ME ME - Ayla Reynolds, 20 mnths, Waterville, 17 December 2011 - # 4

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Until there is a link, there is no drug abuse r.e. Trista, IMO. I have read 'substance abuse' and 'alcohol abuse'. JMO

Reynolds underwent a 10-day stint in a rehabilitation program for alcohol abuse in October, during which time she and DiPietro agreed that he would take care of their daughter.

I'm going to "shoot in the dark here" and say in my opinion I believe it was more a problem with drugs AND alcohol. Again, just my opinion from knowing that area and knowing that the majority of the public (media) associates "substance" abuse as illicit drugs, as opposed to alcohol. Even the media that was reporting alcohol abuse in the beginning changed their verbiage to substance abuse.
I find the post by an "AJ" very disturbing. She wrote:
A Away where no one can harm her again
Y Your Life will be happy now.
L Loved by those who took you to safety
A A new life far from the insanity in Maine
The woman's four-line poem caught the eye of Waterville police, who got a subpoena from the Maine Attorney General's Office on Wednesday to require the newspaper to disclose the woman's contact information.

Audrey Pamela Jones, who posted the poem, said Friday she has no actual knowledge about Ayla's whereabouts but has been caught up, like so many others in Maine and across the country, in the story of her disappearance. She believes, with no evidence to back it up, that somebody concerned about the girl's well-being took her out of state.
Myself, I just can't get past the not checking for so many hours...with so many adults and two babies. If they were upstairs, was there a gate to keep them from falling if they should get out of bed somehow? Was there a monitor, of which we have not heard of such existence? Do people really put babies in a room and close the door for 12+ hours without being able to monitor them these days? Baffling to me, to say the least, especially for a parent unused to having a child for very long and for another young mother to be in the home as well as a grandmother.

I am more obsessed with the possible text message than anything else right now...if there was one, it should have led a trail right to the culprit, which does not appear to be the case. He mentioned that LE had "transcripts" from his phone, which sounded odd, but maybe he meant the wording of text messages. If so, why can't LE track down who sent them? And why would TR mention the texts if she sent them? All very confusing, but hoping LE knows much more. Still, the statement indicating "foul play" is telling and does not make me think "kidnapping" or "abduction by a relative" as much as worse options.


It's more common than you think, especially at the age we are discussing here. Once the child can sleep through the night (some do this earlier than others), once they are down for the night, they are down and that's it. A parent may poke their head in the room before heading off to bed themselves but if you got a baby monitor, it is not uncommon for the child to sleep 12+ hours and you not check in on them every hour. In fact I'd say it probably what most parents do these days.

Of course every child is different as to sleep patterns and if they need to be checked on more frequently.
Alcohol is not substance abuse. Google "trista reynolds substance abuse" you will find all the media reports.

Alcohol is substance abuse. There are diagnoses of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual used to diagnose psychological disorders an mental illnesses.
I'm going to "shoot in the dark here" and say in my opinion I believe it was more a problem with drugs AND alcohol. Again, just my opinion from knowing that area and knowing that the majority of the public (media) associates "substance" abuse as illicit drugs, as opposed to alcohol. Even the media that was reporting alcohol abuse in the beginning changed their verbiage to substance abuse.

The article that I linked to is dated Jan 2nd, the one where Justin is interviewed on TV. I think the verbiage changed from substance abuse to alcohol abuse in the media. JMO
I can see grandma possibly not checking in on the girls because, if they were in the upstairs bedroom, and as a few on here described, the stairs are steep in houses like that. But out of three adults I think one would have said I'll go check on the girls before they all went to bed.

I don't believe the home has upstairs bedrooms. I could be wrong but I think "upstairs" is merely an attic that pulls down from the ceiling on the main floor.
Has anything been said about the THUMP?
One oddity, is that a car pulls up to the Reynolds` house that peculiar night. Who was this visitor? An even grander idiosyncrasy is the loud noise heard by a neighbor who lives behind the Reynolds.
The crash or thump (or whatever type of sound it was) in the night was so loud that it woke up her dog and the dog started barking! This loud noise occurs at 3:30 AM. Most people are sound asleep at this time, but in the case, a strange occurrence went down in this mostly, simply silent gray abode, that perpetually flashes `cross our HD TV sets. This suspicious milestone of a bump-in-the-night noise begs for more definition and a better explanation.

It's more common than you think, especially at the age we are discussing here. Once the child can sleep through the night (some do this earlier than others), once they are down for the night, they are down and that's it. A parent may poke their head in the room before heading off to bed themselves but if you got a baby monitor, it is not uncommon for the child to sleep 12+ hours and you not check in on them every hour. In fact I'd say it probably what most parents do these days.

Of course every child is different as to sleep patterns and if they need to be checked on more frequently.

I think mom's are more likely to check on the children all the time (Gramma lived in the home) and dad's merely depend on mom to do it by habit. Albeit, I've known the opposite where dad's check in and mom doesn't. I think if Ayla was put to bed at 8pm and dad goes at 10pm and she sleeps until 8 am ..that it is not unusual. What I DO find unusual is the other child in the bedroom. Did he/she sleep until 8am too? Was it that child that woke up that alerted the family that Ayla was gone? I believe I also recall she was in a toddler/youth bed. One that she could have awakened and got up on her own. One thing I do know...if she did do that and they did check the lake, that is not always foolproof. Many searches are done and nothing found but later a body is recovered and found to have been missed the first time. So it does make me consider the possibility that she did get up and walked out on her own and went to the water?
It is not uncommon for people to stay in these "seedy" motels for extended periods: months or years. They are cheap. Cheaper than apts. Utilities are paid. There is not a lease or a background check.

And when I say "people" I don't just mean RSOs and criminals. I mean people as in families, single mothers, and the elderly.

Ok. So as not to keep putting negative pressure on the mom, however...that website is ran by the mom of Ayla. I saw where it was posted on the photos "Pics of Ayla under her mother's care" which I thought was odd wording...but oh well...but why would she have allowed that post to have been on the website? or is it that whomever posts on the newspaper site (anyone have a link?) that it automatically posts on the website? She should change it, have her webmaster, so that all can be viewed before posted.
Why didn't Tarah's family take her in with the babies?

That's a question that goes round and round in my head.

Someone said something along the lines of maybe her family has addiction issues and she shouldn't be there if she's trying to get clean -- so then that leads to the 'how dysfunctional is her family" question --- which then leads me to wonder if that IS the case -- does that make it more probable that someone from mom's side of the family took the child? Folks with addictions don't tend to think things through very well - but are also very good at manipulating, lying, making VERY poor choices.....

Just makes me wonder about a lot of different scenarios.....

EDITED TO ADD: I think I believe that the family didn't take her in BECAUSE of her ADDICTION problems (You have to be clean to live in our home) -- but am open minded to consider other possibilities.
Given the history of numerous searches that did not located human remains, I am starting to really lean towards Ayla walking out of the home on her own and to the lake or water area. They need to do another search. Too many times searches are done and bodies show up later. I was not aware of the thump I wonder if Ayla did walk out on her own and knock a rubbish barrel over or something that caused the dog to bark? Did any neighbors report something knocked over? I think the police need to look into that and I am 100% in favor of them doing ANOTHER search of that pond. If she walked into it and has passed away her parents, BOTH, need to know so all the finger pointing and hypothesis (of which even I am guilty of; as we all are due to the high emotions of wanting this child found and looking into every possible scenario.) can stop and this beautiful child can have a proper burial. This is the pond search and I have to tell you, they need to do it again. Was this pond drained completely? Seems if a canoe , it was not. If not, they need to go back.
Why didn't Tarah's family take her in with the babies?

That's a question that goes round and round in my head.

Someone said something along the lines of maybe her family has addiction issues and she shouldn't be there if she's trying to get clean -- so then that leads to the 'how dysfunctional is her family" question --- which then leads me to wonder if that IS the case -- does that make it more probable that someone from mom's side of the family took the child? Folks with addictions don't tend to think things through very well - but are also very good at manipulating, lying, making VERY poor choices.....

Just makes me wonder about a lot of different scenarios.....

EDITED TO ADD: I think I believe that the family didn't take her in BECAUSE of her ADDICTION problems (You have to be clean to live in our home) -- but am open minded to consider other possibilities.

Anything is possible. Both scenarios. However, perhaps the media should ask both Justin and Trista more questions about their friends, acquaintances...if they feel any of them may have come and taken Baby Ayla, etc. As opposed to media interviews that seem to be each talking about the other. That is not going to help to find Ayla. The police may need to give a bit more info to the public too. Regarding findings. Such as no evidence of decomp found in vehicles or the home...this would lead to more public to believe she was in fact abducted and not killed by her dad, or anyone in the home. They also need to be a little more forthcoming with if any polygraphs were taken. Again...this can work in two ways. If he failed, someone who has information may come forward now that they know the police has a failed poly. If someone has some kind of info, but afraid to come forward this could be one way to obtain more solid leads.
I also think it is possible that the car heard in the middle of the night was someone taking Ayla away at the request of Dad. He could have waited until the other adults were asleep and then gave her to someone to take away and hide. If it is true that someone else first noticed she was gone, this makes even more sense to me, as he would not want to be the one who happened to find her gone. I am not sold on this scenario either, but it is possible and seems more likely to me than someone from the outside getting into the home unnoticed and taking her away.

My only reasoning for discounting this theory is that I believe that the dad did not have any fears that he would have lost custody. I believe, while unfortunate, he had a solid chance to have won custody...probably even full custody, or partial with supervised visitations for TR, until she passed a certain stage of being drug or alcohol free. So I see no reason that he would have done that.
An abduction is a major investigation.

Why not include that in the examples given, I wonder.

ETA: If there was a baby monitor, seems someone would have mentioned it by now, with everyone wondering why no one checked on the two babies.
Also, I could be wrong, but I thought the neighbor said they heards sounds of a car, or a car door, something like that. I do not believe it was Ayla crashing around the yard trying to make a run for it. JMO
i'm about to post the updated timeline for the new thread, it is current as of 1AMct today, early morning of January 5th.

Thank you so much, Askfornina for all your work in compiling the statements, interviews and news links available. It is very helpful.

Re-reading these statements, I view everything pretty much as I have all along. I don't see evidence of a bunch of "lies" being told all along by TR. The inconsistences seem to arise from what reporters assumed and went with versus what was actually said. According to TR and statements attributed to JD, there was an agreement for JD to care for Ayla while TR was in rehab and recovering. and Health and Human Services was involved. There is nothing to indicate that TR failed to "turn over" the baby to JD anymore than there is anything to indicate that JD failed to pick up the baby at the time agreed upon. Either could be true, but it's only speculation.

In her interviews, TR's emotions seem genuine and centered on her concern for Ayla. JD's statments come across as defensive and detached. As for all the "accusatory" comments by TR and her family members, they don't accuse JD of directly harming Ayla as much as they say he wasn't watching after her properly and became defensive when questioned about the details of her injuries. In light of the disappearance, it's easy to understand how, after the fact, a more sinister interpretation of these injuries might be reached. TR's sister says these accidents were reported to protective services although she doesn't say when. No idea if what she says is true, but it would explain the anger that seems directed at Health and Human Services by TR's family. All MOO.
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