Chelsea's theory of an overdose

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Sep 11, 2008
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What makes Chelsea's theory of an overdose plausible? Do you think this may be the truth? Do you think someone told her this and now she's the one ready to get it out in the open? Is this why RC made all those calls to Misty the night Haleigh went missing?
Imo, the main reason this theory is plausible is b/c to my knowledge, the only blood found in the home was RC's which is consistent with the abrasions on his hands, I think.

Secondary to that, drugs, ingesting and dealing, imo, were part of RC's life, therefore drugs were probably in the home, and accessable to the children.

I do think however that if this is what happened to her, HaLeigh didn't find them and ingest them of her own free will, rather she was drugged so she would go to sleep.

Furthermore, RC's behavior isn't consistent with him just feeling guilty or afraid of arrest b/c he could have said he knew nothing about it, and Misty brought them home without his knowledge or consent. She would then go to prison, and he would keep Jr and move on with his life, since he "was at work" at the time.

However, imo, something far more sinister happened to HaLeigh, and not at her home. I don't think she ever got home that day.

I do think it's possible that RC and Misty were in the car together when HaLeigh was picked up, b/c of so much cover up and confusion on the issue. When RC is involved in anything, it becomes confused so to hide what really happened.

I think RC was really really angry with Misty, and wherever they went after picking her up is where whatever happened, happened.

I have no clue as to where they went though.
I've also been wondering if Chelsea knew about this before and because RC is in jail, she isn't afraid to speak out? Did she start talking once RC was sentenced? Or am I off the beaten path on that?
Kimster I've also been wondering why Chelsea is speaking out now. Things that make me go hmmmmm.
I'm too tired to look for links right now, but it seems to me Chelsea has spoken out at least a few times before now. IIRC, at least once some time ago against Ron.
I'm too tired to look for links right now, but it seems to me Chelsea has spoken out at least a few times before now. IIRC, at least once some time ago against Ron.

Go get those links! Drink some coffee! <joking!>

We've seen her interviewed before, no worries. The last time I remember is when she spoke out to Grandma Flo. It just seems to me like she's been on a LOT this past week.
Go get those links! Drink some coffee! <joking!>

We've seen her interviewed before, no worries. The last time I remember is when she spoke out to Grandma Flo. It just seems to me like she's been on a LOT this past week.

Yeah, I wanted to post on this thread, but the articulation part of my brain went to sleep at least an hour ago. I'm going to bed.
I am on the fence with the overdose theory.....

I keep thinking about Ron's gun...and I go round and round regarding the gun and the fight and Ron had guns...and I believe it is now being said that Ron has admitted there was a gun and a fight....

Also, I also keep thinking about how the case was changed to Homicide....

IMO...there would HAVE to be declare Haleigh's unnatural be a homicide...

If there is no body...What evidence did the LE find....that is making it a Homicide...

IMO...the LE either found large amounts of Haleigh's, blankets, enough blood that would prove the child was dead from all the blood loss...

OR.....SOMETHING ELSE...the LE is keeping mum about...

the LE called this case a homicide..without a body ...Lots of answers

So.....still dragging my feet on OD...

I am thinking more that Haleigh was accidentally shot by Ron...near/at the Magnolia residence...over a fight....moo
No way do I believe the OD theory. Tommy would have stolen drugs laying about and may have. Junior didn't mention anything of the sort. He mentioned a sexual sounding escapade with two visiting black men and someone taking Haleigh. There's no vomit, body fluids, nothing in the home mentioned as any evidence. Ron was allowed to keep Jr. The dogs alerted to Haleigh as being outside, a foot print was found, and her scent led to the water over to the shed and back around going around the curved street out to the road by the tracks. Someone took her out, and they didn't say cadaver dogs alerted and OD'd or badly injured little girls don't leave a footprint while walking. I think Haleigh was killed somewhere outside, whether outside there or another location. They should start searches again IMO and search a lot.
No way do I believe the OD theory. Tommy would have stolen drugs laying about and may have. Junior didn't mention anything of the sort. He mentioned a sexual sounding escapade with two visiting black men and someone taking Haleigh. There's no vomit, body fluids, nothing in the home mentioned as any evidence. Ron was allowed to keep Jr. The dogs alerted to Haleigh as being outside, a foot print was found, and her scent led to the water over to the shed and back around going around the curved street out to the road by the tracks. Someone took her out, and they didn't say cadaver dogs alerted and OD'd or badly injured little girls don't leave a footprint while walking. I think Haleigh was killed somewhere outside, whether outside there or another location. They should start searches again IMO and search a lot.


I am having a hard time following your post. Are you replying to someone's post? Junior didn't mention what?

If you are talking about what Junior said to CS, he said he heard a bouncy couch, squeaky shoes and A man in black not 2.
What makes Chelsea's theory of an overdose plausible? Do you think this may be the truth? Do you think someone told her this and now she's the one ready to get it out in the open? Is this why RC made all those calls to Misty the night Haleigh went missing?

I'm with you on this one, Kimster. I sure do think it was an overdose. Whether the drug was ingested accidentally, or she was induced still remains a question for me.

I am of a strong opinion that this was the reason for the flurry of calls, RC was controlling, and not about to get his hands dirty when he had Misty who could do the dirty work and take the fall. Afterall, she had a brother or two, and a cousin she could enlist to assist her.

And, of course, Ron headed to work, he was going to make sure he had an alibi, and the Croslins were the perfect cover for his sorry *advertiser censored*.

As you can tell, I am not an RC groupie. I think his hands are dirty, real dirty, and Misty can't pass a polygraph because she won't come completely clean about RC.

This day will come, and soon I hope.
I've also been wondering if Chelsea knew about this before and because RC is in jail, she isn't afraid to speak out? Did she start talking once RC was sentenced? Or am I off the beaten path on that?

I also believe that Chelsey, RC, and a couple of others have known for a long time that Haleigh is deceased, thus the tatoos. I don't think Chelsea would have gotten the tatoo if the child was missing, tatoos are permanent and most often done in memory of someone who is deceased.
And, yes, Chelsey is mad, and speaking out now that the sentences have fallen. I'd be mad too, if my li sis in-law got 25 while RC skates with 15. I still think RC's going to get his yet. That day will come, and the true culprit will pay the piper!!!
I would love to know how Ron acted at work that night. Surely LE interviewed people he worked with as to his frame of mind. It very well could have been that one of the ways RC convinced MC to come back and babysit that night was the fact the he gave the kids drugs to make them sleep and too much was given to Haleigh. I'd be willing to bet that little Jr would have had some mighty strange dreams as well. I've come to believe that Misty had to spend hours that night cleaning that mobile home as there is no way I believe it was kept as tidy as we saw in the tv coverage afterwards. GMS's visit (did we ever determine who was with her?) was to determine that Haleigh was indeed dead and all of RC's calls was to make sure that Misty took care of disposing of her little body. So, yeah I guess I believe the OD theory of Chelsea's is plausible.
justus4all said:
I am on the fence with the overdose theory.....

I keep thinking about Ron's gun...and I go round and round regarding the gun and the fight and Ron had guns...and I believe it is now being said that Ron has admitted there was a gun and a fight....

Also, I also keep thinking about how the case was changed to Homicide....

IMO...there would HAVE to be declare Haleigh's unnatural be a homicide...

If there is no body...What evidence did the LE find....that is making it a Homicide

IMO...the LE either found large amounts of Haleigh's, blankets, enough blood that would prove the child was dead from all the blood loss...

OR.....SOMETHING ELSE...the LE is keeping mum about...

the LE called this case a homicide..without a body ...Lots of answers

So.....still dragging my feet on OD...

I am thinking more that Haleigh was accidentally shot by Ron...near/at the Magnolia residence...over a fight....moo


I feel LE took MC/TomC's word of JO took HaLeigh due to not finding that rare gun...When LE went searching the St. John's river, they went there because LE was told JO threw HaLeigh there...which is when they made the statement of this case now being a homicide. AFAIK, there was no crime scene in the MH, or in that van, so I can't figure out who took HaLeigh and what they did with this precious child. I just wish one of them would grow the courage to tell the "real" truth and bring this child home. I can't imagine going on with life not knowing what's become of my child. I just don't get cold hearted people, for I've always been taught, children come first...JMHO

When you bring children into this world, it is your duty to protect, nurture, love and guide them. Too bad all these folk seem too ignorant to want better for themselves so how can they make it better for their children. It's the cycle of abuse and someone has to be the first to break it...JMHO

If HaLeigh was shot, where was Jr.? He would surely know something wasn't right but he knew enough to say the man in black took his sister, he knew to say he saw the couch bouncing...

LE has not said RC is a POI or a suspect in HaLeigh's disappearance so I feel whatever happened, happened on MC's watch and she wasn't being watchful after her three day binge. I don't understand WHY TN didn't babysit her grandchildren instead of begging MC to..everyone involved contributed to HaLeigh's disappearance and no one will have the courage to take that responsiblity, own up to it, and bring this precious child home...I just dont' get it...Also, If RC was involved, he wouldn't depend that the others would keep quiet, I don't believe he would allow someone to have something over him...I feel whatever happened to HaLeigh, MC will always be the key! JMHO

Where is HaLeigh???
And, yes, Chelsey is mad, and speaking out now that the sentences have fallen. I'd be mad too, if my li sis in-law got 25 while RC skates with 15. I still think RC's going to get his yet. That day will come, and the true culprit will pay the piper!!!

Karma can be a *****. OOPS, female dog names not allowed.

I feel LE took MC/TomC's word of JO took HaLeigh due to not finding that rare gun...When LE went searching the St. John's river, they went there because LE was told JO threw HaLeigh there...which is when they made the statement of this case now being a homicide. AFAIK, there was no crime scene in the MH, or in that van, so I can't figure out who took HaLeigh and what they did with this precious child. I just wish one of them would grow the courage to tell the "real" truth and bring this child home. I can't imagine going on with life not knowing what's become of my child. I just don't get cold hearted people, for I've always been taught, children come first...JMHO

When you bring children into this world, it is your duty to protect, nurture, love and guide them. Too bad all these folk seem too ignorant to want better for themselves so how can they make it better for their children. It's the cycle of abuse and someone has to be the first to break it...JMHO

If HaLeigh was shot, where was Jr.? He would surely know something wasn't right but he knew enough to say the man in black took his sister, he knew to say he saw the couch bouncing...

LE has not said RC is a POI or a suspect in HaLeigh's disappearance so I feel whatever happened, happened on MC's watch and she wasn't being watchful after her three day binge. I don't understand WHY TN didn't babysit her grandchildren instead of begging MC to..everyone involved contributed to HaLeigh's disappearance and no one will have the courage to take that responsiblity, own up to it, and bring this precious child home...I just dont' get it...Also, If RC was involved, he wouldn't depend that the others would keep quiet, I don't believe he would allow someone to have something over him...I feel whatever happened to HaLeigh, MC will always be the key! JMHO

Where is HaLeigh???

The RAT in the mailbox was a threat to the Croslins, a threat to keep their mouths shut, or else. That's Rc, that's his style...And he put the rat in the mailbox.
IMO yes an overdose with Ron's drugs but by one of the grandma's or Ron himself.
IIRC, Haleigh had a meltdown, GGS told her to be a 'good girl' and left.
Did GGS give her a pill? not knowing maybe that Ron also had given her a pill?
I do not think Haleigh took a pill (s) herself.
Misty slept off hang over, woke up to a dead Haleigh.......
TN was called (that is how she got there FAST)
Ron knew he and his family would hang over this so he got Misty to clean up.
His/her family to help get rid of his daughter's body. IMO
then he married Misty and we know everything else.
BUT where is Haleigh and why is TN so sure Misty will NEVER tell????
I don't think Haleigh died of an overdose.

IMO, while I believe the majority of the players involved did drugs, I don't believe any of them had the financial means to have any kind of quantity just laying around for children to get into, plus with Haleigh being prescribed meds, I just don't see her having any interest in taking more. As far as it being administered to her and/or Jr., again, drugs cost money, and IMO, these kind of people are going to keep the drugs for themselves. I can see them getting some off-brand antihistamine for a couple of dollars, but the thing about that is even a prescribed dose can have the opposite effect and cause someone to bounce off the walls, so I don't see Haleigh being overdosed on that.
I'm with you on this one, Kimster. I sure do think it was an overdose. Whether the drug was ingested accidentally, or she was induced still remains a question for me.

I am of a strong opinion that this was the reason for the flurry of calls, RC was controlling, and not about to get his hands dirty when he had Misty who could do the dirty work and take the fall. Afterall, she had a brother or two, and a cousin she could enlist to assist her.

And, of course, Ron headed to work, he was going to make sure he had an alibi, and the Croslins were the perfect cover for his sorry *advertiser censored*.

As you can tell, I am not an RC groupie. I think his hands are dirty, real dirty, and Misty can't pass a polygraph because she won't come completely clean about RC.

This day will come, and soon I hope.


I just wanted to ask, is this statement implying those who do not think Ron is involved are RC groupies?

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