GUILTY FL - Myleahya Woods, 1, home alone, found dead, Bellview, 12 Oct 2009

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Ok how the heck does she login to myspace if the house has no power? Does she have a way to login via a cell phone? I know Facebook does have a mobile app, but I don't use myspace so I don't know....

She may not have even been home monday morning when she said she was home....

This really bothers me, as a mom I can't even begin to comprehend what makes someone think it is ok to ANY part of this story, leave them at home alone, without food or water, put your dead child in the trash... I think most dogs or cats would treat their children better than this woman.... :furious:
Ok how the heck does she login to myspace if the house has no power? Does she have a way to login via a cell phone? I know Facebook does have a mobile app, but I don't use myspace so I don't know....

She may not have even been home monday morning when she said she was home....

This really bothers me, as a mom I can't even begin to comprehend what makes someone think it is ok to ANY part of this story, leave them at home alone, without food or water, put your dead child in the trash... I think most dogs or cats would treat their children better than this woman.... :furious:

You're right. Cats and dogs have been known to run into burning buildings to save their babies. This loser didn't even provide her babies with water and power, much less food. Let me guess, I bet she was unemployed and living on government assistance. I bet she sold her food stamps to pay her cell phone bill or buy other non-necessities. What a waste.
Rest In Peace Myleahya Woods!



From her Myspace:

life's short so i live mine to tha fullest

Last Login: 10/12/2009
Mood: tryntomake right

A lot of info in this article!

Police: Mother left kids at home for two days
October 14, 2009 6:55 AM
Christian Rochelle Woods, 21, a single mother, left her children home alone from 10 a.m. Saturday to 9:30 a.m. Monday with only six cups of Jell-O in the living room, Sheriff David Morgan said at a news conference Tuesday afternoon.

But it wasn't until about 3 a.m. Tuesday that investigators found Myleahya's body and her twin, Mykayhla, barely alive under a bed at a home in the 5600 block of Scotland Circle in Bellview.

Neighbors said Woods had an erratic schedule that had her coming home sometimes in the middle of the night.

Some neighbors said they didn't realize she had children.


Felony child abuse resulting in death in FL could get a death sentence. IMO, this is the kind of case that warrants the death penalty.

Mobile is not that far from Pensacola, but it doesn't make sense for her to be gone that long, does it?

Mobile's about 45 mins. from P'Cola. For whatever reason she went to Mobile, why didn't she just ask her Dad to keep these babies???:banghead:
This afternoon, she was in court to answer a manslaughter charge in connection to the toddler's death. She also is charged with aggravated child abuse due to neglect of Mykayhla, and her 2-year-old son, Jaterius.

Judge John Simon set bail totaling $1 million: $500,000 for the manslaughter and $250,000 for each child abuse charge.

Assistant State Attorney John Molchan represented the State Attorney's Office.

When Simon asked if anyone was there to speak on Christian Wood's behalf, no one in the courtroom spoke.

Molchan said an autopsy revealed the toddler weighed 11 pounds. Though the children were left with cups of Jell-O, there was food in the pantry and milk in the refrigerator.


HTH does a 1 year old weigh 11 pounds???
I wonder what her job was??? Her odd comings & goings at all hours makes me think it was illegal...drug related...prostitution!!! :furious:

Those poor little babies! :cry: Mykayhala her twin will never get to experience the joy of having a twin sister to share secrets with while growing up. :shakehead:

I pray that Mykayhala & Jaterous will never ever be neglected again, like they were in the care of their own mother. What is it with these mothers who have no regard for little innocent angels??? Why didn't her family ever step in to take these 3 out of the home??? It was filthy, roach infested mess & yet no one ever steped in...the home didn't end up like this over night! :furious:

Whoever gets custody of the 2 little ones....I hope are checked out to the fullest extent 1st. Sorry for the rant & jumbled up post...this is just heartbreaking. :cry: :shakehead:

:prayer:'s, :blowkiss:'s & :rose:'s for Myleahya!

HTH does a 1 year old weigh 11 pounds???

That seals it for me. I bet these kids hadn't had decent food in weeks, if not longer. This wasn't two days of neglect.

My 13 month old son, in the 50th% percentile, weighs 24 lbs.
From the article (updated) I posted earlier! :furious: Where was she going...partying...drugging up....boyfriend/s....prostitution????

Woods told investigators she was at work in Mobile, Morgan said. The sheriff said his office has not verified that she has a job there.

Woods' arrest report lists her as being unemployed.

Woods was being held without bond Tuesday at Escambia County Jail.

There it is NO JOB....unemployed!
The neighboors said in this article that she would come & go at all hours of the day & night....this tells me she has left these little ones all alone on a regular basis. How in the world did DCF decide to leave the children in this home???

I'm just as upset with her family & friends........others knew exactly what was going on in this home & didn't do anything to stop it. They could have saved little Myleahya! :cry: How could DCF not even take note of how much they weighed???

The DCF worker who decided to let the children remain in the home need to be investigated too! :furious: I wonder if she/he ever even made any home visits at all.

I remember reading about them having problems in FL with not enough case workers & too many cases. In an investagation it was found that many of the workers were filling out reports about home visits that they never even did. The article was in the Orlando Sentinel. If I can find it I'll post it was several months a go.

In the pics they all look so happy & even Christian looks like a mom who loves her kids...looks like she is together. It makes me think she got hooked on something when you compare her mug shot pic to the one I posted from Myspace.

IMO Every single person who knew what was going on in this house should all be put in a cell right next to Christian.

:behindbar:'s All Of Them Responsible For Ignoring All Three Of The Little Angels Welfare!

:prayer:'s for Myleahya, Mykayhala & Jaterous!

The thing that galls me (besides the MySpace login) is that she came home and instead of reacting with horror to the death of her little girl and grabbing the other girl to save her from the same fate, she LEFT her there. Knowing she too could die at any point.

Couldn't there be an attempted murder charge based on the obvious conclusion to which she likely came? Even a five year-old could think "I left babies alone. Baby died. Other baby might die."

But I'm assuming any credible medical expert will come to the conclusion that this little girl didn't lose at least half her body weight in two days. That kind of long-term neglect will not help her case.

It gives me some small measure of peace to know they weren't in the dark the whole time. I'm sure it was very little comfort to those precious babies, though.
I just can't get over her expressionless eyes. They are blank with no care in the world look to remorse....???? I just can't get a read on them at all. It's the same look she has in her mug shot pic. Unless she is still drugged up or from coming down from her weekend high. No proof yet that she was doing drugs, but IMHO I think that was what she was doing all weekend.

Her needs came 1st IMO before her own little ones. What a shame....when so many loving couples in the world want children & can't have them. There would have been a line from one end of the US to the other to adopt all 3 of angels.

Christian at her hearing today:

Death Investigation
October 14, 2009
It's continuing coverage of a story we brought you yesterday...
Christian Rochelle Woods is also facing child cruelty charges...In addition to a manslaughter charge.

Escambia County Sheriff David Morgan says Woods left town last Friday and went to Mobile.

Video & Article: Death Investigation

Video: DCF Reports Prior Incident With Woods

Video: Woods Child Abuse/Neglect News Conference
Photos: $1million bond.
Toddler Found Dead Was Left for Days Without Water
Last Update: 10/13 11:21 pm
Investigators looked through the house, and found Jateruis, 2, severely dehydrated with a large bump on his head.

"None of the story matched up," Sheriff Morgan said. "After 12 hours of questioning, she admitted to taking the child, placing it in a trash can and she said, to the best of her knowledge, the other child was still alive."

The other child was Myleahya's twin sister. Investigators raced back to the home, where they found 18-month-old Mykayla underneath her mother's bed, in the fetal position, alive.

On her MySpace page, Woods writes: "Life's short, so I live mine to the fullest." But one of her children will never get that chance.

Video: The Death Of An Escambia County Toddler Results In An Arrest Of The 21-Year-Old Mother 2:20

Video: Mother Arrested After Her Toddler Is Found Dead In A Trash Can 01:38

Video: Arrest Made Of Mother After Her Toddler Is Found Dead In A Trash Can And Two Other Child In Severe Neglect 01:42


I have a near-14 month old and a "two year-old". I stopped counting months when he hit that age. He's actually almost two and a half.

I'm also five months pregnant with # 3, LOL. Some people like to pop them out quickly and be done with it. Unfortunately, this chick doesn't sound like she was capable, to say the least.
:doh: I was counting 6 months between kids. You are absolutely right.

Excuse me, my "slip" is showing. :)
I agree with everyone who has posted so far. I have kids too....same age so this is bitter for me.

My only opinion to add is that at the tender age of 21, I am guessing this woman was NOT into motherhood. People wonder how someone can be so cruel to a child but, she was still mentally a child herself. I say that because it is a sign of maturity to put another life ahead of your own self gratification. This woman was incapable of it and hence physically but not mentally ready for motherhood.

In this situation she should have given her kids up for adoption when she had them so they could have had a chance of a good life while she went out and partied or whatever she was doing.

This doesn't excuse the abuse but add a poor upbringing and maybe you have the recipe for this crime.

Give those kids a good home now plez!
I agree with everyone who has posted so far. I have kids too....same age so this is bitter for me.

My only opinion to add is that at the tender age of 21, I am guessing this woman was NOT into motherhood. People wonder how someone can be so cruel to a child but, she was still mentally a child herself. I say that because it is a sign of maturity to put another life ahead of your own self gratification. This woman was incapable of it and hence physically but not mentally ready for motherhood.

In this situation she should have given her kids up for adoption when she had them so they could have had a chance of a good life while she went out and partied or whatever she was doing.

This doesn't excuse the abuse but add a poor upbringing and maybe you have the recipe for this crime.

Give those kids a good home now plez!

I agree with you - to a point. My feeling is, if you don't WANT kids or CAN'T take care of them, DON'T HAVE THEM!!! There are plenty of alternatives - even for under-privileged kids.

The sad fact is, these babies may not be better off in foster homes...
I agree with you - to a point. My feeling is, if you don't WANT kids or CAN'T take care of them, DON'T HAVE THEM!!! There are plenty of alternatives - even for under-privileged kids.

The sad fact is, these babies may not be better off in foster homes...

Sadly, you are correct. Our entire foster care system needs to change, especially in Florida. How many foster children are MISSING there?

Another point to ponder is giving one's children up for adoption. Yes, it is a good and viable-sounding alternative. But, is it really? There is a stigma attached to a mother who gives up her children, even if it is in their own best interest. Until society accepts the fact that not all women are able to be good mothers, or even want to, I believe we will continue to see these cases.

Remember when Nebraska? (I forget which state) was allowing parents to drop off their unwanted children? How many kids did they get - a lot more than they were ready for. Maybe we need a nationwide, no questions, no blame place to bring unwanted children. That way the children can go to people who want them and maybe the parents who don't can go about their lives without a lot of guilt and finger pointing.

Only my opinion.

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