15th, that was never brought out in the trial. She may feel guilty, because I believe the flurry of calls on the 16th of June were from ICA wanting them to babysit so she could "do her thing" with AL.

The truth is, CA, nor any mom in that position should not feel guilty over those things. No matter what transpired ICA, and only ICA, made the choice to do away with Caylee.

There are lots of mother and daughter fights in the world every day, but they don't result in a dead child. There are lots of times grandparents can't or do not feel like babysitting, that doesn't result in a dead child.

Cindy perjured herself, out of guilt, IMHO. She needs counseling to understand that people are only responsible for THEIR OWN actions. This whole family lies, to cover up dysfunction. If her daughter is convicted of murder, that is punishment enough.

I pray that when this is over CA&GA take whatever money they get for the LifeTime movie, and move far away and get their marriage and life back together.

Cindy Anthony is too far gone to be able to take part in getting her marriage back together. She has many narcissistic traits and IMO greatly contributed to the fact that her granddaughter ended up dead and her daughter might get LWOP or the DP. A person like Cindy doesn't understand true communication and compromise. She was a spoiled girl in a family of boys. She was narcissistic long before Casey became narcissistic. In other words, she was probably extremely narcissistic from early childhood while it appears Casey's narcissism broke through somewhere around the time she left high school and and spun out of control soon after.

Cindy Anthony should be charged with perjury and suffer some pretty severe consequences. I think the citizens of the State of Florida should rise up and insist that it happen.
The money spent on the investigation and trial is staggering.

The problem is that even if she were to be punished in a way that would be very serious, a person like Cindy Anthony doesn't "get it" and never will "get it." She and Casey both think they're smarter than everyone else and therefore entitled to special treatment and as many passes as they want for their outrageous attitudes and actions. They truly don't understand the breadth, depth and gravity of everything they've said and done in their pathetic lives. Too bad. You don't get a pass because you're incapable of "getting it."
Yes she was a Grandmother. One who will mourn, ask "what if" and feel guilt over not protecting Caylee for the rest of her days. Cindy is ALL ABOUT protecting those she loves. She failed to protect Caylee and now she has failed to protect Casey. I will pray for her to find some peace.

And Caylee WILL get justice. Her murderer is about to be convicted.

If you don't mind Casey getting off completely or only serving time for not reporting an accident then you'll be OK with her lying to cover up the truth because she is a grieving mother. You'd also have to be OK with every grieving mother covering up the truth whenever a person is accused of murdering a child. Ted Bundy's mother was grieving too. The pedophile down the street from you may have a grieving mother.
Bingo! I completely agree with those who stated that Cindy shouldn't get a free pass because of the "grieving Grandmother" card. It's been 3 years! Cindy got up and lied on the stand. Should Casey get off because she's a grieving mother??? Pulease!!!:hand::doh::doh::doh:
Jackie Peterson was also a grieving grandmother who lied for her offspring and he still got Death Row. Same circumstances in this case, only Cindy lied under oath- that IS a crime Cindy, just ask Martha Stewart!!
George should also be prosecuted for perjury on the stand!
I think CA should be charged with Pergury. This is a high profile murder case with the victim being a small, innocent child. Anyone swearing to tell the truth on the witness stand should be charged with pergury if he/she does not tell the truth, IMO. It does not matter to me that CA is the grandmother of the victim and mother of the person charged with the murder. Laws should apply to everyone.

We all know why CA perjured herself. But does that place her above the law? NO, not in my estimation. CA knew full well what she was doing, and just did not think she would be caught at it.

Laws are cold, written words laid out in statutes. It does not allow for exceptions. It does not allow exemptions for sympathy, understanding the why of it, and so on. There is proof that a law was broken. Is it not a form of profiling if one is charged and another is not?

If people break laws, they should be prepared to face the consequences, IMO, and it should not matter who it is or what the circumstances are/were. I firmly believe all of the above.

Take the personal knowledge of this case out of it for a moment. Someone gets on the witness stand swearing to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Then he/she blatantly lied and there was irrefutable proof of it. Who then gets a pass? I say no one should get a pass regardless of the circumstances.

I think CA should be charged with Pergury in a capitol murder case and will not and cannot change my mind about that.

I just had the most bizarre thought.

When all is said and done, the end result of CA's testimony is that proved that she could not have done the searches on the dates they were done. She effectively proved premeditation.

I don't think CA is an unintelligent person. She had a good education, had a good job, had at least some computer skills. If she listened even casually to TV, she had to know that every key stroke can potentially be recovered from the hard drive, including those at her work. She and George had already made the statement to the media that they no longer believed that ICA was innocent, though the jury didn't know that.

In the end, she was able to simultaneously prove that the murder was premeditated and communicate to the jury to what lengths she would go to insure that her daughter did not receive the DP. And it appears she was not in the least concerned about being charged with perjury. In case of an appeal down the road, the SA would need her testimony, untarnished with a perjury conviction.

What if she knew all along exactly how this would play out? I can't believe the jury was not deeply impacted by her previous meltdown. Was she playing on their sympathy?

No, I don't really believe that's what happened, but it's an interesting theory nonetheless. I analyze stuff waaaay too much. :headache:
Yes she was a Grandmother. One who will mourn, ask "what if" and feel guilt over not protecting Caylee for the rest of her days. Cindy is ALL ABOUT protecting those she loves. She failed to protect Caylee and now she has failed to protect Casey. I will pray for her to find some peace.

And Caylee WILL get justice. Her murderer is about to be convicted.

Cindy knows Casey is Guilty, she also knows Casey can be sentenced to death or LWOP. Cindy is doing what she can to save Casey from death but not prison.

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