Random Thoughts and Discussion Ideas#5 About the Case

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They have to hold back the edvidence that seals it...otherwise the defense will have to come up with an angle to refute the edvidence. Fear not my fellow sleuthers...this is far from over.
Was there anything released about the stain in the trunk?
Not disappointed at all. Not EVERYTHING they have will point towards Casey. There is such a huge amount already - there is no doubt in my mind that she will be convicted.

And there is still more to come that we don't know about yet.

And could the strategy be to have a doc dump that Baez will be overjoyed by - thereby running his mouth a bunch - only to be CRUSHED by the next doc dump? Just a thought... :)

They didn't just go for the DP on a "WHIM" ya know..... heh
Bringing this over from the "Random thoughts" thread because it seems more appropriate here.

I was thinking about what I wanted to see in today's doc dump. I realized it really doesn't matter (to me) what's missing because I think there's more than enough to get a guilty verdict. Yes, I'm disappointed in today's documents. Sure, I would love to see evidence that directly and definitively ties Casey to Caylee's body in the woods. But her behavior alone is more than enough to convince me she is guilty beyond all reasonable doubt. :behindbar

Despite the lack of an eye witness or a confession (direct evidence), the circumstantial evidence is very strong...31 days! the smell of the car! the cadaver dog hits! death band on Caylee's hair! hamper matching one found in the Anthony home! partying without a care in the world! lack of emotion! no Zanny! no Jeff! no Juliet! no job that required childcare! Lie after lie after lie!

I wouldn't make it onto the jury as I am not a proponent of the death penalty. Although this case had me seriously thinking about my position, I haven't changed my mind. But that's another subject altogether and I don't judge anyone who might believe it's the right thing to do. I will gladly settle for LWOP. There isn't a doubt in my mind Casey alone is guilty of murdering Caylee. Unless Zanny is found, I will never change my mind. Casey backed herself into a corner the minute she opened her mouth.

No accident in the world can excuse her behavior. She was a negligent mother, at best. With all the texting she did, it's obvious she had little to no time for Caylee. I know how distracted I get when sending/reading a text message or using the computer and I'm not obsessed with either one. Casey simply was not available to give Caylee the care a child needs. Her priorities were completely screwed up and I believe with all my heart she wanted to live "la bella vida" unburdened by the shackles of motherhood.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

that just about sums it up.... GRRRRRRREAT POST !!!!

Thanks !

I see..... KC had Caylee in her care.... Caylee is now DEAD !
KC can NOT produce ANY EVIDENCE of ZFG ~ not one single
picture = not one single phone # = not one single address ! ! !

Not one single friend/ or family member every saw ZFG
Not one single Friend/ or family member every even TALKED to ZFG !

so.... white dog = yes there was a nanny cause there was a white dog...
well............. that story just won't fly....

cause where is the white dog ?
where is the ZFG?

and we all know that little Angel CAYLEE is now in HEAVEN
with GOD !!!!

so KC ..... have a nice trip ! :behindbar:angel::smiliescale::behindbar:liar::dance::treadmill::sunshine::behindbar

God Bless !

*** If you want to do the ~ C R I M E ~
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your are going to do the ~ T I M E ~ ! ! !
I also think the car trunk says it all. Regarding the shoes again....thinking that KC threw those shoes away as they were probably filthy after all that work to dispose of Casey. No way she would go to TL's or CA's house with dirty shoes. Prob kept a spare pair or two in the Pontiac. JMO

The trunk and the duct tape prove nothing except Caylee died, may have been in the trunk, and KC put duct tape over her mouth.

That in no way excludes accidental death, and in no way proves murder beyond a reasonable doubt.
Yes I am disappointed too. UNfortunately, the evidence "we are seeing" is not enough IMO to connect KC to Caylees murder even though we know she did it. Now we hear oh chloroform is natural when there is a decomposed body. Oh the defense loves that bombshell. Add in they didnt find the body soon enough cause of stupid mistakes. and the prosecution has a HUGE problem here.
I will repeat what I said before on here, IF this was not on tv every day for months, she would NOT have this dream team. Now that she does have the team they will argue and confuse jurors just like in the OJ case.
It stinks.
Think about it.
Not disappointed at all. Not EVERYTHING they have will point towards Casey. There is such a huge amount already - there is no doubt in my mind that she will be convicted.

And there is still more to come that we don't know about yet.

And could the strategy be to have a doc dump that Baez will be overjoyed by - thereby running his mouth a bunch - only to be CRUSHED by the next doc dump? Just a thought... :)

They didn't just go for the DP on a "WHIM" ya know..... heh
There HAS to be something more that we don't yet know about. If that is the case, I see this almost as a "tease". It doesn't bother me any that Baez has learned very little about the hand the SA's holding.
Yes I am disappointed too. UNfortunately, the evidence "we are seeing" is not enough IMO to connect KC to Caylees murder even though we know she did it. Now we hear oh chloroform is natural when there is a decomposed body. Oh the defense loves that bombshell. Add in they didnt find the body soon enough cause of stupid mistakes. and the prosecution has a HUGE problem here.
I will repeat what I said before on here, IF this was not on tv every day for months, she would NOT have this dream team. Now that she does have the team they will argue and confuse jurors just like in the OJ case.
It stinks.
Think about it.
There's plenty there. Her team can argue away.
ITA! My Jack cheers me up just looking at him! Thanks
:blowkiss: Too many complained that he other Jack pic was giving them seizures!

seizures :eek: geezus henry kriste on a bike! is there no end to this man's power over women?!
The trunk and the duct tape prove nothing except Caylee died, may have been in the trunk, and KC put duct tape over her mouth.

That in no way excludes accidental death, and in no way proves murder beyond a reasonable doubt.
A little too late IMO to go the accidental death route.
Was there anything released about the stain in the trunk?

I have been waiting for that myself. I don't reall hearing anything about what the stain was in any of the document dumps.

Though I would love to have as much forensic physical evidence as possible to convict this woman...I just don't need it myself to reach what I feel is an obvious conclusion. The last person to see Caylee alive was George who said she left the house with Casey. Casey shows up about 4-5 hours later at Tony's without Caylee - and Caylee is not seen again. Casey lies about what she did with Caylee - and completely changes her story at least twice. Nothing Casey tells LE can be substantiated because it is all lies. She showed no concern for the whereabouts of her daughter. She goes about her life without Caylee and parties while avoiding her family and old friends. Flash forward to finding the car ABANDONED - why would she abandon a perfectly good car? Because it stunk to high heaven. George, Cindy, and LE all smell decomposition in the trunk. The cadaver dogs hit on the trunk. The hair is found in the trunk. Caylee's dead body is found near the home. DUH!!!!! Honestly - what more do you need? But there really IS lots more and that isthe icing on the cake!
A little too late IMO to go the accidental death route.

31 days to not report a baby missing. Yep.

Not disappointed with what we got today in the doc dump, there will be more that we will hear at trial. This was no "accident".:behindbar
A little too late IMO to go the accidental death route.

I have to agree. They can try, but I don't think it will be successful. She has been given countless "outs" to be able to claim it was an accident. She denied and lied. Her credibility is totally shot now anyway. So any claim she makes will lack credibility because she has already changed her story several times. Another change will not be taken seriously. And wouldn't she have to take the stand to claim it was an accident? Only SHE could testify to that so it would seem like she would have to. I don't see that happening because they would crucify her on the stand.
If KC hadn't done herself in with the invisinanny story, and all the other lies, she might have gotten away with this. No drugs in the hair. Chloroform not tested for because it's a natural byproduct of decomposition. Yep...I'm totally disappointed. The only thing I've seen in the evidence that supports putting the DP back on the table is the duct tape wrapped all the way around the skull. I just hope she doesn't get out of this.
BTW...isn't it a violation of CA's privacy to list her medications like that without her permission?
Was there anything released about the stain in the trunk?

Please see the LIBS data in this FBI forensics report, starts page 23 in the following link:

This analysis on the trunk carpet was released Oct. 2008 along with the odor analysis. I think it is regarding the stain in the trunk. It was consistent with decomp material. Science was never my best subject so I could be wrong but it's worth a look.
Not disappointed at all. Not EVERYTHING they have will point towards Casey. There is such a huge amount already - there is no doubt in my mind that she will be convicted.

And there is still more to come that we don't know about yet.

And could the strategy be to have a doc dump that Baez will be overjoyed by - thereby running his mouth a bunch - only to be CRUSHED by the next doc dump? Just a thought... :)

They didn't just go for the DP on a "WHIM" ya know..... heh

ITA. The SA asked for the DP for a reason. They, unlike JB, do not want to tip their hand and show all their cards so they release discovery in dribs and drabs. They don't want to release their smoking gun now so JB and his minions will have months, possibly years to refute it. They'll release it at the end - right before they go to trial. It's no accident that the only fingerprint evidence they released from the duct tape is that CA, GA and LA's were not on it. Have no fear, my friends. Justice will be served. I have confidence in the SA. They never would have asked for the DP if they didn't have powerful evidence - heinous, atrocious and cruel - to back it up.
I suspect CA has had a chip on her shoulder for a long time.She knows she's not being honest,but how dare anyone not believe her! She knows her kids have issues,but how dare anyone say anything negative about them! I think that's her personality and this case magnified it.
I find it interesting that no one from her job has spoken publicly .No one from their past [except for brother ,Ric] has said anything positive or negative about Cindy or George.

Perhaps they follow the motto "if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all" ~laughs~

Seriously. I don't think anyone wants to be involved in the circus, good or bad.
ITA. The SA asked for the DP for a reason. They, unlike JB, do not want to tip their hand and show all their cards so they release discovery in dribs and drabs. They don't want to release their smoking gun now so JB and his minions will have months, possibly years to refute it. They'll release it at the end - right before they go to trial. It's no accident that the only fingerprint evidence they released from the duct tape is that CA, GA and LA's were not on it. Have no fear, my friends. Justice will be served. I have confidence in the SA. They never would have asked for the DP if they didn't have powerful evidence - heinous, atrocious and cruel - to back it up.

But on the other hand, if they did have casey's fingerprints on the tape, wouldn't they want to show them that, so that they may opt for a plea?
Perhaps they follow the motto "if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all" ~laughs~

Seriously. I don't think anyone wants to be involved in the circus, good or bad.

I think it best that they don't speak out in the media. It gives them more credibility later at trial IMO. They spoke their mind when interviewed by LE - the proper place to do it.
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