Water usage

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How cool would it be if they also check water usage on the night Drew (alledgedly:sick: ) disposed of Stacy's body and found that he was doing a wash or two in the early morning hours?
...and even more cool if the night of Stacy's disappearance and the night of Kathleen's murder were the only two nights with that type of usage as compared to records for the years in between murders?

Unlikely? Yes, I know.

Impossible? I don't think so.

I've been racking my brain trying to figure out that little snippet. Would it prove that more water was used than normal, indicating that water was left on for a long period of time and then shut off prior to KS being found dead?

There would be water damage to the home if water had been left on to simulate a fall and then drowning. The plug was in but allowed a slow leak. Any excess water would have overflowed the tub.

I don't know, can't figure this one out at all.
I've been racking my brain trying to figure out that little snippet. Would it prove that more water was used than normal, indicating that water was left on for a long period of time and then shut off prior to KS being found dead?

There would be water damage to the home if water had been left on to simulate a fall and then drowning. The plug was in but allowed a slow leak. Any excess water would have overflowed the tub.

I don't know, can't figure this one out at all.

Unfortunately, though, I doubt that's really proof of anything.

I just can't wait until we have solid proof of anything in either case.

How cool would it be if they also check water usage on the night Drew (alledgedly:sick: ) disposed of Stacy's body and found that he was doing a wash or two in the early morning hours?
...and even more cool if the night of Stacy's disappearance and the night of Kathleen's murder were the only two nights with that type of usage as compared to records for the years in between murders?
A bit O/T but...........

Just by chance when I got a news update re: Riley Fox, I viewed a video where they mention water usage and between what hours. So I guess it is possible.

In the video it states that between the hours of 11PM-1AM that 18 gals. of water was used.

Water usuage tracking is something that probably isn't used often, so DrewP might not have been aware of it, or may have forgotten it.
I have never heard of such a thing! Here, they only track water usuage during large time frames. If a leak is suspected...they will send a person out to watch the meter with all the water being off in the home because the meter will still run.

However, this may be relatively a new procedure to track people growing pot inside of homes. Excessive use of water (for plants) is a good tool for LE to obtain a warrant, I think.
Wow, what a trip! This sounds so far fetched to me. Even if they have the technology, how could they prove anything?
God forbid a person has the stomach flu, LOL! All that toliet flushing?

Does anyone have a really good source on this? It just sounds kind-of silly.
If it is true, I would love to know! Years ago, while I was out of town for a week...my crazy landlord lady turned the hose on full blast and left it for the entire week I was gone!! My entire yard plus the neighbors' were flooded and I had to trudge through knee high mud to turn it off. The City Water Dept. made me pay over $800.00 or they were going to turn my water off!! They said I would have to provide a witness to see her actually turn it on and leave it on. I made the comment to them...."So if I wanted to get back at an ex or something...I could just turn their faucet on outside while they were on vacation and they would have to pay this enourmous bill no matter what, Right?" They agreed it could happen that way if no one saw me do it! What a crock!! (Not that I would EVER do something like that tho...I am not vindictive.)
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: ROFL!

If it is true, I would love to know! Years ago, while I was out of town for a week...my crazy landlord lady turned the hose on full blast and left it for the entire week I was gone!! My entire yard plus the neighbors' were flooded and I had to trudge through knee high mud to turn it off. The City Water Dept. made me pay over $800.00 or they were going to turn my water off!! They said I would have to provide a witness to see her actually turn it on and leave it on. I made the comment to them...."So if I wanted to get back at an ex or something...I could just turn their faucet on outside while they were on vacation and they would have to pay this enourmous bill no matter what, Right?" They agreed it could happen that way if no one saw me do it! What a crock!! (Not that I would EVER do something like that tho...I am not vindictive.)
That's awful, searching!!! It would be nice if they had a system that alerted them if water was running nonstop for more than a couple of hours; certainly for more than a day!!! My god, that had to be awful!!!
So if the scene described by the pastor is true ..then they would be able to point possibly the time that a load of wash was being done at 3AM in Drew's home over the weekend of Kathleen's murder. The night Stacy couldn't find him, keeps calling and then she sees him in the dark clothing by the washer with womens clothing in a bag ..getting ready to wash those and his black outfit.

So possibly with that info, the phone records and the ifo given to the pastor...they could est a timeline for Kathleen's murder?

The information on the water usage, added to the phone records might make a difference, and they'd be able to more clearly pinpoint a time.

The medical examiner hasn't released the results of the second autopsy, and from what I heard earlier, the results won't be released to the public, only to the grand jury. The autopsy might only be able to say that Kathleen was murdered between 30 - 40 hours before she was found. So that might be a factor too - autopsy, water usage, and phone records. And then, there's DP's work schedule to add to everything else.
Yes, it truly was awful. Back in those days, I was living paycheck to paycheck. It took me months to pay it off as I had to borrow the money.

My crazy landlord lady denied it, of course, but she was a freak about "watering the foundation" during the summer months. (The house was an old wood frame , too!) She was a stark raving loon and to this day I get nauseous thinking about all the things she did to us before our lease ran out and we could leave.

If this option had been available, I could have at least proven when the water had been turned on and that I was out of town at that time! It would have been very helpful!

I guess the point I am trying to make is that if a city as large as our's doesn't have that capability (to pinpoint times of usage specifically), I don't think Bolingbrook, IL would either unless it is relatively a new procedure put into place.
If it is true, I would love to know! Years ago, while I was out of town for a week...my crazy landlord lady turned the hose on full blast and left it for the entire week I was gone!! My entire yard plus the neighbors' were flooded and I had to trudge through knee high mud to turn it off. The City Water Dept. made me pay over $800.00 or they were going to turn my water off!! They said I would have to provide a witness to see her actually turn it on and leave it on. I made the comment to them...."So if I wanted to get back at an ex or something...I could just turn their faucet on outside while they were on vacation and they would have to pay this enourmous bill no matter what, Right?" They agreed it could happen that way if no one saw me do it! What a crock!! (Not that I would EVER do something like that tho...I am not vindictive.)

OMG now that is too funny.. hmmmm wonder where my ex lives and when he is going on vacation... ok I am kidding..seriously I have never heard of anything like that, would be great if that is so.. I know my water bill is one price and they read a meter but my sewage is based on how much water I use.. and is usually more than my water. So dont matter if I flush or water flowers.
Definately interesting here! My water usage has peaked some times, but I have never received any kind of notice from the Utility Billing Department that possibly I might have a "leak" somewhere or questioning why the "spike".

One year, my hubby forgot to notify them that we were draining our pond and refilling it. Which definately caused the water usage to GO UP!! Again, no inquiry, just a bill based on the usage.

Now they can tell the "exact time" that any usage is used????? And yet, no inquiry on any "spikes" in usage?? If DP had drained the pool, and then refilled it, I doubt that any water/sewer utility billing person could care less. Most utility billings are computerized by preprogrammed software these days. Also, meters have been updated, where you can read from a "city vehicle" on the road without having someone actually go to the meter to read.

The "TIME" that one is actually using water??? hmmmmmmmmmmm... I am definately going to be checking that one out tomorrow!!!!
Wow, what a trip! This sounds so far fetched to me. Even if they have the technology, how could they prove anything?
God forbid a person has the stomach flu, LOL! All that toliet flushing?

Does anyone have a really good source on this? It just sounds kind-of silly.

It makes sense though. With this type of system they wouldn't have to hire meter readers, because they would already have the records. And with newer systems being computerized I believe it could be possible.

I may be wrong, but at this point it looks like both the Kathleen Savio case and the Stacy Peterson case will be circumstancial. Meaning they cannot put DrewP with his hands on either woman but if they can come up with an overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence, they may have a chance of prosecution. Thus the water usage would be one more piece of evidence. And remember DrewP and Stacy didn't tell LE that they were up all night with the stomach flu, they told police they were in bed asleep. Still I don't know how they will get the evidence before a jury because of the pastor's statement being hearsay.

You are correct that meter readers are not needed with the (darn, can not think of the name of those meters, but I will find out tomorrow), anyways, it is done all by computerization. Not sure if the "TIME' of water usage is being shown, again, will find out tomorrow.

As you said, it still would be all cirumstantial evidence. I have two kids away in college, what if both of them came home and decided to take baths and wash their clothes??

Guess what? My water usage has just gone up!! Does that make me guilty of something??
This is very interesting. My meter isn't read inside, the guy gets a signal from a hand-held small computer. Now, if they could see a lot of usage at Kathleen's at around 2 A.M. (more than a bath, but what would be consistent with a lot of usage for say, washing away evidence), and then an hour or so later at around 4 A.M. at Drew's home, usage consistent with washing a load of clothes, coupled with phone calls from Stacy's phone to Drew's phone that went unanswered during that same time frame, then we may have something.

Those kinds of things along with the 18 calls for domestic violence and the financial windfall Drew received from Kathleen's death could be excellent circumstantial evidence. A nice cherry on top of the cake would be if that hand-written will, in all caps, that appeared a year after her death, could be shown to have a forged signature......ah, now we have something. A delicious thought.

You are correct that meter readers are not needed with the (darn, can not think of the name of those meters, but I will find out tomorrow), anyways, it is done all by computerization. Not sure if the "TIME' of water usage is being shown, again, will find out tomorrow.

As you said, it still would be all cirumstantial evidence. I have two kids away in college, what if both of them came home and decided to take baths and wash their clothes??

Guess what? My water usage has just gone up!! Does that make me guilty of something??

Thanking you in advance for the questions you are going to ask.

Does it make you guilty??? Maybe not. But if you add in a dead woman, a statement to police that all adults were asleep at that time, and phone calls from your spouse looking for you.... well you better get an attorney!
Down the road in Wilmington, the officials there were able to establish how much water was used during a period of time (3 hours in that instance) so its something that has been done in the area. This was brought up in the Riley Fox case.

I think they would be able to track how much water was used that weekend or during specific times of that weekend. All the info would be in the water treatment system and it would just be a matter of pulling the info for specific times. Sounds good anyway!

Wow, I didn't know that about the Riley Fox case, chicoliving. Thanks for the explanation. BTY-it sounds good to me too.

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