*REVISIT* Does Anyone Feel Sad for Casey? Or Family Members?

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i only joined this site because of the casey anthony case and my obsession with it. i have read every document dump, watched every video, read AND heard the transcripts from all involved, and I KNOW that kc is guilty of killing her child.

i, like 99% of you, have been condemning her. she's wrong.

but right now, even after the gj hearing, the picture of her in the unbuttoned blue shirt and white glasses, the flippancy at the press conference and the crocodile tear, i actually feel bad for her.

even though she killed her child, even though she stole, lied, and cheated friends and family... even though she failed her parents and dropped out of school and lied to her grandmother, and even though she was promiscuous and had a child without a husband... is she undeserving of our compassion? because of all these actions we can safely say that at some point she was a victim too. of something BAD.

you might all think that she is evil. but right now, i don't. i feel that she is incredibly lost and scared and ripped off... don't know by who, but someone affected her... right now i honestly feel very sad for her.

this does not mean in any way that i understand or support her actions. i just think that if anyone could get to the point that she did in her behavior, then that in itself, is very tragic. she is not okay with it... no way.

okay... it's late, i'll read this when i wake up, i had a long day. but i really feel this way right now. i'm probably just being insane.

peace in the middle east,

Wow, you summed up EXACTLY how I feel - i feel for her too - 22 yrs old facing life behind bars! something had to have made her snap or she is covering for someone who was also involved. There is lots more we have yet to learn IMO
I feel very sad, but the sadness is not for Casey.
The sadness is for a precious little girl, who millions of people would have loved to have had the honor of being her parent, was killed, dumped and never thought of again... by the very one who gave birth to her!

This little one was an adorable child. She loved and trusted her mother, Casey. Casey should have held that child and loved and adored her, but obviously Little Caylee was never given top priority in Casey's life!

Children are so vulnerable and they are so innocent, and I sometimes wonder what kinds of 'things" poor Caylee was subjected to in her very young life. She should have mattered to Casey. She should have mattered more than playing on the computer,more than talking on the phone, and more than texting all of her friends! She should have mattered more than drinking to excess, more than partying like a fool, more than planning the next wild party, and more than stalking the next boyfriend! She should have mattered more than lies, lies and more lies! She should have mattered more than leaving her in the care of anyone that would " watch her ", mattered more than leaving her alone and afraid. But the fact is she didn't matter to Casey. Casey did not love and adore that baby! Of course, I don't know if Casey can love anyone, except herself!

A real mother would never put their child at the very bottom of their list of priorites. But that's exactly what Casey did with Caylee. Instead of feeling like Caylee was the most cherished gift she'd ever been given, she felt that Caylee was a hinderance to her desired lifestyle. Caylee became a noose around Casey's neck, and Casey simply thought of a way to be rid of her problem!

No! I do not feel sad for Casey nor do I feel sorry for Casey. She is a grown woman. She knew exactly what she was doing. She thought she could pull it over on everyone and never be caught! And if Cindy had not caught up with her, through Amy, none of us would ever be the wiser. And Casey would probably be living life in California right now, and having the time of her life, in her demented mind!

Caylee is the real story here. And it is a very sad story. Caylee is the victim in all of this. And I feel such a strong sadness for the loss of precious Caylee.
i only joined this site because of the casey anthony case and my obsession with it. i have read every document dump, watched every video, read AND heard the transcripts from all involved, and I KNOW that kc is guilty of killing her child.

i, like 99% of you, have been condemning her. she's wrong.

but right now, even after the gj hearing, the picture of her in the unbuttoned blue shirt and white glasses, the flippancy at the press conference and the crocodile tear, i actually feel bad for her. ...(respectfully snipped)...

I also feel sad: there are no winners in this; no good outcome. :tsktsk: There's only a sense of profound loss and waste that we are at this point.

I feel sad that Casey is oblivious or uncaring at the extreme havoc she has wreaked in so many lives and that throughout, she is utterly incapable of ordinary human emotions (see the Psychological Casey thread).

Bev's post above is beautiful. And I'm glad to be able to read through other's posts of sadness and loss. :hug:

To paraphrase Casey, "Caylee being dead? A waste, a huge waste."
Wow, you summed up EXACTLY how I feel - i feel for her too - 22 yrs old facing life behind bars! something had to have made her snap or she is covering for someone who was also involved. There is lots more we have yet to learn IMO

Many people are assuming that this girl "snapped". I do not believe this is the case. I believe she has lived a selfish and calculating life for MANY years gone by, and I also believe that she PLOTTED and PLANNED this, and that there was no moment of "snapping", only of a plan executed. Time and evidence will tell if this is so, but I am a see-er, and I often see into the very depths of a person that I have only just encountered by chance, and what I have seen in this girl is an empty and hollow place where her SOUL should be, and I feel NO compassion that she will JUSTIFIABLY spend, hopefully, the remainder of her cold, calculated, selfish days locked in a cage. It is as it should be. She has shown not one iota of remorse for her 2 year old child, and she should pay for that. What she is facing IS at least some semblance OF a life, unlike the LACK of ANY life for the one who was her victim.
..."for renewing my faith in humanity. Feeling empathy and compassion for others is what makes us whole human beings. As human beings, our brains are hardwired to feel empathy and compassion - that is why we've survived and even flourished as a species. When the neuron pathways are blocked, when the pheromone/chemical doesn't connect with neurons, if mirror neurons don't form, then we are broken human beings. We don't know yet why this chemical is blocked or not released by the brain and we may never know, because we're a sum of all our experiences - it isn't nature or nurture, it's nature and nurture and the two can't be separated."

"As we mature we go through stages of empathy and compassion development. we learn that others may have different responses, thoughts and feelings about similar situations. We learn that those thoughts etc., are as valid as our own even if they are different from ours. No matter how wrong we believe that other person's thoughts and responses are we still understand that the other person is experiencing those thoughts and responses. As babies we begin by imitating those responses and by the time we are adults we have formed a theory of mind - we can not only imitate others' emotions, we can understand, feel empathy and compassion and recognize those emotions in others without the belief of the superiority of our own emotions or that our emotions supercede the need of others."

"How this development breaks down in some human beings is unknown fully at this point in time. We do know that humans are reactive and adaptive, that hardwiring in the brain develops quickly in some humans, slowly in others and not at all for some or develops contrarily in a few. We know that for those who are chronically depressed that neurons may not function as those who are not depressed or that neuronal pathways are blocked for some reason. Why some people exhibit extreme behavioral abnormalities which are described as sociopathy or personality disorders is still unknown. Behavior is mostly learned but it is experienced in the brain as a chemical reaction - human beings are basically big bags of chemicals - so more and more scientists are coming to the understanding that we are a sum of all our parts, nature, nurture and environment."

"That you feel compassion and empathy and pity for this woman and her family isn't weird, it's normal human behavior. Feeling compassion and sorrow for Casey and Caylee aren't mutually exclusive, they are mutually inclusive - it is a recognition on your part that these are real human beings who are a part of ourselves as a species and society and any destruction of the potential of the human spirit is diminishing to our humanity."

"Now we have this young woman who has left a swath of destruction that can never be repaired; Caylee has had her life snuffed out, her parents are emtionally devastated and guilt ridden which will never leave them, her brother has been the victim of the most cruel and vicious rumours and for what? So that she can experience a moment or two in life that is so fleeting, so meaningless, so unredemptive that most people don't even remember it as they grow older."

"For Casey, a party, a boyfriend, a nightclub, fashionable clothes were so important to her that she was willing to kill for them, destroy friendships and cause unimaginable grief to her family - and aren't those the saddest, most inconsequential reasons of all? Why shouldn't she be pitied for that? How much more broken can a human being be? She's as sick as someone who has cancer and what's worse is that she can never be cured - there's no treatment that's going to fix this or make it better, it's already killed her as sure as it's killed Caylee and those who loved them. We should pity them all."

Oh, Bessie, such a lovely, lovely post! :) :clap: This is exactly how I feel...
Caylee in the arms of her loving great-grandpa
Casey in the arms of every man in Florida
Caylee holding her little doll "Mama"
Casey holding a pitcher of beer partying up a storm
Caylee wondering where Mommy is
Casey not caring where Caylee is
Caylee lying in some dark lonely place...alone
Casey lying with "hunk of the day"

NO, I don't feel one bit of sadness for her!
Wow, you summed up EXACTLY how I feel - i feel for her too - 22 yrs old facing life behind bars! something had to have made her snap or she is covering for someone who was also involved. There is lots more we have yet to learn IMO

I hear people say this and I really would like to understand. Why is it necessary that something "made" her snap or that someone else is responsible for any bad act she might have done? Is it her age? Her appearance? That you yourself would not be capable of doing such an awful thing, that you assume she is the same? Maybe nobody else is responsible besides Casey. Maybe she is just bad.
Sociopath or not, she is deserving of little to no compassion. THE only compassion that I could possibly feel for her would be in the event she was harmed as a child by someone that she trusted, then in that event I would feel compassion for THAT, but not for what she chose to do once she was a GROWN woman fully capable of making another different choice.

Also, speaking from a direct knowledge of having been spawned BY a sociopath and also having at least one, and probably 2 siblings who are also textbook sociopaths, I can reach an educated conclusion without the aid of any "trained" professional assisting. I have been trained in the school of experience where sociopaths are concerned, and I can theorize in all likelihood, based on her behaviors and or lack of appropriate behaviors-this girl IS a sociopath to the tenth degree...:crazy:

I agree with u. I was only making that point because the OP stated they only feel sorry for her because of her disorder. I don't feel any compassion for her no matter what illness or disorder she has.

My compassion for this woman is nil. She is a user, a manipulator, and most recently she has allegedly snuffed out the beautiful light of her own child in a cold, callous, and premeditated manner. Have her actions spoken of remorse? Has she shed a single tear over her child, spoken of any regret (the lies, the theft, her negligence..)? NO. She continues to spin her web, entwining her poor family which is so clearly on the verge of imploding, and allowing them to sully themselves by abetting her charade. She does not appear to care that the remains of her child lie somewhere exposed and unclaimed with the possibility that they may never be recovered and find an honored place to rest. I can not say whether she acts out of self preservation or the inability to feel, but it is wrong. There are far better people, those in need and pain, who deserve our compassion. I can only afford Casey the slightest pity, the pity that she never saw the beauty and value in Caylee's life as so many others do.
/respectfully snipped.

This doesn't even come into the equation for me. She's certainly not undeserving of compassion on any of the bolded points. There are many good people who do not continue school and who have children out of wedlock and raise them as a single parent.

Thank You! I was thinking the same thing!:clap:
Caylee in the arms of her loving great-grandpa
Casey in the arms of every man in Florida
Caylee holding her little doll "Mama"
Casey holding a pitcher of beer partying up a storm
Caylee wondering where Mommy is
Casey not caring where Caylee is
Caylee lying in some dark lonely place...alone
Casey lying with "hunk of the day"

NO, I don't feel one bit of sadness for her!
:clap: Great post Dolly!
well, her tears made me feel sorry for her, but then I thought of Caylee decomposing somewhere, out in the woods, or being torn apart by gators, and it quickly faded away.
Little innocent Caylee is the one who deserves my compassion. If Casey would confess and tell LE where she is, give her at least that much honor, then at least I wouldn't feel so disgusted.
BTW, what's with the glasses she's wearing?
i only joined this site because of the casey anthony case and my obsession with it. i have read every document dump, watched every video, read AND heard the transcripts from all involved, and I KNOW that kc is guilty of killing her child.

i, like 99% of you, have been condemning her. she's wrong.

but right now, even after the gj hearing, the picture of her in the unbuttoned blue shirt and white glasses, the flippancy at the press conference and the crocodile tear, i actually feel bad for her.

even though she killed her child, even though she stole, lied, and cheated friends and family... even though she failed her parents and dropped out of school and lied to her grandmother, and even though she was promiscuous and had a child without a husband... is she undeserving of our compassion? because of all these actions we can safely say that at some point she was a victim too. of something BAD.

you might all think that she is evil. but right now, i don't. i feel that she is incredibly lost and scared and ripped off... don't know by who, but someone affected her... right now i honestly feel very sad for her.

this does not mean in any way that i understand or support her actions. i just think that if anyone could get to the point that she did in her behavior, then that in itself, is very tragic. she is not okay with it... no way.

okay... it's late, i'll read this when i wake up, i had a long day. but i really feel this way right now. i'm probably just being insane.

peace in the middle east,
I just wanted to answer your question (thread question): No, I do not feel sad for Casey.

I do, however, think she is a master manipulator and it is not strange to be sucked into the vortex thereof (imhoo)
My husband was a Native American who was taught the old teachings by Elders when he was very young, and he shared many of them with me. Had he been alive, he would have felt much compassion for Kaylee, Casey and the entire family.

Based on the teachings that I have incorporated into my own world view, I feel compassion for Casey because she is very sick-- one would have to be sick to have done such a thing to one's own child. However, she did the worst thing she could have done in killing her own child, and has to suffer the consequences. Society cannot allow someone like her to roam freely-- she is sick and dangerous, and others (especially children) must be protected from her. If that means she must die, or be locked away for life, then so be it.

IMO, her mother had a great deal to do with the way she is-- Casey's childhood was probably the perfect breeding ground for a sociopath. Cindy is also very sick as is apparent by the way she has acted throughout the whole ordeal and I don't believe she has a real capacity to love, either. I imagine Casey and Cindy have a very, very warped co-dependent relationship that is full of jelousy and anger. Caylee was probably just looked at as an object to control-- by both of them.
Absolutely not!! My empathy and feelings are for Caylee alone. Venom is closer to what I feel for Casey and the rest of them. To do everything you can to be sure your child/grandchild is NOT found is unforgiveable, I don't care what her cockamamie excuse will be!
well, her tears made me feel sorry for her, but then I thought of Caylee decomposing somewhere, out in the woods, or being torn apart by gators, and it quickly faded away.
Little innocent Caylee is the one who deserves my compassion. If Casey would confess and tell LE where she is, give her at least that much honor, then at least I wouldn't feel so disgusted.
BTW, what's with the glasses she's wearing?

I'm curious about those glasses too. :waitasec:
Didn't someone say she wore contacts? Maybe the poor thing lost one and had to resort to wearing a pair of glasses she had on hand.

I also wondered what was up with the position of the hand-cuffs.
Missmybaby, if you think she was born with faulty wiring, then why can't you feel compassion and pity for her?

Bev, a lot of people are born with faulty wiring. The vast majority never kill anyone, let alone a defenseless 2 year old.

A lot of people have gone on at great length about KC being damaged by her family, KC being damaged by a sordid sex scandal etc. and I don't buy any of it. I believe KC is a sociopath and probably has a personality disorder, I believe she was born this way. I also believe she has free will and no one held a gun to her head to make her steal from her friends and family. Make her kill her defenseless, beautiful baby, tote her dead body around in the back of her car, then dispose of it like a sack of garbage. All the while partying like she didn't have a worry in the world. Never shedding a single tear for the loss of her baby girl.

So many people go through unspeakable horrors in childhood yet they go on to lead productive, fulfilling lives. Now we have KC, no one in the know has shown any evidence that KC was ever abused or tortured. Maybe she didn't have a perfect childhood, who did? KC is 22. She made her own choices in life, now she must pay for them. Nope no sympathy at all.
I can't say that I feel sympathy for Casey but I will not allow myself to feel hatred either. Hate is such a crippling emotion, it keeps a person from thinking rationally and it takes away a person's ability to feel joy and compassion. A heart consumed with hate has no room for anything else. Feeling hatred for Casey would make me another of her victims, I will not give her that power.

I do hate what Casey has done, I hate that she took little Caylee's life, I hate that she has robbed the parents that love her and Caylee both of ever knowing another moment of real happiness or peace. I hate that she has thrown away her own life for no reason other than pure selfishness. But I don't hate her.

If I were her mother or father, it would hurt me terribly to see her in prison, even knowing that it's where she deserves to be and that her own actions put her there. I would hold out hope that the entire tragedy was a mistake. That, just like in the movies, Caylee would be found alive in the end and everyone would live happily ever after.

I respect those that have it in themselves to feel sympathy and compassion for any of the Anthony family, including Casey. I'd much rather feel compassion for someone who may not deserve it than to not feel it for someone who does.
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