GUILTY Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #4

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RW had this all planned out.

They will cater to all his demands in order to get a guilty plea; Desperately trying to cover their butts, but publicly saying it is to protect the families of the victims from a trial.

A complete disgrace.

Look at this picture, folks!! I haven't seen it before. It is an AP photo and they have peculiar rules about their stuff (and I'm no good at posting pictures on threads anyway.) Please, somebody capture it before it disappears.

The pic is in the cached copy of this RW bio. When I clicked on "read the full article" it is entirely different.,4d248421

My memory is dim; please tell me what those hand signals mean. Is that the "peace" sign? This must have been that period of time after college and before entering military service in 1987 - when he was living in a basement and waiting tables at Red Lobster, huh?
Missing: Archers and Boiling Pots of Water

The only thing missing from the roof of the Superior Court of Justice in Belleville is some archers and boiling pots of oil.

The Pinnacle Street courthouse, where Colonel Russell William's court proceedings are being heard, has been transformed into something resembling a castle.

According to Inspector Mike Graham of the Belleville Police Service, security is a main concern due to public interest in the case. And when Col. Williams makes his next appearance Oct. 18, where it is expected he will enter a guilty plea on all indictments, Insp. Graham said security will be, "as you've seen it already.

"In the courtroom there will be seats designated only for the public and the media, so they all will be subject to a search just like before," said Insp. Graham. "All are welcome to attend, however seating may be limited."
Insp. Graham said searches will be conducted to ensure the safety of everyone in the courtroom.

Just like before, drivers will not be allowed to park on Pinnacle Street between Patterson and Campbell streets starting at 9 p.m. on Oct. 17 until 6 p.m. on Oct. 18 to allow for the parade of media and television cars and trucks to park there.
Look at this picture, folks!! I haven't seen it before. It is an AP photo and they have peculiar rules about their stuff (and I'm no good at posting pictures on threads anyway.) Please, somebody capture it before it disappears.

The pic is in the cached copy of this RW bio. When I clicked on "read the full article" it is entirely different.,4d248421

My memory is dim; please tell me what those hand signals mean. Is that the "peace" sign? This must have been that period of time after college and before entering military service in 1987 - when he was living in a basement and waiting tables at Red Lobster, huh?

Are you talking about this picture?


If so, that is Russell Crowe, an actor.
Are you talking about this picture?


If so, that is Russell Crowe, an actor.

Thanks much, star traveller. That's the pic I meant. It is beside RW's bio with no explanatory caption of any kind so I presumed the picture related to the article. I'm a bookworm and not much on keeping up with movie people.

thanks again.
Look at this picture, folks!! I haven't seen it before. It is an AP photo and they have peculiar rules about their stuff (and I'm no good at posting pictures on threads anyway.) Please, somebody capture it before it disappears.

The pic is in the cached copy of this RW bio. When I clicked on "read the full article" it is entirely different.,4d248421

My memory is dim; please tell me what those hand signals mean. Is that the "peace" sign? This must have been that period of time after college and before entering military service in 1987 - when he was living in a basement and waiting tables at Red Lobster, huh?

Dear DeputyDawg:

Thanks so much, for what is, sadly, my only laugh out loud today. That was funny, friend. :blowkiss:
The Ottawa Citizen asked it's readers today "Should Col. Russell Williams keep his Military Pension?", under David Pugliese's Defence Watch Column.

Here is one answer, by a reader who is obviously familiar with the different levels of security clearance in the Canadian Military.

I do wonder just how segregated RW kept his crimes from his profession? He obviously manipulated things with regard to the SAR for Jessica, and the aftermath of Comeau's murder.

Just how much DID RW engage in his sick tendencies, at work, while commanding the largest Base in Canada? The answer is probably sickening, and one I am not sure we will ever really know the answer to.

Response to Ottawa Citizen Column:

DND still needs to disclose if Williams workplace internet use was IAW policy - did he view any pornsites or bondage sites? Did DND even check?

Read DAOD 6001-1, Acceptable Use of the Internet, Defence Intranet and Other Electronic Networks, and Computers

In addition Level Three security, how did Williams answer when it came to viewing *advertiser censored* and what type *advertiser censored* etc? Or did Williams get a pass and given the high security due to his rank?

Ontario's Victim's Bill of Rights does permit restitution to victims and their families so hopefully they will get his pension.
I had a thought on the Joe Grozelle case. I wonder if there were any sexual assaults/panty breakins etc. in the week or so prior to Joe's death?

Perhaps Joe witnessed RW committing a crime?
RW had this all planned out.

They will cater to all his demands in order to get a guilty plea; Desperately trying to cover their butts, but publicly saying it is to protect the families of the victims from a trial.

A complete disgrace.


I respectfully disagree.

What “all” did RW have planned out? If he had been such a great planner, he would not have stored a mountain of evidence in his own home, including records of his crimes. A good planner would have either not kept souvenirs and records at all, or stored them far away from his own property. Had he done this, the tire tracks alone would not have been sufficient to force a confession or a conviction, IMO. A good planner would have covered the tire tracks and boot prints.

I don’t believe RW planned anything beyond his heinous crimes. He was arrogant and thought his rank and stature would protect him from suspicion. But once he was confronted with all this evidence, he had no choice but to confess.

I also don’t believe that he had destroyed evidence from prior crimes. It makes no sense to get rid of those and still keep enough to get him locked up for life.

Who is “they” that are “covering their butts”? Are you referring to LE? LE does not make deals after an arrest. They are between the defence attorneys and the Crown, with the final decision made by a judge. Deals are made all the time. That’s what defence lawyers are for. It can’t be disputed that a plea bargain is to everyone’s benefit – the victims and the taxpayers.

In hindsight, I agree that LE could have done a couple of things differently. Still, had they warned the public better after the break-ins, there are no guarantees RW would have stopped his crime spree. He would have just been more careful and perhaps chosen different targets. If they had not skipped interviewing RW during their canvass of Cozy Cove Lane, there are no guarantees he would have been caught earlier. They had nothing on him at that point and I bet he would have impressed them with his charm and status.

All in all, I think LE did a good job of apprehending JL’s killer. They had RW in their sights within six days after her disappearance, an arrest and confession within ten. Everyone has been spared the expense and heartache of a long trial and RW will rot in a cell for at least 25 years without parole. Pretty impressive, considering that:

(he is)
“A serial killer like none police have seen”

“The crimes gave investigators no reason to suspect a link.”

“We haven't seen guys like this in the past and we don't expect to see a lot of them in the future.”

Yes, the law about military pensions is ridiculous and unfair. However, it will be many years before RW is eligible to collect it and I would like to think those laws will be changed long before then. We don’t know yet what will happen with any of his money. It’s still possible that the victims will be awarded large portions of it. I hope so.

In the meantime, I am grateful this animal has been caught, has confessed, is pleading guilty, and will be in a cage at a maximum security prison until he draws his last breath – whether that’s sooner or later. His reign of terror is over. If I had been one of his victims, that would be the most important consolation. Anything more would just be icing on the cake.

Yes, the law about military pensions is ridiculous and unfair. However, it will be many years before RW is eligible to collect it and I would like to think those laws will be changed long before then. We don’t know yet what will happen with any of his money. It’s still possible that the victims will be awarded large portions of it. I hope so.

In the meantime, I am grateful this animal has been caught, has confessed, is pleading guilty, and will be in a cage at a maximum security prison until he draws his last breath – whether that’s sooner or later. His reign of terror is over. If I had been one of his victims, that would be the most important consolation. Anything more would just be icing on the cake.


ITA agree with your entire post on this AG.

If he isn't designated a DO, and doesn't suicide in prison, dude will be 72/73 when he is released ... that would still be enough time for him to rest on his laurels with a goodly sum.

Military pension = taxpayers' money. :furious: Probably set us back $150,000 to $200,000 a year between his care while in custody and his pensions. Sure burns my chaps to think this animal would ever receive one red cent, so hopefully his victims will receive a judgment against all future funds.
I hope you are right Antiquegirl and I hope that I am wrong.

There are just too many unusual things about this case which make me wonder.

His behavior in College seems a little creepy to me. Although his behavior appeared to have relatively innocent motives at the time, he was indeed breaking and entering on a regular basis at that time. He apparently gave this up for 20 years only to suddenly begin a sadistic crime spree?

He has all the characteristics of a Psychopath and nobody at DND caught onto this? They actually found these characteristics admirable enough to be worthy of promotion?

Is he honestly going to qualify for parole in 25 years? Would this not be an injustice considering we have a Dangerous Offenders program which for some reason fails to have been mentioned?

Indeed, Why did he document the evidence in a manner of which any investigator can admire? Could it be to provide LE with what is essentially the crown jewel of their case and thus to be used as a high value bargaining chip?

Why is there no mention of any other evidence? Didn't he leave DNA all over one girls bedroom?

Why was he "cocky" at the time of his confession? Does this not indicate a man who feels he has "one-up" on investigators?

Hypothetically, If RW is the perpetrator of many unsolved crimes of the last twenty years, some of which may be high-profile, and this perpetrator not only got away with them for so long but was promoted to the highest levels of the DND; Then when I say "they" as in "they are trying to cover their butts", I mean anybody who has personal gain by not seeing this case go to trial lest it expose their negligence, and anybody they can influence. This would include some very powerful people. Also the "mountain of evidence" that he has handed over would no longer be considered a mountain when considering all the crimes he may be guilty of under this hypothesis, but rather a molehill.

I have no-where near enough facts to know conclusively what the story is. The facts indicate to me that there is far more to the story than what MSM reports. For example it is common knowledge now that LE was onto RW upon recognizing his tire treads. So are we to believe that LE obtained a search warrant based on a set of tire-treads? Is there a problem with the judge that gave out the warrant? or MSM's reporting of the story? Or is there obviously more to this story that for some reason LE is not telling?

Like I said, I hope my hypothesis is wrong, but thank-you AntiqueGirl for furthering this discussion.
I hope you are right Antiquegirl and I hope that I am wrong.

There are just too many unusual things about this case which make me wonder.

His behavior in College seems a little creepy to me. Although his behavior appeared to have relatively innocent motives at the time, he was indeed breaking and entering on a regular basis at that time. He apparently gave this up for 20 years only to suddenly begin a sadistic crime spree?

He has all the characteristics of a Psychopath and nobody at DND caught onto this? They actually found these characteristics admirable enough to be worthy of promotion?

Is he honestly going to qualify for parole in 25 years? Would this not be an injustice considering we have a Dangerous Offenders program which for some reason fails to have been mentioned?

Indeed, Why did he document the evidence in a manner of which any investigator can admire? Could it be to provide LE with what is essentially the crown jewel of their case and thus to be used as a high value bargaining chip?

Why is there no mention of any other evidence? Didn't he leave DNA all over one girls bedroom?

Why was he "cocky" at the time of his confession? Does this not indicate a man who feels he has "one-up" on investigators?

Hypothetically, If RW is the perpetrator of many unsolved crimes of the last twenty years, some of which may be high-profile, and this perpetrator not only got away with them for so long but was promoted to the highest levels of the DND; Then when I say "they" as in "they are trying to cover their butts", I mean anybody who has personal gain by not seeing this case go to trial lest it expose their negligence, and anybody they can influence. This would include some very powerful people. Also the "mountain of evidence" that he has handed over would no longer be considered a mountain when considering all the crimes he may be guilty of under this hypothesis, but rather a molehill.

I have no-where near enough facts to know conclusively what the story is. The facts indicate to me that there is far more to the story than what MSM reports. For example it is common knowledge now that LE was onto RW upon recognizing his tire treads. So are we to believe that LE obtained a search warrant based on a set of tire-treads? Is there a problem with the judge that gave out the warrant? or MSM's reporting of the story? Or is there obviously more to this story that for some reason LE is not telling?

Like I said, I hope my hypothesis is wrong, but thank-you AntiqueGirl for furthering this discussion.

His was the only vehicle to pass through the checkpoint that had tire treads and wheelbase measurements that matched those from a field near Lloyd’s home.

In an instant, investigators saw connections to crimes that had baffled police: A two-year spree of fetish home burglaries in Ottawa, where Williams had a home, and in Tweed, where he had a cottage, and the murder of Comeau, who worked at Williams’ base.

“Everything lit up,” the source said.

After the tire check in February, police started watching Williams. Three days later, the colonel was in Ottawa when police there asked him to come to the station for a chat.

This article explains how the pieces fell together after finding a match to the tire treads and wheelbase width.
IMO Police at the road side check would have been baffled that they found a match because of who he was. Then when looking into where he lived (house and cottage) and linked the locations of the break ins (in RW's neighbourhoods in Ottawa and Tweed), JL's house, (on his route to and from work) etc the puzzle pieces fit perfectly together.
I haven't been following this thread lately, so I'm a bit behind the latest news. This appeared today on the Ottawa Citizen front page (long article):

&#8216;White knight&#8217; in a black robe
By Andrew Seymour, The Ottawa Citizen October 17, 2010 8:06 AM


Of his many cases, Ottawa defence lawyer Michael Edelson says one case that will always stand out is Mayor Larry O&#8217;Brien&#8217;s.
"I don&#8217;t think in Ottawa in the past 25 years there has been a case that garnered the kind of publicity that case had. &#8230; It became a real pressure cooker for us."
Photograph by: Julie Oliver, The Ottawa Citizen
When the disgraced former commander of Canada&#8217;s largest air force base pleads guilty Monday morning, Russell Williams will do so based on the legal advice of one of this city&#8217;s most prominent defence attorneys.

For the rich, powerful and prominent, Michael Edelson is the person they turn to to get out of trouble or to minimize the punishment they might receive.

Full article:
His was the only vehicle to pass through the checkpoint that had tire treads and wheelbase measurements that matched those from a field near Lloyd&#8217;s home.

In an instant, investigators saw connections to crimes that had baffled police: A two-year spree of fetish home burglaries in Ottawa, where Williams had a home, and in Tweed, where he had a cottage, and the murder of Comeau, who worked at Williams&#8217; base.

&#8220;Everything lit up,&#8221; the source said.

After the tire check in February, police started watching Williams. Three days later, the colonel was in Ottawa when police there asked him to come to the station for a chat.

This article explains how the pieces fell together after finding a match to the tire treads and wheelbase width.
IMO Police at the road side check would have been baffled that they found a match because of who he was. Then when looking into where he lived (house and cottage) and linked the locations of the break ins (in RW's neighbourhoods in Ottawa and Tweed), JL's house, (on his route to and from work) etc the puzzle pieces fit perfectly together.

Tire-Treads alone are not grounds for a search warrant, and as LE has stated: "The crimes gave investigators no reason to suspect a link."

The crimes gave investigators no reason to suspect a link.

In Ottawa, a burglar was stealing lingerie in a middle-class neighbourhood, careful to break in when no one was home.

In Tweed, 200 kilometres west, two women were sexually assaulted by a man who took pictures but did not attempt penetration.

In Brighton, south of Tweed, an air force flight attendant was badly beaten, raped and murdered.

The modi operandi could not have been more different.

Police considered a link to the Tweed sexual assaults when Jessica Elizabeth Lloyd, 27, went missing in late January from her home near the village.

But nothing could have prepared them for the suspect they finally caught.

Another example of media reports that just don't add up.

Can you image LE going to a judge and explaining that they want a search warrant for a house owned by two very prominent people based on the fact that the guys tires/wheelbase match and that crimes have been occurring in the neighborhoods of which they live even though they appear to be unrelated to each other? There is obviously more to the story.
Tire-Treads alone are not grounds for a search warrant, and as LE has stated: "The crimes gave investigators no reason to suspect a link."

Another example of media reports that just don't add up.

Can you image LE going to a judge and explaining that they want a search warrant for a house owned by two very prominent people based on the fact that the guys tires/wheelbase match and that crimes have been occurring in the neighborhoods of which they live even though they appear to be unrelated to each other? There is obviously more to the story.


More to the Story =

-Witness sighting of SUV beside Lloyds house that night. DESCRIPTION of vehicle. Any and all vehicles fitting description to be analyzed.

-RW's answers to roadside check questions.

-Dog scent tracks to Jones house in 2 assaults. RW lives right beside Jones.

-Geographical profiling of the crimes based on VICLIS analysis, announcement by LE that the 2 assaults, murder and abduction were all possibly linked.

MOO: The vehicle description, tire tracks and wheel base measurement were very specific, and very rare. If RW's SUV matched those things known by LE, that would definitely be enough to get a search warrant, IMO. Set aside all the other things, as above.
Tire-Treads alone are not grounds for a search warrant, and as LE has stated: "The crimes gave investigators no reason to suspect a link."

I read it as LE had no reason to link together BACK WHEN the Sexual assaults in Tweed and the break in's in Ottawa took place, however, once they found the tire treads they started linking everything together towards RW.

I hope you are right Antiquegirl and I hope that I am wrong.

So do I. ;)
His behavior in College seems a little creepy to me. Although his behavior appeared to have relatively innocent motives at the time, he was indeed breaking and entering on a regular basis at that time. He apparently gave this up for 20 years only to suddenly begin a sadistic crime spree?

It does seem creepy, but only in retrospect - knowing what we know now about the nature of the crimes. College boy pranks are hardly unusual, some much worse than RW's. Even dormitory panty raids have been around since the end of WWII. Cruel fraternity hazing has been a problem for decades and unfortunately still happening. Drunkenness, debauchery, and practical jokes are common on campuses world over.

I agree that it's hard to believe RW was completely innocent for 20 years. But, according to reports, he didn't begin a sadistic crime spree until after years of non-violent break-ins before escalating to the more serious assaults and murder. As LE has stated, lingerie thefts are so common as to make them difficult to solve.

“These fetish burglaries are pretty widespread. It’s not that unique a behaviour.”


He has all the characteristics of a Psychopath and nobody at DND caught onto this? They actually found these characteristics admirable enough to be worthy of promotion?

I have done a lot of research into psychopathy and one of the main characteristics of an organized psychopath is his ability to mask those symptoms. Almost all are above average in intelligence, cunning, and superficially charming. They fool everyone around them. Many never go on to commit crimes. RW's organizational skills, ability to control others, ambition, etc. would have been more of a prerequisite to military success than cause for suspicion.

It's interesting to note that two incidents are counter-indicative of a psychopathic personality. A true psychopath would not have confessed, nor would he have attempted suicide. He also doesn't fit the typical profile in that he is not a loner, not socially inept, not an underachiever. Even for experts, psychopathy is difficult to diagnose.

Is he honestly going to qualify for parole in 25 years? Would this not be an injustice considering we have a Dangerous Offenders program which for some reason fails to have been mentioned?

Too soon to tell. A DO designation comes after sentencing. But even if he becomes eligible for parole in 25 years that doesn't mean it will be granted.

Indeed, Why did he document the evidence in a manner of which any investigator can admire? Could it be to provide LE with what is essentially the crown jewel of their case and thus to be used as a high value bargaining chip?

Respectfully, that makes no sense to me. If he had not documented the evidence at all, or hidden it more carefully, he would not have needed a bargaining chip. The only logical answer is that he never expected to get caught.

Why is there no mention of any other evidence? Didn't he leave DNA all over one girls bedroom?

I'm not a lawyer, but my guess is that no further evidence was necessary. He confessed. He led LE to JL's remains. He is about to plead guilty. There has been no trial. It's possible that any matching DNA will be exposed next week, but what's the need? The Crown already has enough for a sure conviction. He will be getting the maximum sentence. What more would DNA evidence accomplish?

Why was he "cocky" at the time of his confession? Does this not indicate a man who feels he has "one-up" on investigators?

Is there a link to him being cocky after his confession? I interpreted those reports as referring to his interrogation before the evidence was presented to him. At the time, he thought he was putting the final nail into Larry J's coffin and had no idea he was under suspicion - thus, cocky. If there are any stories claiming he remained cocky after he confessed, I'd like to see them.

I have no-where near enough facts to know conclusively what the story is. The facts indicate to me that there is far more to the story than what MSM reports. For example it is common knowledge now that LE was onto RW upon recognizing his tire treads. So are we to believe that LE obtained a search warrant based on a set of tire-treads? Is there a problem with the judge that gave out the warrant? or MSM's reporting of the story? Or is there obviously more to this story that for some reason LE is not telling?

Wondergirl addressed and answered this question. ITA.

Like I said, I hope my hypothesis is wrong, but thank-you AntiqueGirl for furthering this discussion.

And thank you for your opinions and for giving me the forum to express mine. ;)

It was winter, I believe we had new snowfall by Feb. 7th, my guess is RW could have ALSO graciously provided fresh bootprints just outside LE headquarters in Ottawa, that LE could be comparing with the partial print they found at Marie France's basement, while RW was being interviewed. Then feeding it back to interviewers, JMHO.
He drove to the police station in his Nissan, not bothering to change the tires. And on his feet were boots that police would later determine had treads that matched a partial print left in Comeau’s blood in her basement.
Trail of crime finally leads to Williams:
Big juicy article dated today but is a blog from a previous article.
For those reasons and others, this is not a time for anyone to engage in wild, uninformed speculation (and we all know I am fully capable of doing that).

But this case involves such an unimaginable set of circumstances that we are forced to imagine things we would not otherwise consider possible just to comprehend it.

Criminal behavioral analysts have already said acts of the nature Williams is accused of committing do not historically spring fullblown at this level of ferocity; there is usually a pattern of development and acceleration.
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